  • Alpha Quadrant
  • The Alpha Quadrant is the common designation for one-quarter of the Milky Way Galaxy. Its boundary in the region around the Federation is defined by a meridian passing through the galactic core and at least near the Sol System. The Orion Arm, Perseus Arm and Sagittarius Arms of the galaxy are located in that quadrant.
  • The Alpha Quadrant is one of the four quadrants of the Milky Way Galaxy, and lies in the "south-west" region of the galactic map.
  • The Alpha Quadrant is "someplace far, someplace barren." The Axalon was ordered by the High Council to undertake a secret mission: drop Protoform X on some featureless rock in the Alpha Quadrant and never speak of this again. But then the Beast Wars happened instead. Dawn of Future's Past
  • Major races in the quadrant include Humans, Vulcans, Andorians, and the Kzinti Hegemony. Image:02-07-02.jpg|Alpha Quadrant (Main Stellar Star Systems) Image:02-07-01.jpg|Alpha Quadrant (General Overview) Image:Map alpha quadrant.jpg||Alpha Quadrant
  • The Alpha Quadrant is the most important quadrant in the galaxy, as it is the home of Earth, William Shatner, and Roddenberries. This article is a stub because the previous author was too damn lazy to finish it.
  • The Alpha Quadrant was the common designation for one-quarter of the Milky Way Galaxy. It was adjacent to the Beta Quadrant and the Gamma Quadrant. One-quarter of the galactic core was located in this quadrant. (Star Trek: Voyager, Season 7 production art; [1] Star Trek Into Darkness display graphics) "The Search, Part II" implied that there were at least thirteen alliances in the Alpha Quadrant. In the mirror universe 2370, the Klingon-Cardassian Alliance, according to Julian Bashir, controlled the entire quadrant. (DS9: "Crossover")
  • The Sol system rests on the border between the Alpha and Beta Quadrants but is considered in Sector 001 of the Alpha Quadrant. Major galactic arms included in the Alpha Quadrant are the Orion Arm, the Perseus Arm and the Sagittarius Arm, while major astronomical landmarks included the Argolis Cluster, the Arachnid Nebula and the Badlands. (ENT: "Fusion"; TNG: "I, Borg"; DS9: "The Maquis, Part I")
  • The Alpha Quadrant is the common designation for one-quarter of the Milky Way Galaxy. Its boundary in the region around the Federation is defined by a meridian passing through the galactic core and at least near the Sol System. The Orion Arm, Perseus Arm and Sagittarius Arms of the galaxy are located in that quadrant. While only about 25% of the quadrant had been sufficiently explored, it was known to contain examples of shocking interstellar beauty and scientific wonder such as the Argolis Cluster, the Arachnid Nebula and the Cardassian Badlands.
  • The Alpha Quadrant is the common designation for one-quarter of the Milky Way Galaxy. Its boundary in the region around the Federation is defined by a meridian passing through the galactic core and at least near the Sol System. The Orion Arm, Perseus Arm and Sagittarius Arms of the galaxy are located in that quadrant.
  • The Alpha Quadrant is the common designation for one-quarter of the Milky Way Galaxy. Its boundary in the region around the Federation is defined by a meridian passing through the galactic core and at least near the Sol System. The Orion Arm, Perseus Arm and Sagittarius Arms of the galaxy are located in that quadrant. Interstellar politics in the Alpha Quadrant in the 24th century were generally dominated by the United Federation of Planets, along with other regional powers including the Klingon Empire, Romulan Star Empire, Cardassian Union, the Tzenkethi, the Talarian Republic, and the Ferengi Alliance, all of which interacted on generally peaceful terms. Members of the Tholian Assembly, Breen Confederacy and the Xindi remained mostly isolated from the rest of the Alpha Quadrant populations. While only about 25% of the quadrant had been sufficiently explored, it was known to contain examples of shocking interstellar beauty and scientific wonder such as the Argolis Cluster, the Arachnid Nebula and the Cardassian Badlands. The Bajoran wormhole connected the Bajor sector in the Alpha Quadrant to Idran system on the far side of the Gamma Quadrant near Dominion space. The use of this wormhole for exploration and trade by parties from the Alpha Quadrant incited hostility from the Dominion, culminating in the Dominion War.
  • The Alpha Quadrant is one of the four quadrants of the Milky Way Galaxy, and lies in the "south-west" region of the galactic map.
  • The Alpha Quadrant was the common designation for one-quarter of the Milky Way Galaxy. It was adjacent to the Beta Quadrant and the Gamma Quadrant. One-quarter of the galactic core was located in this quadrant. (Star Trek: Voyager, Season 7 production art; [1] Star Trek Into Darkness display graphics) In late 24th century interstellar politics and diplomacy, the four great powers in the Alpha Quadrant were the United Federation of Planets, the Cardassian Union, the Klingon Empire, and Romulan Star Empire, though majority of the territory held by the latter two is found in the Beta Quadrant. Other powers at the time were divided into two groups. The mercantile powers, like the Ferengi Alliance, traded with the great powers. The isolationist powers, like the Breen Confederacy and the Tholian Assembly, defended their territory aggressively and, would on occasion, battle with other powers. (Star Trek: The Original Series; Star Trek: Deep Space Nine; Star Trek Into Darkness display graphics) By the late 23rd century, the Alpha Quadrant still remained largely unexplored by the United Federation of Planets. (VOY: "Flashback") "The Search, Part II" implied that there were at least thirteen alliances in the Alpha Quadrant. The Bajoran wormhole connected the Bajoran sector in the Alpha Quadrant to a point near the Idran system on the far side of the Gamma Quadrant near Dominion space. The use of this wormhole for exploration and trade by parties from the Alpha Quadrant incited hostility from the Dominion, culminating in the Dominion War. (Star Trek: Deep Space Nine) In the alternate 2259, a section of this quadrant, from a galactic map, was in a collection of graphics and video media that were seen on a powerwall in the offices of Admirals Christopher Pike and Alexander Marcus at Starfleet Headquarters. The map was being used primarily for charting activity on the Neutral Zone, Sectors 45 to 89. The three largest powers in this section - the Federation, the Empire, and the Orion Union - were labeled on this map. (Star Trek Into Darkness) In the mirror universe 2370, the Klingon-Cardassian Alliance, according to Julian Bashir, controlled the entire quadrant. (DS9: "Crossover") The map can be seen in the video "Star Trek: Into Darkness" - User Interface VFX at [2]
  • The Alpha Quadrant is "someplace far, someplace barren." The Axalon was ordered by the High Council to undertake a secret mission: drop Protoform X on some featureless rock in the Alpha Quadrant and never speak of this again. But then the Beast Wars happened instead. Dawn of Future's Past
  • Major races in the quadrant include Humans, Vulcans, Andorians, and the Kzinti Hegemony. Image:02-07-02.jpg|Alpha Quadrant (Main Stellar Star Systems) Image:02-07-01.jpg|Alpha Quadrant (General Overview) Image:Map alpha quadrant.jpg||Alpha Quadrant
  • The Sol system rests on the border between the Alpha and Beta Quadrants but is considered in Sector 001 of the Alpha Quadrant. Major galactic arms included in the Alpha Quadrant are the Orion Arm, the Perseus Arm and the Sagittarius Arm, while major astronomical landmarks included the Argolis Cluster, the Arachnid Nebula and the Badlands. (ENT: "Fusion"; TNG: "I, Borg"; DS9: "The Maquis, Part I") In the 24th century, Federation scientists approximated all known races had explored only 25% of the quadrant. During these explorations, three stable wormholes were discovered: the Barzan wormhole, leading to the Delta Quadrant (which was ultimately discovered to be unstable at the Delta Quadrant end); and the artificial Bajoran wormhole, reaching 70,000 light years into the Gamma Quadrant. (TNG: "The Price"; VOY: "False Profits"; DS9: "Emissary")) The Dominion infiltrated the Alpha Quadrant through the Bajoran wormhole, finally invading in 2373, causing the Dominion War, lasting until 2375, when the major Alpha Quadrant powers drove the Dominion to surrender. (Star Trek: Deep Space Nine)
  • The Alpha Quadrant is the most important quadrant in the galaxy, as it is the home of Earth, William Shatner, and Roddenberries. This article is a stub because the previous author was too damn lazy to finish it.
is Quadrant of
is Planet of
is Place of
is Location of