  • Odin
  • Odin
  • ODIN
  • Odin
  • Odin
  • Odin
  • Odin
  • ODIN
  • ODIN
  • ODIN
  • Odin
  • Odin
  • Odin
  • Odin
  • King Odin is the monarch of a kingdom on the shore of Albion. He rules the Kingdom of Cornwall. He wanted revenge on Arthur for killing his son, until they agreed to be at peace with each other.
  • Odin var en av de viktigaste Asgard herrarna tillsammans med Thor, Freyr och Aesir. När Goa'uld Forseti förslavat Viking folk från jorden, Odin kastade honom bort från Viking landär. (SG1: "Stargate SG-1: The DVD Collection 10") Det är okänt hur, men Odin blev skadad och började förbjudna experiment på planeten Valhalla. (SG1: "Stargate SG-1: Valhalla") kategori:Forskare kategori:Asgard
  • Odin (Japanese: オデオン Odeon) is the captain of the Maajiknights in Al Maajik. He is the loyal protector of Daemon, the Dark Sultan.
  • In Norse mythology, Odin is the king of the Æsir. He is a god of war and death, as well as a sky god and the god of wisdom and poetry. Along with being a god, he is the All-Father of all the Nordic Gods, and father of Thor. In Wonder Woman v3 #15, Wonder Woman travels along the rainbow bridge to Asgard in an attempt to seek Odin's help in saving her mother, Queen Hippolyta's, life. Accompanied by his wolves, Geri and Freki, Odin turns down Diana's request so as not to deny the will of Athena.
  • Odin is a fictional competitor robot in the game Robot Wars: Arenas of Destruction. It is a super heavyweight class robot with a box wedge body. Its weapons are a scoop and a pneumatic spike and it is armoured in titanium. It cannot self-right. It costs 12,210 credits to buy.
  • __NOWYSIWYG__ Odin is the narrator of the school play held at the Mistenka Civic Center in Brachy Town, and only appears here.
  • Ódin, dříve zvaný "Lugh devíti řemesel a desáté bídy (v keltštině je to kratší)" alias Prafotr, Jedinečný, Ještědalší etc. etc. se rozhodl vystoupit z anonymity a poskytnout Necyklopedii odpovědi na často kladené otázky.
  • Odin (myös Wotan, Wodan, Woden, Oden tai Óðinn ) oli muinainen germaaninen jumala, jota palvottiin sekä Manner-Euroopassa, Englannissa että Skandinaviassa. Odin oli "jumalten kuningas", ylimystön, sodan, viisauden ja kuoleman jumala.
  • Odin (from Old Norse Óðinn) is a major Norse god. He is the Allfather of the gods and the ruler of Asgard.
  • Odin (myös Wotan, Wodan, Woden, Oden tai Óðinn )oli muinainen germaaninen jumala, jota palvottiin sekä Manner-Euroopassa, Englannissa että Skandinaviassa. Odin oli "jumalten kuningas", ylimystön, sodan, viisauden ja kuoleman jumala.
  • Atak: Zantetsuken Jeden z potężniejszych GFów, mieszkający w Ruinach Centra, którego bohaterowie muszą pokonać w walce. W odróżnieniu od innych, ten mityczny bóg-wojownik nie jest przyzywany lecz pojawia się losowo sam na początku walki, aby zadać śmiertelny cios przeciwnikowi do czasu, aż ginie z ręki Seifera.
  • Odin, named after Odin from Norse mythology, is the true antagonist in Yu-Gi-Oh! 5D's Duel Transer. The last spoilers of the game, reveal that Odin is actually a spirit of a past king, that has possessed the body of a woman named Alina.
  • Odin (オーディン, Oodin) is a Level 74 Persona of the Emperor Arcana. It can be unlocked by maximizing the Emperor Arcana Social Link. Odin inherits "Electricity" skills from the card fusions.
  • Ist ein Aspekt von Boron und wird von den Nordmännern verehrt. Ihm ist die schwere Kriegsaxt Ragnar'Krag geweiht. Kategorie:Götter
  • Like the other four summons, Odin has a chance of appearing when a player gets a Summon Materia, and appears in his Final Fantasy VII incarnation. Once summoned, the stage darkens and Odin appears, mounted on his eight-legged stallion, Sleipnir. After that, he will attack with his sword Zantetsuken, which deals 100% damage to anyone it hits (including the summoner) and, in most of the cases, causes an OHKO to anyone it hits. Before making the cut, a vertical blue beam will appear, showing where the cut will occur and giving players the chance to escape. The stage will then split in half, with the two halves moving apart. The stage will later reform, and anyone caught between the halves will instantly be crushed and KOed.
  • Odin ist der Vater von Thor und Loki ... -> Nordische Mythologie Odin als Comic-Held ...
  • This guild was Stolen (scammed) off the leader. If you know anything please pm billylemmon or wabbity granny. Formed by Billylemmon (Who is not the leader) and other *Cough* friendly people... Erm...nothing else rather spectacular.
  • Odin es un alien de Ben10:mitologia alienigena.
  • Odin is a Child of Oberon.
  • Odin is a Norse Archaic Age major god.
  • Odin is a god in Norse mythology.
  • Odin is the neutral god of the Valkyrie pantheon.
  • Odin was the King of the Norse Gods.
  • Odin, a bearded god.
  • The long vowels are áéíóú.
  • Odin originally set out to create a Youtube channel about Minecraft, but only making a world based on Mythology. As such he called his channel OdinCraft, HELLO, whats it to do whth you, oh hes writing everything i say, hannah has too much fun with her rabbits, shes a furry, named after the ultimate God of his favourite mythology, Norse Mythology. He named himself Odin after his channel OdinCraft.
  • The Odin was a Terran Dominion heavy combat walker. It was the prototype for the smaller thor.
  • Like Dream of the Endless, he maintains ravens as companions, two ravens, Huginn and Munin (Thought and Memory) who fly over the world, and then return to tell him everything that has happened in Midgard. He traveled to the Dreaming in Season of Mists as a petitioner, seeking the key to Hell from Morpheus: "I am Odin All-Father, of the Aesir. With me are my son Thor...and Loki Skywalker...we seek the key to Hell."
  • The Odin is bassicly a turret on legs, It only has a top speed of 40 kh though, and even that requires 10 tons of engine upgrades compared to its default varient, which has a top speed of 26 kh. The Odin is an overly massive mech weighing in at 100 tons, it is uniqe in having no arms. The Odin can't mount jump jets, but if it could they would weigh 11.5 tons.
  • Odin is Loki's father from Son of the Mask in 2005 and he is played by the late Bob Hoskins.he is the god of everything and god of the gods Odin forced Loki to search the Mask when Loki unleashed it in the human world
  • Odin is one of the most prominent and important of Heathenry, with many people dedicating themselves to Him. He is the Lord of death, wisdom, creativity, and magic, and many people attest Him to being the leader of the Wild Hunt.
  • "Despite its gallant figure, this Kamikui is singlehandedly responsible for laying waste to the Western continent. It's said that it crossed the ocean on an eight-legged steed which could bound over mountains in a single leap. It carries a sword that can pierce through anything in one hand and used its powers to quell an entire continent. A sweep of its mantle calls forth a prolonged desert wind, causing innumerable people to wither and perish...I am once again reminded about the scale of the threat these beings pose to us." File:66.jpg
  • File:Izanami Ball.png Impossibles/Colossals: Izanami | Cain | Nirvana File:FireIcon.png Fire: Tokugawa Yoshimune | Astaroth | Solwing | Giraffina | Queen of Hearts | Surtr | Jin | Hydra | Operation Crab File:WaterIcon.png Water: Waterblade Murasame | Michelangelo File:WoodIcon.png Wood: File:LightIcon.png Light: Orochimaru | Behemoth File:DarkIcon.png Dark: Darkblade Murasame | Deathscoil | Bastet File:Scroll.png Tower: 31F File:S++.png Temple: Water (Time) | Dark (Carnage)
  • Odin is the chief deity of Norse mythology and leader of the Gods in Asgard. He wields the legendary lance Gungnir.
  • ODIN était une division de Starfleet au 22ème siècle, dont les activités étaient développées au Fleet Operations Center de Starfleet Command sur Terre.
  • Odin (ON: "frenzy" or "ecstasy"), also referred to as the All-Father, is the third chief of the Aesir tribe of Norse gods and one of the most prominent figures in Germanic mythology. He is the god of wisdom, poetry, war, death, divination, and magic. He is the patron of rulers, wanderers, and outcasts. He was known as Woden to the Anglo-Saxons and Wotan to the southern Germanic peoples.
  • Odin, also known as The All-Father, is the father of Thor and Loki, as well as the king of Asgard, and all Nine Realms.
  • En 2357, l’Odin percuta un astéroïde. Il fut déclaré porté disparu. Ranmsey et trois autres survivants s'échappèrent à bord de nacelles de sauvetage. Après trois mois d'errance, ils arrivèrent sur la planète Angel I. En 2364, l'USS Enterprise NCC-1701-D retrouva des débris du vaisseau. Il localisa les survivants. (TNG: "Angel One")
  • First, you must complete at least 45 quests (including Wizard Hunt) and get at least 2,000 kills. Then, kill Wizards until Mystery Note drops. To summon odin, you must go to where Hashmalum died and stand within 100 distance of the doom gate. When the time is either under 2:00 or over 22:00, say the name of Odin's magical horse, Sleipnir (S must be capitalized). A cutscene will happen. Then, go to where you fought Ultima Weapon. Odin will spawn just outside the gate ready for Fight.
  • Odin is a primary character in all games of the Valkyrie Profile series. He is often portrayed as an antagonist, as his zeal for winning Ragnarok leaves destruction and death on Midgard in his wake, causing rebellion.
  • When the Goa'uld Forseti enslaved the Viking people of Earth, Odin cast him away from the Viking lands.(SG1: "The DVD Collection 10") It is unknown how, but Odin became corrupted and started forbidden experiments on the planet Valhalla. (Stargate SG-1: Valhalla)
  • Odin is the father of Thor, God of Thunder. In battle, such as the one on the living planet Ego, Thor introduces himself as the Son of Odin. When Thor needed to bring Bruce Banner to Detroit to cure a Gamma Virus that had plagued the city, Thor sought out the Hulk. However, Hulk proved too powerful for Thor and escaped. Thor called out to his father to tell him that he had failed in that mission. However, all would be well as Bruce did appear and develop a cure.
  • Odin first appears in White Night, as Donar Vadderung, the head and CEO of Monoc Securities. He later appears in Cold Days as Kringle, or Santa Claus.
  • Odin (also called by over 200 other names) was the ruler of Asgard and Norse god of war, battle, victory and death, wisdom, Shamanism, magic, poetry, prophecy, and the hunt. He was husband of Frigga, the Viking goddess of beauty, love, and marriage. However, Odin was known to father children with other goddesses and giantesses. The most famous of Odin's sons are Thor, Baldr, Tyr, and Heimdall. During Ragnarok, Odin was destined to be killed by the great wolf Fenrir.
  • Odin (auch Wotan, Woden oder Wowi ) ist der Obergott der Wikinger, Normannen und anderer Nordlichter.
  • Odin is a member of the great council in Jack and the Beanstalk: The Real Story. Odin is the one that formally charges Jack Robinson for the crimes of his family. Press material states that "Odin may have only one working eye, but he sees the truth." He is strict and bent on following the rules and has no sympathy towards Jack. He is named after the Norse god.
  • Asgardian God Odin is one of members of Heroic Gods.
  • Volk: Organisation Zugehörigkeit Geschlecht Status Jahr Herkunft Ort Gebiet Mutter Vater Geschwister Partner Kinder Odin, nhd. auch Wotan bzw. südgermanisch Wodan genannt, ist der höchste Gott der Nordischen Mythologie. Der gemeingermanische Göttername ist Wôðanaz. Er wird auch Allvater oder Göttervater genannt und gehört dem Göttergeschlecht der Asen an, welche in Asgard wohnen.
  • Odin is the king of the Aesir, or the Norse Gods. In Old Norse texts, Odin is generally depicted as one-eyed and long-bearded, frequently wielding a spear named Gungnir, and wearing a cloak and a broad hat. He is often accompanied by his animal companions—the wolves Geri and Freki and the ravens Huginn and Muninn, who bring him information from all over Midgard—and rides the flying, eight-legged steed Sleipnir across the sky and into the underworld. Odin is attested as having many sons, most famously the god Baldr and Thor, and is known by hundreds of names. Odin has a particular association with Yule, and mankind's knowledge of both the runes and poetry is also attributed to him.
  • Odin is the champion of the Islo League. He doesn't specialize in a specific type of Pokémon.
  • Odin (Japanese: タイロン), named Tyron in the Japanese version, is a playable character in Phantasy Star. Odin is a legendary fighter that was turned to stone by Medusa. He stayed in Odin's Cave until Alis found him and used the alsulin obtained from Myau to return him to normal. Odin is grateful and joins Alis in her quest to defeat Lassic.
  • Toa Odin is the Toa of air in the newest fashion. he was created not through toa stone( like most toa), but by donning the kanohi Agula, disguised as a Noble Miru.
  • In Norse myth, Odin was nailed to an ash tree in order to gain wisdom, which makes him both a proto-Christ figure and a proto-Doctor figure.
  • Odin (also Óðinn, Wodan, Woden, or Wotan, from Old Norse) is a widely revered god, a war god, and is one of the principal gods in Norse mythology. He is the God of War, Wisdom, Sovereignty, Victory, Magic, Shamanism, Poetry, and the Dead. Odin is the King of Asgard, and he is also the chief ruler (The Allfather) of the Æsir (the main pantheon of Norse gods) in Norse mythology. Odin is compared to Mercury by Tacitus.
  • Odin is one of the most powerful and conservative members of the the Elders. Due to his methods and strong views, he had a strained relationship with both Leo Wyatt and the Charmed Ones. However, he has not been in contact with them after his attempt to manipulate Leo into choosing the Elders over his family.
  • The first time you meet him is in the museum in Onega Town when he steals the Time Caller and then catches Shaymin. The first time you battle him, he is on Mt. Press where he tries to catch Jirachi.
  • Odin is a massive, deep blue colored gas giant. Unlike many planets of it's type, it resides in the habitable zone of it's star system. It has over 150 moons, many of which support life which was most likely spread between them by chunks of impact debris early in the planet's formation. The overall population of Odin's moons is over half a billion, both humans and aliens. Major moons:
  • ODIN (Organically Distributed Intelligence Network), also known as the All-Father, is the most powerful of the Aesir. He created the rest of the Aesir from flesh and cybernetics and infused them with the power of the Runes, thus saving humanity from certain destruction. He employs two ravens, Hugin and Munin, which serve as his eyes; through them, he watches all.He is voiced by Richard McGonagle.
  • Odin is the supreme Norse god, known as the Allfather and ruler of Asgard. He is patron of war, battle, victory, death, wisdom, Shamanism, magic, prophecy, and the hunt.
  • Odin (Old Norse "The Furious One") is the chief Viking god and the ruler of Asgard, who sacrificed his eye to acquire knowledge and wisdom. Ragnar Lothbrok, who claims to be descended from Odin, often has visions of him and his ravens, appearances which Ragnar interprets as different signs. In the show, as often in Norse Mythology, Odin appears to humans as an old, ghastly wanderer. He is said to reside in Valhalla.
  • Principal deity of the world's largest religion, Odin is badly re-enacted by a bunch of losers who think they are Vikings.
  • Catégorie:Articles à reconstruire Odin est une invocation de Final Fantasy, très récurrente dans la série. Dans chaque épisode de la saga il est équipé d'une hallebarde ou d'une grande épée noire (type Claymore). Il monte un cheval de guerre de couleur noire et porte une armure de guerre noire.
  • Odin was the chief pagan deity of the Norse pantheon. While on Earth he took the form of an elderly American man in a bomber jacket with a strong Midwest accent.
  • Odin or Woden is the ruler of the Norse gods and Asgard. He is mentioned many times, but never makes an appearance in the books or franchise.
  • Odin is an antagonist in BeyWheelz. The leader of The Dominators, Odin is an incredible Wheeler. He joined The Dominators because he was too strong and never had a satisfying battle. He originally uses Slash Warrior Destroyer to battle for his evil legion, The Dominators.
  • Odin was known to be a God in and . Odin has been known and talked about since the Roman Empire around Germanic tribes and others located in Scandinavia and Germany.
  • Odin (based on the norse mythological god. See Odin) is an AI who plays a major role in Testimonial Midgard. He typically displays himself as having a strong code of ethics and a short temper. His foster brother is Loki and his incarnate is Raziel. As one of Testimonial Midgard's few allies against a seemingly endless array of evils, he has to work very hard towards helping players against their battle with his foster brother and the other AI's.
  • According to the Prose Edda, Odin, who is called "All-Father" is the first and most powerful of the Aesir. He is a son of Bestla and Borr and brother of Ve and Vili. Odin had several wives with whom he fathered many children. With his first wife, Frigg, he fathered Baldur (or Balder), who stood for happiness, goodness, wisdom and beauty. He also fathered Hod, Baldur's brother. Hod was blind. With Jord he fathered his most famous sons Thor, god of thunder. By the giantess Grydur or Grid, Odin was the father of Vídar, and by Rinda he was father of Vali Also, many royal families claimed descent from Odin through other sons.
  • Theo's moniker for all things underworld-related is Odin. Odin is well-known for being pretty much the guy you talk to if you need a disguise that's damn good. There is only one person, aside from Theo, who knows who Odin is and that is Graham Pritchard. (It's hard to hide stuff like that from your best friend when he was your guinea pig during the years you were both in school together.) All owls addressed to Odin are re-routed to Theodore through a series of re-routings so they cannot be traced to him.
  • Découvert pour la première fois en 2532, Odin ( nommé « Odom » dans les premiers journaux de bord) fut l’un des premiers systèmes stellaires atteints au cours de l’expansion initiale extra-solaire de l’humanité. Il y a à peine cinquante mille ans, un battement de cil à l’échelle géologique, le système accueillait de nombreux écosystèmes florissants semblables à ceux de la Terre ou de Terra. Tout cela changea brutalement lorsque l’étoile d’Odin s’effondra pour former une naine blanche. Ce bouleversement soudain engloutit la première planète du système et calcina très vite les biosphères des autres, tuant toute vie indigène. Lorsque les premiers explorateurs venus de la Terre parvinrent jusqu’à Odin, ils trouvèrent un système composé de mondes rocheux gelés à l’aspect inquiétant.
  • As Odin is closely connected with a horse called Sleipnir, a spear called Gungnir, and transformation/shape shifting into animal shapes, an alternative theory of origin contends that Odin, or at least some of his key characteristics, may have arisen just prior to the sixth century as a nightmarish horse god (Echwaz), later signified by the eight-legged Sleipnir. Some support for Odin as a latecomer to the Scandinavian Norse pantheon can be found in the Sagas where, for example, at one time he is thrown out of Asgard by the other gods — a seemingly unlikely tale for a well-established "all father." Scholars who have linked Odin with the "Death God" template include E. A. Ebbinghaus, Jan de Vries and Thor Templin. The later two also link Loki and Odin as being one-and-the-same until the earl
  • Most commonly, Odin will appear and slice through enemies with his sword, cleaving them in two and inflicting Instant Death. His ability in most Final Fantasy games is called "Zantetsuken." Other games allow Odin to damage enemies normally as well, should they be immune to instant death.
  • In Final Fantasy IV, the King of Baron is represented as Odin after being killed. The summon will be added to your list after you find and defeat him in the basement of King Baron's castle. According to a book, the king was victorious in battle, only to be struck down after a bolt of lightning hit his raised sword. Oddly, the characters' weakness is thunder. The only character in the game capable of summoning Odin is Rydia.
  • Odin is an older man, over 80, with one good eye because the left one is in an eyepatch. Odin has gray hair and usually wears a pirate-captain-like hat. Odin has a lot of battle scars, most notably a long scar that goes vertically over his missing eye, most likey the reason he lost it, and not to mention the peg leg he has. Odin speaks with a loud voice, and has sort of a pirate-ey accent (aargh...). His theme of dress is meant to convey the idea of a pirate captain; he sports a long, thick, dark black coat as well as a grey shirt underneath. He carries many weapons on his body, some hidden.
  • Odin is the God of Magic and head deity of the Asgardian Pantheon. He is based on the Norse god of the same name. Odin is the father of Thor and Loki, and is the grandfather of Hel. His High Priestess is the most senior High Priest of all the Asgardian gods. He is pictured with white hair and beard, seated, holding a spear, wearing an eyepatch and with two birds (ravens named Huginn and Muninn, according to mythology) flying behind his throne. Odin also appears in The Crayons of Time strips, which confirms that he is recognized as the head of his pantheon.
  • William Burke's moniker for all things underworld-related is Odin. Odin is well-known for being pretty much the guy you talk to if you need a disguise that's damn good. There is only one person, aside from Will, who knows who Odin is and that is Graham Pritchard. (It's hard to hide stuff like that from your best friend when he was your guinea pig during the years you were both in school together.) Any inquiry about acquiring a better than just good disguise will bring up Odin's name near immediately from anyone who knows about glamours. Most of the underworld knows the name though few seem to have first-hand experience with him. All owls addressed to Odin are re-routed to William through a series of re-routings so they cannot be traced to him
  • Odin (オーディーン, Ōdīn) is the king of Asgard and the Nordic god of wisdom, warfare, poetry, sacrifice and magic. He wears a God Robe like the other God Warriors, but his Cosmo is presumed to be dramatically superior to theirs as their sovereign. Despite his rank, he is hinted to be lesser in power compared to Poseidon. He has always protected Asgard and fights side by side with his faithful God Warriors and with the assistance of Hilda, his minister. He wields the powerful Balmung, a sword that grants powers close to world domination to anyone who obtains it, and it's also able to break the curse Poseidon applied on Hilda using the Nibelungen Ring. His spirit resides in his God Robe but he hasn't reincarnated in the current era. In times of need, he allowed Seiya to wear his Robe to save Asga
  • Odin, Chief of the Norse Gods and Ruler of Asgard. He is the Asgardian equivalent of Zeus. Odin shares his time between Valhalla, home of his Valkyries and Asgard, home of the rest of the Norse Pantheon. Odin appeared again when he protected the Golden Apples from Xena. She needed them to restore Ares' and Aphrodite's place at Olympus. Odin also met Hercules who saved his homeland from his treacherous son Loki.
  • Odin or Wotan or Woden was the most powerful god in the Nordic religion and Thor was his son. Odin had only one eye because he lost the other eye during some fantastic adventure in the underworld but Odin gained tremendous wisdom as compensation. Odin overcame a giant called Ymir and made the world out of the giant's corpse. Odin once spent 9 days hanging upside down from a tree pearced by his own spear in order to gain wisdom. That's longer than Jesus was on the cross. All that makes sense doesn't it?
  • A deck was located on the roof the gondola near propellers and surrounded by railing for the crew's protection. Some of the ship's cargo was stowed there. The deck's floor contained four hatches that could be opened to lower things into gondola. On the opposite end of the deck from the propeller was a bulkhead door that served as the main entrance into the ship from the deck. The outside of the gondola also had several hatches connected by catwalks. One such hatch lead from the hanger bay. One of the catwalks lay above a smaller mess hall that contained a small cell.
  • Odin's appearance in the anime is that of an gold armored humanoid shadow, with a dull purple mantle. He weilds a large spear embedded with a turquoise jewel and two smaller protrusions on the sides (resembling a Partisan) with a dark blue/grey tassel to symbolise high rank. Frequently Odin was shown to compete with Blue Dragon in season 1. Also he has combated against numerous shadow monsters. When fighting Killer Bat in the realm of darkness he was defeated quickly alongside others but later freed from darkness by Shu and Blue Dragon, who helped in sealing it. In season 2 he was awakened by Rottarace but was easily defeated by her. He also battled Hildegard though was not prepared to challenge them but when protecting Shu in Zmey was able to match blows with both Fagino and Hildegard's s
  • Odin is a major god in Norse mythology and the ruler of Asgard. After the fall of Danu Talis, he created his own Shadowrealm named Asgard. His Shadowrealm was fueled by the World Tree, Yggdrasil, which also led down to the Shadowrealm of the Elder he loved, Hekate, and down even further to Niflheim, the Shadowrealm of his nemesis, Hel, who is also his niece. After the destruction of Yggdrasil, and Asgard in the process, and the death of Hekate by the hands of Dr. John Dee, Odin became furious with Dee and swore he would destroy him. He sent his two ravens, Huginn and Muninn, after Dee in hopes of finding him and capturing him. When he discovered Dee with an ally named Virginia Dare, he ordered the ravens to attack them. They chased after them with the help of a pack of cucubuths, and corne
  • Odin (Korean: 오딘) is the first and most powerful member of the . He is the one who slew the Jotunn Ymir and used the giant's body to form Midgard. Taking Ymir's heart, he shatters it into pieces and scatters them all over Midgard to help support its growth. His sweat gave birth to the creatures known as Poring.
  • Odin (from Old Norse Óðinn) is a major god in Norse mythology and the ruler of Asgard.[1] Homologous with the Old English "Wōden" and the Old High German "Wôdan",[2] the name is descended from Proto-Germanic "*Wodanaz" or "*Wōđanaz". "Odin" is generally accepted as the modern English form of the name, although, in some cases, older forms may be used or preferred. His name is related to ōðr, meaning "fury, excitation," besides "mind," or "poetry." His role, like that of many of the Norse gods, is complex. Odin is a principal member of the Æsir (the major group of the Norse pantheon) and is associated with war, battle, victory and death, but also wisdom, Shamanism, magic, poetry, prophecy, and the hunt. Odin has many sons, the most famous of whom is Thor.
  • Odin, meaning The Furious, is considered the chief god in Norse mythology. He is associated with wisdom, war, battle and death and also magic, poetry, prophecy, victory and the hunt. He only has one eye because he bartered the other in order to drink from the well of Mimir and gain its knowledge. He had many abilities like astral projection, shapeshifting and control of the elements and weather. He also could read magic runes that no one else could since he had hung himself from the World Tree Yggdrasill while inflicting self-torture in order to gain great knowledge.
  • Odin (オーディン Ōdin) is a recurring summon in the series. He has appeared in every Final Fantasy game from Final Fantasy III through to Final Fantasy IX, as well as Final Fantasy Tactics. Most commonly, Odin will appear and slice though enemies with his sword, cleaving them in two and inflicting Instant Death. Other games give Odin the ability to damage enemies normally as well. He appears as the personal summon to prince Marco Argeno and sacred protector of Lavatania
  • Odín, dios principal de la mitología escandinava, conocido también como Wotan o Woden. Ocupa un lugar similar al del Zeus de la mitología griega dado su carácter de cabeza de familia y líder de los demás dioses. Se dice que Odín acoge a los guerreros caídos heroicamente en combate (sus almas son recogidas por las valquirias) en un gran banquete en la estancia de Valhalla. [[Categor%C3%ADa:Mitología nórdica]]
  • Odin Borson was the King of Asgard, protector of the Nine Realms, father of Thor, adoptive father of Loki, and husband of Frigga. During the ancient times, he was worshiped as the god of wisdom by the inhabitants of Earth. Once the greatest warrior in all the Nine Realms, over the centuries he learned how to appreciate peace. When Thor almost provoked a war with the Frost Giants of Jotunheim, Odin stripped him of his powers and exiled him to Earth, leaving Loki to take the throne when Odin fell into the Odinsleep. When Thor returned and saved the Frost Giants from extinction at the hands of Loki, who seemingly lost his life during the conflict, Odin realized that Thor had proven that he would be worthy enough to take the throne of Asgard one day.
  • -
  • 11
  • 20
  • 37
  • 38
  • 40
  • 48
  • 51
  • 55
  • 57
  • 58
  • 65
  • 66
  • 67
  • 70
  • 71
  • 72
  • 74
  • 76
  • 77
  • 85
  • 88
  • 5
  • y
  • 13
  • 14
  • 33
  • 81
  • 90
  • 95
  • initial
  • Orange
  • Dark Blue
Portrayed By
Main Character
  • Odin Borson(All-Father); Odin Disambiguation.jpg
  • Odin Borson; Odin Borson by Immonen.JPG
  • Odin; bio-odin.jpg
  • unknown
  • Light-Law
  • Nominative-Accusative
  • Light-Neutral
  • Dx +1
  • TEC +1
  • * Hunters gather 10% faster * Gains two Raven scouts on advancing to the Classical Age. The ravens reappear if killed. * Human soldiers constantly regenerate hit points, at 0.8 HP/s when idle * Huskarls, Portable Rams and Ballistae +20% hit points. * Jarls +10% hit points.
Aura Colour
  • Grey
  • 1.230000
  • T800 Cannon
  • X
significant other/s
  • 7
  • 40
  • Strong
  • -
  • Resist
  • -
  • 4
Sub Bump
  • 30
  • Targets weakened foes with 8 elemental shots.
  • Randomly targets foes with 6 extremely powerful elemental shots.
  • Human
  • Age of Mythology
job class
  • Aesir
Row 4 info
  • The Scandinavian People
  • -
  • * Dragon's Mirror x2 * Future Fusion * Giant Trunade * Gold Sarcophagus x2 * Heavy Storm * Mystical Space Typhoon * Polymerization x2 * Swords of Revealing Light
  • * Book of Moon x3 * Brain Control * Heavy Storm * One for One * Salvage x2 * Swords of Revealing Light * Terraforming * Umiiruka x2
  • * Celestial Transformation x2 * Coat of Justice x2 * Giant Trunade * Mystical Space Typhoon * Swords of Revealing Light * Trade-In x2 * Valhalla, Hall of the Fallen x3
  • Thor
Romaji Name
  • Oodin
  • hide
  • Odin.jpg
  • -
Main Weapon
  • 21
  • 2300
  • Norse
tuner monsters
  • * Debris Dragon x3 * Magna Drago
  • * Deep Sea Diva x3 * Fishborg Blaster x2
  • * Hanewata x2 * Herald of Orange Light
  • -
TV Series
  • Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.
  • *Who You Really Are
  • *Yes Men
  • N/A
  • 70
  • Männlich
video game debut
  • Yu-Gi-Oh! 5D's Duel Transer
  • -
  • Resist
Luck Skill
  • 25
  • -
  • 46
  • 105
  • 142
  • 150
  • 158
  • 172
  • 2210
  • 6
Ability Name
  • Gungnir
  • Sleipnir
  • Dark Lance
  • Gungnir+
  • Zantetsuken
  • Zantetsuken+
  • Cargo
  • Evolution
  • Ascension
  • Hatcher
  • Transcension
Row 1 info
Max Luck
  • 90
  • 99
  • 5
  • 5230
  • 2357
  • 1
  • * Bottomless Trap Hole x 2 * Call of the Haunted * Mirror Force * Torrential Tribute * Trap Stun x2
  • * Beckoning Light * Bottomless Trap Hole x2 * Call of the Haunted * Mirror Force * Torrential Tribute
  • * Bottomless Trap Hole * Call of the Haunted * Gozen Match * Mirror Force * Widespread Ruin
  • 18
  • 88
  • 103
  • 120
  • 132
effect monsters
  • * Athena x2 * Archlord Kristya x2 * Darklord Asmodeus * Darklord Superbia * Dark Valkyria x2 * Hecatrice x3 * Honest x2 * Marshmallon * Shining Angel x3 * Splendid Venus * Victoria
  • * King of the Swamp x3 * Masked Dragon x3 * Prime Material Dragon * Red-Eyes Darkness Metal Dragon x3 * Red-Eyes Wyvern x2 * Strong Wind Dragon * The Dark - Hex-Sealed Fusion x2
  • * Abyss Soldier x3 * Armed Sea Hunter x3 * Aqua Spirit x2 * Cyber Shark * Mermaid Archer x2 * Mobius the Frost Monarch * Nightmare Penguin x3 * Penguin Soldier * Snowman Eater * Spined Gillman x3
  • -
  • 18
  • 53
  • 60
  • 68
  • 81
  • 84
  • ?
  • 5020
normal monsters
  • * Divine Dragon Ragnarok x3
synchro monsters
  • * Brionac, Dragon of the Ice Barrier * Dewloren, Tiger King of the Ice Barrier * Gungnir, Dragon of the Ice Barrier * Sea Dragon Lord Gishilnodon x3 * Trishula, Dragon of the Ice Barrier
  • * Ally of Justice Decisive Armor * Ally of Justice Catastor * Ancient Sacred Wyvern * Avenging Knight Parshath * Black Rose Dragon * Brionac, Dragon of the Ice Barrier * Colossal Fighter * Goyo Guardian * Gungnir, Dragon of the Ice Barrier * Light End Dragon * Magical Android * Mist Wurm * Stardust Dragon * Thought Ruler Archfiend * Trishula, Dragon of the Ice Barrier
  • * Ally of Justice Catastor * Black Rose Dragon * Brionac, Dragon of the Ice Barrier * Colossal Fighter * Goyo Guardian * Gungnir, Dragon of the Ice Barrier x2 * Red Dragon Archfiend * Stardust Dragon * Thought Ruler Archfiend * Trident Dragion
  • 30
Row 4 title
  • Created by
  • N/A
  • 30
  • 54
  • N/A
  • 2180
  • 3
  • 9
  • 78
  • Single Foe/1/Physical/None
  • Odin Robe
  • 6110
  • 5
  • 12
  • 15
  • 16
  • 18
  • 19
  • 58
  • 96
  • 99
  • ?
  • Bounce
  • 5860
  • May you suffer for all eternity!
  • Equips All
  • 4960
Bump Combo
  • 30
  • Randomly targets foes with 4 powerful elemental shots.
  • Targets weakened foes with 4 elemental shots.
  • Randomly targets foes with 6 extremely powerful elemental shots.
  • Randomly targets foes with 2 powerful elemental shots.
  • -
fusion monsters
  • * Five Headed Dragon x2 * King Dragun x2
Row 2 info
  • Active Elder/Guardian Angel
  • Norse Myth
  • Rare
  • O-dein
  • Wings of Liberty, Heart of the Swarm
  • Emperor
  • 5.500000
  • 45
  • 99
  • 116
  • 129
  • -
Row 1 title
  • Real Name
  • Powers/Abilities
  • -
  • Odin
  • Supernatural
  • --02-06
  • Nigh-Omniscient
JP Name
  • オーディン
  • 主神 オーディン
  • 目覚めたる戦神 オーディン
  • 蒼紅神 フレアオーディン
  • hide
  • Null Elec
  • Rune Monument
  • Runic Monument
  • 40
  • 18
  • 19
  • 21
  • 22
  • 25
  • 27
  • 29
  • 30
  • 31
  • 45
  • 52
  • 53
  • 61
  • 84
  • 130
  • 133
  • ?
  • 7
  • 9
  • 21
  • 82
  • 89
  • 92
  • ?
Row 2 title
  • Occupation
  • First Appearance
  • 19
  • 25
  • 55
  • 132
  • 136
  • 140
  • 160
  • 200
  • 221
  • 20562
  • 28762
  • 31390
  • 34015
Strike shot
  • Explodes on first enemy contact and does a lot of damage to all foes in the vicinity.
  • Atridr Crash - 20 Turns
  • Fimbultyr Strike - 20 Turns
  • Gungnir or Bust - 20 + 4 Turns
  • Pulverize - 20 Turns
  • Explodes with infernal power and does a lot of damage to all foes in the vicinity.
  • 15
  • OdinChar.png
  • 8
  • 10
  • 15
  • 28
  • 34
  • 42
  • 50
  • y
  • 60
  • 122
  • 124
  • 155
  • 177
robot name
  • Odin
  • Odin
  • Odin II
  • Odin Stormgod
  • Odin Stormgod II
To Asc
  • 40
  • 174
  • 180
  • 186
  • 10
  • 16
  • 17
  • 18
  • 2580
  • 10
  • 15
  • 38
  • 44
  • 55
  • 10
  • 12
  • 21
  • 27
  • 50
  • 52
  • 158.970000
  • 160.530000
  • 166.070000
  • Asexuell
  • God of Steel, PvP Event 27
  • 13
  • 15
  • 17
  • 18
  • 19
  • 23
  • 35
  • 54
  • 88
  • 126
  • ?
  • 5
  • 6
  • Rare
  • **
  • *
  • ***
  • -
To Evo
  • 30
  • 43
  • 55
  • 65
  • N/A
  • N/A
  • Odin
  • 2690
  • Divine Wrath
blue effect
  • None
  • Attack
red effect
  • None
  • Attack
  • Defend
green effect
  • None
  • Attack
  • Defend
yellow effect
  • None
  • Attack
  • Defend
  • 64
  • #102
  • #097
  • #098
  • #099
  • #100
  • #101
  • 11
  • 14
  • 18
  • 47
  • 165
  • 195
  • 1
  • Planet level
  • 15
  • 16
  • 22
  • 27
  • *Gard *Mab *Harry Dresden
Box Title
  • Odin
  • ODIN
  • Frigg
  • 6
  • Odhin
En Name
  • Odin
  • Unknown
  • Member of the Council of Elders
  • 7
  • Lava/Iron
  • 25
  • Thunder
  • Norse Gods
  • Terran Dominion
  • Raynor's Raiders
  • Brown
  • Grey
  • Ocean blue
Full Name
  • Odin
  • *Orbing *Electrokinesis *Healing *Premonition *Elder Powers
  • Norse Mythology
  • Huvud Asgard Lord
  • Crossings
  • Episode XXXVIII: The Birth of Evil, Part 2
  • Yuarta 600 24V Sealed Lead Acid Battery
  • 15
  • Unknown
  • Thousands of years
  • Old as creation
  • 1.880000
Voiced by
  • 3
  • Yes
  • X
  • Thor
  • Freya
  • Magni
  • 22
First Appearance
  • rushu
  • -
  • -
  • オーディン, ōdin
  • Hero, Ally to Zeus, and Poseidon
  • Shadow Knight
  • 100
  • Cemetery
  • Blood Clash Pact
  • Valor Pact
  • Deyos Pact
  • White
  • Orange
  • Gray
  • Grey
  • 17
  • 33
  • 42
  • UK
  • Reveria
  • -
  • Golden Helm Fragment - Normal Drop , Hard Drop , Hell Drop
  • 68
  • 80
  • 142
  • 159
  • 169
  • 180
  • 187
  • 204
  • 206
  • 230
  • 264
  • 270
  • 288
  • 312
  • 321
  • 338
  • 342
  • 347
  • 366
  • 408
  • 471
  • 526
  • 999
  • ?
  • Mutation
  • Character
  • Power
  • Element
  • None
  • Alternate
  • Agglutinative
  • Heroic, Massive
  • 200
  • 80
  • Law
  • Thunder
  • left
  • Light-Neutral
  • Bluff, Wise
  • Forceful, Wise
  • Snappish, Wise
  • Ōdin
  • Odin
  • Alexander Petersons as Odin, in "Return of the Valkyrie"
  • Odin, as he appears in the manhwa.
  • The King of Asgard
  • Thor
  • Rites of Passage
  • Episode X: Jack and the Lava Monster
  • Episode XXXVII: The Birth of Evil, Part 1
  • 5500
  • Male
  • 9
  • 10
  • 17
  • 36
  • 39
  • 42
  • 44
Hair Color
  • Grey
  • 53
  • God
  • Chief Deity of Norse
  • 5
To Trans
  • 30
  • 40
Type de système
  • Etoile unique
  • Null
  • Valhalla
  • 40
Actor type
  • Boss
  • 4
  • 80
Att Type
  • Normal
  • Save the Old Man
  • 30
Points de saut
  • 62
  • 2.500000
  • 15
  • 4
  • 10
Myth Unit
  • 22
  • Hellfire missiles
Objet stellaires
short information
  • The stoic and stalwart captain of the Maajiknights. He is actually quite shy and sensitive underneath.
  • 40
  • NaN
Marché noir
  • Armes Pierres précieuses
Valeur stratégique
  • 10225
  • 8370
  • 0
  • 1196
  • Homing Spear
  • Dash
  • -
Character Name
  • Odin
  • Null Gravity Barrier
  • Crystal Ability Deal damage equal to 1/2 of your remaining HP.
  • Deal 7 damage and casts haste.
  • Deal 3 damage. CP Crush Destroy all crystals of the most abundant color in opponent's CP gauge.
  • Crystal Ability Deal 3 damage for each * in opponent's CP gauge. You receive 2 damage for each * in your CP gauge.
  • Zone Boost Deal 3 damage for each guard zone on opponent's card.
  • None
  • Captain America: First Vengeance
  • Thor: Ragnarok Prelude
  • Thor: The Dark World Prelude
  • Thor Adaptation
  • 110
  • 691
  • 717
  • 788
  • 804
  • 906
  • 928
  • 1610
  • 5631
  • 8101
  • 8545
  • 9260
  • 9411
  • 10091
  • 11035
  • 11126
  • 11911
  • 12591
  • 13133
  • 14412
  • 14831
  • 16112
  • 20051
  • 23291
  • 33900
  • 50302
  • 70766
  • 77013
  • 81225
  • 82432
  • 82618
  • 82802
  • 90251
  • 94001
  • 97161
  • 99062
  • 841047
  • 941066
  • 961212
  • dbkwik:resource/bLSkHAdDAN8KOUECHWIQNg==
  • Odin Borson (Earth-804)
  • Odin Borson (Earth-788)
  • (Earth-AU); No Image Male.jpg
  • (MaxGoji Marvel Universe); No Image Male.jpg
  • (Marvel Revival); No Image Male.jpg
  • (All-Mighty Universe); No Image Male.jpg
  • (Marvel Reforged); No Image Male.jpg
  • (Marvel Nexus); Odin Borrson .jpg
  • (Marvel Unleashed); Odin606.png
  • Shmodin; Shmodin from What The--?! Vol 1 5 0001.jpg
  • Donnerson; Odin Borson Earth X Vol 1 5.jpg
  • Odin; No Image Male.jpg
  • Wotan; No Image Male.jpg
  • Wotan; Wotan .jpg
  • Wotan; Wotan Earth-10190.jpg
  • Silver
  • #000000
  • black
  • -
  • détruit
  • 16
  • 19
  • 39
  • 41
  • 42
  • 43
  • 92.0
  • 175
  • 250
  • Father of the Norse Gods. Swallowed by Fenrir at Ragnarock.
  • The Norse All-father. Fenrir swallowed him at Ragnarok.
  • Odin
  • Elec Amp
  • Foot Village
  • X
  • The King
  • Allfather
  • God of Magic and Divination
  • God of Poetry and Wisdom
  • God of War and Death
  • King of the Norse gods
  • Master of Ecstasy
  • Oath-Breaker
  • Odin Allfather
  • Protector of the Nine Realms
  • The All-Father
  • Red
  • 11
  • 13
  • 20
  • 24
  • 39
  • 45
  • 47
  • 48
  • Mazionga
Voice Actor
  • Repel
  • Reflect
  • -
  • 2.200000
  • *God of Wisdom, Victory & Magic
  • *Lord Odin
  • *The Allfather of the Gods
  • *The King of Asgard
  • Allfather
  • King of Asgard
  • 104
  • Draupnir
  • 2
  • Yellow 1951 Chevrolet Advance-Design 3100
  • King of Asgard
  • Vili and Ve
  • 2
  • 11
  • 19
  • 22
  • 30
  • 31
  • 49
  • 53
  • 60
  • 116
  • 163
  • 178
  • 204
  • 227
  • Ice blue
translation name
  • Odeon
  • Small Pneumatic Lifting Scoop & Pneumatic Spike
  • 1
  • 71
  • Flash of Rage
  • Thunder Reign\Innate Gungnir\Innate Concentrate\Innate Will of Thunder\86 Phys Pleroma\87 Drain Force\88
  • Ziodyne Guillotine Blade Tarukaja Mazanma Maziodyne Mudoon
  • Shocklok Guillotine Powerboost Cycloblast Shockmax Hex Comadeus
  • Bufudyne Penpatra Makajam
  • Bufudyne Penpatra Makajama
  • Bufudyne Tetraja Diarahan
  • Bufudyne Tetrakarn Diarahan
  • Bufulaon Shibaboo Lethal Ash
  • Glacial Blast Thunder Reign Concentrate
  • Heat Wave Zionga Thunder Reign Concentrate
  • Holy 2 Defense Up
  • Mabufudyne Makarakarn Mudoon Bind Voice
  • Mabufula Makatraja Tentarafoo
  • Mabufula Tentarafoo Mudoon Makarakarn
  • Mazan Zanma
  • Mazanma Dorminar Makarakarn
  • Mudoon Baptism by Thunder Death Bound
  • Mudoon Makarakarn Absolute Zero Closdi
  • Runic Shield\Innate Thunder Smash\Innate Panta Rhei\73 Mind Charge\74 God's Stab\75 Absorb Wind\76 Critical Eye\77 Wind Amp\78
  • Shield All *
  • Thunder Baptism Mudoon Deathbound
  • Thunder Reign\Innate Dekaja\66 Concentrate\67
  • Ziodyne\Innate Vile Assault\Innate Maziodyne\Innate Elec Amp\60 Thunder Reign\63 Spell Master\65
  • Ziodyne *
  • Ziodyne\Innate Magarudyne\Innate Wind Amp\76 Regenerate 3\77 Maziodyne\78 Mind Charge\80 Panta Rhei\81
  • Bufudyne\Innate Agidyne\Innate Deathbound\66 Makajamon\67 Wooing\68 Mabufudyne\69 Maragidyne\70
  • Mudoon Necro Dogma Thunderbolt Makakaja Demon's Intimidation
  • Thunder Reign\Innate Gungnir\Innate Concentrate\Innate Will of Thunder\Innate Phys Pleroma\Innate High Phys Pleroma\Innate High Elec Pleroma\Innate Drain Force\Innate
  • Zionga Guillotine Blade Tarukaja Mazan Mazio Mudoon
  • Ziodyne\Innate Vile Assault\Innate Maziodyne\58 Elec Amp\59 Thunder Reign\60 Spell Master\61
  • Makarakarn Inazuma Strike Corkscrew Empty Wave Diarahan
  • God of War, Wisdom, Magic, and Poetry
  • King of Asgard
  • Lord of the Aesir
  • Maajiknight Captain
  • Main Asgard Lords
Image size
  • 225
  • Titanium
  • 20
  • Pressure Card
  • Draupnir
  • Harald's Bow
  • fusion
  • 23
  • Navy
  • #9D8359
  • Runic Shield
Real Name
  • Odin Borson
  • UEE
  • Odin mutates into Dagda.
  • Elec\+7 Phys\+5 Force\-7
  • ???
  • Gray
  • -
  • Odin
  • All-Highfather Odin; Odin Borson .jpg
  • Odarn; Odarn from Porker 5.jpg
  • Magic
  • -
  • Nulls Expel. Resists all but Sword, Dex, and Almighty.
  • Resist: All
  • Resists magic.
  • Relationships
  • Information
  • Image gallery
  • King Odin
  • 12210
  • Rune Monument
  • Runic Monument
  • *Donar Vadderung *Kringle *Santa Claus
  • ~June 2012
  • オーデイン
  • [Tgt] ! Defeat Divine Powers
  • Odin
  • -2013
  • 19
  • 20
  • 25
  • 51
  • 52
  • 60
  • x
  • 14
  • 24
  • 36
  • 40
  • 45
  • Odin
  • Igron's Duplicate; Odin Borson Thor Vol 1 217.jpg
  • Trrthen; Trrthen Marvel Adventures Super Heroes Vol 2 8.jpg
  • Loki; Loki as Odin - the Dark World 001.png
  • Odin
Last Appearance
  • 13
  • 15
  • 16
  • 17
  • 18
  • 20
  • 23
  • 24
  • 51
  • 383
  • 384
  • 385
  • 2029
  • y
  • Nourriture Ravitaillement médical
  • *Thundercloud-colored as Donar Vadderung *White as Kringle
  • Islo
  • *God *Leader of Monoc Securities *Winter King
  • Chief Norse deity
  • Leader of The Dominators
  • Supreme Norse God
  • *The Elders *The Grand Design
  • Box Wedge
  • Thor
  • Avengers: Age of Ultron
  • Thor: The Dark World
  • Doctor Strange
  • The Avengers
  • Captain America: The First Avenger
  • Thor: Ragnarok
  • 437
  • -
  • Elec
Home Planet
  • -
  • 198
  • 220
  • 278
  • 296
  • 352
  • 372
  • 436
  • 438
  • 498
  • 516
  • 562
  • 568
  • 579
  • 587
  • 589
  • 606
  • 633
  • 680
  • 728
  • 752
  • 760
  • 779
  • 847
  • 969
  • 1300
  • 2000
  • 2500
  • 2841
  • 12019
  • 20501
  • 22457
  • 25607
  • 999999
  • ?
  • Death
  • y
  • x
  • 2
  • 51
Ja Name
  • オーディン
  • Deity
  • unknown
  • White
  • Evil
  • Magic
  • Strength
  • Speed
  • Brains
  • Blood Factor
  • Fame
  • Kill Factor
  •| stats = Fear Factor
  • Hill Fort Units
  • Male
  • M
  • Late Bloomer
  • Master Hagalaz
  • Wodinaz
  • 503
  • 8096
  • 12041
  • 91119
  • 600026
  • ; No Image Male.jpg
  • (Assemble!); Odin.png
  • ; Odin Borson Earth-TRN413.png
  • Odin; No Image Male.jpg
  • #0b8d42
  • Books and Franchise
  • 134
Other Relatives
Japanese name
  • オデオン
  • オーディン
  • I am Odin... The almighty war god... Fearless warrior, lead the horses to Valhalla!
  • Deeeeeeeeeiii!
  • I am Odin... The almighty war god. Berserkr, Allfather incarnate, lead your horse to Valhalla!
  • There is nothing to talk about...
  • Unknown
  • Olympus Coliseum
  • Random Kingdom
  • 6
  • 9
  • -
  • Odin Cult; Odin Cult Fantastic Four Big Town Vol 1 3.jpg
  • Borr and Bestla
  • Repel
  • Reflect
  • Technician, Magic Torrent, Asgard, God of Demons
  • Raisins - Normal Drop , Hard Drop , Hell Drop
  • 2007
  • 250
  • -
  • Asgard City
  • Treno, Card Stadium, Chocobo Treasure near Oeilvert
  • 18
wikipage disambiguates
  • Expel, Death
  • Ice/Expel
  • 1
  • 12
  • 18
  • 87
  • 101
  • 118
  • 122
  • 128
  • 102
  • 126
  • Ice Boost Elec Boost Repel Elec
  • None
MAG Summon
  • 1032
  • 1048
  • -
special conversation
  • to Loki
  • yes
  • 53
  • 160
  • 178
  • 192
  • Yes
  • 95
  • yes
  • yes
  • 26
  • 85
  • -
  • Resist
  • magic
  • element
  • asmodian 2
  • magicvoid
  • physweak
  • Phys x1, 1 enemy
  • Phys/1 hit/1 target
  • Wind
  • -
  • Elec
  • 15
  • Resist
  • 1016
Move Type
  • Flat
  • Walk
  • yes
  • I seek new heights. If you can grant me that, I will try anything.
  • Hahaha! I like thee, human! Thou hast me, yet thou desire more! Very well! Let us try!
  • -
  • 155
  • 17
  • 23
  • 27
  • 47
  • 54
  • Magic
  • Force
  • Curse
  • -
  • Elec
  • -
  • 8
  • 10
  • 19
Main Image Size
  • 300
  • 350
  • I am the one-eyed deity, Odin. Show me thy bravery, human, and I shall become thy spear!
  • I am called the Deity Odin. I shall pierce thy foes with this Gungnir.
  • 62
  • 129
  • Ragnarok\Surt Doombringer\War Rox Death Blade\Ankuu
  • Awakening
  • yes
  • 137
  • 16
  • 19
  • 20
  • 0
  • -
  • Jonathan Wilson
  • 16
  • 21
Video Games
  • 12131
  • 13122
  • (Marvel: Ultimate Alliance 3 (Trachodon56); Odin_.jpg
  • ; Odin Borson from Marvel Avengers Academy 006.png
  • ; Odin Borson from Marvel Future Fight 001.jpg
  • Odin; No Image Male.jpg
  • -
  • None
  • 28
  • Sly
  • Vigorous
  • Event Booster, Holiday Event
  • 6
  • Thrust Lightning Thrust Anti-Demon Stance Fierce Counter Mabufula Gungnir Gale Force
  • 22
  • yes
Unknown Power
  • Defense
  • #4fc362
  • black
  • Ragnarok
  • Valhalla
  • 22
  • 3
  • 22
God Power
  • 22
  • 2
destructive capacity
  • Country Level
appears in wii
  • Yu-Gi-Oh! 5D's Duel Transer
  • Naine Blanche dégénérescente
Découvert en
  • 2532
Aura Scent
  • Ozone
  • X
  • Óðinn
  • King Odin is the monarch of a kingdom on the shore of Albion. He rules the Kingdom of Cornwall. He wanted revenge on Arthur for killing his son, until they agreed to be at peace with each other.
  • Odin var en av de viktigaste Asgard herrarna tillsammans med Thor, Freyr och Aesir. När Goa'uld Forseti förslavat Viking folk från jorden, Odin kastade honom bort från Viking landär. (SG1: "Stargate SG-1: The DVD Collection 10") Det är okänt hur, men Odin blev skadad och började förbjudna experiment på planeten Valhalla. (SG1: "Stargate SG-1: Valhalla") kategori:Forskare kategori:Asgard
  • Odin (Japanese: オデオン Odeon) is the captain of the Maajiknights in Al Maajik. He is the loyal protector of Daemon, the Dark Sultan.
  • Odin, Chief of the Norse Gods and Ruler of Asgard. He is the Asgardian equivalent of Zeus. Odin shares his time between Valhalla, home of his Valkyries and Asgard, home of the rest of the Norse Pantheon. Odin first met Xena after she had returned from Chin and was travelling through the Norselands. She rescued him from eternal torture and in return he made her one of his favoured Valkyries. She was taught the ancient Runes and attempted to harness the great power they held. She was banished from the Valkyrie for abusing her position and forging The Ring, which turned fellow Valkyrie Grinhilda into a vile monster. Xena returned many years later and put things right, making it up to both Grinhilda and Odin. Odin appeared again when he protected the Golden Apples from Xena. She needed them to restore Ares' and Aphrodite's place at Olympus. Odin also met Hercules who saved his homeland from his treacherous son Loki.
  • In Norse mythology, Odin is the king of the Æsir. He is a god of war and death, as well as a sky god and the god of wisdom and poetry. Along with being a god, he is the All-Father of all the Nordic Gods, and father of Thor. In Wonder Woman v3 #15, Wonder Woman travels along the rainbow bridge to Asgard in an attempt to seek Odin's help in saving her mother, Queen Hippolyta's, life. Accompanied by his wolves, Geri and Freki, Odin turns down Diana's request so as not to deny the will of Athena.
  • Odin is a fictional competitor robot in the game Robot Wars: Arenas of Destruction. It is a super heavyweight class robot with a box wedge body. Its weapons are a scoop and a pneumatic spike and it is armoured in titanium. It cannot self-right. It costs 12,210 credits to buy.
  • Odin's appearance in the anime is that of an gold armored humanoid shadow, with a dull purple mantle. He weilds a large spear embedded with a turquoise jewel and two smaller protrusions on the sides (resembling a Partisan) with a dark blue/grey tassel to symbolise high rank. Frequently Odin was shown to compete with Blue Dragon in season 1. Also he has combated against numerous shadow monsters. When fighting Killer Bat in the realm of darkness he was defeated quickly alongside others but later freed from darkness by Shu and Blue Dragon, who helped in sealing it. In season 2 he was awakened by Rottarace but was easily defeated by her. He also battled Hildegard though was not prepared to challenge them but when protecting Shu in Zmey was able to match blows with both Fagino and Hildegard's shadow. In the final showdown between humans and Investiture Beings Odin battled dragons and winged creatures send by Rudolph, with other shadows who gave their energy to True Blue Dragon in defeating Rudolph.
  • __NOWYSIWYG__ Odin is the narrator of the school play held at the Mistenka Civic Center in Brachy Town, and only appears here.
  • In Final Fantasy IV, the King of Baron is represented as Odin after being killed. The summon will be added to your list after you find and defeat him in the basement of King Baron's castle. According to a book, the king was victorious in battle, only to be struck down after a bolt of lightning hit his raised sword. Oddly, the characters' weakness is thunder. The only character in the game capable of summoning Odin is Rydia. In Final Fantasy V, Odin uses his sword to slice enemies in two if they are not immune to instant death. Otherwise he'll use another powerful attack titled Javelin. The only way to have Odin join your party is if you can defeat him in less than one minute in the basement of Bal Castle. In Final Fantasy VI, Odin can be upgraded into Raiden by making the queen's statue cry on his magicite. In the game, Odin was the guardian of the castle 1,000 years prior to the game. Other Nintendo based video games that Odin has appeared in include Final Fantasy Legend II, Final Fantasy Tactics Advance, Final Fantasy XII: Revenant Wings, and Final Fantasy Fables: Chocobo Tales.
  • Most commonly, Odin will appear and slice through enemies with his sword, cleaving them in two and inflicting Instant Death. His ability in most Final Fantasy games is called "Zantetsuken." Other games allow Odin to damage enemies normally as well, should they be immune to instant death. Odin is a demonic-looking knight with horns, a long, curved scimitar and a cape. This progressed to include a lance-type weapon called Gungnir. The horse Odin rides takes on demonic attributes as well, such as red eyes and body armor. Sleipnir, Odin's steed in Norse mythology, has eight legs. In some games in the series, Odin's steed has six legs. In Final Fantasy III Sleipnir can be encountered as a six-legged enemy, while Odin's steed is a normal horse.
  • Odin is an older man, over 80, with one good eye because the left one is in an eyepatch. Odin has gray hair and usually wears a pirate-captain-like hat. Odin has a lot of battle scars, most notably a long scar that goes vertically over his missing eye, most likey the reason he lost it, and not to mention the peg leg he has. Odin speaks with a loud voice, and has sort of a pirate-ey accent (aargh...). His theme of dress is meant to convey the idea of a pirate captain; he sports a long, thick, dark black coat as well as a grey shirt underneath. He carries many weapons on his body, some hidden. His norse god theme is Odin, which reflects in his name, is identified by having some kind of relationship to Loki, Freyja, Thor, Yggdrasil (the eternal tree in norse myths), and his own islands (named after the nine realms of norse myths).
  • Ódin, dříve zvaný "Lugh devíti řemesel a desáté bídy (v keltštině je to kratší)" alias Prafotr, Jedinečný, Ještědalší etc. etc. se rozhodl vystoupit z anonymity a poskytnout Necyklopedii odpovědi na často kladené otázky.
  • Odin (myös Wotan, Wodan, Woden, Oden tai Óðinn ) oli muinainen germaaninen jumala, jota palvottiin sekä Manner-Euroopassa, Englannissa että Skandinaviassa. Odin oli "jumalten kuningas", ylimystön, sodan, viisauden ja kuoleman jumala.
  • Odin (from Old Norse Óðinn) is a major Norse god. He is the Allfather of the gods and the ruler of Asgard.
  • Odin (myös Wotan, Wodan, Woden, Oden tai Óðinn )oli muinainen germaaninen jumala, jota palvottiin sekä Manner-Euroopassa, Englannissa että Skandinaviassa. Odin oli "jumalten kuningas", ylimystön, sodan, viisauden ja kuoleman jumala.
  • Odin (based on the norse mythological god. See Odin) is an AI who plays a major role in Testimonial Midgard. He typically displays himself as having a strong code of ethics and a short temper. His foster brother is Loki and his incarnate is Raziel. As one of Testimonial Midgard's few allies against a seemingly endless array of evils, he has to work very hard towards helping players against their battle with his foster brother and the other AI's. He appears frequently in TM events disguised as Leoric and is a very powerful wizard who gets enjoyment out of "punishing" players on occasion. Loki is Odin's foster brother, so he keeps a good eye on all his actions and intervenes when necessary to minimize his brother's harming of the innocent. Odin is normally the first and last intervention when his foster brother attempts to execute the KTBPU Virus, as Odin is the only person other than Loki who seems to understand how to operate the Administration Panel. Odin disguises himself with 2 different appearances during the 3 eras. The two disguises are Leoric and Hirata. His appearance is that of a scruffy white-haired wizard. He also guides and supplies Eunda in order to keep her useful to players in Testimonial Midgard.
  • Odin (from Old Norse Óðinn) is a major god in Norse mythology and the ruler of Asgard.[1] Homologous with the Old English "Wōden" and the Old High German "Wôdan",[2] the name is descended from Proto-Germanic "*Wodanaz" or "*Wōđanaz". "Odin" is generally accepted as the modern English form of the name, although, in some cases, older forms may be used or preferred. His name is related to ōðr, meaning "fury, excitation," besides "mind," or "poetry." His role, like that of many of the Norse gods, is complex. Odin is a principal member of the Æsir (the major group of the Norse pantheon) and is associated with war, battle, victory and death, but also wisdom, Shamanism, magic, poetry, prophecy, and the hunt. Odin has many sons, the most famous of whom is Thor. As a chief deity, the fixation on war-related aspects, such as the forming of the Einherjar, an army of fallen soldiers, is somewhat remarkable and not oft-repeated in other cultures (compare Zeus). So this is not entirely unjustified and certainly representative of a warrior culture, in which martial vigour, and a death in battle, are valued achievements in life (compare this to Christianity, where it is faith in Jesus being the son of God that will earn people the best possible afterlife). The reason for Odin's "arms race", of course, is the impending battle of Ragnarök, where these soldiers will be needed to combat the fire giants, jötnar. These, in turn, represent "evil" in norse mythology, although their values and traits are not really opposed to Odin's (if they were, for example, not warlike, they would not be a credible threat in the first place), but because they will destroy the world and bring much destruction through their war with the aesir. Contrary to these, they are also propably not very intent on helping humans. Which in either case seems not to be a very important aspect of norse religion in general anyways.
  • Odín, dios principal de la mitología escandinava, conocido también como Wotan o Woden. Ocupa un lugar similar al del Zeus de la mitología griega dado su carácter de cabeza de familia y líder de los demás dioses. Se lo describe como un anciano de barba blanca, tuerto, con dos cuervos sobre sus hombros (Hugin y Munin, Pensamiento y Memoria) a los que envía a vigilar el mundo cada mañana para que le infomen de cuanto ocurre. También se le describía acompañado de dos lobos blancos (Geri y Freki). Lleva una poderosa lanza consigo llamada Gungnir, montaba a Sleipnir el caballo de ocho patas. Hlidskjalf es el nombre de su trono, de donde él podía observar el mundo entero. Tiene un anillo llamado Draupnir, con el que provoca lluvia. Padre del poderoso Uther, dios escandinavo del frío y la energía, conocido por diversas hazañas como la derrota de los mil demonios y los melocotones de Chiwanmu. Logró deshacer los planes del dios Loki de llevar a cabo el Ragnarok (destino de los dioses) en uno de sus muchos intentos, por lo que consiguió la gracia y respeto de los dioses de su panteón. Odín adquirió la sabiduría a cambio de uno de sus ojos y se lo considera el autor de las runas, signos alfabéticos y a la vez símbolos que permitían a los mortales predecir el futuro. Se dice que Odín acoge a los guerreros caídos heroicamente en combate (sus almas son recogidas por las valquirias) en un gran banquete en la estancia de Valhalla. [[Categor%C3%ADa:Mitología nórdica]]
  • Odin (Korean: 오딘) is the first and most powerful member of the . He is the one who slew the Jotunn Ymir and used the giant's body to form Midgard. Taking Ymir's heart, he shatters it into pieces and scatters them all over Midgard to help support its growth. His sweat gave birth to the creatures known as Poring. Those who worship Odin are part of the Church of Odin and mainly practice their religion in Rune-Midgarts. (Odin is commonly referred to as God by worshippers.) In Prontera, a fountain of him riding his horse Sleipnir was erected to honor him. A shrine was also built to pay respects to him, although it has fallen into disrepair over the years.
  • Atak: Zantetsuken Jeden z potężniejszych GFów, mieszkający w Ruinach Centra, którego bohaterowie muszą pokonać w walce. W odróżnieniu od innych, ten mityczny bóg-wojownik nie jest przyzywany lecz pojawia się losowo sam na początku walki, aby zadać śmiertelny cios przeciwnikowi do czasu, aż ginie z ręki Seifera.
  • Odin, named after Odin from Norse mythology, is the true antagonist in Yu-Gi-Oh! 5D's Duel Transer. The last spoilers of the game, reveal that Odin is actually a spirit of a past king, that has possessed the body of a woman named Alina.
  • Odin (オーディン, Oodin) is a Level 74 Persona of the Emperor Arcana. It can be unlocked by maximizing the Emperor Arcana Social Link. Odin inherits "Electricity" skills from the card fusions.
  • Ist ein Aspekt von Boron und wird von den Nordmännern verehrt. Ihm ist die schwere Kriegsaxt Ragnar'Krag geweiht. Kategorie:Götter
  • Like the other four summons, Odin has a chance of appearing when a player gets a Summon Materia, and appears in his Final Fantasy VII incarnation. Once summoned, the stage darkens and Odin appears, mounted on his eight-legged stallion, Sleipnir. After that, he will attack with his sword Zantetsuken, which deals 100% damage to anyone it hits (including the summoner) and, in most of the cases, causes an OHKO to anyone it hits. Before making the cut, a vertical blue beam will appear, showing where the cut will occur and giving players the chance to escape. The stage will then split in half, with the two halves moving apart. The stage will later reform, and anyone caught between the halves will instantly be crushed and KOed.
  • Odin ist der Vater von Thor und Loki ... -> Nordische Mythologie Odin als Comic-Held ...
  • This guild was Stolen (scammed) off the leader. If you know anything please pm billylemmon or wabbity granny. Formed by Billylemmon (Who is not the leader) and other *Cough* friendly people... Erm...nothing else rather spectacular.
  • Odin es un alien de Ben10:mitologia alienigena.
  • Odin is a Child of Oberon.
  • Odin is a Norse Archaic Age major god.
  • Odin is a god in Norse mythology.
  • Odin is the neutral god of the Valkyrie pantheon.
  • Odin was the King of the Norse Gods.
  • Odin, a bearded god.
  • The long vowels are áéíóú.
  • Découvert pour la première fois en 2532, Odin ( nommé « Odom » dans les premiers journaux de bord) fut l’un des premiers systèmes stellaires atteints au cours de l’expansion initiale extra-solaire de l’humanité. Il y a à peine cinquante mille ans, un battement de cil à l’échelle géologique, le système accueillait de nombreux écosystèmes florissants semblables à ceux de la Terre ou de Terra. Tout cela changea brutalement lorsque l’étoile d’Odin s’effondra pour former une naine blanche. Ce bouleversement soudain engloutit la première planète du système et calcina très vite les biosphères des autres, tuant toute vie indigène. Lorsque les premiers explorateurs venus de la Terre parvinrent jusqu’à Odin, ils trouvèrent un système composé de mondes rocheux gelés à l’aspect inquiétant. On pensa tout d’abord que le système pourrait devenir un centre minier, mais son manque de points de saut ainsi que certaines caractéristiques stellaires très particulières ne laissèrent aucun espoir de réaliser ce type d’opération. C’est pourquoi Odin, n’occupant aucune position stratégique et étant dépourvu du moindre monde terraformable, fut relégué au plus triste sort qui puisse échoir à un système stellaire : celui de zone de test d’armement. Dès le début du 27ième siècle, les escarpements acérés des mondes centraux d’Odin furent très vite aplatis par des armes expérimentales destinées à être vendues aux forces militaires de l’UEE. Odin est récemment devenu une cause célèbre au sein de la communauté scientifique, lorsqu’un groupe de géologues de renom a interpellé publiquement le gouvernement pour lui reprocher d’avoir permis à des entreprises telles que Behring d’éradiquer un patrimoine de fossiles par ailleurs bien préservé, et qui pourrait en dire long sur la vie telle qu’elle s’était développée dans le système Odin. Un mouvement intitulé « SAUVEZ LES FOSSILES » parvint bien à se faire pour un temps une place dans la culture populaire, mais l’intérêt s’essouffla rapidement.
  • Odin originally set out to create a Youtube channel about Minecraft, but only making a world based on Mythology. As such he called his channel OdinCraft, HELLO, whats it to do whth you, oh hes writing everything i say, hannah has too much fun with her rabbits, shes a furry, named after the ultimate God of his favourite mythology, Norse Mythology. He named himself Odin after his channel OdinCraft.
  • The Odin was a Terran Dominion heavy combat walker. It was the prototype for the smaller thor.
  • Like Dream of the Endless, he maintains ravens as companions, two ravens, Huginn and Munin (Thought and Memory) who fly over the world, and then return to tell him everything that has happened in Midgard. He traveled to the Dreaming in Season of Mists as a petitioner, seeking the key to Hell from Morpheus: "I am Odin All-Father, of the Aesir. With me are my son Thor...and Loki Skywalker...we seek the key to Hell."
  • The Odin is bassicly a turret on legs, It only has a top speed of 40 kh though, and even that requires 10 tons of engine upgrades compared to its default varient, which has a top speed of 26 kh. The Odin is an overly massive mech weighing in at 100 tons, it is uniqe in having no arms. The Odin can't mount jump jets, but if it could they would weigh 11.5 tons.
  • Odin is Loki's father from Son of the Mask in 2005 and he is played by the late Bob Hoskins.he is the god of everything and god of the gods Odin forced Loki to search the Mask when Loki unleashed it in the human world
  • As Odin is closely connected with a horse called Sleipnir, a spear called Gungnir, and transformation/shape shifting into animal shapes, an alternative theory of origin contends that Odin, or at least some of his key characteristics, may have arisen just prior to the sixth century as a nightmarish horse god (Echwaz), later signified by the eight-legged Sleipnir. Some support for Odin as a latecomer to the Scandinavian Norse pantheon can be found in the Sagas where, for example, at one time he is thrown out of Asgard by the other gods — a seemingly unlikely tale for a well-established "all father." Scholars who have linked Odin with the "Death God" template include E. A. Ebbinghaus, Jan de Vries and Thor Templin. The later two also link Loki and Odin as being one-and-the-same until the early Norse Period. Scandinavian Óðinn emerged from Proto-Norse *Wōdin during the Migration period, artwork of this time (on gold bracteates) depicting the earliest scenes that can be aligned with the High Medieval Norse mythological texts. The context of the new elites emerging in this period aligns with Snorri's tale of the indigenous Vanir who were eventually replaced by the Æsir, intruders from the Continent. Parallels between Odin and Celtic Lugus have often been pointed out : both are intellectual gods, commanding magic and poetry. Both have ravens and a spear as their attributes. Julius Caesar (De Bello Gallico, 6.17.1) mentions Mercury as the chief god of Celtic religion. A likely context of the diffusion of elements of Celtic ritual into Germanic culture is that of the Chatti, who lived at the Celtic-Germanic boundary in Hesse during the final centuries before the Common Era. (It should be remembered that many Indo-Europeanists hypothesize that Odin in his Proto-Germanic form was not the chief god, but that he only gradually replaced Týr during the Migration period.)
  • Odin is a major god in Norse mythology and the ruler of Asgard. After the fall of Danu Talis, he created his own Shadowrealm named Asgard. His Shadowrealm was fueled by the World Tree, Yggdrasil, which also led down to the Shadowrealm of the Elder he loved, Hekate, and down even further to Niflheim, the Shadowrealm of his nemesis, Hel, who is also his niece. After the destruction of Yggdrasil, and Asgard in the process, and the death of Hekate by the hands of Dr. John Dee, Odin became furious with Dee and swore he would destroy him. He sent his two ravens, Huginn and Muninn, after Dee in hopes of finding him and capturing him. When he discovered Dee with an ally named Virginia Dare, he ordered the ravens to attack them. They chased after them with the help of a pack of cucubuths, and cornered them in an unfinished Shadowrealm. When Dee and Dare escaped with the help of Excalibur and Clarent, Huginn and Muninn became trapped in the Shadowrealm, with the cucubuths. They will remain there unless Odin wishes to go after his pets, as stated by Dee. He encountered Hel, his niece, in her damaged Shadowrealm and they swore revenge on Dee together, putting their past, where they were at each other's throats, aside. Later, his cousin, Mars Ultor, joined them. He gave up one eye for wisdom to an Archon.
  • Odin is one of the most prominent and important of Heathenry, with many people dedicating themselves to Him. He is the Lord of death, wisdom, creativity, and magic, and many people attest Him to being the leader of the Wild Hunt.
  • Odin (オーディン Ōdin) is a recurring summon in the series. He has appeared in every Final Fantasy game from Final Fantasy III through to Final Fantasy IX, as well as Final Fantasy Tactics. Most commonly, Odin will appear and slice though enemies with his sword, cleaving them in two and inflicting Instant Death. Other games give Odin the ability to damage enemies normally as well. His basic physical characteristics are that of a demonic-looking knight with horns, a long, curved scimitar as his weapon, and a cape. This progressed to also include a lance-type weapon called Gungnir. He always is seen on his horse, who takes on demonic-type attributes as well, such as red eyes and body armor. Sleipnir, Odin's steed in Norse mythology, has eight legs; in some games in the series, Odin's steed has six legs. In Final Fantasy III, Sleipnir can be encountered as a six-legged enemy, while Odin's steed is a normal horse. He appears as the personal summon to prince Marco Argeno and sacred protector of Lavatania
  • "Despite its gallant figure, this Kamikui is singlehandedly responsible for laying waste to the Western continent. It's said that it crossed the ocean on an eight-legged steed which could bound over mountains in a single leap. It carries a sword that can pierce through anything in one hand and used its powers to quell an entire continent. A sweep of its mantle calls forth a prolonged desert wind, causing innumerable people to wither and perish...I am once again reminded about the scale of the threat these beings pose to us." File:66.jpg
  • File:Izanami Ball.png Impossibles/Colossals: Izanami | Cain | Nirvana File:FireIcon.png Fire: Tokugawa Yoshimune | Astaroth | Solwing | Giraffina | Queen of Hearts | Surtr | Jin | Hydra | Operation Crab File:WaterIcon.png Water: Waterblade Murasame | Michelangelo File:WoodIcon.png Wood: File:LightIcon.png Light: Orochimaru | Behemoth File:DarkIcon.png Dark: Darkblade Murasame | Deathscoil | Bastet File:Scroll.png Tower: 31F File:S++.png Temple: Water (Time) | Dark (Carnage)
  • Odin is the chief deity of Norse mythology and leader of the Gods in Asgard. He wields the legendary lance Gungnir.
  • ODIN était une division de Starfleet au 22ème siècle, dont les activités étaient développées au Fleet Operations Center de Starfleet Command sur Terre.
  • Odin (ON: "frenzy" or "ecstasy"), also referred to as the All-Father, is the third chief of the Aesir tribe of Norse gods and one of the most prominent figures in Germanic mythology. He is the god of wisdom, poetry, war, death, divination, and magic. He is the patron of rulers, wanderers, and outcasts. He was known as Woden to the Anglo-Saxons and Wotan to the southern Germanic peoples.
  • Odin, also known as The All-Father, is the father of Thor and Loki, as well as the king of Asgard, and all Nine Realms.
  • En 2357, l’Odin percuta un astéroïde. Il fut déclaré porté disparu. Ranmsey et trois autres survivants s'échappèrent à bord de nacelles de sauvetage. Après trois mois d'errance, ils arrivèrent sur la planète Angel I. En 2364, l'USS Enterprise NCC-1701-D retrouva des débris du vaisseau. Il localisa les survivants. (TNG: "Angel One")
  • First, you must complete at least 45 quests (including Wizard Hunt) and get at least 2,000 kills. Then, kill Wizards until Mystery Note drops. To summon odin, you must go to where Hashmalum died and stand within 100 distance of the doom gate. When the time is either under 2:00 or over 22:00, say the name of Odin's magical horse, Sleipnir (S must be capitalized). A cutscene will happen. Then, go to where you fought Ultima Weapon. Odin will spawn just outside the gate ready for Fight.
  • Odin or Wotan or Woden was the most powerful god in the Nordic religion and Thor was his son. Odin had only one eye because he lost the other eye during some fantastic adventure in the underworld but Odin gained tremendous wisdom as compensation. Odin overcame a giant called Ymir and made the world out of the giant's corpse. Odin once spent 9 days hanging upside down from a tree pearced by his own spear in order to gain wisdom. That's longer than Jesus was on the cross. Odin created Vallhalla where slain warriors feasted with Odin so they could later take part in the battle against the frost giants. At the time of the great Ragnarok (Nordic story that's a bit like Armageddon but not quite) Odin and the heroes of Valhalla would lose against the frost giants, a wolf, Fenris would swallow Odin but his son will later avenge him, not Thor, a different son, Vidar. All that makes sense doesn't it?
  • Odin is a primary character in all games of the Valkyrie Profile series. He is often portrayed as an antagonist, as his zeal for winning Ragnarok leaves destruction and death on Midgard in his wake, causing rebellion.
  • When the Goa'uld Forseti enslaved the Viking people of Earth, Odin cast him away from the Viking lands.(SG1: "The DVD Collection 10") It is unknown how, but Odin became corrupted and started forbidden experiments on the planet Valhalla. (Stargate SG-1: Valhalla)
  • Odin is the father of Thor, God of Thunder. In battle, such as the one on the living planet Ego, Thor introduces himself as the Son of Odin. When Thor needed to bring Bruce Banner to Detroit to cure a Gamma Virus that had plagued the city, Thor sought out the Hulk. However, Hulk proved too powerful for Thor and escaped. Thor called out to his father to tell him that he had failed in that mission. However, all would be well as Bruce did appear and develop a cure.
  • Odin (オーディーン, Ōdīn) is the king of Asgard and the Nordic god of wisdom, warfare, poetry, sacrifice and magic. He wears a God Robe like the other God Warriors, but his Cosmo is presumed to be dramatically superior to theirs as their sovereign. Despite his rank, he is hinted to be lesser in power compared to Poseidon. He has always protected Asgard and fights side by side with his faithful God Warriors and with the assistance of Hilda, his minister. He wields the powerful Balmung, a sword that grants powers close to world domination to anyone who obtains it, and it's also able to break the curse Poseidon applied on Hilda using the Nibelungen Ring. His spirit resides in his God Robe but he hasn't reincarnated in the current era. In times of need, he allowed Seiya to wear his Robe to save Asgard. At the end of the Asgard arc, no God Warriors were left alive, but the people of Asgard will be protected as long as the Odin Robe remains in Asgard . Another version of Odin is also stated in the second film, but was never revealed. Besides the fact that Dolbar refers himself as the representation of Odin on Earth, it's not clear if he may be considered a simple attendant or his actual reincarnation.
  • Odin first appears in White Night, as Donar Vadderung, the head and CEO of Monoc Securities. He later appears in Cold Days as Kringle, or Santa Claus.
  • Odin (also called by over 200 other names) was the ruler of Asgard and Norse god of war, battle, victory and death, wisdom, Shamanism, magic, poetry, prophecy, and the hunt. He was husband of Frigga, the Viking goddess of beauty, love, and marriage. However, Odin was known to father children with other goddesses and giantesses. The most famous of Odin's sons are Thor, Baldr, Tyr, and Heimdall. During Ragnarok, Odin was destined to be killed by the great wolf Fenrir.
  • Odin (auch Wotan, Woden oder Wowi ) ist der Obergott der Wikinger, Normannen und anderer Nordlichter.
  • Odin is a member of the great council in Jack and the Beanstalk: The Real Story. Odin is the one that formally charges Jack Robinson for the crimes of his family. Press material states that "Odin may have only one working eye, but he sees the truth." He is strict and bent on following the rules and has no sympathy towards Jack. He is named after the Norse god.
  • Asgardian God Odin is one of members of Heroic Gods.
  • Volk: Organisation Zugehörigkeit Geschlecht Status Jahr Herkunft Ort Gebiet Mutter Vater Geschwister Partner Kinder Odin, nhd. auch Wotan bzw. südgermanisch Wodan genannt, ist der höchste Gott der Nordischen Mythologie. Der gemeingermanische Göttername ist Wôðanaz. Er wird auch Allvater oder Göttervater genannt und gehört dem Göttergeschlecht der Asen an, welche in Asgard wohnen.
  • Odin is the God of Magic and head deity of the Asgardian Pantheon. He is based on the Norse god of the same name. Odin is the father of Thor and Loki, and is the grandfather of Hel. His High Priestess is the most senior High Priest of all the Asgardian gods. He is pictured with white hair and beard, seated, holding a spear, wearing an eyepatch and with two birds (ravens named Huginn and Muninn, according to mythology) flying behind his throne. Though he is the head deity of the Northern Pantheon, Odin has been seen acting rather goofy, having almost instated Banjo into the Pantheon because he likes puppets. Despite this, he is one of those who appears to know the most about the Snarl and the world within the rifts more than anyone else. Odin also appears in The Crayons of Time strips, which confirms that he is recognized as the head of his pantheon. Odin is the god within his pantheon who dispenses prophecy. It was a prophecy (relayed via the High Priest of Odin) that led former High Priest of Thor Hurak to send Durkon away from the dwarven lands indefinitely.
  • Odin is the king of the Aesir, or the Norse Gods. In Old Norse texts, Odin is generally depicted as one-eyed and long-bearded, frequently wielding a spear named Gungnir, and wearing a cloak and a broad hat. He is often accompanied by his animal companions—the wolves Geri and Freki and the ravens Huginn and Muninn, who bring him information from all over Midgard—and rides the flying, eight-legged steed Sleipnir across the sky and into the underworld. Odin is attested as having many sons, most famously the god Baldr and Thor, and is known by hundreds of names. Odin has a particular association with Yule, and mankind's knowledge of both the runes and poetry is also attributed to him.
  • Odin, meaning The Furious, is considered the chief god in Norse mythology. He is associated with wisdom, war, battle and death and also magic, poetry, prophecy, victory and the hunt. He only has one eye because he bartered the other in order to drink from the well of Mimir and gain its knowledge. He had many abilities like astral projection, shapeshifting and control of the elements and weather. He also could read magic runes that no one else could since he had hung himself from the World Tree Yggdrasill while inflicting self-torture in order to gain great knowledge. Odin is the chief god of the Norse pantheon. He and his brothers Ve and Vili killed the frost giant Ymir and built the world from his body. He is also the father of most of the gods, including Thor and Baldur, who was later killed by a manipulated Hod with a dart of mistletoe. He is associated with his spear Gungnir, the two ravens Hugin and Munin, and the eight-legged horse Sleipnir. In Ragnarok, he gets devoured by the monster wolf Fenrir.
  • Odin is the champion of the Islo League. He doesn't specialize in a specific type of Pokémon.
  • Odin (Japanese: タイロン), named Tyron in the Japanese version, is a playable character in Phantasy Star. Odin is a legendary fighter that was turned to stone by Medusa. He stayed in Odin's Cave until Alis found him and used the alsulin obtained from Myau to return him to normal. Odin is grateful and joins Alis in her quest to defeat Lassic.
  • Toa Odin is the Toa of air in the newest fashion. he was created not through toa stone( like most toa), but by donning the kanohi Agula, disguised as a Noble Miru.
  • In Norse myth, Odin was nailed to an ash tree in order to gain wisdom, which makes him both a proto-Christ figure and a proto-Doctor figure.
  • Theo's moniker for all things underworld-related is Odin. Odin is well-known for being pretty much the guy you talk to if you need a disguise that's damn good. There is only one person, aside from Theo, who knows who Odin is and that is Graham Pritchard. (It's hard to hide stuff like that from your best friend when he was your guinea pig during the years you were both in school together.) Any inquiry about acquiring a better than just good disguise will bring up Odin's name near immediately from anyone who knows about glamours. Most of the underworld knows the name though few seem to have first-hand experience with him. All owls addressed to Odin are re-routed to Theodore through a series of re-routings so they cannot be traced to him. Odin sells disguises including and combining polyjuice and glamour trinkets. Polyjuice is the cheapest thing to purchase from him as it's the easiest to make. The glamours are a pretty damn penny if you want one. The most effective disguises combine both the trinkets and a polyjuice, though this is clearly very expensive. Theo uses his day job to collect hairs from rather unremarkable people, wizards and muggles alike, to make his polyjuice from. The polyjuice Theo makes will last longer than normal polyjiuice and require less to be ingested for that time period to be sustained. A person's scent also changes with Theo's polyjuice, something that does not happen with normal polyjuice. This means even werewolves cannot tell who the person actually is. Glamour trinkets are glamours attached to something which is always made of metal. In order for it to work the metal has to be touching skin. The glamour immediately comes off when skin contact is lost. If you're willing to pay more (and it's quite a bit more) he can make it so the glamour only works for a specific individual, though he essentially needs something with your DNA to do it (hair, skin or blood). For example, he made it so Penny's kitty cat glamour only works for her, he found a stray hair on the table where she'd been sitting with him in order to do that. His glamours can be full-bodied, though he prefers not to because it's not a particularly effective disguise as it's still your own body under the illusion. Most often his glamours adjust voice, speech pattern, accent, facial expressions, body movement and add small habits or quirks to the persona, such as biting your nails, never looking up, playing with your hair. It is literally illusion so if the wearer never does things like play with their hair which are crafted into the illusion it will create it and if touched the game is up. Requests can be made for specific types of people (i.e. Male, mid-thirties, black, shaved head, etc.). No one knows what Odin looks like because he's always wearing one of his own disguises when he meets people (though he does not wear the trinkets as it's too risky, he casts the glamours directly onto himself). Often he will wear the same disguise when meeting a returning client as he did the first time (he keeps notes on what he wears and with whom). Theo makes the best polyjuice and crafts the best glamours there are, period. No one does this better than he does and he's only known his glamours to be forcibly broken by another once, though people have tried much more often than that. In order to make the best glamours he has to be able to test them, this means he's a bit like a particularly skilled craftsman. Average glamours are laughably obvious to him, he can see all the flaws in them, though he obviously can't see through them. He can break them, and most of them he finds are rather easy to break. He hasn't ever found a glamour he, personally, couldn't break. He is the only person he knows who can consistently break the glamours he crafts. Polyjuice requests are available immediately if he has the physical type desired. Glamours have a waiting period as they are often custom crafted for the particular client's request. Some more generic glamours are available upon request and are slightly cheaper as Theo simply does them in his free time and not under a time limit. You still need to act the part. His disguises will do a lot of the work for you, but if you can't act the part you're still fucked.
  • Odin (also Óðinn, Wodan, Woden, or Wotan, from Old Norse) is a widely revered god, a war god, and is one of the principal gods in Norse mythology. He is the God of War, Wisdom, Sovereignty, Victory, Magic, Shamanism, Poetry, and the Dead. Odin is the King of Asgard, and he is also the chief ruler (The Allfather) of the Æsir (the main pantheon of Norse gods) in Norse mythology. Odin is compared to Mercury by Tacitus.
  • Odin is one of the most powerful and conservative members of the the Elders. Due to his methods and strong views, he had a strained relationship with both Leo Wyatt and the Charmed Ones. However, he has not been in contact with them after his attempt to manipulate Leo into choosing the Elders over his family.
  • The first time you meet him is in the museum in Onega Town when he steals the Time Caller and then catches Shaymin. The first time you battle him, he is on Mt. Press where he tries to catch Jirachi.
  • Odin is a massive, deep blue colored gas giant. Unlike many planets of it's type, it resides in the habitable zone of it's star system. It has over 150 moons, many of which support life which was most likely spread between them by chunks of impact debris early in the planet's formation. The overall population of Odin's moons is over half a billion, both humans and aliens. Major moons:
  • According to the Prose Edda, Odin, who is called "All-Father" is the first and most powerful of the Aesir. He is a son of Bestla and Borr and brother of Ve and Vili. Odin had several wives with whom he fathered many children. With his first wife, Frigg, he fathered Baldur (or Balder), who stood for happiness, goodness, wisdom and beauty. He also fathered Hod, Baldur's brother. Hod was blind. With Jord he fathered his most famous sons Thor, god of thunder. By the giantess Grydur or Grid, Odin was the father of Vídar, and by Rinda he was father of Vali Also, many royal families claimed descent from Odin through other sons. Odin's name is related to óðr, meaning "excitation," "fury" or "poetry." He is god of both wisdom, war, battle and death. He is also attested as being a god of magic, poetry, prophecy, victory, and the hunt. The mysterious Odin is a shapeshifter, and he is able to alter form in any way he liked. Odin travels the world as an old man with a staff, one-eyed, grey-bearded, and wearing a wide-brimmed hat, with a blue traveling coat.
  • ODIN (Organically Distributed Intelligence Network), also known as the All-Father, is the most powerful of the Aesir. He created the rest of the Aesir from flesh and cybernetics and infused them with the power of the Runes, thus saving humanity from certain destruction. He employs two ravens, Hugin and Munin, which serve as his eyes; through them, he watches all.He is voiced by Richard McGonagle.
  • Odin is the supreme Norse god, known as the Allfather and ruler of Asgard. He is patron of war, battle, victory, death, wisdom, Shamanism, magic, prophecy, and the hunt.
  • Odin (Old Norse "The Furious One") is the chief Viking god and the ruler of Asgard, who sacrificed his eye to acquire knowledge and wisdom. Ragnar Lothbrok, who claims to be descended from Odin, often has visions of him and his ravens, appearances which Ragnar interprets as different signs. In the show, as often in Norse Mythology, Odin appears to humans as an old, ghastly wanderer. He is said to reside in Valhalla.
  • Principal deity of the world's largest religion, Odin is badly re-enacted by a bunch of losers who think they are Vikings.
  • Catégorie:Articles à reconstruire Odin est une invocation de Final Fantasy, très récurrente dans la série. Dans chaque épisode de la saga il est équipé d'une hallebarde ou d'une grande épée noire (type Claymore). Il monte un cheval de guerre de couleur noire et porte une armure de guerre noire.
  • A deck was located on the roof the gondola near propellers and surrounded by railing for the crew's protection. Some of the ship's cargo was stowed there. The deck's floor contained four hatches that could be opened to lower things into gondola. On the opposite end of the deck from the propeller was a bulkhead door that served as the main entrance into the ship from the deck. The outside of the gondola also had several hatches connected by catwalks. One such hatch lead from the hanger bay. One of the catwalks lay above a smaller mess hall that contained a small cell. Inside of the gondola was a vehicle bay and cargo hold, which held the ship's trucks, half-tracks, half-track motorcycles and side-car motorbikes. The cargo bay was scattered with many creates, with some hung from the ceiling. A large cannon was held suspended above the ground via cables. There was even a grand piano suspended from a crane. Passages lead to the the hanger bay which held several planes. Another passage from the cargo bay lead to the ship's training room. Walkways from the hanger and vehicle bays lead to the ship's kitchen. The kitchen had two levels that could be accessed via a dumbwaiter. The upper level kitchen opened up to the Odin's opulent Mess Hall. One of the Mess Hall's entrances lead to hallways between the ship's offices, training room, and bridge. Like many sections of the ship the Odin's bridge was opulent, containing a library, a bar, a piano, Magnus Völler's desk, statues and many treasures he had collected during his journeys. Ladders and an elevator lead up to a catwalk where the ship's controls are kept. In 1939, Indiana Jones had an adventure on board the Odin over Nepal, rescuing Maggie O'Malley and the Staff of Kings.
  • Odin was the chief pagan deity of the Norse pantheon. While on Earth he took the form of an elderly American man in a bomber jacket with a strong Midwest accent.
  • Odin Borson was the King of Asgard, protector of the Nine Realms, father of Thor, adoptive father of Loki, and husband of Frigga. During the ancient times, he was worshiped as the god of wisdom by the inhabitants of Earth. Once the greatest warrior in all the Nine Realms, over the centuries he learned how to appreciate peace. When Thor almost provoked a war with the Frost Giants of Jotunheim, Odin stripped him of his powers and exiled him to Earth, leaving Loki to take the throne when Odin fell into the Odinsleep. When Thor returned and saved the Frost Giants from extinction at the hands of Loki, who seemingly lost his life during the conflict, Odin realized that Thor had proven that he would be worthy enough to take the throne of Asgard one day. Loki was revealed to have survived his fall into the abyes and was captured by Thor after causing the Chitauri Invasion of Earth, causing Odin to sentence him to life in prison. When Odin's wife Frigga was killed at the hands of the Dark Elves' leader Malekith, Odin vowed revenge on them, no matter the cost, putting him at odds with his son. Odin's sadness and age allowed Loki to take the throne away from him, using his illusions to look like Odin and trick the entire kingdom and ruling the lands.
  • Odin or Woden is the ruler of the Norse gods and Asgard. He is mentioned many times, but never makes an appearance in the books or franchise.
  • Odin is an antagonist in BeyWheelz. The leader of The Dominators, Odin is an incredible Wheeler. He joined The Dominators because he was too strong and never had a satisfying battle. He originally uses Slash Warrior Destroyer to battle for his evil legion, The Dominators.
  • Odin was known to be a God in and . Odin has been known and talked about since the Roman Empire around Germanic tribes and others located in Scandinavia and Germany.
  • William Burke's moniker for all things underworld-related is Odin. Odin is well-known for being pretty much the guy you talk to if you need a disguise that's damn good. There is only one person, aside from Will, who knows who Odin is and that is Graham Pritchard. (It's hard to hide stuff like that from your best friend when he was your guinea pig during the years you were both in school together.) Any inquiry about acquiring a better than just good disguise will bring up Odin's name near immediately from anyone who knows about glamours. Most of the underworld knows the name though few seem to have first-hand experience with him. All owls addressed to Odin are re-routed to William through a series of re-routings so they cannot be traced to him No one knows what Odin looks like because he's always wearing one of his own disguises when he meets people (though he does not wear the trinkets as it's too risky, he casts the glamours directly onto himself). Often he will wear the same disguise when meeting a returning client as he did the first time (he keeps notes on what he wears and with whom). Will makes the best polyjuice and crafts the best glamours there are in the Northern Hemisphere, period. (It is very possible he makes the best currently in the world but that is unproven.) No one does this better than he does, professionals and non-professionals alike, and he's only known his glamours to be forcibly broken by another once, though people have tried much more often than that. In order to make the best glamours he has to be able to test them, this means he's a bit like a particularly skilled craftsman. Average glamours are laughably obvious to him, he can see all the flaws in them, though he obviously can't see through them. He can break them, and most of them he finds are rather easy to break. He hasn't ever found a glamour he, personally, couldn't break. He is the only person he knows of who can consistently break the glamours he crafts. Odin sells disguises including and combining polyjuice and glamour trinkets. He also, very rarely, will sell illusions. Polyjuice is the cheapest thing to purchase from him as it's the easiest to make. The glamours are a pretty damn penny if you want one. The most effective disguises combine both the trinkets and a polyjuice, though this is clearly very expensive.
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