  • Naruto Uzumaki
  • Naruto Uzumaki
  • Naruto Uzumaki
  • Naruto Uzumaki
  • Naruto Uzumaki
  • Naruto Uzumaki
  • Naruto Uzumaki
  • Naruto uzumaki
  • Naruto Uzumaki since a baby had the nine-tailed demon within him by sacrifice by the Yondaime Hokage(his father) He has a life long dream wanting to become the hokage someday. He never gives up and with everyone despising him because he holds the nine-tailed demon inside of him he manages to get recognition by causing trouble. He loves ramen and he also has a crush on Sakura. But through everything he manages to defeat Pain (Akatsuki member/leader) and is finally recognized as a "hero of the leaf village".
  • "Belive it!""
  • Naruto ist die Hauptperson und der Held der gleichnamigen Manga- & Animeserie "Naruto" von Masashi Kishimoto. Naruto ist ein junger Ninja, der den Dämon eines 9-schwänzigen Fuchses in sich trägt, welcher vor seiner Geburt sein Dorf angriff.
  • Naruto Uzumaki (うずまき ナルト Uzumaki Narutō?,Villaggio Nascosto dell'Insalata ottobre 1999 - Ancora vivente, purtroppo) è un ninja giapponese ariano e protagonista del famoso poema epico manga che, guarda caso, porta il suo stesso nome, giusto per indicare una delle sue grandi qualità: la modestia.
  • He resides in the world of The Leaf Village.
  • Naruto Uzumaki (うずまきナルト, Uzumaki Naruto) is the titular main protagonist of the Naruto anime/manga series. He is voiced by Maile Flanagan in the English version and by Junko Takeuchi in the Japanese version.
  • Naruto Uzumaki (うずまきナルト, Uzumaki Naruto) Konohagakure'de bir shinobidir. O doğduğu gün Dokuz Kuyruklu'nun jinchūrikisi olmuş ve çocukluk yıllarında Konoha'nın çoğunun kendisini terk etmesine neden olan bir kadere sahipti. Kakashi Takımı'na katıldıktan sonra Naruto, köyün memnuniyetini almak için çok çalışarak Hokage olma hayalini kurdu. Takip eden yıllarda pek çok sıkıntı ve sıkıntılarla hem köylüler tarafından, hem de kısa süre sonra dünyanın geri kalanında kahraman olarak görülen yetenekli bir ninja haline geldi ve Konoha'nın Kahramanı (木ノ葉隠れの英雄, Konohagakure no Eiyū) olarak bilinmeye başlandı. O Dördüncü Ninja Savaşı'nın kazanılmasında etkili olmuş, hayaline ulaşmış ve köyün Yedinci Hokage'si (七代目火影, Nanadaime Hokage) olmuştur.
  • Naruto Uzumaki (うずまきナルト, Uzumaki Naruto) is a ninja and the main character of the popular manga/anime series Naruto and Naruto: Shippūden by Masashi Kishimoto. In the McLeodGaming media, he is notably a playable character in both, Super Smash Flash and Super Smash Flash 2.
  • Famille Nature de Chakra Traits Uniques Jutsu Armes Naruto Uzumaki est un ninja du village caché de Konoha. Il devint le jinchûriki de Kyûbi le jour de sa naissance — ce qui lui valut d'être rejeté par la plupart des habitants de Konoha durant toute son enfance. Après avoir rejoint l'Équipe 7, Naruto travailla dur pour obtenir la reconnaissance des villageois tout en poursuivant son rêve de devenir Hokage. Dans les années qui suivirent, après de nombreuses péripéties et épreuves, il devint un ninja considéré comme un héros par les villageois et plus tard par le reste du monde. Il prouva rapidement être l'un des acteurs majeurs de la Quatrième Grande Guerre Shinobi, lui permettant de réaliser son rêve et de devenir le .
  • Hier sind die Waffen und die Steuerungen, Durchführungen und Auswirkungen der Jutsus von Naruto Uzumaki aufgelistet und erklärt.
  • is one of the main supporting characters of the series. He is a member of Team Kakashi and the current jinchūriki of the Nine-Tails.
  • Naruto is the proud ninja of the leaf village. He is most possibly the most powerful of the ninja in the world!
  • Naruto Uzumaki (うずまきナルト, Uzumaki Naruto) is the main character in the anime and manga series Naruto. Naruto can mean "maelstrom", and is also the name for a sliced stick of Kamaboko with a pink whirlpool design in the middle that is used as a topping for ramen which is also Naruto's favorite food. The surname Uzumaki is a pun on "spiral" (渦巻), while uzumaki refers to a three-dimensional spiral, like a whirlpool or vortex. A more accurate translation for spiral would be "Rasen". The Konoha leaf symbol is drawn with an arrow attached to a spiral, part of the seal on his abdomen is a spiral, the symbol on the back of his jacket and shoulders is a spiral, and one of his attacks is Rasengan, which means "Spiraling Sphere". Uzumaki can also mean "whirlpool", in reference to the Naruto whirlpool
  • Naruto Uzumaki (sprich: Narūto, das „u“ stumm aussprechen) ist der Hauptcharakter der Serie. Kurz nach seiner Geburt wurde der Kyuubi, ein riesiger, neunschwänziger Fuchsdämon, in seinem Körper versiegelt, weswegen die erwachsenen Dorfbewohner ihn fürchten und meiden. Narutos größter Traum ist es, von allen Bewohnern seines Dorfes anerkannt und respektiert zu werden und Hokage zu werden. Dies gelingt ihm schlussendlich und er tritt Kakashis Nachfolge als Nanadaime Hokage an. Nachdem er nach mehreren Fehlversuchen die Abschlussprüfung der Ninja-Akademie bestanden hat, wird er Schüler des Jonins Kakashi Hatake. Anfangs ist Naruto ungeschickt und etwas begriffsstutzig, doch wenn es um seine Freunde geht, erwacht in ihm der Kampfgeist und die Kraft des Kyuubis. Wegen des Kyuubis sind Naruto vi
  • Orphaned, Naruto grew up not knowing who his parents were, receiving only his mother's surname, as Hiruzen wanted to protect Naruto from his father's enemies. Minato's dying wish that Naruto be regarded as a hero was honoured by the very few who could put aside their pain and losses caused by the disaster, while the majority of Konoha, however having no knowledge of the circumstances surround his birth, openly ostracised and resented Naruto for containing the beast that devastated the village and took many lives; some even viewed Naruto as the Nine-Tails itself. Soon, the Third Hokage forbade anyone from mentioning the Nine-Tails, hoping that the younger generation would not blindly hate Naruto as their parents did. However, Naruto's peers emulated their parents' hatred of him, despite not
  • Naruto Uzumaki (うずまきナルト, Uzumaki Naruto) is the title character and main protagonist of the series: Naruto. He is a genin-level shinobi from Konohagakure, and a member ofTeam Kakashi. A maternal descendant of the Uzumaki clan, Naruto is the third and current jinchūriki of Kurama — the Nine-Tails. Despite once being ostracised by the majority of the village, he is now regarded as a hero, worthy of inheriting thetitle his own father once held. on the day of his birth, a fate that caused him to be ostracised and neglected by most of Konoha throughout his childhood. After joining In the following years, Naruto became a capable ninja regarded as a hero, both by the villagers and the shinobi world at large. He soon proved to be the main factor in winning the Fourth Shinobi World War, leading him
  • Geboren als zoon van de Vierde Hokage, Minato Namikaze, en de tweede jinchūriki van de Negen-Staarten, Kushina Uzumaki, is Naruto de eerste van de Reïncarnaties van Asura Ōtsutsuki die geboren werd in een tijdperk van relatieve vrede. Naruto werd vernoemd naar de protagonist van Jiraiya's eerste boek, wat tevens de legendarische Sannin tot peetvader bombardeerde.
  • Bei seiner Geburt wurde Kyuubi, ein riesiger, neunschwänziger Fuchsdämon, in seinem Körper versiegelt, weswegen die Erwachsenen Dorfbewohner ihn instinktiv meiden. Narutos größter Traum ist es, von allen Bewohnern seines Dorfes anerkannt und respektiert zu werden und Hokage (oberster Ninja) zu werden. Nachdem er nach mehreren Fehlversuchen die Abschlussprüfung der Ninja-Akademie bestanden hat, wird er Schüler des Jounins Kakashi Hatake. Anfangs ist Naruto tollpatschig und ungeschickt, doch wenn es um seine Freunde geht, erwachen in ihm der Kampfgeist und die Kraft des Dämons. Wegen des Kyuubi sind viele Feinde hinter ihm her, die dessen rotes Chakra für ihre Zwecke nutzen wollen.
  • <default>Naruto Uzumaki</default> series caption first creator voiced name name nickname alias gender species nationality title relatives name name divider name name }} Naruto Uzumaki(うずまき ナルトUzumaki Naruto) is a fictional character in the anime and manga franchise Naruto created by Masashi Kishimoto. Naruto is the main protagonist and titular character of the series. When creating Naruto, Kishimoto wished to keep the character "simple and stupid", while giving him many attributes of Son Goku, the main character from the Dragon Ball franchise. However, Kishimoto also added his dark past to make him unique. Naruto's initial design has been changed several times by Kishimoto, providing the character with different clothes to make him more appealing to Western audiences, in addition to bei
  • Naruto Uzumaki (うずまきナルト, Uzumaki Naruto) es el protagonista de la serie del manga y anime Naruto y Naruto Shippūden. Asimismo es partícipe del manga Boruto: Naruto Nuevas Generaciones secuela canónica de la obra original de Masashi Kishimoto. Es residente de Konohagakure, hijo del Cuarto Hokage, Minato Namikaze y su esposa Kushina Uzumaki, además de ser la actual Reencarnación de Asura Ōtsutsuki. Desde el día de su nacimiento hasta que le fue extraído por Madara Uchiha fue el Jinchūriki de la mitad Yang de Kurama y el más reciente de la mitad Yin de Kurama. Finalmente recibiría la mitad extraída de Kurama, unificándose con su otra mitad en el interior de éste. También posee parte del Chakra de las otras Bestias con Cola, convirtiéndose en un Jinchūriki para cada uno de los Bijū y por éstas
  • Naruto Uzumaki 「うずまきナルト, Uzumaki Naruto ?」 es el protagonista del anime y manga Naruto y Naruto Shippūden. Es un joven ninja categoría genin de Konohagakure, miembro del Equipo 7 o Equipo Kakashi comandado por Kakashi Hatake junto con Sasuke Uchiha y Sakura Haruno. Poseedor del Zorro de Nueve Colas. Naruto Uzumaki tiene el cabello rubio alborotado, bigotes pequeños, como de gato, en sus mejillas y ojos azul claro (que se vuelven rojos y con pupila rasgada cuando el Kyūbi libera parte de su chakra y amarillos con una línea negra con estilo de sapo cuando libera el Modo Sabio).
  • Categoría:PersonajesCategoría:Usuarios de Kekkei GenkaiNaruto Uzumaki (うずまきナルト, Uzumaki Naruto) es el protagonista de la serie del manga y anime Naruto y Naruto Shippūden. Asimismo es partícipe del manga Boruto: Naruto Nuevas Generaciones secuela canónica de la obra original de Masashi Kishimoto. Es residente de Konohagakure, hijo del Cuarto Hokage, Minato Namikaze y su esposa Kushina Uzumaki, además de ser la actual Reencarnación de Asura Ōtsutsuki. Desde el día de su nacimiento hasta que le fue extraído por Madara Uchiha fue el Jinchūriki de la mitad Yang de Kurama y el más reciente de la mitad Yin de Kurama. Finalmente recibiría la mitad extraída de Kurama, unificándose con su otra mitad en el interior de éste. También posee parte del Chakra de las otras Bestias con Cola, convirtiéndose
  • Naruto teve várias mudanças devido ao selo da Kyuubi. Fisicamente, três linhas de cada lado do rosto apareceram no garoto, seus caninos ficaram maiores do que os normais, seus olhos lembram os da raposa. Ele também teve um acréssimo em stamina e a habilidade de regeneração rápida. Mentalmente, parece que não mudou muito, sendo salvo só por algumas características animais em sua personalidade. O kitsune (狐) é um monstro conhecido no folclore japonês que serviu de base para a Kyuubi, um demônio raposa que costuma pregar peças nas pessoas e muitas vezes, se transforma em uma linda mulher para seduzir os homens (inspiração para a Técnica Sensual). Kitsune também é conhecido por nunca voltar atrás em suas promessas, como o jeito ninja de ser do Naruto e outra referência é o fato de sempre que o
  • Naruto Uzumaki (うずまき ナルト, Uzumaki Naruto) è il protagonista della serie anime e manga Naruto. Il nome Naruto può significare "Maelstrom", ed è anche il nome per un tipo di Kamaboko con una spirale rosa usato nel Ramen (il piatto preferito di Naruto). In giapponese il termine Naruto può indicare anche il simbolo @. Il cognome Uzumaki è invece un gioco di parole su spirale (渦巻, Rasen), che si riferisce ad una spirale tridimensionale come un vortice. La spirale è un marchio ricorrente nel manga: sulla schiena e sulle spalle del completo di Naruto nella prima serie è disegnata proprio una spirale. Uzumaki può significare anche gorgo, in riferimento ai vortici di Naruto (鳴門の渦潮, naruto no uzushio), l'omonima città. Masashi Kishimoto, l'autore, in una recente intervista rilasciata alla versione s
  • Naruto Uzumaki (うずまきナルト, Uzumaki Naruto) è uno shinobi del Villaggio della Foglia. Divenne la forza portante della Volpe a Nove Code il giorno della sua nascita e causa di questo e del "mostro" che ospita dentro, viene evitato e allontanato dagli altri abitanti del villaggio. Naruto è il figlio di Minato Namikaze, il Quarto Hokage, e di Kushina Uzumaki, la precedente forza portante della Volpe. Dopo essere entrato a fare parte del Team Kakashi, assieme a Sakura Haruno e Sasuke Uchiha, Naruto lavora sodo per riscattarsi agli occhi del villaggio e per raggiungere il sogno di diventare Hokage. In seguito a anni di duro lavoro, dopo avere salvato l'intero Villaggio scongiurando la minaccia di Pain, viene ufficialmente riconosciuto come Eroe della Foglia (木ノ葉隠れの英雄, Konohagakure no Eiyū). Prova
  • 12607
  • Maschio
  • ?
  • Good
Genin Promotion
  • 3.786912E8
  • Uzumaki Naruto
striking strength
  • Multi-Wall level City Block Level
Apparaît dans
  • Manga, Anime, Roman, Jeux vidéo, Films
  • 4.102488E8
  • 5.364792E8
Kekkei Genkai
Row 4 info
  • B:Rasenshuriken Up+B:Rasengan Barrage Side+B:Frog Kata Kick Down+B:Normal Mode
  • Part 1: 145.3 cm-147.5 cm
  • Part 2: 166 cm
  • The Last: 176 cm
  • Partie I : 145,3~147,5 cm
  • Partie II : 166 cm
  • Période Creuse : 180 cm
  • männlich
  • Blauw
Row 1 info
  • Medium
  • -5.364792E8
  • -4.102488E8
  • -1.0729584E9
type of hero
  • Tragic Hero / The Messiah / Zero to Hero / One-Man Army
  • Chico de la Profecía
  • Chico de la Profecía
  • El Hokage Naranja de Konoha
  • El Hokage Naranja de Konoha
  • El Héroe de Konoha
  • El Héroe de Konoha
  • El Ninja Número Uno Hiperactivo Cabeza Hueca
  • El Ninja Número Uno Hiperactivo Cabeza Hueca
  • El Salvador del Mundo
  • El Salvador del Mundo
  • Séptimo Hokage
  • Séptimo Hokage
Row 4 title
  • Sage Mode Moveset:
  • Moon Level
  • 12607
  • Naruto Shippuden: 166 cm
  • Naruto: 145.3-147.5 cm
  • Naruto Wiki
strength lifting
  • Mountain Level
  • --10-10
Row 2 info
  • Good
  • Parte I: Genin
  • Epílogo: Kage
  • Epílogo: Kage
  • Gaiden: Kage
  • Naruto: Genin
  • Parte I: Genin
Row 6 info
  • Naruto Shippuden
  • Manga, Anime, Novelas, Películas, Videojuegos y OVAs
  • Manga, Anime, Novelas, Películas, Videojuegos y OVAs
Row 1 title
  • Weight Class
  • Epílogo: 30-32
  • Epílogo: 30-32
  • Parte I: 12-13
  • Parte I: 12-13
  • Parte II: 15-17
  • Parte II: 15-17
  • The Last: 19
  • The Last: 19
  • B
  • B
Row 5 info
  • Chakra Mode
  • 1
Row 2 title
  • Alignment
  • 3
  • ,
  • Reinkarnation von Ashura Ootsutsuki
  • 1
  • Naruto
  • *Bunshin Kaiten Kakato Otoshi *Chibitama Rasengan *Fuuton: Gama Teppou *Fuuton: Gama Yudan *Fuuton: Gama yu Endan *Myo Yoku Rasengan *Narutos Rasen Shuriken Kombination *Pachinko no Jutsu *Uzumaki no Jin
Row 6 title
  • Universe
  • Blond
  • B
  • Sennin Moodo
  • Kontrolle über das Kyuubi
  • beherrscht den Bijuu Moodo
  • kann fliegen
  • kann negative Emotionen spüren
Début manga
  • Junko Takeuchi Ema Kogure
Row 5 title
  • Final Smash
Row 3 info
  • B:Rasengan Up+B:Shadow Clone Jump Side+B:RasenShuriken Down+B:Sage Mode
  • Naruto: Clash of Ninja
  • *Bijuu Senkoudan *Combo Rasengan *Dai Kyuubi Chakura Rasengan *Gouken *Uzumaki Naruto Ninpouchou *Fuuton Raiton: Gufuu Raisengan *Bijuu Wakusei Rasen Shuriken
  • 12
Row 3 title
  • Moveset
  • Part 1: 40.1 kg-40.6 kg
  • Part 2: 50.9 kg
  • Mannelijk
Début anime
  • Partie I : 40,1~40,6 kg
  • Partie II : 50,9 kg
  • 240
  • Epilogo
  • I Parte
  • II Parte
  • Moon Level
Box Title
  • Naruto
  • JAP: Junko Takeuchi Ema Kogure USA: Maile Flanagan Stephanie Sheh BR: Ursula Bezerra
  • Super Smash Flash
  • Super Smash Flash 2
  • Become the greatest Hokage ever
  • To save Sasuke from revenge
  • To protect Konohagakure and Ninja world from oncoming evil threats .
  • Naruto Uzumaki
  • Naruto Uzumaki right|18x18px|Este artículo fue elegido como el primer artículo destacado de la comunidad (mayo de 2010).
  • Naruto Uzumaki right|18x18px|Este artículo fue elegido como el primer artículo destacado de la comunidad (mayo de 2010).
  • Leaf
  • Azuis
  • Clan
  • Gender
  • Manga
  • Status
  • Team
  • Voice Actors
  • Weapons
  • Jutsu
  • Classification
  • Weight
  • Height
  • Occupation
  • Loyalty
  • Birth Place
  • Anime/Movies/Manga
  • blood type
  • Naruto
  • Naruto manga chapter 1, One-Shot manga
  • Epilog: 30
  • Naruto Gaiden: 32
  • Part 1: 12-13
  • Part 2: 16-17
  • The Last: 19
  • Naruto
  • Ninjutsu, Jinchuriki Transformations, Rasengan, Nature Transformation, Fuinjutsu, Senjutsu
  • -9.151704E8
  • part I: 12 - 13anos part II: 15anos
  • High Sonic
  • Ramen
Voiced by
  • English
  • Japanese
  • Junko Takeuchi
  • Maile Flanagan
  • B
  • Alive
  • lebend
  • Loiros
  • Naruto Uzumaki
  • naruto Uzumaki
  • Naruto Uzumaki
  • Naruto Uzumaki
  • Naruto Uzumaki
  • Naruto Uzumaki by Masashi Kishimoto
  • Naruto's appearance in Naruto: Shippūden.
  • Naruto Uzumaki as seen in Part I by Masashi Kishimoto
  • Naruto anime episode 1
  • Naruto manga chapter 1
  • 160
  • --10-10
  • うずまきナルト
Parte I
  • 300
  • 1
  • 300
  • *Bijuu Dama *Bijuu Dama Rasen Shuriken *Bijuu Rasengan *Bijuu-Schockwelle *Bijuu-Telepathie *Bunshin Tai Atari *Chakra-Arme *Chakra-Übertragungs-Technik *Senpou: Chou Bijuu Rasen Shuriken *Chou Mini Bijuu Dama *Fuuton: Chou Oodama Rasen Shuriken *Chou Oodama Rasengan *Gudoudama *Gufuu Suika no Jutsu *Oiroke: Gyaku Haaremu no Jutsu *Haaremu no Jutsu *Hien *Kage Bunshin no Jutsu *Kage Shuriken no Jutsu *Kai *Futton: Kairiki Musou *Kawazu Kumite *Kawazu Tataki *Konbi Henge no Jutsu *Shakuton: Kourin Shippuu Shikkoku no Ya Zeroshiki *Kuchiyose no Jutsu *Kuchiyose: Tobidougu *Kuchiyose: Yatai Kuzushi no Jutsu *Mini Rasen Shuriken *Muzousana Ichigeki *Oiroke no Jutsu *Oodama Rasen Shuriken *Oodama Rasengan *Oodama Rasen Tairengan *Rasen Chou Tarengan *Rasengan *Fuuton: Rasengan *Rasenkyuugan *Rasenrangan *Rasenrengan *Fuuton: Rasen Shuriken *Renzoku Bijuu Dama *Rikudou Chibaku Tensei *Sennen Goroshi *Sennin Moodo *Senpou: Chou Oodama Rasen Tarengan *Senpou: Jiton Rasengan *Senpou: Oodama Rasengan *Senpou: Youton Rasen Shuriken *Shihouhappou Shuriken *Shunshin no Jutsu *Tajuu Kage Bunshin no Jutsu *Torii-Siegel *Tsuin Rasengan *Fuuton: Tsuin Rasen Shuriken *Uzumaki Naruto Ittai Rendan *Uzumaki Naruto Nisen Rendan *Uzumaki Naruto Rendan *Wakusei Rasengan'''
  • 40.0
  • Number One Hyperactive Knucklehead Ninja
  • Training
  • Eating ramen
  • Watering his plants.
  • うずまきナルト
  • うずまきナルト
  • うずまきナルト
  • うずまきナルト
  • 10
  • Uzumaki Naruto
  • Uzumaki Naruto
  • part I - 147cm part II - 166cm
  • Human
  • Naruto Shippuden: 50.9 Kg
  • Naruto: 40.1-40.6 Kg
  • Parte I: 40,6 kg
  • Parte I: 40,6 kg
  • Parte II: 50,9 kg
  • Parte II: 50,9 kg
aux2 name
  • Ninja rank
  • ?
  • Naruto Uzumaki
  • Naruto_profile.jpg
  • 47
  • Shikon no Tama
  • Inuyasha higurashi
  • dbkwik:resource/Tjx77TkG6-oXyECCHZuHQA==
  • dbkwik:resource/Ujoe3xoc-kjHuoFEDzm2oA==
  • dbkwik:resource/YPm-xhgo-H3Gs9reRzmVkw==
  • dbkwik:resource/eQK1NAgrQ1kVQfOg457fhw==
  • dbkwik:resource/g5HOrQyUcQAdFXO0NBIW_g==
  • dbkwik:resource/s0r_w1EsQdvlGue-RMJkXA==
  • Alive
  • Male
  • B
  • Hokage
  • Konohagakure
  • Sage
  • Uzumaki Clan
  • Jinchūriki
  • Kirara
  • Otogakure
  • --10-10
  • Sensor Type
  • 108.0
  • Stephanie Sheh
  • Cindy Robinson
  • Kushina Uzumaki
  • Konoha 11
  • * All Directions Shuriken * Big Ball Rasengan * Big Ball Rasenshuriken * Big Ball Spiralling Serial Zone Spheres * Boil Release: Unrivaled Strength  * Chakra Transfer Technique * Clone Body Blow * Clone Spinning Heel Drop  * Combination Transformation * Continuous Tailed Beast Balls * Corrosive Alkali Secretion  * Erupting Propulsion Fist  * Frog Kata * Frog Strike * Harem Technique * Ink Spilling  * Mini Rasengan  * Mini-Rasenshuriken * Multiple Shadow Clone Technique * Multiple Tailed Beast Ball Rasenshuriken  * Naruto Uzumaki Combo * Naruto Uzumaki Region Combo  * Naruto Uzumaki Two Thousand Combo * Negative Emotions Sensing * New Sexy Technique * Nine-Tails Chakra Mode * One Thousand Years of Death * Pachinko Technique  * Parent and Child Rasengan * Planetary Rasengan * Rasengan * Sage Art: Big Ball Rasengan * Sage Art: Lava Release Rasenshuriken  * Sage Art: Magnet Release Rasengan  * Sage Art: Many Ultra-Big Ball Spiralling Serial Spheres * Sage Art: Super Tailed Beast Rasenshuriken  * Sage Art: Ultra-Big Ball Rasengan * Sage Mode * Sage Technique: Spiralling Serial Spheres * Scorch Release: Halo Hurricane Jet Black Arrow Style Zero * Sensing * Sexy Reverse Harem Technique  * Sexy Technique * Sexy Technique: Pole Dance and Nice Body  * Shadow Clone Technique * Shadow Shuriken Technique * Six Paths Flight  * Six Paths Sage Mode  * Six Paths Sage Technique  * Six Paths Yang Power  * Six Paths — Chibaku Tensei  * Spiralling Absorption Sphere * Spiralling Strife Spheres * Strong Fist  * Summoning Technique  * Summoning: Food Cart Destroyer Technique * Super Mini-Tailed Beast Ball * Tailed Beast Ball * Tailed Beast Ball Rasenshuriken  * Tailed Beast Chakra Arms * Tailed Beast Rasengan * Tailed Beast Shockwave * Torii Seal * Truth-Seeking Ball  * Twin Rasengan * Typhoon Water Vortex Technique * Ultra-Big Ball Rasengan * Ultra-Many Spiralling Serial Spheres * Uzumaki Formation  * Wind Release: Rasengan * Wind Release: Rasenshuriken * Wind Release: Repeated Rasenshuriken * Wind Release: Toad Gun  * Wind Release: Toad Oil Bullet  * Wind Release: Toad Oil Flame Bullet  * Wind Release: Ultra-Big Ball Rasenshuriken
  • Akira uzumaki
  • Ayame Uzumaki
  • Boil Boil Release
  • Boruto Uzumaki
  • Daisuke uzumaki
  • Ema Kogure English Maile Flanagan
  • Hanami Uzamaki
  • Japanese Junko Takeuchi
  • Kagome higurashi
  • Kekkei Genkai Lava Lava
  • Magnet Magnet Release
  • Mickycha Keke sanban
  • Nickycha Kiki sanban
  • Ninja Rank •Part I: Genin •Epilogue:Kage
  • Ninja Registration 012607 Academy Grad. Age 12
  • Ninja clash In The Land of Snow
  • Sakura Haruno Shinachiku Uzumaki
  • Sasuke Retrieval Team loyalty Sesshomaru
  • Team One
  • *Sō’unga *Banryu *Jakotsutō * Chakra Blades  * Flying Thunder God Kunai * Fūma Shuriken * Hidden Kunai Mechanism * Sand  * Scroll of Seals * Shadow Clone Summoning Scroll
  • Naruto newshot.png
  • Shōnen Jump
  • 60
  • Gennin
aux1 name
  • Notable relatives
aux3 name
  • Ninja team
  • 10800.0
  • 9960.0
  • 8850.0
  • Parte I: 145.3 m - 147.5 m
  • Parte II: 1,66 m
  • The Last: 1,80 m
  • Family
  • Affiliation
  • Rank
  • Debut
  • Biographical Information
  • Physical Information
  • Previous Alliliation
  • Skills Information
  • 10
  • File:Naruto22.JPG
  • Naruto Uzumaki.png
  • Naruto as the Seventh Hokage.png
  • Ema Kogure
  • Junko Takeuchi
  • Epílogo=300px
  • Epílogo=300px
  • Naruto Uzumaki.png
  • País do Fogo
  • Episódio 1: "Uzumaki Naruto Chegando!" Mangá 1: "Uzumaki Naruto"
  • Chapter 1: Naruto Uzumaki!!
  • Naruto Uzumaki
  • Male
  • Masculino
  • ?
  • Human
  • ナルトうずまき
  • naruto
  • 300
  • NarutoHokage.png
  • Narutogesamt.png
  • 10
  • Masashi Kishimoto
  • Varies
  • 213
Début jeu
  • Naruto: Clash of Ninja
Début roman
  • Kakashi Hiden - Foudre dans le Ciel Glacé
i̇lk görünüm
  • Manga: 1.Cilt, 1. Bölüm Anime: Naruto 1. Bölüm
Groupe Sanguin
  • B
bilinen akrabaları
Début film
  • Naruto Film 1: Naruto et la Princesse des neiges
Parte II
  • 300
Autres noms
şimdiki takımı
  • 7
doğum günü
  • 10
  • Erkek
Matricule Ninja
  • 12607
Images onglets
  • Partie I = 300px;Partie II = 300px;Épilogue = 300px
Doubleur Français
şimdiki bağlılığı
Nature de Chakra
striking speed
  • High Sub-Sonic
Rang Ninja
  • Partie II : Genin
  • Partie I : Genin
  • Épilogue : Kage
  • 12607
  • 12
Début OAV
  • Trouver le trèfle pourpre à quatre feuilles!
eser sahibi
  • Masashi Kishimoto
  • B
  • Malie Flanagan
  • Naruto bij Ichiraku Ramen
  • Junko Takeuchi
reaction speed
  • Mid Sonic
destructive capacity
  • Meteorite+ Level
  • Naruto Uzumaki por Masashi Kishimoto
  • Uzumaki Naruto
  • 12607
  • I. Kısım: Genin Gaiden: Kage
  • 12
  • 12
  • 3.786912E8
  • 7
  • 2
  • 1
  • 0
  • 6
  • Que o Ramen demore para ficar pronto
  • Naruto Uzumaki since a baby had the nine-tailed demon within him by sacrifice by the Yondaime Hokage(his father) He has a life long dream wanting to become the hokage someday. He never gives up and with everyone despising him because he holds the nine-tailed demon inside of him he manages to get recognition by causing trouble. He loves ramen and he also has a crush on Sakura. But through everything he manages to defeat Pain (Akatsuki member/leader) and is finally recognized as a "hero of the leaf village".
  • Naruto Uzumaki 「うずまきナルト, Uzumaki Naruto ?」 es el protagonista del anime y manga Naruto y Naruto Shippūden. Es un joven ninja categoría genin de Konohagakure, miembro del Equipo 7 o Equipo Kakashi comandado por Kakashi Hatake junto con Sasuke Uchiha y Sakura Haruno. Poseedor del Zorro de Nueve Colas. Naruto Uzumaki tiene el cabello rubio alborotado, bigotes pequeños, como de gato, en sus mejillas y ojos azul claro (que se vuelven rojos y con pupila rasgada cuando el Kyūbi libera parte de su chakra y amarillos con una línea negra con estilo de sapo cuando libera el Modo Sabio). Su exuberante personalidad y deseo ardiente de superación impactan fuertemente en la vida de quienes lo rodean. Se caracteriza por ser hiperactivo, suele ser exuberante, fácilmente excitable, impulsivo, y sufre de un lapso de atención corto. Rodeado siempre de situaciones cómicas, y está empeñado en sacar una sonrisa (o a veces también de quicio) a quien esté en una situación crítica, haciendo bromas en los momentos menos indicados.
  • "Belive it!""
  • Naruto Uzumaki (sprich: Narūto, das „u“ stumm aussprechen) ist der Hauptcharakter der Serie. Kurz nach seiner Geburt wurde der Kyuubi, ein riesiger, neunschwänziger Fuchsdämon, in seinem Körper versiegelt, weswegen die erwachsenen Dorfbewohner ihn fürchten und meiden. Narutos größter Traum ist es, von allen Bewohnern seines Dorfes anerkannt und respektiert zu werden und Hokage zu werden. Dies gelingt ihm schlussendlich und er tritt Kakashis Nachfolge als Nanadaime Hokage an. Nachdem er nach mehreren Fehlversuchen die Abschlussprüfung der Ninja-Akademie bestanden hat, wird er Schüler des Jonins Kakashi Hatake. Anfangs ist Naruto ungeschickt und etwas begriffsstutzig, doch wenn es um seine Freunde geht, erwacht in ihm der Kampfgeist und die Kraft des Kyuubis. Wegen des Kyuubis sind Naruto viele Feinde auf den Fersen, die dessen Chakra für ihre Zwecke nutzen wollen.
  • Naruto Uzumaki (うずまきナルト, Uzumaki Naruto) è uno shinobi del Villaggio della Foglia. Divenne la forza portante della Volpe a Nove Code il giorno della sua nascita e causa di questo e del "mostro" che ospita dentro, viene evitato e allontanato dagli altri abitanti del villaggio. Naruto è il figlio di Minato Namikaze, il Quarto Hokage, e di Kushina Uzumaki, la precedente forza portante della Volpe. Dopo essere entrato a fare parte del Team Kakashi, assieme a Sakura Haruno e Sasuke Uchiha, Naruto lavora sodo per riscattarsi agli occhi del villaggio e per raggiungere il sogno di diventare Hokage. In seguito a anni di duro lavoro, dopo avere salvato l'intero Villaggio scongiurando la minaccia di Pain, viene ufficialmente riconosciuto come Eroe della Foglia (木ノ葉隠れの英雄, Konohagakure no Eiyū). Prova dei sentimenti per la sua compagna di Sakura Haruno, ma accettando il fatto che la ragazza è in realtà profondamente innamorata di Sasuke, decide di concentrare le sue attenzioni su Hinata, che lo ha da sempre amato, sostenuto e incoraggiato. Durante la Quarta Guerra Mondiale Ninja invece, combatte al fianco dei compagni del Team 7 per sigillare Kaguya Otsutsuki, riuscendo infine a sconfiggerla e salvare il mondo intero. Alcuni anni dopo la fine della guerra Naruto sposa Hinata Hyuga, da cui avrà due figli, Boruto e Himawari, e realizza il suo sogno, divenendo il Settimo Hokage del Villaggio della Foglia.
  • Naruto ist die Hauptperson und der Held der gleichnamigen Manga- & Animeserie "Naruto" von Masashi Kishimoto. Naruto ist ein junger Ninja, der den Dämon eines 9-schwänzigen Fuchses in sich trägt, welcher vor seiner Geburt sein Dorf angriff.
  • Naruto Uzumaki (うずまき ナルト Uzumaki Narutō?,Villaggio Nascosto dell'Insalata ottobre 1999 - Ancora vivente, purtroppo) è un ninja giapponese ariano e protagonista del famoso poema epico manga che, guarda caso, porta il suo stesso nome, giusto per indicare una delle sue grandi qualità: la modestia.
  • Orphaned, Naruto grew up not knowing who his parents were, receiving only his mother's surname, as Hiruzen wanted to protect Naruto from his father's enemies. Minato's dying wish that Naruto be regarded as a hero was honoured by the very few who could put aside their pain and losses caused by the disaster, while the majority of Konoha, however having no knowledge of the circumstances surround his birth, openly ostracised and resented Naruto for containing the beast that devastated the village and took many lives; some even viewed Naruto as the Nine-Tails itself. Soon, the Third Hokage forbade anyone from mentioning the Nine-Tails, hoping that the younger generation would not blindly hate Naruto as their parents did. However, Naruto's peers emulated their parents' hatred of him, despite not knowing why. This social isolation caused Naruto to crave acknowledgement, which he would gain by pulling pranks. On the day of his enrolment in the Ninja Academy - Naruto first met Hinata Hyūga, who was being picked on by three bullies. Despite not knowing her, Naruto immediately came to her defence, but he was outnumbered and knocked unconscious, and the bullies damaged his red scarf. When Naruto awoke, Hinata thanked him for helping her and returned his scarf to him, but he let her keep it. He was unaware that the girl's growing affections for him began from that moment onwards. In the Academy, Naruto became a student of Iruka Umino, who acted as a surrogate older brother to keep him in line and help him work harder. Naruto also met his class-mate Sasuke Uchiha and tried to befriend him, since he was alone as well. Jealous of Sasuke's skills and popularity, however, he developed a one-sided rivalry in his pursuit to prove himself just as good as, if not better than, Sasuke, wishing that someday, Sasuke would accept him as an equal. Naruto also grew close with the owner of Ramen Ichiraku, Teuchi and his daughter Ayame, being welcomed as their favourite customer.
  • He resides in the world of The Leaf Village.
  • Naruto teve várias mudanças devido ao selo da Kyuubi. Fisicamente, três linhas de cada lado do rosto apareceram no garoto, seus caninos ficaram maiores do que os normais, seus olhos lembram os da raposa. Ele também teve um acréssimo em stamina e a habilidade de regeneração rápida. Mentalmente, parece que não mudou muito, sendo salvo só por algumas características animais em sua personalidade. O kitsune (狐) é um monstro conhecido no folclore japonês que serviu de base para a Kyuubi, um demônio raposa que costuma pregar peças nas pessoas e muitas vezes, se transforma em uma linda mulher para seduzir os homens (inspiração para a Técnica Sensual). Kitsune também é conhecido por nunca voltar atrás em suas promessas, como o jeito ninja de ser do Naruto e outra referência é o fato de sempre que o garoto passa de nível com o chakra da raposa, ele consegue uma cauda, dizem que kitsune fica mais poderoso a cada cauda que tem, sendo nove caudas o limite. O chakra de Naruto é muito maior do que o de uma pessoa normal, levando em conta que sempre que o garoto usa algo que libera chakra, um pouco da energia da Kyuubi é anexado a ele. De acordo com Kakashi, o chakra de Naruto é aparentemente o dobro do dele. Assim, ele é capaz de utilizar jutsus que consomem muito chakra, como seu golpe assinatura, a Técnica dos Clones das Sombras, alguns ninjas são capazes de criar alguns clones devido ao fato de o chakra ser dividido igualmente entre eles, Naruto é capaz de criar mais de dois mil, mantendo chakra suficiente no original. O poder da raposa geralmente vem a tona em situações complicadas para Naruto, dando para ele o poder suficiente para a sobrevivência. Naruto é capaz de contatar a Kyuubi para ajudá-lo, sabendo que se o garoto morrer, a raposa irá junto.
  • Naruto Uzumaki (うずまきナルト, Uzumaki Naruto) is the titular main protagonist of the Naruto anime/manga series. He is voiced by Maile Flanagan in the English version and by Junko Takeuchi in the Japanese version.
  • Bei seiner Geburt wurde Kyuubi, ein riesiger, neunschwänziger Fuchsdämon, in seinem Körper versiegelt, weswegen die Erwachsenen Dorfbewohner ihn instinktiv meiden. Narutos größter Traum ist es, von allen Bewohnern seines Dorfes anerkannt und respektiert zu werden und Hokage (oberster Ninja) zu werden. Nachdem er nach mehreren Fehlversuchen die Abschlussprüfung der Ninja-Akademie bestanden hat, wird er Schüler des Jounins Kakashi Hatake. Anfangs ist Naruto tollpatschig und ungeschickt, doch wenn es um seine Freunde geht, erwachen in ihm der Kampfgeist und die Kraft des Dämons. Wegen des Kyuubi sind viele Feinde hinter ihm her, die dessen rotes Chakra für ihre Zwecke nutzen wollen. Missionen: S 0 A 2 B 1 C 1 D 7
  • Naruto Uzumaki (うずまき ナルト, Uzumaki Naruto) è il protagonista della serie anime e manga Naruto. Il nome Naruto può significare "Maelstrom", ed è anche il nome per un tipo di Kamaboko con una spirale rosa usato nel Ramen (il piatto preferito di Naruto). In giapponese il termine Naruto può indicare anche il simbolo @. Il cognome Uzumaki è invece un gioco di parole su spirale (渦巻, Rasen), che si riferisce ad una spirale tridimensionale come un vortice. La spirale è un marchio ricorrente nel manga: sulla schiena e sulle spalle del completo di Naruto nella prima serie è disegnata proprio una spirale. Uzumaki può significare anche gorgo, in riferimento ai vortici di Naruto (鳴門の渦潮, naruto no uzushio), l'omonima città. Masashi Kishimoto, l'autore, in una recente intervista rilasciata alla versione statunitense di Shōnen Jump, ha affermato che la sua infanzia è stata simile per certi versi a quella di Naruto, soprattutto quando frequentava l'accademia. Dentro Naruto è stata sigillata la Volpe a Nove code, e come per molte forze portanti ha un tratto fisico che lo indica: i segni sulle guance, che ricordano i baffi di una volpe.
  • Naruto Uzumaki (うずまきナルト, Uzumaki Naruto) es el protagonista de la serie del manga y anime Naruto y Naruto Shippūden. Asimismo es partícipe del manga Boruto: Naruto Nuevas Generaciones secuela canónica de la obra original de Masashi Kishimoto. Es residente de Konohagakure, hijo del Cuarto Hokage, Minato Namikaze y su esposa Kushina Uzumaki, además de ser la actual Reencarnación de Asura Ōtsutsuki. Desde el día de su nacimiento hasta que le fue extraído por Madara Uchiha fue el Jinchūriki de la mitad Yang de Kurama y el más reciente de la mitad Yin de Kurama. Finalmente recibiría la mitad extraída de Kurama, unificándose con su otra mitad en el interior de éste. También posee parte del Chakra de las otras Bestias con Cola, convirtiéndose en un Jinchūriki para cada uno de los Bijū y por éstas razones se lo ha nombrado como el Pilar Humano del Poder del Diez Colas. Fue miembro del Equipo Kakashi junto a Sakura Haruno y Sasuke Uchiha. Actualmente es el Séptimo Hokage (七代目火影, Nanadaime Hokage; que significa "Séptima Sombra del Fuego") de Konoha, cumpliendo su sueño, así como también el esposo de Hinata Hyūga y padre de Boruto Uzumaki y Himawari Uzumaki.
  • Naruto Uzumaki (うずまきナルト, Uzumaki Naruto) is the title character and main protagonist of the series: Naruto. He is a genin-level shinobi from Konohagakure, and a member ofTeam Kakashi. A maternal descendant of the Uzumaki clan, Naruto is the third and current jinchūriki of Kurama — the Nine-Tails. Despite once being ostracised by the majority of the village, he is now regarded as a hero, worthy of inheriting thetitle his own father once held. on the day of his birth, a fate that caused him to be ostracised and neglected by most of Konoha throughout his childhood. After joining In the following years, Naruto became a capable ninja regarded as a hero, both by the villagers and the shinobi world at large. He soon proved to be the main factor in winning the Fourth Shinobi World War, leading him to achieve his dream and become the Seventh Hokage (七代目火影, Nanadaime Hokage; Literally meaning "Seventh Fire Shadow").
  • Naruto Uzumaki (うずまきナルト, Uzumaki Naruto) Konohagakure'de bir shinobidir. O doğduğu gün Dokuz Kuyruklu'nun jinchūrikisi olmuş ve çocukluk yıllarında Konoha'nın çoğunun kendisini terk etmesine neden olan bir kadere sahipti. Kakashi Takımı'na katıldıktan sonra Naruto, köyün memnuniyetini almak için çok çalışarak Hokage olma hayalini kurdu. Takip eden yıllarda pek çok sıkıntı ve sıkıntılarla hem köylüler tarafından, hem de kısa süre sonra dünyanın geri kalanında kahraman olarak görülen yetenekli bir ninja haline geldi ve Konoha'nın Kahramanı (木ノ葉隠れの英雄, Konohagakure no Eiyū) olarak bilinmeye başlandı. O Dördüncü Ninja Savaşı'nın kazanılmasında etkili olmuş, hayaline ulaşmış ve köyün Yedinci Hokage'si (七代目火影, Nanadaime Hokage) olmuştur.
  • Geboren als zoon van de Vierde Hokage, Minato Namikaze, en de tweede jinchūriki van de Negen-Staarten, Kushina Uzumaki, is Naruto de eerste van de Reïncarnaties van Asura Ōtsutsuki die geboren werd in een tijdperk van relatieve vrede. Naruto werd vernoemd naar de protagonist van Jiraiya's eerste boek, wat tevens de legendarische Sannin tot peetvader bombardeerde. Voor zijn dood vreesden zijn ouders en de Derde Hokage, Hiruzen Sarutobi, dat de druk van het bevallen van een kind het zegel dat de Negen-Staarten in Kushina hield, zou verzwakken. Als voorzorgsmaatregel werd Kushina naar een geheime locatie buiten het dorp gebracht met Biwako Sarutobi en Taji als haar vroedvrouwen, beschermd door ANBU en Minato om het zegel op zijn plaats te houden. Op een onbekende wijze is een gemaskerde ninja die de vos voor zichzelf wou gebruiken, achter hun plannen gekomen. Na het doden van de vroedvrouwen en de ANBU nam hij de pasgeboren Naruto als gijzelaar om Minato en Kushina te scheiden en de Negen-Staarten te bevrijden.
  • Naruto Uzumaki (うずまきナルト, Uzumaki Naruto) is a ninja and the main character of the popular manga/anime series Naruto and Naruto: Shippūden by Masashi Kishimoto. In the McLeodGaming media, he is notably a playable character in both, Super Smash Flash and Super Smash Flash 2.
  • <default>Naruto Uzumaki</default> series caption first creator voiced name name nickname alias gender species nationality title relatives name name divider name name }} Naruto Uzumaki(うずまき ナルトUzumaki Naruto) is a fictional character in the anime and manga franchise Naruto created by Masashi Kishimoto. Naruto is the main protagonist and titular character of the series. When creating Naruto, Kishimoto wished to keep the character "simple and stupid", while giving him many attributes of Son Goku, the main character from the Dragon Ball franchise. However, Kishimoto also added his dark past to make him unique. Naruto's initial design has been changed several times by Kishimoto, providing the character with different clothes to make him more appealing to Western audiences, in addition to being easier to draw and color. In the series, Naruto is a ninja affiliated with the fictional village of Konohagakure. The villagers ostracize Naruto because the Nine-Tailed Demon Fox, a malevolent creature that attacked Konohagakure, is sealed within his body. As such, Naruto has ambitions of becoming the village's leader, the Hokage, in order to gain recognition amongst his peers. Nonetheless, Naruto maintains a cheerful and boisterous personality, allowing him to befriend several other Konoha ninja throughout the series, as well as ninja from other villages. He builds an especially close relationship with Team 7, the ninja team where he belongs, treating them as his family. Naruto appears in all of the series' films, as well as in other media related to the franchise, including all video games and original video animations. Several anime and manga publications have expressed acclaim and criticism of Naruto's character. Some view him as a stereotypical manga and anime protagonist comparable to those in many other shōnen manga, while others have praised his personality as well as his development in the series. Nevertheless, Naruto has remained highly popular with the Naruto fan-base, placing high in several popularity polls. Merchandise based on Naruto has also been released, including figurines and plush dolls.
  • Famille Nature de Chakra Traits Uniques Jutsu Armes Naruto Uzumaki est un ninja du village caché de Konoha. Il devint le jinchûriki de Kyûbi le jour de sa naissance — ce qui lui valut d'être rejeté par la plupart des habitants de Konoha durant toute son enfance. Après avoir rejoint l'Équipe 7, Naruto travailla dur pour obtenir la reconnaissance des villageois tout en poursuivant son rêve de devenir Hokage. Dans les années qui suivirent, après de nombreuses péripéties et épreuves, il devint un ninja considéré comme un héros par les villageois et plus tard par le reste du monde. Il prouva rapidement être l'un des acteurs majeurs de la Quatrième Grande Guerre Shinobi, lui permettant de réaliser son rêve et de devenir le .
  • Hier sind die Waffen und die Steuerungen, Durchführungen und Auswirkungen der Jutsus von Naruto Uzumaki aufgelistet und erklärt.
  • Naruto Uzumaki (うずまきナルト, Uzumaki Naruto) is the main character in the anime and manga series Naruto. Naruto can mean "maelstrom", and is also the name for a sliced stick of Kamaboko with a pink whirlpool design in the middle that is used as a topping for ramen which is also Naruto's favorite food. The surname Uzumaki is a pun on "spiral" (渦巻), while uzumaki refers to a three-dimensional spiral, like a whirlpool or vortex. A more accurate translation for spiral would be "Rasen". The Konoha leaf symbol is drawn with an arrow attached to a spiral, part of the seal on his abdomen is a spiral, the symbol on the back of his jacket and shoulders is a spiral, and one of his attacks is Rasengan, which means "Spiraling Sphere". Uzumaki can also mean "whirlpool", in reference to the Naruto whirlpool (鳴門の渦潮), named after the city of Naruto. An interesting fact is that his mother is from the Whirlpool Country. Naruto's definitive characteristic in battle is his immense amount of chakra. While naturally having a significant amount of chakra on his own, he can summon a gargantuan amount given to him by the Nine-Tailed Demon Fox. October 10th, Naruto's birthday, was Health and Sports Day ("Taiiku no hi") in Japan when his character was conceived. The holiday, however, was moved to the second Monday of October in 1999. Masashi Kishimoto, the creator of the manga series, stated in a recent interview with the U.S. Shonen Jump that his childhood was like that of Naruto's years while he was enrolled in the Academy. Naruto consistently ranked in the top two (taking first place twice) in the first five official Shonen Jump character popularity polls. However, in the sixth character poll, he was ranked fourth. According to the latest character poll, Naruto took second.{|summary="Contents" class="toc" id="toc" | * [1] * [2] * [3] * [4] * [5] * [6] * [7] * [8] * [9] * [10] * [11] * [12] * [13] * [14] * [15] * [16] * [17] * [18] * [19] * [20] * [21] * [22] * [23] * [24] * [25] * [26] * [27] * [28] * [29] * [30] * [31] * [32] * [33] * [34] * [35] * [36] * [37] * [38] |}
  • is one of the main supporting characters of the series. He is a member of Team Kakashi and the current jinchūriki of the Nine-Tails.
  • Naruto is the proud ninja of the leaf village. He is most possibly the most powerful of the ninja in the world!
  • Categoría:PersonajesCategoría:Usuarios de Kekkei GenkaiNaruto Uzumaki (うずまきナルト, Uzumaki Naruto) es el protagonista de la serie del manga y anime Naruto y Naruto Shippūden. Asimismo es partícipe del manga Boruto: Naruto Nuevas Generaciones secuela canónica de la obra original de Masashi Kishimoto. Es residente de Konohagakure, hijo del Cuarto Hokage, Minato Namikaze y su esposa Kushina Uzumaki, además de ser la actual Reencarnación de Asura Ōtsutsuki. Desde el día de su nacimiento hasta que le fue extraído por Madara Uchiha fue el Jinchūriki de la mitad Yang de Kurama y el más reciente de la mitad Yin de Kurama. Finalmente recibiría la mitad extraída de Kurama, unificándose con su otra mitad en el interior de éste. También posee parte del Chakra de las otras Bestias con Cola, convirtiéndose en un Jinchūriki para cada uno de los Bijū y por éstas razones se lo ha nombrado como el Pilar Humano del Poder del Diez Colas. Fue miembro del Equipo Kakashi junto a Sakura Haruno y Sasuke Uchiha. Actualmente es el Séptimo Hokage (七代目火影, Nanadaime Hokage; que significa "Séptima Sombra del Fuego") de Konoha, cumpliendo su sueño, así como también el esposo de Hinata Hyūga y padre de Boruto Uzumaki y Himawari Uzumaki.
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