  • 719
  • 719
  • 719
  • 719
  • [[Plik:DSC01854.JPG|right|thumb|250px|Autobus Solaris Urbino 18 na linii 719 na pętli Osiedle Górczewska]] [[Plik:719_na_Klemensiewicza_(2013)_(by_Kubar906).jpg|right|thumb|250px|Autobus Solaris Urbino 18 na linii 719 na krańcu Klemensiewicza (2013)]] 719 – linia autobusowa zwykła strefowa, która kursuje z Osiedla Górczewska do podmiejskiego Leszna. Linię obsługuje zajezdnia Kleszczowa i ajent Mobilis.
  • El setecientos diecinueve (719) es el número natural que sigue al 718 y precede al 720. Categoría:Números
  • Als Celine mitbekommt, dass Maximilian das alleinige Sorgerecht für Alexander haben will, sucht sie Lena auf, die durch Maximilians Schmutzkampagne Drohanrufen ausgesetzt ist. Wenig später stürmt Maximilian ins Loft und fordert Celine auf, ihm seinen Sohn zu geben... Richard und Simone wollen nicht glauben, dass Jenny ihre Entführung nur vorgetäuscht hat. In die Enge getrieben, bleibt Jenny bleibt keine andere Wahl, als im Gegenzug Anton bei der Polizei anzuzeigen, obwohl sie Angst vor Lars ' Reaktion hat. Doch nicht Lars ist das Problem, sondern Stella. Oliver weigert sich, der behandelnde Arzt von Constantin zu werden. Als Oliver jedoch zufällig ein Telefonat von Simone mitbekommt, ist er sicher, dass sie Constantin umbringen will. Er beschließt, ihr dieses Vorhaben zu vermiesen...
  • 719 (linia autobusowa, specjalna, bezpłatna) uruchomiona 18 września 2006 obsługująca przystanki FAT, Ostrowskiego, Końcowa, Krzemieniecka. Uruchomienie linii 719 wiąże się z remontem ul. Krzemienieckiej. Linia na wyżej opisanym odcinku zastępuje linie 107, 119, 319, które jadą objazdem przez osiedle Oporów, zaś linia 107 w ogóle nie przejeżdża przez osiedle Grabiszyn-Grabiszynek oraz węzeł komunikacyjny FAT. W dni powszednie autobus kursował z częstotliwością co 20 minut w dni wolne co 30 minut. Linia zakończyła działalność 21 kwietnia 2007.
  • Quentin and Magda go to Collinwood and Quentin's room. Quentin tries to force more information on his presumed fate from her. She says she can't, the vision is gone. Quentin thinks how convenient that something like this should happen just when he was going to pump all the Barnabas information out of her. He wants to know who is going to kill him. He tries to force her, but she only says that it will be tonight. He decides the true way to Magda's heart is money, and produces some. Magda quickly gets more visions and tells that it will be a woman, and that she will use a knife.
  • Krzemieniecka
  • 719
  • 1969-03-20
  • 710
  • 1897
  • 1969-03-27
  • 719
  • specjalna
  • FAT
  • Magda_and_Quentin.jpg
  • tak
  • [[Plik:DSC01854.JPG|right|thumb|250px|Autobus Solaris Urbino 18 na linii 719 na pętli Osiedle Górczewska]] [[Plik:719_na_Klemensiewicza_(2013)_(by_Kubar906).jpg|right|thumb|250px|Autobus Solaris Urbino 18 na linii 719 na krańcu Klemensiewicza (2013)]] 719 – linia autobusowa zwykła strefowa, która kursuje z Osiedla Górczewska do podmiejskiego Leszna. Linię obsługuje zajezdnia Kleszczowa i ajent Mobilis.
  • El setecientos diecinueve (719) es el número natural que sigue al 718 y precede al 720. Categoría:Números
  • Als Celine mitbekommt, dass Maximilian das alleinige Sorgerecht für Alexander haben will, sucht sie Lena auf, die durch Maximilians Schmutzkampagne Drohanrufen ausgesetzt ist. Wenig später stürmt Maximilian ins Loft und fordert Celine auf, ihm seinen Sohn zu geben... Richard und Simone wollen nicht glauben, dass Jenny ihre Entführung nur vorgetäuscht hat. In die Enge getrieben, bleibt Jenny bleibt keine andere Wahl, als im Gegenzug Anton bei der Polizei anzuzeigen, obwohl sie Angst vor Lars ' Reaktion hat. Doch nicht Lars ist das Problem, sondern Stella. Oliver weigert sich, der behandelnde Arzt von Constantin zu werden. Als Oliver jedoch zufällig ein Telefonat von Simone mitbekommt, ist er sicher, dass sie Constantin umbringen will. Er beschließt, ihr dieses Vorhaben zu vermiesen...
  • 719 (linia autobusowa, specjalna, bezpłatna) uruchomiona 18 września 2006 obsługująca przystanki FAT, Ostrowskiego, Końcowa, Krzemieniecka. Uruchomienie linii 719 wiąże się z remontem ul. Krzemienieckiej. Linia na wyżej opisanym odcinku zastępuje linie 107, 119, 319, które jadą objazdem przez osiedle Oporów, zaś linia 107 w ogóle nie przejeżdża przez osiedle Grabiszyn-Grabiszynek oraz węzeł komunikacyjny FAT. W dni powszednie autobus kursował z częstotliwością co 20 minut w dni wolne co 30 minut. Linia zakończyła działalność 21 kwietnia 2007.
  • Quentin and Magda go to Collinwood and Quentin's room. Quentin tries to force more information on his presumed fate from her. She says she can't, the vision is gone. Quentin thinks how convenient that something like this should happen just when he was going to pump all the Barnabas information out of her. He wants to know who is going to kill him. He tries to force her, but she only says that it will be tonight. He decides the true way to Magda's heart is money, and produces some. Magda quickly gets more visions and tells that it will be a woman, and that she will use a knife. In the basement, Jenny has a nice conversation with Judith about her "babies". Judith asks her if she likes the basement better than the Tower Room. She truly does as the sunlight doesn't get into it. She then asks who Judith is. Judith foolishly tells her she's a Collins which sends Jenny in a rage. When the subject of the dolls' "father" comes up, Jenny really gets wound up. Judith quickly sidetracks her by saying her babies are awake. Jenny falls for it, and begins to tend to her dolls by talking and singing to them. Back in the West Wing, Quentin laughs at Magda's prediction. After all, if anybody kills him, it most certainly will be a woman, Quentin tells her. Who else would? He decides to brush off Magda by playing his tune on the gramophone. Magda asks why he plays that song so much. Quentin states that it's his theme. Back in the basement, Jenny puts the dolls back to sleep when she hears the music playing. She starts screaming "He's Back!". Jenny begins to turn on Judith screaming that the reason she came down here was to taunt her that "he" is back. Judith gets nervous and tries to focus Jenny's attention on the dolls again. After some hesitation, she falls for it again, and Judith quickly exits the room and locks the door. Jenny grabs her dolls and tells them not to hear the music. In the West Wing, even Magda starts to get sick of the tune, but Quentin won't stop playing it. Judith storms in to second Magda's motion on the music. Quentin asks why. Judith says it's driving her crazy. That's the reason he's playing it, retorts Quentin. Finally Judith turns the gramophone off. Quentin is furious that he can't even enjoy his own room even though it's now Judith's house. Judith leaves in a huff. Downstairs we see Dirk in his snappy outfit. Judith sees him and wants him to do something and keep it a secret and in return he'll get more money. Greedy Dirk jumps at the chance. Judith takes him down to the basement and Jenny's room. In the basement, Jenny is still upset over hearing the music when Judith and Dirk arrive. Dirk is more upset in the fact that Beth knew something he didn't, rather than the less than appealing task he is now expected to perform. When they open the door, Jenny goes wild and tries to escape. Manly Dirk grabs her while womanly Judith slaps her senseless. They take her back into the basement. In Quentin's room, Quentin won't let Magda leave and makes her look into her crystal ball. She looks and keeps repeating "full moon". Quentin asks if that's when he is to die. She finally says yes. He then tries to force the woman's identity out of her. Magda can only deduce two things 1) She was once very beautiful and 2) Her name begins with a J. Quentin concludes that Magda is taking about Judith. Magda finally gets to leave. Quentin warns her not to tell Barnabas about what has happened. Downstairs, Magda leaves, while Judith and Quentin go into the Drawing Room. Quentin decides to taunt Judith about his presumed knowledge. Eventually, he accuses Judith in plotting to murder him. He warns her not to do it, for she will die too. In the basement, Dirk gives Jenny her dinner. Jenny dumps her coffee, and stupid Dirk decides to bend down to clean it up. Jenny knocks him out and escapes. Upstairs looking around, she quickly finds a knife and says "Quentin".
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