  • The Un-Smile
  • Those characters that never show any emotion? Or, if they do show emotion, it's always anger and/or despondency? Yeah, every single one of them was at one point told to "cheer up a little". The result? Horrible. It can range from merely discomforting to downright Squick, as they just don't get it. Expect more or less horrified reaction from their friends. Sometimes appears alongside Ha Ha Ha No when they're especially not buying it. Examples of The Un-Smile include:
  • Those characters that never show any emotion? Or, if they do show emotion, it's always anger and/or despondency? Yeah, every single one of them was at one point told to "cheer up a little". The result? Horrible. It can range from merely discomforting to downright Squick, as they just don't get it. Expect more or less horrified reaction from their friends. Sometimes appears alongside Ha Ha Ha No when they're especially not buying it. This trope is always played for laughs. And no, no amount of Genre Savviness will protect you from it. Not to be confused with Stepford Smiler. Compare Slasher Smile, for when the smile goes from merely creepy to horrific. See also Technically a Smile. Contrast When She Smiles, where a smile is especially nice for a character. Examples of The Un-Smile include: