  • Farming village
  • During the War, the village was raided by the Fire Nation. In the process, all the men in the town were captured and Song's leg was burnt. Prince Zuko and his uncle, Iroh, paid a short visit to this village after Iroh drank tea made from the white jade bush, having mistaken it for the harmless and more palatable white dragon bush. The tea caused a rash that was potentially fatal if no antidote was taken to counteract the effects, so instead of risking the use of other unidentifiable plants that could have similar results, Zuko decided to take Iroh to a nearby hospital, where Song treated Iroh's rash. Afterward, she invited Zuko and Iroh, who were at that time using the aliases Lee and Mushi, to join her and her mother for dinner. Zuko and Iroh left later that evening, secretly taking the f
  • earth
  • "The Cave of Two Lovers"
  • Farming settlement
  • Western Earth Kingdom
  • During the War, the village was raided by the Fire Nation. In the process, all the men in the town were captured and Song's leg was burnt. Prince Zuko and his uncle, Iroh, paid a short visit to this village after Iroh drank tea made from the white jade bush, having mistaken it for the harmless and more palatable white dragon bush. The tea caused a rash that was potentially fatal if no antidote was taken to counteract the effects, so instead of risking the use of other unidentifiable plants that could have similar results, Zuko decided to take Iroh to a nearby hospital, where Song treated Iroh's rash. Afterward, she invited Zuko and Iroh, who were at that time using the aliases Lee and Mushi, to join her and her mother for dinner. Zuko and Iroh left later that evening, secretly taking the family's ostrich horse with them.
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