  • Anita's cross necklace
  • Anita goes to Knubbin hoping he can provide her with answers regarding her Wolfstime dreams. He enchants a golden cross necklace designed to demystify them, and she soon learns that she is a werewolf. Years later, her daughter Red discovers this under her mattress and takes it to Granny, who explains to her granddaughter that it belonged to Anita. She threads it and gives it to Red as a necklace, therefore making Red's dreams more vivid. She wears it always to remember her mother, though she does lose it at one point. After Peter returns it, she sells it to Hershel Worthington, having learned its true nature from Knubbin and telling him that there's a love spell on it. He takes the necklace, thereby agreeing to make Granny's tax debts go away and un-evict her and Red, but later shows up at
Used for
  • Demystifying a werewolf's dreams
  • "Red's Untold Tale"
  • Anita's cross necklace
  • Anita's cross necklace
  • Anita
  • Red Riding Hood
  • Hershel Worthington
  • Anita goes to Knubbin hoping he can provide her with answers regarding her Wolfstime dreams. He enchants a golden cross necklace designed to demystify them, and she soon learns that she is a werewolf. Years later, her daughter Red discovers this under her mattress and takes it to Granny, who explains to her granddaughter that it belonged to Anita. She threads it and gives it to Red as a necklace, therefore making Red's dreams more vivid. She wears it always to remember her mother, though she does lose it at one point. After Peter returns it, she sells it to Hershel Worthington, having learned its true nature from Knubbin and telling him that there's a love spell on it. He takes the necklace, thereby agreeing to make Granny's tax debts go away and un-evict her and Red, but later shows up at a town meeting to ask how it works. When he pockets it, Peter manages to swipe it, giving it back to Red. ("Red's Untold Tale")