  • Goshen
  • Goshen was the southernmost continent on the planet Grayson. It was the location of Harrington Steading, the newest steading to be created as of 1922 PD. (HH5)
  • Goshen was the region located in eastern Egypt where the Hebrew Israelites lived and settled. After he had rose to power within Egypt, Joseph permitted his eleven brothers along with their children to settle in the area when a famine in Canaan forced them to take refuge in Egypt. This would remain the exclusive Israelite settlement in Egypt all the way up to the Exodus and Israel's departure from Egypt. <default>Goshen</default> Location
  • The leader of the cult group Blood of Yahvo. When two isolationist assassins were executed by King Demath, those who were against outsider involvement now felt even stronger about their case. In a public speech Goshen argued, "D'ni is killing itself, for the sake of the outsiders." In 4815 Demath had him imprisoned in a Prison Book. In response, the cult abducted the son of King Yableshan and requested Goshen's release. Feeling forced, Yableshan released Goshen, but found his son dead.
  • Goshen
  • *Yahwism *Ancient Egyptian Religion
  • *Unincorporated territory *Egyptian Royal Treasury Oversight
  • Rameses
  • Eastern Egypt
  • Goshen was the southernmost continent on the planet Grayson. It was the location of Harrington Steading, the newest steading to be created as of 1922 PD. (HH5)
  • Goshen was the region located in eastern Egypt where the Hebrew Israelites lived and settled. After he had rose to power within Egypt, Joseph permitted his eleven brothers along with their children to settle in the area when a famine in Canaan forced them to take refuge in Egypt. This would remain the exclusive Israelite settlement in Egypt all the way up to the Exodus and Israel's departure from Egypt. <default>Goshen</default> Location
  • The leader of the cult group Blood of Yahvo. When two isolationist assassins were executed by King Demath, those who were against outsider involvement now felt even stronger about their case. In a public speech Goshen argued, "D'ni is killing itself, for the sake of the outsiders." In 4815 Demath had him imprisoned in a Prison Book. In response, the cult abducted the son of King Yableshan and requested Goshen's release. Feeling forced, Yableshan released Goshen, but found his son dead.