  • Manuel Noriega
  • Manuel Noriega
  • Manuel Noriega
  • Manuel Noriega
  • Manuel Noriega est le commandant des Forces de Défense Panaméenne. Noriega S12.png|Noriega avec un SPAS 12. Mason Noriega.png|Prisonnier. 1. * REDIRECTION
  • Manuel Noriega was President of Panama and ex-President George H. W. Bush's partner at the CIA. They continue to be close friends. This article is a stub. You can get a Tip of the Hat* from Stephen by adding only truthiness to it.*Tip of the Hat not guaranteed.
  • General Manuel Antonio Noriega Moreno ist der frühere Kommandant der Panamian Defense Forces (PDF). thumb|Manuel NoriegaVon 1983 bis 1989 war er der Oberbefehlshaber aller Streitkräfte in Panama.
  • Manuel Noriega was the military dictator of Panama. For many years he was paid to help the CIA in their South and Central American shenanigans. He was brutal and thuggish. When Noriega turned against the CIA, President George Bush the First, who had once been Noriega's CIA handler, made an example of him for anyone who might think about double-crossing the CIA (or George Bush). The United States invaded Panama (major military feat!), arrested Noriega, took him back to the U.S. and put him in Jail on drug charges. Let that be a lesson to you, leaders of other countries who piss off a Bush (see Saddam Hussein).
  • Noriega is mentioned by Stewie at Peter's pool party in "E. Peterbus Unum". While at his daughter's home, Carter Pewterschmidt misses Noriega, and is grateful for Noriega's loyalty and drug money in "Padre de Familia". Noriega appears to him and, in excitement, Carter begins to chase Noriega around the living room.
  • General Manuel Noriega s the former Commander of the Panamanian Defense Forces and a minor antagonist in Call of Duty: Black Ops II. He was the de facto military governor of Panama from 1983 to 1989. He aids the CIA in capturing Raul Menendez by sending the PDF to his cartel's plantation in Nicaragua. The PDF capture him, but Noriega later betrays his own men by helping Menendez. He is the objective of Operation Just Cause, the United States invasion of Panama. Alex Mason and Frank Woods are sent to look for him in the outskirts of the Panama City. He is captured, but Jason Hudson later informs that he is an HVI and must be taken safely to a US Army checkpoint for a 'prisoner exchange'. He later takes advantage of his captivity and throws Woods under the bus by capturing Alex Mason and pla
  • Noriega pomagał CIA w złapaniu Raula Menendeza podając jego prawdobodobną lokalizację (Nikaragui). Podczas ataku na cel okazało się jednak że jest zdrajcą i współpracuje w Menendezem. Własnie dlatego stał się głównym celem Operacji "Just Cause" - Amerykańskiej Inwazji na Panamę. Do pojmania go wysłano Alexa Masona i Franka Woodsa. Dopadli go na przedmieściach Panamy. Następnie Hudson kazał im go przyprowadzić do "Punktu Wymiany". Woods udał się Noriegą na dach jednego z budynków z którego miał zlikwidować cel "Nexus". Woods przeczuwał od samego początku, że jest coś nie tak. Na rozkaz Noriegi zaa autobusu wyprowadzono cel w worku. Hudson kazał strzelać prosto w głowę. Gdy Woods strzelił myślał że zabił Menendeza, lecz to był Mason. Gdy klęczał nad nim chciał zabić Noriegę, lecz Menendez po
  • Call of Duty: Black Ops II
  • Generale
  • M1911, SPAS-12, Browning HP
  • Żyje
  • Manuel Noriega
  • Vivant
  • Generał, Dyktator
  • Ananasowa Twarz Fałszywy Zysk
  • Noriega
  • Panamskie Siły Zbrojne, CIA
  • Benito Martinez
  • SPAS-12
  • --02-11
  • General Manuel Noriega s the former Commander of the Panamanian Defense Forces and a minor antagonist in Call of Duty: Black Ops II. He was the de facto military governor of Panama from 1983 to 1989. He aids the CIA in capturing Raul Menendez by sending the PDF to his cartel's plantation in Nicaragua. The PDF capture him, but Noriega later betrays his own men by helping Menendez. He is the objective of Operation Just Cause, the United States invasion of Panama. Alex Mason and Frank Woods are sent to look for him in the outskirts of the Panama City. He is captured, but Jason Hudson later informs that he is an HVI and must be taken safely to a US Army checkpoint for a 'prisoner exchange'. He later takes advantage of his captivity and throws Woods under the bus by capturing Alex Mason and placing a bag over his head so Woods would mistake him for Menendez. Noriega is last seen when Woods shoots Mason and finds out about the whole trick and attempts to shoot and kill Noriega only to get shot in the legs by Menendez. He also as a strong tendency to kill his own men, as a way of getting rid of "witnesses".
  • Manuel Noriega est le commandant des Forces de Défense Panaméenne. Noriega S12.png|Noriega avec un SPAS 12. Mason Noriega.png|Prisonnier. 1. * REDIRECTION
  • Manuel Noriega was President of Panama and ex-President George H. W. Bush's partner at the CIA. They continue to be close friends. This article is a stub. You can get a Tip of the Hat* from Stephen by adding only truthiness to it.*Tip of the Hat not guaranteed.
  • General Manuel Antonio Noriega Moreno ist der frühere Kommandant der Panamian Defense Forces (PDF). thumb|Manuel NoriegaVon 1983 bis 1989 war er der Oberbefehlshaber aller Streitkräfte in Panama.
  • Manuel Noriega was the military dictator of Panama. For many years he was paid to help the CIA in their South and Central American shenanigans. He was brutal and thuggish. When Noriega turned against the CIA, President George Bush the First, who had once been Noriega's CIA handler, made an example of him for anyone who might think about double-crossing the CIA (or George Bush). The United States invaded Panama (major military feat!), arrested Noriega, took him back to the U.S. and put him in Jail on drug charges. Let that be a lesson to you, leaders of other countries who piss off a Bush (see Saddam Hussein).
  • Noriega pomagał CIA w złapaniu Raula Menendeza podając jego prawdobodobną lokalizację (Nikaragui). Podczas ataku na cel okazało się jednak że jest zdrajcą i współpracuje w Menendezem. Własnie dlatego stał się głównym celem Operacji "Just Cause" - Amerykańskiej Inwazji na Panamę. Do pojmania go wysłano Alexa Masona i Franka Woodsa. Dopadli go na przedmieściach Panamy. Następnie Hudson kazał im go przyprowadzić do "Punktu Wymiany". Woods udał się Noriegą na dach jednego z budynków z którego miał zlikwidować cel "Nexus". Woods przeczuwał od samego początku, że jest coś nie tak. Na rozkaz Noriegi zaa autobusu wyprowadzono cel w worku. Hudson kazał strzelać prosto w głowę. Gdy Woods strzelił myślał że zabił Menendeza, lecz to był Mason. Gdy klęczał nad nim chciał zabić Noriegę, lecz Menendez postrzelił go w nogę. W prawdziwym życiu Noriega został zchwytany i skazany na 40 lat więzienia, lecz władze Panamy zażądały jego ekstradycji przez co 11 Grudnia 2011 roku wrócił do kraju.
  • Noriega is mentioned by Stewie at Peter's pool party in "E. Peterbus Unum". While at his daughter's home, Carter Pewterschmidt misses Noriega, and is grateful for Noriega's loyalty and drug money in "Padre de Familia". Noriega appears to him and, in excitement, Carter begins to chase Noriega around the living room.
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