  • Grant (physicist)
  • Doctor Grant was a theoretical researcher at the Daystrom Institute. This individual's name was mentioned in journals read by Lieutenant Commander Data as he was searching for clues on how to detect cloaked Romulan warbirds during the Klingon Civil War in 2368. (TNG-R: "Redemption II" ) This character was only mentioned in writing. This scientist was named after David Grant, a Director of Marketing Services at CBS Digital.
  • Doctor Grant was a theoretical researcher at the Daystrom Institute. This individual's name was mentioned in journals read by Lieutenant Commander Data as he was searching for clues on how to detect cloaked Romulan warbirds during the Klingon Civil War in 2368. (TNG-R: "Redemption II" ) This character was only mentioned in writing. This scientist was named after David Grant, a Director of Marketing Services at CBS Digital.