  • Gleeman Vox
  • Gleeman Vox
  • Gleeman Vox
  • Gleeman Vox
  • Gleeman Vox
  • Gleeman Vox, also known as Mr. Vox or simply Vox, was a Slademan, and the founder and owner of Vox Industries, the Vox Network and several other business ventures within the lawless Shadow Sector. One of his most notable achievements was DreadZone, (being its leader, president and producer all in one) an illegal combat sport that pitted heroes across the universe against one another for adoration of trillions of fans. Cold, sadistic and obsessed with earning bolts and high ratings; the only other thing he cared about was his pet, Slugha, whom copied Vox's personality traits.
  • Gleeman Vox, also known as Mr. Vox or simply Vox, is the main antagonist in Ratchet: Deadlocked. Vox was a Slademan, and the founder and owner of Vox Industries, the Vox Network and several other business ventures within the lawless Shadow Sector of the Solana Galaxy. One of his most notable achievements was DreadZone, an illegal combat sport that pitted heroes across the universe against one another for adoration of trillions of fans. Cold, sadistic and obsessed with earning bolts and high ratings; the only other thing he cared about was his pet, Slugha, whom copied Vox's personality traits, and this care diminished when Vox willingly allowed it to die in the explosion he planned to set off at the end of the game.
  • Gleeman Vox était un personnage craint de Solana puisque il était le dirigeant de DreadZone, des Industries vox ainsi que la célèbre chaîne payante Pox. Sa réputation lui permit de contrôler tout le secteur de l'Ombre et d’accroître constamment son audimat. Boss final du jeu auquel il apparaît, il fut conséquemment vaincu par Ratchet après un combat fatal. Malgré son arsenal robotique neuf, il ne put éliminé le lombax face à son ingéniosité.
  • Mediemogulen Gleeman Vox, grunnleggeren og daglig leder av Pox Industries, styrte et forretningsimperium som spant seg over fire galakser. Vox var mannen bak det populære Holovid-realityshowet DreadZone, og drømmene hans om høye seertall og verdifulle avtaler kunne bare måle seg med hans ønske om å herske over hele verdensrommet.
  • Vox was a dumb stupid retard looking for cash, at first he was in good psysical health. He jogged for 50 miles each day to to make any good for nothing fuck jealous, like Qwark and Clark. Vox bragging about himself so much that his only friend Ace Retardlight wanted to kill him, so Ace came up with a fucking dumb ass plan to ruin Vox's life, so he hired a few highschool bullys Lawrence and Dull Bookworm. The bully's teased vox so much that he ran away (pussy), at that time Vox stayed away from Mars Bars, but not having taste one he decided to try one and he fell in love with them so much that he couldn't stop gorging his greedy ass self. So he became fat, not even bothering to go to the gym and eating healthy foods like salads. He was found stealing Mars Bars with sly cooper, apparenty he
  • "Wird ihnen auch speiübel, wenn sie schon wieder eine von diesen Dating - Shows sehen müssen? Ist ihr Blarg Schlampen 3 Video schon völlig heruntergenudelt? Dann sollten sie sich endlich für eine etwas viel gefährlichere Alternative entscheiden. Hier erwartet sie echte Action. Wir bringen die K.... zum Dampfen, verdammt nochmal. Jetzt wird es Zeit für DreadZone! Der unzensierte, ungenierte, in der Galaxie einmalige und völlig unvergleichliche Kampfsport. Live und exklusiv für sie direkt aus der Killerkuppel! Vox macht Werbung für DreadZone.
  • right|thumb|Gleeman VoxGleeman Vox oli DreadZonen johtaja joka kaappasi Ratchetin, Clankin ja Iso Alin. Hän yritti saada Ratchetin pahaksi taktiikalla joka oli tehonnut Ace Hardlightiin. Se taktiikka oli tarjota kuuluisuutta, tehdä rahaa ja antaa DreadZonen tuhoajien kapteenin paikkaa. Ratchet ei kuitenkaan suostunut ja aikoi tuhota DreadZonen. Vox on pelin loppupomo. Lopussa hän tuhoutuu DreadZonen mukana. Lopuksi näytettiin, kun Dr. Nefarious ja Lawrence leijailivat DreadZone aseman jäänteiden ohi, Gleeman Voxin robottikäden leijaillessa avaruuden halki. Ratchet & Clank: Nexus pelissä herra Voxista tehtiin patsas Meridian Cityn Intergalaktisen historian museoon ja se pantiin Ilkitöiden saliin. Opasbotin mukaan ohjelma jätti jälkeensä aukon, jossa näytetään nykyisin Kaljut ja viehkeät -ja
  • Unbekannt
  • Weiß mit schwarzer Iris
  • Männlich
  • DreadZone
  • Keine Haare
  • Slademan, Cyborg
  • Deceased
  • Tot
  • Gleeman Vox
  • Slademan
  • Unknown
Eye Color
  • Brown
  • Male
  • Gleeman Vox, also known as Mr. Vox or simply Vox, was a Slademan, and the founder and owner of Vox Industries, the Vox Network and several other business ventures within the lawless Shadow Sector. One of his most notable achievements was DreadZone, (being its leader, president and producer all in one) an illegal combat sport that pitted heroes across the universe against one another for adoration of trillions of fans. Cold, sadistic and obsessed with earning bolts and high ratings; the only other thing he cared about was his pet, Slugha, whom copied Vox's personality traits.
  • "Wird ihnen auch speiübel, wenn sie schon wieder eine von diesen Dating - Shows sehen müssen? Ist ihr Blarg Schlampen 3 Video schon völlig heruntergenudelt? Dann sollten sie sich endlich für eine etwas viel gefährlichere Alternative entscheiden. Hier erwartet sie echte Action. Wir bringen die K.... zum Dampfen, verdammt nochmal. Jetzt wird es Zeit für DreadZone! Der unzensierte, ungenierte, in der Galaxie einmalige und völlig unvergleichliche Kampfsport. Live und exklusiv für sie direkt aus der Killerkuppel! Vox macht Werbung für DreadZone. Gleeman Vox war der Gründer von Pox Industries und Leiter des illegalen Kampfsportes DreadZone. Er entführte Helden und ließ sie in der Killerkuppel gegeneinander antreten, wovon er sich eine tolle Einschaltquote erhoffte. Die größten Gladiatoren ernnante er zu Exterminatoren, und verkaufte viele Produkte mit ihrem Markenzeichen. Die Idee für DreadZone kam ihn, als sich 2 Männer um einen Pfandkuchen stritten, und der Rest ist Geschichte.
  • right|thumb|Gleeman VoxGleeman Vox oli DreadZonen johtaja joka kaappasi Ratchetin, Clankin ja Iso Alin. Hän yritti saada Ratchetin pahaksi taktiikalla joka oli tehonnut Ace Hardlightiin. Se taktiikka oli tarjota kuuluisuutta, tehdä rahaa ja antaa DreadZonen tuhoajien kapteenin paikkaa. Ratchet ei kuitenkaan suostunut ja aikoi tuhota DreadZonen. Vox on pelin loppupomo. Lopussa hän tuhoutuu DreadZonen mukana. Lopuksi näytettiin, kun Dr. Nefarious ja Lawrence leijailivat DreadZone aseman jäänteiden ohi, Gleeman Voxin robottikäden leijaillessa avaruuden halki. Ratchet & Clank: Nexus pelissä herra Voxista tehtiin patsas Meridian Cityn Intergalaktisen historian museoon ja se pantiin Ilkitöiden saliin. Opasbotin mukaan ohjelma jätti jälkeensä aukon, jossa näytetään nykyisin Kaljut ja viehkeät -jaksoa 10 972 nimeltään "Tykkään susta, mutten niinku tykkään-tykkään susta." Luokka:Hahmot Luokka:Pahikset Luokka:Viholliset Luokka:Mieshahmot Luokka:Kuolleet
  • Gleeman Vox, also known as Mr. Vox or simply Vox, is the main antagonist in Ratchet: Deadlocked. Vox was a Slademan, and the founder and owner of Vox Industries, the Vox Network and several other business ventures within the lawless Shadow Sector of the Solana Galaxy. One of his most notable achievements was DreadZone, an illegal combat sport that pitted heroes across the universe against one another for adoration of trillions of fans. Cold, sadistic and obsessed with earning bolts and high ratings; the only other thing he cared about was his pet, Slugha, whom copied Vox's personality traits, and this care diminished when Vox willingly allowed it to die in the explosion he planned to set off at the end of the game.
  • Gleeman Vox était un personnage craint de Solana puisque il était le dirigeant de DreadZone, des Industries vox ainsi que la célèbre chaîne payante Pox. Sa réputation lui permit de contrôler tout le secteur de l'Ombre et d’accroître constamment son audimat. Boss final du jeu auquel il apparaît, il fut conséquemment vaincu par Ratchet après un combat fatal. Malgré son arsenal robotique neuf, il ne put éliminé le lombax face à son ingéniosité.
  • Vox was a dumb stupid retard looking for cash, at first he was in good psysical health. He jogged for 50 miles each day to to make any good for nothing fuck jealous, like Qwark and Clark. Vox bragging about himself so much that his only friend Ace Retardlight wanted to kill him, so Ace came up with a fucking dumb ass plan to ruin Vox's life, so he hired a few highschool bullys Lawrence and Dull Bookworm. The bully's teased vox so much that he ran away (pussy), at that time Vox stayed away from Mars Bars, but not having taste one he decided to try one and he fell in love with them so much that he couldn't stop gorging his greedy ass self. So he became fat, not even bothering to go to the gym and eating healthy foods like salads. He was found stealing Mars Bars with sly cooper, apparenty he was the actual one who stole and ate Tachyon's Mars Bar. He later won a fortune at the lottery while buying Mars Bars and brought a space station he called Dread Zone so that he could capture dumb ass superheroes who don't bother to try to save the galaxy because their too busy trying to look good and watching soap operas. So vox captured them to fight each other and rape each other, so that his ratings can go up which means getting bolts in which he could buy more mars bars. He had his friend Ace Retardlight by his side still not knowing that he was the one who ruined his life, vox made him the star fuckanator which consists of him fucking the contestants to death and after Ace reached a certaint amount of kills, vox decided to sell products like condems, crochatizers, and sex tools based on Ace, but no one wouldn't buy any of the products because it was based on Ace because he was a sex tool. Due to people not buying Ace products, Vox lost alot of bolts, which caused him to go crazy because he couldn't buy any mars bars. Vox later blamed everything on Ace for causing his ratings to go down so much, Vox made a deal with the devil to placed Ace in hell where he would fight none stop until he rised Vox's ratings. At that time Vox didn't have any fuckanators, so he hired Hellshock a soulless machine that was once a snackmachine that stocked mar bars , Reasser a homosexual pervert who used to be a high school math teacher, and the Efuckanata a child malester and serial killer chief. Vox hire them to take over while Ace was in hell, which brought his ratings up and in which he once again was weathy enough to buy more mars bars, which he was able to bring Ace out of hell
  • Mediemogulen Gleeman Vox, grunnleggeren og daglig leder av Pox Industries, styrte et forretningsimperium som spant seg over fire galakser. Vox var mannen bak det populære Holovid-realityshowet DreadZone, og drømmene hans om høye seertall og verdifulle avtaler kunne bare måle seg med hans ønske om å herske over hele verdensrommet.
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