  • Mysterious Mysteries of Strange Mystery
  • A young aspiring paranormal investigator named Dib happens to be a huge fan of the show, and the writers have received numerous entries sent in by him, to the point where they have an entire storage closet filled with stacks of his submissions. He has even appeared on the show twice; the first encounter apparently left the host with a scar on his left cheek, and the very mention of Dib seems to trigger flashbacks of the traumatic experience.
  • A young aspiring paranormal investigator named Dib happens to be a huge fan of the show, and the writers have received numerous entries sent in by him, to the point where they have an entire storage closet filled with stacks of his submissions. He has even appeared on the show twice; the first encounter apparently left the host with a scar on his left cheek, and the very mention of Dib seems to trigger flashbacks of the traumatic experience.