  • Trifluorine
  • Trifluorine is a transperiodic chemical element that was known to Federation science by the 23rd century. In the year 2266, Edward Fisher theorized that a transperiodic ore deposit was responsible for the unusually large number of starship crashes on Tlaoli IV, citing dilithium and trifluorine as examples of such a material. (TOS - The Janus Gate novel: Present Tense)
  • Trifluorine is a transperiodic chemical element that was known to Federation science by the 23rd century. In the year 2266, Edward Fisher theorized that a transperiodic ore deposit was responsible for the unusually large number of starship crashes on Tlaoli IV, citing dilithium and trifluorine as examples of such a material. (TOS - The Janus Gate novel: Present Tense)