  • Maigosera province
  • The Maigosera province (Yo7) was the southernnmost province of the Yoritomo. To the north was the Tokigogachu province (Yo6), and to the northwest was connected by sea with the Irie province (Yo1), to the west to Irie province (Yo5), and to the south with the Maigosera province (Yo7). The most important holding within the province was the Shrine of Lost Sailors (M5). In the Island of Lost Wilderness the fledging Bat Clan founded Kyuden Komori.
  • The Maigosera province (Yo7) was the southernnmost province of the Yoritomo. To the north was the Tokigogachu province (Yo6), and to the northwest was connected by sea with the Irie province (Yo1), to the west to Irie province (Yo5), and to the south with the Maigosera province (Yo7). The most important holding within the province was the Shrine of Lost Sailors (M5). In the Island of Lost Wilderness the fledging Bat Clan founded Kyuden Komori.