  • Lasership
  • Laserships are a type of aircraft used by the New Koopa Troop. They are relatively small, but are very durable. They are round spheres with a blue bottom half and a transparent top. They are equipped with with 4 lasers. 2 on the bottom of it, and the other 2 on either side of it. Though all the members know how to drive it, Battle Skull takes a particular interest in them and can pilot them the best. Austin, however, is unable to pilot one, as he is far too big to fit inside one.
  • Laserships are a type of aircraft used by the New Koopa Troop. They are relatively small, but are very durable. They are round spheres with a blue bottom half and a transparent top. They are equipped with with 4 lasers. 2 on the bottom of it, and the other 2 on either side of it. Though all the members know how to drive it, Battle Skull takes a particular interest in them and can pilot them the best. Austin, however, is unable to pilot one, as he is far too big to fit inside one.