  • Galactic Map
  • Galactic map
  • The Galactic Map was the most treasured possession of the thief Hogey the Roguey. The Galactic Map was first owned by the Simulant Generals, from whom Hogey stole it, and later came into possession of the boys from Red Dwarf. The Galactic Map was an old rag or piece of cloth, but on which was inscribed the co-ordinates of everything of note in the Milky Way - for example wormholes, Earth and other S3 planets, old Space Corps bases, and derelict starships.
  • The Galactic Map screen is the main navigational tool for pilots who wish to visit other systems via hyperjump. Beginning pilots with little knowledge of the galaxy will find that their map screens are almost bare, but each jump to a new system will add an appropriate entry to the pilot's map database. Pilots can also purchase map information about nearby systems from an outfitter.
  • The Galactic Map was the most treasured possession of the thief Hogey the Roguey. The Galactic Map was first owned by the Simulant Generals, from whom Hogey stole it, and later came into possession of the boys from Red Dwarf. The Galactic Map was an old rag or piece of cloth, but on which was inscribed the co-ordinates of everything of note in the Milky Way - for example wormholes, Earth and other S3 planets, old Space Corps bases, and derelict starships.
  • The Galactic Map screen is the main navigational tool for pilots who wish to visit other systems via hyperjump. Beginning pilots with little knowledge of the galaxy will find that their map screens are almost bare, but each jump to a new system will add an appropriate entry to the pilot's map database. Pilots can also purchase map information about nearby systems from an outfitter.