  • Me/7 double laser cannon
  • The Me/7 double laser cannon, also known as the Me/7 heavy repeating dual laser cannon, was a heavy repeating dual laser cannon produced by Corellian Engineering Corporation. During the Galactic Civil War, Jabba Desilijic Tiure had a single Me/7 turret installed aboard the Khetanna. During the Battle of the Great Pit of Carkoon, Leia Organa rigged the Me/7 to fire at the Khetanna's own deck, destroying the sail barge.
  • The Me/7 double laser cannon, also known as the Me/7 heavy repeating dual laser cannon, was a heavy repeating dual laser cannon produced by Corellian Engineering Corporation. During the Galactic Civil War, Jabba Desilijic Tiure had a single Me/7 turret installed aboard the Khetanna. During the Battle of the Great Pit of Carkoon, Leia Organa rigged the Me/7 to fire at the Khetanna's own deck, destroying the sail barge.