  • Darius Stormslayer
  • A powerful Dragon-Blooded with a mysterious past. A member of the Emissaries of Perfect Water, he was sent to the village of Tsunami to protect the village from the storm mother Sikunare, and anyone else who might threaten it. However, while there, he discovered a young boy by the name of Dax, who showed considerable prowess in the martial arts dojo he had begun there. So considerable, in fact, that Darius began to suspect the boy may have been sun-touched. His suspicions were confirmed when Dax became better with the fighting chain than even he, a Chosen of the Elemental Dragon of Water. Thus, when Sikunare came to Tsunami demanding tribute, he assumed she was after Dax, as well. After all, he was familiar with Sikunare's raiding habits, and they never included inland villages. He was not
  • A powerful Dragon-Blooded with a mysterious past. A member of the Emissaries of Perfect Water, he was sent to the village of Tsunami to protect the village from the storm mother Sikunare, and anyone else who might threaten it. However, while there, he discovered a young boy by the name of Dax, who showed considerable prowess in the martial arts dojo he had begun there. So considerable, in fact, that Darius began to suspect the boy may have been sun-touched. His suspicions were confirmed when Dax became better with the fighting chain than even he, a Chosen of the Elemental Dragon of Water. Thus, when Sikunare came to Tsunami demanding tribute, he assumed she was after Dax, as well. After all, he was familiar with Sikunare's raiding habits, and they never included inland villages. He was not far wrong, though it was not Sikunare who was after Dax. Was killed by Sikunare after using all of in his essence pool up in a single attack (which was his personal combo of Spirit-Shredding Attack, Elemental Bolt, and the First Occult Excellency), which though wounding her, only led to his demise. This may or may not have been the plan, though. Dax suspects now that Darius was trying to get him to exalt, though it was ultimately his mother's capture that caused that. Had in his possession both weapons of Shadow's Grace, though why or how is not known. Dax took them when he left Tsunami.