  • The Paths Trilogy
  • This is the main page for The Paths Trilogy, a trilogy written by Brams. It centers on a she-cat named Brokenpath, whose life has been in turmoil ever since before she was born. But after her warrior ceremony, everything takes a turn for the worst - or so it seems, for the young Brokenpath. Little does she know that this could've been the best choice someone made for her in her own life...
  • This is the main page for The Paths Trilogy, a trilogy written by Brams. It centers on a she-cat named Brokenpath, whose life has been in turmoil ever since before she was born. But after her warrior ceremony, everything takes a turn for the worst - or so it seems, for the young Brokenpath. Little does she know that this could've been the best choice someone made for her in her own life...
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