  • MQDadVoice.txt/NW
  • Yup.
  • {Neutral} Never mind.
  • {Neutral} That was it.
  • What do you mean?
  • {Neutral} Go ahead.
  • You're welcome.
  • {Question} What's up?
  • {Using a "duh" attitude. / Amused} That's what trust gets you out here in the Commonwealth.
  • {Neutral} And now you and the Operators better toe the line or else you'll be the next gang removed from existence.
  • {rhetorical question, annoyed, sarcastic / Question} I trust we're done with the history lesson?
  • {Question} Are you really sure that you want to die?
  • {agreeing to a favor / Friendly} Whatever I can do to help.
  • {mercenary, telling someone you put an exploding shock collar on to obey / Stern} You're property of Mason in Nuka-Town now. Get going.
  • {You're dismissing your companion. / Neutral} You should head back.
  • {Irritated} I'm done talking. Let's just get this over with.
  • {Apologetic} You're right. I'll listen to you more from now on.
  • {Suspicious / Irritated} I don't know you, and I don't trust you. I don't want to see you back here.
  • {Happy} This is the life. Wouldn't trade it for the world.
  • {Question} What are you saying? You've made a habit out of doing this?
  • Actually, I really don't want to do this. Can we skip it? Pretty please.
  • {Coughing in an area filled with fumes. / Player} *cough* *cough*
  • {Non-committal. Trying to avoid having to outright refuse to do a favor. / Puzzled} Soooo... there's like this other thing I have to do...
  • {Neutral} Regret, I guess. I didn't want to kill him.
  • {Sarcastic} I have a bad feeling you're going to ask me to kill more.
  • {Impressed} Gotta be honest, that was a pretty smart move on his part.
  • {Sarcastic} Aww, nuts. I was just starting to get cozy in my little castle.
  • {Suspicious} This whole thing is Sierra's idea. She came here to solve your Hidden Cappy contest.
  • {Unimpressed / Neutral} Doesn't seem all that special to me.
  • {Irritated} This holotape is worthless, it doesn't point me to the cloning facility.
  • {amused, playing along with the cowboy act / Amused} The people of Dry Rock Gulch are about to meet the friendliest bartender in town. You have my word.
  • {Thinking} Well, I admit, I didn't like being roped into this "job" in the first place.
  • {joking / Amused} And three weeks later, the two of you were married.
  • {Irritated} Hey, I didn't sign on for that. Go do it yourself.
  • {Cocky. / Confident} That guy was nothing. I've had tougher challenges.
  • {Sarcastic} Put a big, dumb idiot in charge. What could possibly go wrong?
  • {Question} So these alignments use alien technology?
  • {Defensive / Irritated} Hey, it's not my fault things are like this. I just got here.
  • {Question} What is it that you get out of helping me do this?
  • {Frustrated/Demanding. / Irritated} You want me to listen? Tell me now.
  • {asking for an introduction / Suspicious} And you are...?
  • {Irritated} *Sigh* I knew this would be a pain in the ass.
  • {Threatening someone you just kicked off their own land. / Stern} Keep walking.
  • {Question} You always this friendly to a complete stranger?
  • {Irritated} Lose the atittude, or lose something a lot more valuable.
  • {Confident} Don't worry, Gage. I don't believe that you'd betray me.
  • {putting an underling in his place / Stern} As long as you care about yourself, you'll do what I tell you.
  • {Gorillas are Cito's family. You're not sure what to say at first. / Friendly} Uh... You have a lovely family, Cito.
  • {A little threatening. / Irritated} You lied to me.
  • {Disbelief} Sounds like this whole thing is a waste of time.
  • {mercenary, telling someone you put an exploding shock collar on to obey / Stern} Mason in Nuka-Town owns you. Get moving.
  • {Sarcastic} That's all, huh? While I'm at it, you got any laundry that needs to be done?
  • {impressed} Pulling the gangs together was a smart move.
  • {Confident} Look, you aren't going to win this. Just leave.
  • {Question} There anything I need to know about the outpost?
  • Yeah, but if I don't cut the power, then that door doesn't open and I don't get my prototype ammo.
  • {Amused} If you're gonna tell me you shoved a hand up his ass and turned him into a human puppet, I don't wanna hear it.
  • {Found the third of ten hidden clues. Rhetorical, muttering to yourself.} That's three clues. The letters must spell something.
  • {You're trying to goad someone who beat you up into fighting you again. / Stern} You and me, we're going another damn round.
  • {Neutral} Actually, I'd rather not target that one.
  • {Annoyed / Irritated} I'm not about to scour this park looking for a rare flavor of Nuka-Cola.
  • {Sarcastic} Gage, if you think I'm going to let you get behind me and steer me anywhere...
  • {player really means this, no sarcasm / Grateful} That sounds good. Show me the path to true happiness.
  • {skirting line between being a dick and friendly sarcasm - refusing to help a gang boss / Sarcastic} I think you're confusing me with someone who gives a shit.
  • {breaking the tension with a joke / Sarcastic} But, Gage... I am too good for you.
  • {Player is initiating dialogue with Harvey. / Neutral} Hey, Harvey.
  • {You're trying to goad someone who you just beat up into fighting you again. / Stern} What say you and me go another round?
  • {Stern} You want to do this the hard way? Fine. Let's do this the hard way.
  • {Searching your memory / Thinking} Bradberton... I remember that name. He was the guy who invented Nuka-Cola, right?
  • {Almost half joking / Amused} I'm getting the impression that nobody liked that guy.
  • {annoyed / Irritated} Okay, you about done with the sob story here, Gage? Everyone's got shit they had to deal with.
  • Of course it's simple. The contest was meant for kids.
  • {speaking as the Silver Shroud} No target escapes the sights of the Silver Shroud! I'll win your contest, One-Eyed Ike!
  • {Neutral} So it only works at settlements. Are there any other restrictions I need to know about?
  • {Dismissive, brushing off} Sure, whatever. You have fun with that.
  • {Thinking it over / Thinking} I'm not making any promises, but I'll keep it in mind.
  • {Honest admiration / Impressed} You've got some serious backbone.
  • {Non-committal. Trying to avoid having to outright refuse to do a favor. / Apologetic} Ttth... Not sure if I can help you right now.
  • {Question} I hate to lose the Operators. Isn't there some other way?
  • {Thinking} I need some time to think it over, Gage.
  • {Angry} To hell with all of you. Hubology is a fraud and you're all insane.
  • {quotes in mocking falsetto / Sarcastic} Oh, I can just picture it now: "Uhh, excuse me, mister Raider boss, but I have an idea!"
  • {Impatient, irritated / Irritated} Just get to the point.
  • {Angry} I don't make promises, and you'll do what I say.
  • {hopeful / Question} So, you're not giving up on us?
  • {Stern / Stern} I got your code, now you owe me. Pay up.
  • {judging / Disgust} So you abandoned them, left them to suffer.
  • {Fed up. / Sarcastic} That's it. I'm done helping people.
  • {SinisterSmile} Speaking of which, have you seen any stragglers? When I clean house, I like to be thorough.
  • {Apologetic} Okay, yeah. I hear you. I'll work on it, all right?
  • {Disbelief / Disbelief} There's got to be a better solution than killing you.
  • {Friendly} Nuka-World is perfectly safe. You guys would fit right in.
  • {You're dismissing your companion. / Neutral} It's time we parted company.
  • {Nonchalant. / Confident} Thanks to you. Not a bad plan.
  • {Neutral} It's time we took over another settlement.
  • {slyly. A slight jab at the quest giver, who probably doesn't want to offer a reward, but has to obey you, because you're ultimately the boss / Confident} I trust there will be something in this for me.
  • {Question} Maybe. Do you have any idea where they're coming from?
  • {Suspicious} I'm offering you a way to heal yourself. Why pass that up?
  • {smiling, then chuckling. player returning and saying he completed the mission - he killed someone, ambushed a caravan, roughed someone up, etc. / Amused} Chalk another one up for the... Well, I was going to say "good guys" but -heh- you know what I mean.
  • {Dubious / Concerned} I'm... uh, sure you know what you're doing.
  • {Puzzled} Are you okay? Why are you talking like that?
  • {Sly, lying / SinisterSmile} I'm a fellow Nuka-Cola fan, so you can definitely trust me.
  • {Irritated} Fine, but it better pay well... I'm not doing this for free.
  • {speaking as the Silver Shroud} Horses gone missing? The Silver Shroud shall ensure this is not part of some more diabolical plot.
  • {Irritated} Let me guess, you just so happen to sell the tokens.
  • {Trying to intimidate someone off their land. / Stern} I'm here for your land. You should leave while you can still walk.
  • {Sarcastic} Whatever. I don't need to hear your boring sob story.
  • {SinisterSmile} Staying hydrated is half the battle, right?
  • {Add a little menace to this. You're going to extort this settlement. / Stern} I'll convince them to leave.
  • {Irritated} Forget the rest of the parks. We've got enough space here.
  • {Confident} You're damn right. This is my show now.
  • {Annoyed / Irritated} I'd rather put a bullet in my brain than waste time on some pointless scavenger hunt. Or maybe I should put it in yours.
  • {Giving him the good news. / Player} I wiped out the gangs up in Nuka-World. Should be a lot safer around here now.
  • {Dry sarcasm / Sarcastic} A malfunction? What on earth makes you think that?
  • {smiling, approving, demonstrating you're a badass - might be responding to request to kill a trouble maker, rough someone up, or ambush a caravan. / Amused} My kind of work.
  • {apologetic / Apologetic} Oh, come on - give me one more chance, will ya?
  • {Found the eighth of ten hidden clues. Rhetorical, muttering to yourself.} Eight clues. Almost done.
  • {Irritated} I've got enough going on. I don't need this hassle.
  • {Surprised} That's a lot of responsibility for someone so young.
  • {Grateful} Never thought I'd say this to a Raider, but... You're damn good company. I'm lucky to have you supporting me.
  • {Sincere, friendly / Friendly} That was very informative. Thank you.
  • {Neutral} Sure, why not? Might learn more about the park while I'm at it.
  • {Somber} Everybody makes mistakes, Gage. Sounds like he was yours.
  • {Rhetorical, muttering to yourself.} Okay, that's another clue found.
  • {speaking as the Silver Shroud} Dastardly villains taken root in the mine, you say? They shall face my terrible justice.
  • {Amused} Sounds like you've had this planned from the beginning.
  • {NPC talks like Tarzan, you're making fun of him. / Irritated} Oh, god. Let me guess, you were raised by apes.
  • {Player is initiating dialogue with Harvey. / Neutral} Harvey.
  • {Sarcastic} Shit, Gage - you need bandages for this bleeding heart of yours?
  • {Disbelief} You realize your "friends" are feral ghouls, right?
  • {Confident} I didn't build all this up just to watch them tear it down.
  • {Neutral} Actually, I'm really more in this for the soda.
  • {Add a little menace to this. You're going to extort this settlement. / Stern} I'm looking to have some words with a local settlement. Convince them to contribute to the cause.
  • {skirting line between being a dick and friendly sarcasm - refusing to help a gang boss / Irritated} Since when am I your bitch?
  • {sarcasm / Sarcastic} Yeah, who knew water and electricity wouldn't mix?
  • {Question} Why would I want to change up the type of job?
  • {Irritated} I've done enough. I'm not interested in helping you further.
  • {dismissive / Irritated} Not now. We can talk later.
  • {tyring to be diplomatic / Friendly} You can trust me. I'll be a good leader.
  • {slight pep talk / Somber} Things could be worse. Trust me. I've seen it.
  • {quick greeting to get someone's attention. player is overboss, greeting a lieutenant / Neutral} Hey there.
  • {sarcasm / Sarcastic} I'm taking my caps and retiring to a desert island. Try not to wreck the place.
  • {Sarcastic} Bored. Kind of like this conversation, now that you mention it...
  • {Surprised} Why bother with the Commonwealth? Don't we have everything we need over here?
  • {Non-committal. Trying to avoid having to outright refuse to do a favor. / Apologetic} Hmmm... Let me get back to you about that?
  • {concerned / Concerned} You still love me, though... Right?
  • {Greeting someone. Stern. Speaking to an underling. / Neutral} Hey.
  • {smiling, gloating. player returning and saying he completed the mission - he killed someone, ambushed a caravan, roughed someone up, etc. / Confident} What can I say? I'm good at what I do.
  • {being practical about prposing a romantic relationship / Flirting} Come on, Gage. We've both been around enough to know that stranger things have happened.
  • {Question} Is there anything else besides "dollars" I can pay with?
  • {Threatening. / Irritated} To hell with your pitiful excuses. You're a dead man!
  • {Curious. Player walked away from an intercom and has returned. / Neutral} Still there, I take it.
  • {Asking your companion their opinion of you. / Question} Is everything okay between us?
  • {Impatient, stern / Stern} No more dragging your feet. Tell me why you're here, and I mean now.
  • {Confident} I didn't build all this up just to watch her tear it down.
  • {Confident} I'm going to do things my way, whether you approve or not.
  • {Question} What, you worried I'm gonna turn on you?
  • What about the secret Nuka-Cola formula you think is locked up in that vault?
  • No deal. I want that prototype, and I'm going to get it.
  • {Aghast / Disbelief} Bloodworm Meat?! That's disgusting.
  • {Suspicious} This had better not be a wild goose chase, Cito.
  • {Curious. Player walked away from an intercom and has returned. / Neutral} You still there?
  • Restoring power sounds like a waste of time. We've already got everything we need right here.
  • {Friendly} Good job, Cito. I knew you'd be helpful.
  • {neutral. not willing to commit/decide. telling person to continue with his spiel. / Neutral} Go on.
  • {Irritated} Forget it, Gage. I'm not taking advice from anyone but you.
  • {Question} What the heck are those things? Are they some sort of a Deathclaw?
  • {dismissive, slightly pompous / Confident} Tag along, if you want. Might learn a thing or two.
  • {Sarcastic} Smart enough to invent Nuka-Cola, but you still fell for that?
  • {Using a "hate to break it to you..." attitude. This is not sympathetic. / Neutral} Your family is probably dead.
  • {Question} Is there anything else I should know about this?
  • {setting it straight / Confident} I'm not here to make us friends. I'm here to make us some caps.
  • {Stern} I'll see what I can do, but I'm not making any promises.
  • {Neutral} Taking down an opponent like that, it's thrilling.
  • {Question} Can you tell me more about this Hubology Cleansed mentioned?
  • {evil option, about to kill all the robots for fun / SinisterSmile} This has been a real pleasure, sheriff. But I think it's time you and your robot friends got sent to the scrap heap.
  • {Threatening / Angry} Piss me off, and you'll find out just how scary I can be.
  • {don't want to have anything to do with these people any more / Irritated} I'm done with all of you. You're on your own now. Good luck.
  • {SinisterSmile} I wanna burn it down, Gage. All of it.
  • {Disgust} I hate Raiders. Those parasites deserved exactly what they got.
  • {Question} I hate to lose the Disciples. Isn't there some other way?
  • {A little bit sinister} What poor bastards are you talking about?
  • { agreeing to a favor / Friendly} Your wish is my command.
  • {Suspicious} Sure... and I suppose you'll have someone else give the orders while I'm gone. Convenient.
  • {A warning. Skeptical to the point of disbelief that the frozen human head you're talking to could be real. / Irritated} This has to be a joke.
  • {Curious since Harvey is injured. / Question} What about you?
  • {Conspiratorial} I already cleared the junkyard. You can just walk in.
  • {quick greeting to get someone's attention. player is overboss, greeting a lieutenant / Friendly} What's happening.
  • {Question} If he was so bad, why help him in the first place?
  • {trying to smooth things over / Friendly} We're all in this together. This can be good for everyone.
  • {encouraging Cito to give more information / Friendly} I'm sure you know exactly where that is, Cito.
  • {doctor just cleaned out your drug addictions} Feel better now that I'm cleaned up.
  • {Impressed} Seems like you've got a decent head on your shoulders. You could always take charge yourself.
  • {Somber} In a world like this, what other choice do I have?
  • {Changing the subject back to trade. / Friendly} Actually, let me see what you got after all.
  • {defensive, angry / Stern} You've got no right to judge me, Gage.
  • {making a deal / Friendly} I intend to treat all the gangs equally.
  • {ego statement / SinisterSmile} I was just doing what I do best.
  • {This is a threat. You're trying to drive these people off their land, but by scaring them, rather than through violence. Emphasize "now." / Stern} Look, I'm trying to help you here. You need to go. Now.
  • {Irritated} Of course not. Irradiated monsters are constantly trying to kill me.
  • {Question} Are you sure? Is there anything I can do to change your mind?
  • {Sarcastic} Apart from your hideous family, yeah. I think the monsters here are gone.
  • A doctor? How did you end up in this place?
  • Actually, I need some supplies for my next op.
  • Actually, I need some supplies for the road.
  • All right. I'll corral some horses.
  • All right. Tell me what I need to do.
  • Alright, let's hear it.
  • Aren't you Raiders all the same?
  • As a matter of fact, it is.
  • Aww, poor little Gage. You gonna miss me?
  • {Irritated} Well you better have some proof that you were tampered with, bot, or I'll scrap you for parts.
  • {Add a little menace to this. / Stern} I want to convince a new settlement to start coughing up supplies.
  • {Irritated} You want me to lead a bunch of Raiders? You've got to be kidding me.
  • Cito?
  • Could use some supplies, actually.
  • {Stern} You thought you knew better than they did. Bet it didn't go over well.
  • If he lives, I don't get the prototype ammo. What can you offer to make this worth my while?
  • Did you need anything?
  • Does it really matter? You're free now.
  • Don't worry, everybody likes me.
  • {threaten / Angry} How about you give me three, or I'll break one of your legs.
  • {Confident} I'll have these Raiders eating out of my hand in no time.
  • {Sarcastic} Since we're talking about it, I'm assuming this story doesn't end with your death.
  • {asking for clarification -not hesitant or anything, just looking for details- has been asked to kill a trouble, attack a caravan, steal supplies etc. / Question} Who am I up against?
  • {having fun / Friendly} Here you go, one crisp and refreshing Nuka-Cola Quartz.
  • {Mulling it over, coming to a realization / Sad} Yeah, if our places were reversed, I'd probably want the same thing.
  • {Question} Are you guys heading over to Nuka-World?
  • {Confident} Rules just hold us back. We should be free to do what we want.
  • {A little threatening. / Concerned} You never mentioned I was walking into a death trap.
  • Gage.
  • Got it right here. Enjoy.
  • Guess we'll find out.
  • {matter of fact - telling quest giver you aren't done yet. / Friendly} Don't worry. I'm still on it.
  • {Confident} You can count on me, Gage. I'll fix this.
  • Hey, Gage.
  • {Amused} Think death is a little too good for them?
  • {Disgust} At this point, I'd kill you just to get some peace and quiet.
  • {Friendly joke / Suspicious} Sure... do you happen to have a spare Liberty Prime?
  • I could help you out, if you want.
  • I don't really need your advice.
  • I haven't been a young fella for a long time.
  • I haven't decided yet.
  • I heard you were looking for me?
  • I need some supplies, doctor.
  • I want to ask you something else.
  • I want to know more about Nuka-World.
  • I'll do it. I'll shut off the power.
  • I'll get back to you.
  • I'll keep an eye out for these machines.
  • I'll run this place however I want.
  • I'm in. Let's go.
  • I'm not ready for this yet.
  • I'm not ready yet.
  • I'm still thinking about it.
  • I've got a full set of park medallions.
  • I've got plenty of Bloodworm Meat. Here you go.
  • I've got that Bloodworm Meat you asked for.
  • {Confident} When you hear me start shooting, you join the fight.
  • It's been an... interesting experience.
  • {Question} There's nothing weird about it, Gage. I've been thinking about it a lot too, and... I want us to be together.
  • {Indignant / Irritated} Why do I have to pay for this stuff? I'm the Overboss, remember?
  • I assume it's because the gangs trust you not to run off.
  • Just for a while, yeah.
  • {You're dismissing your companion. / Neutral} I think it'd be best if we went our separate ways.
  • {SinisterSmile} I think I like where you're going with this.
  • {Suspicious} Pet Project? What's that supposed to mean?
  • {Irritated} There's no point in arguing anymore. Just leave!
  • {Neutral} They'll do what they're told. That's all that matters.
  • Look alive, Gage.
  • {Stern, laying down the law / Stern} New boss, new rules. From now on, you wear your collar.
  • {playfully chiding / Amused} Come on Gage, don't start getting all misty on me.
  • {Cocky, selfish. / Confident} For the caps, you got yourself a deal.
  • {Question} Is there anything our outpost needs at the moment?
  • {Someone who doesn't show emotion just said something nice to you. You're a bit baffled. / Amused} I'm sorry, but was that a compliment?
  • {trying to find out if he has feelings for you / Question} Running together? Is that all we're doing here?
  • {Irritated} Do you complain this much to everyone, or am I just being singled out here?
  • No other complaints.
  • No question that it's a good location.
  • No questions for now.
  • No. We're done.
  • Not right now, thanks.
  • Nothing else for now.
  • {Irritated} I can't believe you couldn't handle that thing yourself.
  • Okay Gage, let's talk.
  • On second thought, never mind.
  • {Neutral} They meant nothing to me, so I feel nothing about killing them.
  • {Confident, going to beat someone down, a little sinister / SinisterSmile} Time to put on a show.
  • {Question} You sure that's wise? We just got this place back on its feet.
  • Plant a flag? Are you serious?
  • {Question} We can't target certain settlements with certain jobs?
  • {Question} Is there a difference between the approaches?
  • {You're trying to convince someone to start paying your gang, but they just beat the shit out of you, so you're trying to reason with them. / Neutral} Listen. It's going to be in your best interest to work with us on this, all right? So you start supplying our gang, and you won't have to see me again.
  • {eye roll / Sarcastic} Great. I always wanted to be best friends with a bunch of gorillas.
  • {Question} You want to stay here? Even though you have to work for Raiders?
  • {Not kind, but "yeah yeah whatever" / Neutral} It's okay. I get it.
  • {Amused} Raiders aren't exactly the brightest bunch, Gage. You ought to know that better than most.
  • {Friendly} Don't worry. Gage knew what he was doing.
  • {Thinking} That depends. What are you offering in return?
  • {Neutral} I think I want to change up how we hit them.
  • {SinisterSmile} Sounds like we still have plenty of trouble to get into. I guess we better get started.
  • So are you in charge here?
  • Sounds easy enough.
  • Sounds good to me. Feel free to keep that going.
  • Sounds like he just got comfortable.
  • Sounds like you've been through a lot, Gage.
  • Sure, I'll keep that in mind.
  • {mercenary, telling someone you put an exploding shock collar on to obey / Stern} You're property of Mags Black in Nuka-Town now. Get going.
  • {quick greeting to get someone's attention. player is overboss, greeting a lieutenant / Neutral} Hey.
  • Tell me about the Nuka-Cola Corporation.
  • Tell me about the different areas of the park.
  • Tell me more about the gangs.
  • Tell me more about these Park Medallions.
  • That was it.
  • They just need a good leader.
  • They'll listen if they're all afraid of me.
  • {A little skeptical / Disbelief} You run a Nuka-Cola Museum?
  • {Fed up. Angry about not getting paid. / Irritated} So no caps is what you're telling me?
  • {Hard edge / Stern} Raiders steal and kill without remorse. They don't deserve to live.
  • Um... you slipped it off and nobody's noticed yet.
  • {an honest question / Question} What would you have done?
  • {You're dismissing your companion. / Neutral} It's about time we split.
  • {Starting an attack on a nearby settlement. Tough. Confident. / Confident} Let's get this show on the road.
  • What do you want to happen?
  • What happens if choose to fight?
  • What have you got?
  • {Stern} Get a gang together. Those settlers are as good as dead.
  • Sounds interesting, but I don't really have time for that right now.
  • {amused, playing along with the cowboy act / Amused} Hold on to your hat, One-Eyed Ike, because I'm about to show you the fastest gun in the West.
  • {Player is initiating dialogue with Harvey. / Neutral} Hey, Harv.
  • {Stern} If you really want to thank me, thank me with caps.
  • {slyly. A slight jab at the quest giver, who probably doesn't want to offer a reward, but has to obey you, because you're ultimately the boss / Amused} If I scratch your back, I expect you'll scratch mine.
  • {Snarky, critical / Sarcastic} You're dreaming if you think turning on some lights is going to magically transform this place into something great.
  • {Sarcastic} Next time you want to have a little chat, remind me to ignore you.
  • {Irritated} If you're trying to coax me into giving you a bigger cut of the loot, you don't know me very well.
  • Yeah, let me show you.
  • You wanted the Nuka-Cola formula? Here it is.
  • You'll have to figure that out on your own.
  • You're free now. You can do anything you want.
  • You're not making any sense. What is this?
  • {Found the first of 10 hidden clues. Rhetorical, muttering to yourself.} That's one.
  • You seem pretty well informed about Colter's plans.
  • {Add a little menace to this. You're going to extort this settlement. / Stern} Start organizing a crew. We're going to bury those settlers.
  • {making it clear who's boss / Irritated} I'm not Colter, so that better not happen to me.
  • {slightly frustrated / Question} What do you want from me, Gage?
  • {Neutral} Sounds like I'll be putting it to good use.
  • {Encouraging. / Confident} Diamond City is great. You guys will really like it there.
  • {joking, playing along with the cowboy act} I guess I could bring a little law and order to these parts, sheriff. You got yourself a deputy.
  • {Confident} Right, the giant roller coaster. I get it now.
  • {putting an underling in his place / Defiant} Be a good dog and do what you're told, or you'll be put down.
  • {mercenary, telling someone you put an exploding shock collar on to obey / Stern} You're property of Nisha in Nuka-Town now. Get going.
  • {trying to shmooze / Friendly} How about three... as a gift to welcome the new Overboss.
  • {Irritated} Maybe I'll just kill you and take whatever the hell I want.
  • {Question} Isn't the first one supposed to be free?
  • {Fed up. / Sarcastic} Sounds like he got what he deserved in that case.
  • {Disgust} That's it. I'm done with Hubology. I gave it a try, but it's done nothing for me.
  • {Irritated} Just get to the part where you tell me how to kill them.
  • {Neutral} I'm going to need some time to think about it.
  • {Irritated} You expected otherwise? Hey, show a little respect.
  • I'll let you know when I've found a bottle of Nuka-Cola Quartz.
  • {Amused, thinking Harvey is naive. / Amused} They're all dead anyway. They just don't know it yet.
  • {veiled threat / Confident} Good. Then you and I won't have a problem.
  • {Suspicious} You're not thinking straight. Maybe you hit your head...
  • {sincere but non-committal. interested in learning more - player is being asked to do a favor. / Concerned} There a problem?
  • {deadpan, sarcastic / Sarcastic} Oh no, how will I carry on without you to follow me around and annoy the shit out of me...
  • {Question} What if she never returns? How long are you going to wait?
  • {Question} Were you thinking about throwing an ice cream social, too?
  • {Joking. / Amused} Death by squirt gun. I'd love to see the message on his tombstone.
  • {Disgust} All that effort? I would have expected more.
  • {Found the seventh of ten hidden clues. Rhetorical, muttering to yourself.} Clue number seven.
  • {Suspicious} Okay, I can tell that you want something. What is it?
  • {Amused} Sure... a couple dozen Mini Nukes would do the trick.
  • {Stern} If you or any Minutemen get in my way, I won't hesitate to put you down.
  • {Happy} I totally agree, Gage. This is a good thing.
  • {Add a little menace to this. You're going to extort this settlement. / Neutral} Put the word out. Me and a crew are going to convince some settlers to start paying up.
  • {Question} It's not weird, Gage. Far from it. I want more out of our relationship... Do you?
  • {Neutral} That's why I did it. It benefits everyone.
  • {Impatiently waiting for Harvey to stop talking. / Irritated} Like I give a shit...
  • {Neutral} I think there's already enough violence around here. I don't plan on making any more.
  • {Neutral} I want to know more about managing the outpost's basic necessities.
  • {Apologetic} I'll need more than that for this job.
  • {smiling, approving, demonstrating you're a badass - might be responding to request to kill a trouble maker, rough someone up, or ambush a caravan. / Friendly} Sign me up!
  • {Flat refusal / Stern} That's not happening. I want that experimental ammunition.
  • {quick greeting by name to get someone's attention. player is overboss, greeting a lieutenant / Confident} Hey, Nisha.
  • {Apologetic} It's the best most people can do, Gage.
  • {quick greeting to get someone's attention. player is overboss, greeting a lieutenant / Neutral} What's up.
  • If there's a chance that Colter's plans could get this place back on track, I'm interested.
  • {Trying to chase someone off in a threatening manner. / Angry} You listen closely. This land is ours. So turn around and crawl back under whatever rock you came from. Right! Now!
  • {Impressed} Uh, yeah, the Nuka-Cola Museum. Everyone's heard of that.
  • {Sympathetic. / Concerned} Let me help you first. I have a stimpak.
  • {Stern} No one double crosses me and gets away with it.
  • I found all of the Hidden Cappys. Each one had a letter.
  • {Confident} Work for me. I'll get you whatever you want.
  • {A little amused / Amused} You are clearly suffering from some kind of major malfunction.
  • {Irritated} I'm the only one who gets to make propositions around here, junkie.
  • {Puzzled} Why can't we just help people once in a while? Is that so terrible?
  • {Threatening. You just kicked the shit out of someone and are now telling them to pay up. / Stern} Hey. You.
  • {Concerned} First you lure me in here, and now you want me to run the place?
  • {More shocked than angry / Surprised} Are you out of your mind?
  • {cocky, gloating. player returning and saying he completed the mission - he killed someone, ambushed a caravan, roughed someone up, etc. / Confident} Done and done.
  • {Suspicious} Where are you going with all this, Gage?
  • {bored, disinterested / Irritated} Getting kind of tired of story time here, Gage.
  • {Neutral} Let me talk to them. I'll convince them to leave.
  • {Concerned} You look like you've got something to say, Gage.
  • {Curious. Player walked away from an intercom and has returned. / Question} Still on the other end?
  • {Stern} Just give me what I want, all right? You don't get to make demands.
  • {Rhetorical, muttering to yourself.} Aha. Got another one.
  • {Throwing your weight around / Irritated} Hey! Show some more enthusiasm when you say that.
  • Look, I'm in a hurry. Can we just say I won? I absolutely guarantee no one at Nuka-Cola is going to be upset...
  • {Grateful} A bag of animal bits. Well, this isn't the worst thing I've ever been given. Thank you, Mason.
  • {matter of fact - telling quest giver you aren't done yet. / Neutral} I'm working on it.
  • {Question} Call in a pack of hungry animals? Are you trying to get me killed?
  • {Angry} This is bullshit. You're all crazy and I'm not joining your cult.
  • {Feel free to ham up "I'm a ghost." / Amused} Oh no, Shank. I died. I'm a ghost.
  • {trying to be convincing / Confident} Gage, I'm still your best shot at getting what you want out of this world, and you know it.
  • {Confident} I made a promise to all of you... and I followed through. There's nothing more to it than that.
  • {Sympathetic observation. / Disgust} You look terrible.
  • {work with me here / Confident} I have big plans for this place, you'll see.
  • {Confident} Just calm down and start at the beginning.
  • {Threatening. / Suspicious} All right. But if this fails, I'm taking you down with me.
  • {Sarcastic} If these feral ghouls are your "friends," I'd love to see who you consider your enemy.
  • {Puzzled} Why me? I'm sure you're better suited for the job.
  • {Uncertain / Concerned} I don't really know what to expect.
  • {boasting / Confident} Are you kidding? That was a piece of cake.
  • {Unsure, mulling it over / Neutral} I don't really know what I want to do yet.
  • {Being dismissive of another's urgent need. / Irritated} I only help myself. What's in it for me?
  • {matter of fact - telling quest giver you aren't done yet. / Friendly} I got you covered. Sit tight.
  • {Goading someone into attacking you. / Angry} Oh, please try.
  • {Neutral} I want to claim another outpost for our gangs.
  • {smiling, approving, demonstrating you're a badass - might be responding to request to kill a trouble maker, rough someone up, or ambush a caravan. / Amused} Think I'm going to enjoy that.
  • {quick greeting by name to get someone's attention. player is overboss, greeting a lieutenant / Confident} Nisha.
  • {Suspicious} How many lives has this Gauntlet claimed?
  • {sincere but non-committal. interested in learning more - player is being asked to do a favor. / Friendly} Whatcha need?
  • {Sarcastic} The Pack? Fitting. You smell like animals.
  • {Greedy contemplation / Thinking} When you put it that way, it does sound like a pretty good idea.
  • {Question} What can you tell me about entertainment for the outpost?
  • {doctor just cured your injuries} I feel a lot better.
  • { player returning and saying he completed the mission - he killed someone, ambushed a caravan, roughed someone up, etc. / Confident} I'm back.
  • {Surprised, a double take / Surprised} Wait... what did you just say?
  • {A brief, neutral greeting} Hey Sierra.
  • {A brief, neutral greeting} Hi Sierra.
  • {A brief, neutral greeting} Sierra.
  • {Agreeable. / Neutral} All right. I'm listening.
  • {Amused} Faking injury again?
  • {Amused} Get used to it. Now, carry on.
  • {Amused} Oh so it's like an instant play date.
  • {Amused} So he's a cheating coward. Gotcha.
  • {Angry} Great. More dumb robots...
  • {Angry} He's as good as dead.
  • {Angry} How could you let this happen?!
  • {Angry} Oh, forget it. Take a hike.
  • {Angry} She's as good as dead.
  • {Angry} That's enough out of you, Garvey.
  • {Angry} They're as good as dead.
  • {Angry} Watch it, lady. I'm no one's pet.
  • {Angry} Well, it's a good thing he's dead then.
  • {Angry} When I get outta here, he's a dead man.
  • {Angry} Yeah, whatever. Get lost.
  • {Apologetic} I don't have a ticket.
  • {Apologetic} I'll work on it. Promise.
  • {Apologetic} No, not yet. I'll come back later.
  • {Apologetic} Not yet.
  • {Apologetic} Okay, I hear you. I'll work on it.
  • {Awed} Together we can capture that spaceship.
  • {Cocky. / Confident} I'm the best there is.
  • {Concerned and worried. / Concerned} Are you okay?
  • {Concerned} I hope you know somewhere to start.
  • {Concerned} I'll think about it.
  • {Concerned} I'm sure it was a tough choice.
  • {Concerned} The thought had crossed my mind, yeah.
  • {Concerned} You need help.
  • {Concerned} You need to be more convincing.
  • {Concerned} You seem sort of unhappy, Gage.
  • {Confident} All five. Here they are.
  • {Confident} All the gangs are on board.
  • {Confident} Consider it done.
  • {Confident} He lied to me, so he's dead now.
  • {Confident} Here you go.
  • {Confident} Here's some caps.
  • {Confident} I am ready.
  • {Confident} I can fix this. I can make this work.
  • {Confident} I have a ticket. Here you go.
  • {Confident} I hear what you're saying.
  • {Confident} I hear you, Gage.
  • {Confident} I sure do like the sound of that.
  • {Confident} I was about to ask you the same thing.
  • {Confident} I'll do it.
  • {Confident} I'm an employee. I get in for free.
  • {Confident} It's gonna feel good to be in charge.
  • {Confident} It's not like I had a choice.
  • {Confident} Keep up the good work, Harvey.
  • {Confident} No thanks, I'm fine.
  • {Confident} Okay, let's do this.
  • {Confident} Sounds good, thanks.
  • {Confident} Sounds like he was a smart guy.
  • {Confident} Still not enough.
  • {Confident} Well, honestly, I had a little help.
  • {Confident} You just wait here. I'll do it all.
  • {Confident} You made the right choice, Gage.
  • {Confident} You're damn right I've got your back.
  • {Curious / Question} How did you manage to escape?
  • {Curious. / Puzzled} Why are you helping me?
  • {Deadpan / Neutral} That sounds incredibly boring.
  • {Defiant} I don't need your help.
  • {Defiant} I think you can afford more than that.
  • {Defiant} I'm not making any promises.
  • {Defiant} Sorry pal, I don't want the job.
  • {Demanding. / Concerned} Who is this?
  • {Direct / Question} How is this place amazing?
  • {Disbelief} You've been here for 200 years? Why?
  • {Disgust} So he was just live bait for you guys?
  • {Disgust} That's bullshit.
  • {Disgust} This is just a scam to take my caps.
  • {Disgust} You ask me, Raiders are all stupid.
  • {Disgust} You're a bunch of religious kooks.
  • {Dismissive / Defiant} Whatever.
  • {Enthusiastic / Happy} Sounds like a great idea!
  • {Fed up. / Irritated} He got what he deserved.
  • {Friendly} Come with me. I need your help.
  • {Friendly} I'd like to become a Hubologist.
  • {Friendly} I'll be glad to help.
  • {Friendly} I've already got them.
  • {Friendly} Making a new friend, I hope.
  • {Friendly} Of course I'll help.
  • {Friendly} Of course. What's up?
  • {Friendly} Okay, I could use the help. Follow me.
  • {Friendly} Prizes? I like the sound of that.
  • {Friendly} Sure thing, Gage.
  • {Friendly} Sure, that would be great.
  • {Friendly} Sure, we can be friends.
  • {Friendly} Well, it can't hurt you anymore, Cito.
  • {Gasping for air / Player} *gasp*
  • {Grateful} I appreciate that, Gage.
  • {Grateful} I'm glad things are okay between us.
  • {Grateful} Thanks, Gage. Means a lot to me.
  • {Greeting someone. / Neutral} Hey Lizzie.
  • {Greeting someone. / Neutral} Hey Shank.
  • {Greeting someone. / Neutral} Hey William.
  • {Greeting someone. / Neutral} Lizzie.
  • {Greeting someone. / Neutral} Mags.
  • {Greeting someone. / Neutral} Mags. Hey.
  • {Greeting someone. / Neutral} Shank.
  • {Greeting someone. / Neutral} William.
  • {Happy} I think I'm fairly happy.
  • {Happy} Thanks, Gage. I appreciate that.
  • {Impressed} A decent con. He had me fooled.
  • {Impressed} I thought it was pretty impressive.
  • {Impressed} Sounds very practical of you.
  • {Impressed} That was really brave of you, Gage.
  • {Indifference} That's not my problem.
  • {Irritated} Deal with it, you idiot. You're next.
  • {Irritated} Get outta my way.
  • {Irritated} Get someone else. I'm not interested.
  • {Irritated} Good riddance. They were weak.
  • {Irritated} I don't have time for this, Gage.
  • {Irritated} I think I'll just come back later.
  • {Irritated} I'm not interested.
  • {Irritated} Last I checked, I'm the Overboss.
  • {Irritated} No thanks. I've got this.
  • {Irritated} Not now, Gage.
  • {Irritated} Quit worrying, man. Everything's fine.
  • {Irritated} Quit yapping and get back to work.
  • {Irritated} That squirt gun? It's a toy.
  • {Irritated} That's none of your business, bot.
  • {Irritated} That's none of your business.
  • {Irritated} What's your problem?
  • {Irritated} Whatever. No one lured me in here.
  • {Irritated} You don't betray me and live.
  • {Neutral greeting} Aaron.
  • {Neutral greeting} Chip.
  • {Neutral greeting} Doctor Bridgeman.
  • {Neutral greeting} Doctor.
  • {Neutral greeting} Hey, Aaron.
  • {Neutral greeting} Hey, Chip.
  • {Neutral greeting} Hey, Katelyn.
  • {Neutral greeting} Hey, Mackenzie.
  • {Neutral greeting} Hey, Maddox.
  • {Neutral greeting} Hey, doc.
  • {Neutral greeting} Heya, Lauren.
  • {Neutral greeting} Heya, Maddox.
  • {Neutral greeting} Heya, Shelbie.
  • {Neutral greeting} Hi Chip.
  • {Neutral greeting} Hi Katelyn.
  • {Neutral greeting} Hi Lauren.
  • {Neutral greeting} Hi Maddox.
  • {Neutral greeting} Hi Shelbie.
  • {Neutral greeting} Katelyn.
  • {Neutral greeting} Lauren
  • {Neutral greeting} Mackenzie.
  • {Neutral greeting} Maddox.
  • {Neutral greeting} Miss Chase.
  • {Neutral greeting} Shelbie.
  • {Neutral greeting} What's up, Maddox?
  • {Neutral} A new outpost. I want to get one set up.
  • {Neutral} Actually, I changed my mind.
  • {Neutral} Actually, let's change up the job.
  • {Neutral} Actually, never mind.
  • {Neutral} All right, shoot.
  • {Neutral} All right. I'll help you.
  • {Neutral} Alright. Go ahead.
  • {Neutral} Answer some questions for me.
  • {Neutral} Depends on what you're looking for.
  • {Neutral} Dixie.
  • {Neutral} Don't worry, Harvey. You're welcome.
  • {Neutral} Go ahead, Gage.
  • {Neutral} Hey, Dixie.
  • {Neutral} Hey, Nisha.
  • {Neutral} Hey, Savoy.
  • {Neutral} How about we do this later?
  • {Neutral} I actually need some time.
  • {Neutral} I already picked that up.
  • {Neutral} I don't like Nuka-Cola. Too sweet.
  • {Neutral} I hope this is important.
  • {Neutral} I want to change the job.
  • {Neutral} I want to change your gear.
  • {Neutral} I want to try talking to them.
  • {Neutral} I want you to head to an outpost.
  • {Neutral} I wanted to ask about your role in this.
  • {Neutral} I wanted to change what you're carrying.
  • {Neutral} I'll think about it.
  • {Neutral} I'm all ears.
  • {Neutral} I'm going to think it over.
  • {Neutral} I'm interested in running a job.
  • {Neutral} I'm not making any promises.
  • {Neutral} I'm ready.
  • {Neutral} I've left our settlements alone.
  • {Neutral} It had to be done.
  • {Neutral} It sounded like a good idea.
  • {Neutral} It's... impressive, Mason.
  • {Neutral} Know what? I'm leaving.
  • {Neutral} Know what? Never mind.
  • {Neutral} Let me see what you've got on you.
  • {Neutral} Let's discuss this later.
  • {Neutral} Let's do this later.
  • {Neutral} Let's do this.
  • {Neutral} Let's get back to trading.
  • {Neutral} Looking to run a job.
  • {Neutral} Never mind. I'm leaving.
  • {Neutral} Nisha.
  • {Neutral} No, nothing.
  • {Neutral} Nope, never heard of it.
  • {Neutral} Not just yet.
  • {Neutral} Not yet.
  • {Neutral} Nothing for now.
  • {Neutral} Okay, I'm listening.
  • {Neutral} Okay. Let's get started.
  • {Neutral} Ready as I'll ever be.
  • {Neutral} Savoy.
  • {Neutral} So, what's next?
  • {Neutral} Some days yes, some days no.
  • {Neutral} Take any advantage I can get.
  • {Neutral} That one's the target.
  • {Neutral} That was all I had.
  • {Neutral} That's my business.
  • {Neutral} That's the target.
  • {Neutral} The Disciples.
  • {Neutral} The Operators.
  • {Neutral} The Pack.
  • {Neutral} There a problem with that?
  • {Neutral} Wanted to trade a few things with you.
  • {Neutral} We solved your Hidden Cappy contest.
  • {Neutral} Woah, there. I haven't decided yet.
  • {Neutral} Yeah, not now. Some other time, maybe.
  • {Neutral} You don't owe me anything.
  • {Puzzled} What are you talking about?
  • {Puzzled} What do you mean it's an illness?
  • {Question} A friendly informational assistant?
  • {Question} AHS-9? Is that some sort of code?
  • {Question} And what is it you want?
  • {Question} And what's that?
  • {Question} And where is this guy now?
  • {Question} And why would I trust you?
  • {Question} And you're sure you understand the job?
  • {Question} Are you questioning me? Your Overboss?
  • {Question} Are you the one in charge around here?
  • {Question} Can I use it indoors?
  • {Question} Can we do this later?
  • {Question} Can you get your family to help us?
  • {Question} Can't you tell?
  • {Question} Did it work? Did they listen to you?
  • {Question} Did you ever fail to bring someone in?
  • {Question} Do I need a reason?
  • {Question} Does it really matter?
  • {Question} Does that matter?
  • {Question} Happiness?
  • {Question} Have any gear I can buy off you?
  • {Question} He was involved in all this?
  • {Question} Hey, got any gear for sale?
  • {Question} How are we going to travel to Quetzal?
  • {Question} How do I get started?
  • {Question} How do I get tokens?
  • {Question} How long have you been here?
  • {Question} How many more alignments do I need?
  • {Question} How'd you make it out of that alive?
  • {Question} Hubology? What is that?
  • {Question} I'd have to kill... all of them?
  • {Question} I'll buy a ticket. How much?
  • {Question} Is everything okay?
  • {Question} Is something wrong, Gage?
  • {Question} Is there a problem?
  • {Question} Is this a... squirt gun?
  • {Question} Let me think about it.
  • {Question} Let's do a different target.
  • {Question} Let's try another target.
  • {Question} Making money?
  • {Question} Of course. What's on your mind?
  • {Question} So he's a Raider, too?
  • {Question} So how do I beat him?
  • {Question} So how do we use this code?
  • {Question} So what exactly is it you do?
  • {Question} So what happened?
  • {Question} So what's your story, anyway?
  • {Question} So you really wanted the Overboss dead?
  • {Question} So you weren't loyal to Colter?
  • {Question} Soda?
  • {Question} Some kind of problem, Gage?
  • {Question} What about the rest of the Disciples?
  • {Question} What about the rest of the Operators?
  • {Question} What about the rest of the Pack?
  • {Question} What are neurodynes?
  • {Question} What are suppressors?
  • {Question} What are you searching for?
  • {Question} What can you tell me about this gang?
  • {Question} What comes next, Gage?
  • {Question} What do you have in mind, exactly?
  • {Question} What do you have?
  • {Question} What do you need spacesuits for?
  • {Question} What exactly do neurodynes do?
  • {Question} What exactly have you got?
  • {Question} What exactly is this place?
  • {Question} What happened to you?
  • {Question} What happens after they're on my side?
  • {Question} What have you heard about it?
  • {Question} What is Hubology?
  • {Question} What is The Hub's grand plan?
  • {Question} What is this Hubology?
  • {Question} What is this final mystery?
  • {Question} What is this place?
  • {Question} What kind of prizes can I win here?
  • {Question} What should I be doing differently?
  • {Question} What the heck are neurodynes?
  • {Question} What was he like?
  • {Question} What'll you do now?
  • {Question} What's going on out here?
  • {Question} What's going on? Is everything okay?
  • {Question} What's the catch?
  • {Question} What, you feel bad for them?
  • {Question} Where are your parents now?
  • {Question} Where can I find Bloodworms?
  • {Question} Where do neurodynes come from?
  • {Question} Which gang do you work for?
  • {Question} Who is Shank?
  • {Question} Who is this Star Father?
  • {Question} Why bring me here then?
  • {Question} Why do you call yourself Cleansed?
  • {Question} Why do you want to fix that spaceship?
  • {Question} Why, what's in it for you?
  • {Question} You can do better. How about two?
  • {Question} You ever heard of Nuka-World?
  • {Question} You guys are all family?
  • {Question} You need something from me?
  • {Question} You really think I was meant for this?
  • {Question} You trust this "Shank" guy?
  • {Question} You were a Raider? What happened?
  • {Sarcastic} And what are you? His grandma?
  • {Sarcastic} Dang. I was hoping I could be a pony.
  • {Sarcastic} I bet you guys are great at parties.
  • {Sarcastic} Stink bombs. Lovely.
  • {SinisterSmile} Sounds like fun. Count me in.
  • {SinisterSmile} Take the ghoul first.
  • {SinisterSmile} Take the old man first.
  • {Skeptical / Question} What's in it for me?
  • {Stern} Don't you ever question me.
  • {Stern} I call the shots here, Gage. Not you.
  • {Stern} I will rip them to shreds personally.
  • {Stern} I'm nothing like you people.
  • {Stern} Life is hard, no way around it.
  • {Stern} Mind your own business, Gage.
  • {Stern} No. Stay with your family. I've got this.
  • {Stern} Think we'll cripple them into submission.
  • {Stern} What? Didn't think I could handle it?
  • {Stern} You.
  • {Surprised} Nothing's going on. Everything's fine.
  • {Surprised} Okay, but clearly you made it out.
  • {Surprised} You're really going to leave me?
  • {Suspicious} And why should I trust you?
  • {Suspicious} Surprised to see me alive?
  • {Suspicious} Why are you acting surprised?
  • {Suspicious} Yeah? And what's in it for you?
  • {Suspicious} You were in on this?
  • {Worried} Are you sure about this?
  • {Worried} I need an alignment.
  • {agreeing to a favor / Friendly} I'm here to help.
  • {amused / Amused} Yeah, they're my kind of people.
  • {brush off, get lost} Suit yourself.
  • {dismissive / Defiant} They're idiots, Gage.
  • {dismissive / Irritated} Not now. Maybe later.
  • {dismissive / Neutral} Not right now. Maybe later.
  • {distant, non-committal} I guess we'll see.
  • {guarded / Friendly} Okay Gage, let's talk.
  • {making a bad joke / Amused} Didn't you just?
  • {Amused} I guess this means one less boss to push you guys around.
  • {small talk / Friendly} How's it going?
  • {Dubious / Suspicious} Looks like you're using a little too much of your own product.
  • {Licking your lips, want that money / Question} There any caps involved in your proposition?
  • {dismissive / Neutral} Uhh, not right now. Maybe some other time.
  • {dodging the fact that when you got there, they were already dead} They... weren't exactly in a talkative mood.
  • {slight air of "get on with it." / Neutral} I'm listening.
  • {Stern, demanding / Stern} You've got a point, but I want compensation for the prototype ammo I won't be getting.
  • {seeing eye to eye / Apologetic} Let's work together, Mason. I'm not interested in ruining your gig.
  • {Angry} I can't leave this place for five minutes without everything going to hell.
  • {Neutral} Those Raiders won't be causing us any more problems.
  • {Nervous} This is getting way too touchy-feely for me, Gage. Let's dial it back - a lot.
  • {quick greeting by name to get someone's attention. player is overboss, greeting a lieutenant / Neutral} Mason.
  • {Confident} I don't need them. I get by just fine on my own.
  • {Thinking} It seems like Dr. Hein was kidnapped and taken somewhere called the Angry Anaconda.
  • {dismissive, shrugging it off / Stern} They can't help it. They don't know any better.
  • {Add a little menace to this. You're going to extort this settlement. / Stern} Get a gang together. I want to clean house.
  • {speaking as the Silver Shroud / Amused} Sheriff! Your town is under threat from the bloodworm menace, but fear not! For I am the Silver Shroud!
  • {Confident} There will always be other Monsters. But you've seen the last of the ones that were here.
  • {Surprised} What about all those caps you promised?
  • {Neutral} Nothing like that. I'm just having a look around.
  • {Sarcastic} It's like dealing with some rotten kids lashing out for attention.
  • {Concerned} We find that and we can find his passcode to get into the cloning facility.
  • {Gage gave him a water gun to use as a "secret weapon." / Sarcastic} Seriously, is this some kind of joke?
  • {Question} Actually, I want to move onto something else for now.
  • {Disgust} You call that a Gauntlet? More like a cake walk.
  • {Non-committal. Trying to avoid having to outright refuse to do a favor. / Apologetic} Eh... I'll need to get back to you on that.
  • {you're going to kill this person / Somber} If you have anyone to say goodbye to, now's the chance.
  • {This is a threat. You're trying to drive these people off their land, but by scaring them, rather than through violence. / Stern} You stay here another minute and trust me, you're gonna regret it.
  • {Suspicious} Let's just say you've got my attention.
  • {sarcastic / Sarcastic} I'll send you my resume and references.
  • {Irritated} Sorry Cito, I've got other friends moving into the zoo, and you'll just get in the way.
  • So, getting back to the purpose for your visit here, what were you searching for?
  • {cold / Stern} If this is a trick, I'll make sure you end up like Colter.
  • {Indifferent / Neutral} Whatever arrangement you've got with Shank is your business.
  • {Angry} You're all charlatans. Neurodynes! Suppressors! It's just a bunch of crazy talk. I'm done with the lot of you.
  • {Non-committal. Trying to avoid having to outright refuse to do a favor. / Apologetic} Ahh... I need to wash my hair...
  • {amused / Amused} I feel like you should be laying on a couch while I take notes and then charge you a couple thousand caps for the session.
  • I'm not your enemy. This can end without bloodshed.
  • {asserting dominance / Irritated} I think you're a bunch of ungrateful children.
  • {Question} What were you discussing when I walked in?
  • {Stern} I'm hoping you're smart enough to not try and screw with me.
  • {Asking your companion their opinion of you. / Question} Are things all right between us?
  • {Reassuring / Friendly} I'm not planning to give anyone nightmares.
  • {Angry} I don't have time for this, pal. I've got raiding to do.
  • {Question} Alignment? My back feels fine. Or is this not a chiropractic thing?
  • I know you're disappointed, Sierra, but ask yourself - what was best for him?
  • {Puzzled} How did you end up being raised by these gorillas?
  • {Stern} Sounds like it's not worth the materials its made of.
  • How about you tell about these "big plans," and I'll decide if they're worth pursuing.
  • This whole area is infested with bloodworms and who knows what else. It's not safe.
  • {friendly question / Amused} How did you know an Anaconda was a kind of snake, Cito?
  • {Joking. The person you're talking to does not express a lot of emotion. / Sarcastic} Now don't go getting all mushy on me, Mags. I'm not sure I can handle any tears.
  • {Neutral} Was hoping you could arrange a job for me.
  • You've got this area of the park. Isn't that enough? Why do you want more?
  • {Doubting yourself / Concerned} To be honest, I have my doubts. Raiders fight. It's what they do. I can't change their nature.
  • {Confident} I don't know... I mean, it's just an amusement park.
  • {frank and to the point / Suspicious} Your people aren't going to cause me any problems, are they?
  • {Keep this neutral. Don't want to make this line sinister, but make them definitive. This is not a negotiation. / Neutral} I'm going to make this easy for you - take these caps and go.
  • {Sympathetic. / Concerned} Let me get you some help first.
  • {Confident} Doesn't sound like she's giving us a choice. We have to take her down.
  • {Sarcastic} What's he going to do? Show me how to milk a brahmin?
  • {Add a little menace to this. You're going to extort this settlement. / Stern} I'll go have a word with them.
  • {You're gloating over someone you just beat the hell out of. / Angry} What? That it?
  • {Harsh / Irritated} You've wasted enough of my time, scab. Get back to work.
  • {Happy} I just like being able to do whatever the hell I want.
  • {Disgust} No more! I've had it with these bogus 'treatments' of yours.
  • {quick greeting to get someone's attention. player is overboss, greeting a lieutenant / Friendly} How's it hanging?
  • {Question} Look, I'm sure there's a solution that helps us all here. Let's figure something out.
  • {Neutral} My goal's to use this place to make all the money I can.
  • {Threatening. You just kicked the shit out of someone and are now telling them to pay up. / Stern} Hey.
  • {Amused} If you don't mind being gator bait, sure, tag along.
  • {Friendly} It's okay Cito, we'll take care of your family.
  • {quick greeting by name to get someone's attention. player is overboss, greeting a lieutenant / Neutral} Hey, Mason.
  • {player has the Robotics Expert perk} Let me see if I can run some overrides and make you a little more helpful...
  • {Irritated} Colter was weak, and now he's gone. It doesn't matter what he wanted.
  • {This is a threat. You're trying to drive these people off their land, but by scaring them, rather than through violence. "Now" is a threat. / Stern} Look, I'm trying to help you here. You need to go. Now.
  • {agreeing to a favor / Friendly} Sure. Whatever you need.
  • That sounds like a great idea, Gage. You've got a deal.
  • {SinisterSmile} Come on, you're talking to the Overboss here. Give me some credit.
  • {Question} What kind of a mess am I walking into here?
  • {asking for clarification -not hesitant or anything, just looking for details- has been asked to kill a trouble, attack a caravan, steal supplies etc. / Question} Who are we talking about here?
  • {affirmative - neutral. not willing to commit/decide. telling person to continue with his spiel. / Neutral} I got ya.
  • {Amused} He's a terrible con man. I saw through his little scam.
  • {Toying with him. / SinisterSmile} Are you saying you don't approve of our methods?
  • {Irritated} Say that again, and your malfunctioning system is going to be the least of your problems.
  • {Question} Where can I find these dispensing machines?
  • {Concerned. / Question} Why do you stick around and keep doing this?
  • {Stern} You and the other traders were being treated like slaves. I had to put an end to it.
  • {angry sarcasm / Sarcastic} God damn it... sometimes I swear, this is like taking care of a bunch of children.
  • {Question} I hate to lose The Pack. Isn't there some other way?
  • {Question} Why did he stop caring? Did something happen?
  • {condescending / Defiant} Oh, so you're a coward. I get it.
  • {Uncertain, but warming to the idea / Amused} I wasn't really looking to become the Overboss of Nuka-World, but I might as well enjoy the benefits of my position.
  • You must have lost a lot of men just getting this far.
  • {testing / Question} You don't want to be Overboss?
  • {Conspiratorial} I'm always for hire if the price is right.
  • {Question} Is there anything I can say that will make you feel better?
  • {asking for clarification -not hesitant or anything, just looking for details- has been asked to kill a trouble, attack a caravan, steal supplies etc. / Question} Who will I be facing?
  • {Irritated} Look, sheriff, I just cleared out that mine full of dangerous pests. Can you drop the act for one second?
  • {very deadpan, sarcasm / Sarcastic} The, uh... giant metal snake. Of course.
  • {trying to get a sense of who this underling is, and what you're going to need to do to appease him / Question} So what is it you want?
  • {Confident in your choice / Confident} He was trapped and alone for centuries, and I set him free from that hell. I did the right thing.
  • {punch "me" / Irritated} How about you let me decide what we're doing next.
  • {Neutral} Let's get one thing straight here. It may have been his suggestion, but it'll be my decision.
  • {concerned / Concerned} You're still with me, though... Right?
  • Colter had the right idea. I just might finish what he started.
  • {pretending, about to put a shock collar on an unsuspecting victim / SinisterSmile} I have this necklace that would look wonderful on you. Here...
  • {matter of fact with a hint of sorrow / Somber} Letting them live would have been a risk to everything we've built.
  • {Irritated} Hey, you don't get to talk to me like that.
  • {Irritated} Sixty-five? Sounds like a rip-off to me.
  • {Question} Why would you congratulate me? It's not like you're free to go.
  • {mercenary, telling someone you put an exploding shock collar on to obey / Stern} Nisha in Nuka-Town owns you. Get moving.
  • {Sarcastic flare. / Irritated} I wouldn't expect anything less from a Raider.
  • {smiling. player returning and saying he completed the mission - he killed someone, ambushed a caravan, roughed someone up, etc. / Amused} Did you miss me?
  • {smiling. player returning and saying he completed the mission - he killed someone, ambushed a caravan, roughed someone up, etc. / Confident} Boom! And that's how it's done.
  • {slyly. A slight jab at the quest giver, who probably doesn't want to offer a reward, but has to obey you, because you're ultimately the boss / Sarcastic} I hope you're not under the impression I'd do this for nothing.
  • {Stern rebuke / Stern} He made a choice, and I respected that choice. You should, too.
  • {Friendly} And they should not be coming back. Your family's safe, Cito.
  • {Irritated} Damn it... I already spent all my tokens on some magic beans.
  • {Question} And what makes you think I've been convinced?
  • {agreeing to a favor / Friendly} Whatever it is, I'll take care of it.
  • {Curious since Harvey is injured. / Suspicious} How do I know this isn't just another trick?
  • {Pretending to introduce two people. You're going to shoot some people in their knees in order to convince them to pay you. / Stern} Kneecaps, meet bullets.
  • {smiling, approving, demonstrating you're a badass - might be responding to request to kill a trouble maker, rough someone up, or ambush a caravan. / Amused} Sounds fun.
  • I already took everyone their orders, don't you remember? You said I did a "rootin-tootin good job, partner..."
  • {player has the Robotics Expert perk and is using it to skip the challenge} Time for a little reprogramming...
  • {Dripping with sarcasm / Sarcastic} Oh boy! John-Caleb Bradberton! How exciting!
  • {Dismissive. / Neutral} If you don't go, it's your loss. Just spreading the word.
  • {Having doubts / Thinking} Finding a rare blend of Nuka-Cola in this place could take a pretty long time.
  • {Dubious / Concerned} Uh, yeah... I'll just leave you to it, then.
  • {You were just given the choice to start attacking towns in the Commonwealth. You're hesitant. / Concerned} If I'm going to do this, I don't want to hurt people.
  • {quick greeting by name to get someone's attention. player is overboss, greeting a lieutenant / Confident} Hey, Mags.
  • {Say first line with outrage / Angry} More caps? You're all a bunch of nutjobs if you think I'm paying that. I quit.
  • {Trying to make him feel better / Neutral} I can't imagine what you must have gone through. I'm truly sorry, Mister Bradberton.
  • {Neutral} I think I've got everything I need to know.
  • {trying to make a joke, keeping things light-hearted / Apologetic} Come on, Gage. You know I need your help taking over the world.
  • {Sarcastic} I'd prefer a nice round of backgammon, but sure, I suppose I'm game.
  • {You're gloating over someone you just beat the hell out of. / Angry} Going to have to try harder than that.
  • {Neutral} I wanted to change your gear before we head in there.
  • {smiling, cocky. player returning and saying he completed the mission - he killed someone, ambushed a caravan, roughed someone up, etc. / Amused} How about something a little more challenging next time.
  • {Irritated} Do you have anything interesting to say? Or are you just wasting my time?
  • {Keep this neutral. Not too friendly, but also not too harsh. Player is greeting someone they might want to try and extort. / Neutral} Hey.
  • {embarrassed / Apologetic} Forget it. I shouldn't have said anything.
  • {Not interested / Irritated} Sounds like a lot more trouble than it's worth.
  • {SinisterSmile} Come with me, there's something you need to see.
  • {Neutral} Tell me more about providing food for the outpost.
  • {player has the Robotics Expert perk and is using it to skip the challenge} Oh no. We're not doing this. Let's see if I can make some adjustments...
  • {doctor just cleaned out your radiation} All the rads are gone. Feels great.
  • {Sarcasm / Sarcastic} Oh good, I was afraid you might be using questionable ingredients.
  • {matter of fact - telling quest giver you aren't done yet. / Neutral} I'm still working on it.
  • {Sarcastic} Well, seems like we're already talking, so you might as well keep going...
  • Wouldn't be much of a market if we didn't have customers.
  • {Stern} You're out of line, Garvey. I'm still the General of the Minutemen.
  • {Coughing in an area filled with fumes. / Player} *cough*
  • {somewhere between bored and annoyed / Irritated} Next you're gonna tell me that something went horribly wrong.
  • {Wary. / Suspicious} I'll look into it, but no promises.
  • {Neutral} Don't worry. Your gang will be taken care of.
  • {Angry} This is why I hate robots. It's over, okay? The world ended. Deal with it.
  • {Question} And you want to explain to me why exactly I should be backing the Operators?
  • {Found the second of eight hidden clues. Rhetorical, muttering to yourself.} Two clues down, eight to go.
  • {mildly annoyed/uncomfortable / Irritated} I appreciate the thought and all, but let's not let things get uncomfortable. Can we just stick to a working relationship here?
  • {Curious since the player knows Harvey isn't injured. / Question} What about you?
  • {Concerned} Please tell me that you sell the tokens.
  • {Neutral} There's a gang of Raiders coming for this place. Mine. But if you leave right now, I promise you, we won't have any problems.
  • {skirting line between being a dick and friendly sarcasm - refusing to help a gang boss / Sarcastic} Think I'm going to pass on that.
  • {Curious. Remembers Nuka-World from the past. / Surprised} Nuka-World is still up and running? I remember that place.
  • {Surprised, aghast / Surprised} Wait, did you just say Bloodworm Meat?
  • {From surprised and weirded out to skeptical. You think you're being played for a fool by an elaborate gag / Disbelief} We used the contest code to get in. What the hell happened to you?
  • {amused, playing along with the cowboy act / Amused} Rustle up some horses for you, huh cowboy? I'll be back before sundown.
  • {A rebuke at the raiders who are hurting innocent people / Stern} There's not going to be a fight. Set them free.
  • {Question} So you're one of the traders who was here before the gangs took over?
  • {cocky, gloating. player returning and saying he completed the mission - he killed someone, ambushed a caravan, roughed someone up, etc. / Confident} That business you wanted handled. It's handled.
  • {Question} What were those targets you'd recommended before?
  • {Stern} This right here, Gage? This is why you can't trust anyone.
  • {Disgust} Colter was weak. Why'd you follow him at all?
  • {Question} Really, Gage: haven't you ever thought about it? About us?
  • {Add a little menace to this. / Stern} About time I talked some settlers into providing us with supplies.
  • {Question} What's with the look on your face? Something wrong?
  • {pretending, about to put a shock collar on an unsuspecting victim / SinisterSmile} You've won a prize. A necklace. I'll just put it on you...
  • I didn't choose this. I was just trying not to be killed by a maniac in power armor.
  • {Threatening / Irritated} Keep talking, or I'll beat it out of you instead.
  • {Disgust} You're a crackpot. You just want to take my money and sell me some religious bullshit.
  • {Chiding. / Amused} Caring is a mistake, Harv. Makes you weak.
  • {Irritated} And now you've gone and done the same thing to me.
  • {Sarcastic} Sure, sure... and while you're at it, I suppose next you'll be offering me a million caps.
  • {Neutral} You do as I say, understand? That's the target.
  • {Trying to convince someone to join your side. Start building into a full on spirit rallying speech, but you're then cut off. / Neutral} Sinner, it doesn't have to be like this. We can be stronger together than we ever were apart. Join my--
  • {Confident} Well, I'm the Overboss, and I say you're free to go.
  • {Stern rebuke / Stern} You're being selfish, Sierra. This wasn't about what you wanted, it was about what he needed.
  • {Brush off / Irritated} Forget it. I've got better ways to waste time.
  • {Amused} He was a terrible con man. I saw through his little scam.
  • What if I want a place to relax or get a bite to eat? Where should I go?
  • {sincere but non-committal. interested in learning more - player is being asked to do a favor. / Friendly} What's up?
  • {Sarcasm / Sarcastic} Well damn, I was sure the letters spelled "fresh ginger." That stuff is great in hot tea with honey, lemon, a little brandy... a lot of brandy...
  • {sincere but non-committal. interested in learning more - player is being asked to do a favor. read like: "what's happenin' man?" / Friendly} What's happening?
  • I'll accept your offer. I won't shut the power off.
  • {Suspicious} What's the matter, Gage? Feeling guilty all of a sudden?
  • {Note of concern / Concerned} Tell me more about this tampering incident.
  • {Concerned, uncertain / Worried} I'm still trying to figure out if I even want this gig.
  • {Suspicious} What do you mean by "keeping the peace?"
  • {Question} Can you give me an update on Nuka-World?
  • {trying to get info out of someone / Question} So, what's the real story behind Gage and Colter?
  • {Stern} I don't take orders from you, Gage. It's the other way around.
  • {Confident} Doesn't sound like they're giving us a choice. We have to take them down.
  • {Disgust} You prey on the weak, you vultures. I'm done giving you caps for worthless 'alignments.'
  • {Neutral} You're right. Living like this... it suits me.
  • {Irritated} Unless you want a bullet in the brain, shut the hell up and get back to work.
  • {Question} Do you know anything about a cloning facility around here?
  • {Threatening an enemy you just defeated. / Stern} Good news, friend. You've been selected to supply the gangs of Nuka-World. Or else.
  • {speaking as the Silver Shroud} A trivial errand for the Shroud, but no civilian is going thirsty on my watch!
  • {Friendly} Diamond City is a bust. Nuka-World is where you want to be.
  • {You're trying to shake someone down. / Neutral} I'm here to make you an offer. This place will supply me and my friends in Nuka-World caps, food, whatever you've got. In exchange, we won't bother you.
  • {Sarcastic} Unless this "shiny thing" is about to sprout wings and lead me to the cloning facility, we're out of luck.
  • {Sadly amused, thinking on how life could have been. / Amused} I've always wanted one of these. Would've made a great toy for Shaun...
  • {Question} There anything I should know about the place we're about to hit?
  • {Found the ninth of ten hidden clues. Rhetorical, muttering to yourself.} That's clue number nine. One left.
  • {Stern} I'm not going to apologize for how I treat people.
  • {Apologetic} Okay, okay. Let's give it another shot.
  • {smiling, approving, demonstrating you're a badass - might be responding to request to kill a trouble maker, rough someone up, or ambush a caravan. / Friendly} Right up my alley.
  • {Confident} This world needs rules. Otherwise, we'll never recover.
  • {Trail off on "is." You're trying to find out what the final thing you need to be is. / Question} And that is?
  • {Sarcasm / Sarcastic} Come on, you're a disembodied head trapped in a vault. You've got so much to live for!
  • {Disgust} You call this a plan? You're out of your mind.
  • I'm not shutting off the power. With Sierra to keep you company, I think you'll both be happier.
  • {Threatening someone into supplying your gang. / Stern} Listen. You're going to start working for me now, all right? Just keep the supplies coming and we won't have any problems.
  • {Concerned} It's not a sickness. The radiation has consumed their minds... they've become feral.
  • {Asking your companion their opinion of you. / Question} I wanted to know where things stand between us.
  • {Neutral} We're better off. We're stronger this way.
  • {Harsh / Stern} A colorful junkyard is still a junkyard.
  • {Angry} How dare you suggest something like that! I should have you shot!
  • {speaking as the Silver Shroud} I cannot lie to you, noble bartender. Prospector Owen, Miss Trixie, and Handy Hank are all dead. Killed by some unknown assailant years ago.
  • {Irritated} They're just gorillas, Cito. Get over it.
  • {Keep this neutral. Not too friendly, but also not too harsh. Player is greeting someone they might want to try and extort. / Neutral} Hey you.
  • {Question} Why do you want to capture the spaceship?
  • {mercenary, telling someone you put an exploding shock collar on to obey / Stern} Mags Black in Nuka-Town owns you. Get moving.
  • {Puzzled} Giant metal snake? That doesn't make much sense.
  • {Irritated} You're talking nonsense. Snakes aren't made of metal.
  • {Friendly} Sure, why not? This place looks like fun.
  • {Add a little menace to this. You're going to extort this settlement. / Neutral} Rally some bodies. We're going to beat a settlement into supplying us.
  • {testing, prodding / Surprised} What's the Pack got over the other gangs?
  • {Question} Have any advice for how I should go about it?
  • I thought the whole point of having minions was to get them to do the dirty work.
  • {Question} Heard any rumors about how folks are feeling around here?
  • {Confident} Doesn't sound like he's giving us a choice. We have to take him down.
  • {Concerned. Came across an injured man asking for help. / Concerned} Tell me what happened.
  • {Talking down someone who is reacting violently towards you / Apologetic} I'm sorry Cito, it was an accident.
  • {Greeting someone. Stern. Speaking to an underling. / Neutral} Hey there.
  • {Impressed / Impressed} You know all that from memory?
  • {skirting line between being a dick and friendly sarcasm - refusing to help a gang boss / Irritated} Do I look like I want to run your errands?
  • {Sarcastic} Careful. You keep patting yourself on the back like that and your arm's going to break.
  • {slyly. A slight jab at the quest giver, who probably doesn't want to offer a reward, but has to obey you, because you're ultimately the boss / SinisterSmile} I expect you to make it worth my while.
  • {Neutral} Just making the best of a bad situation, I suppose.
  • {Sky / Friendly} I'll keep your secret. You can trust me.
  • {Amused} If you're vouching for this Shank guy, that sounds good enough to me.
  • {Question} What's that about a spaceship and a junkyard?
  • {Add a little menace to this. You're going to extort this settlement. / Stern} Get me a crew. That settlement's not going to know what hit them.
  • {Add a little menace to this. You're going to extort this settlement. / Stern} I'll run them off their land myself.
  • {aggressive, threatening / Angry} You gonna be a problem I need to solve?
  • {Friendly} Yes, it was very helpful. I just need to find the cloning facility.
  • {Snarky / Sarcastic} Damn right. You should thank me. It's not every day I wander out to visit the peasants.
  • {Threatening an enemy you just defeated. / Stern} Hey. You're going to give me and my gangs back in Nuka-World everything we ask for. Got it?
  • {matter-of-fact, practical / Neutral} It makes good sense, us looking out for each other.
  • {Question} What are you getting out of this special arrangement?
  • {You're gloating over someone you just beat the hell out of. / Angry} Want some more?
  • {scoffing at the NPC's notion / Question} All it takes are a few rides and some lights to make you this sentimental?
  • {player returning and saying he completed the mission - he killed someone, ambushed a caravan, roughed someone up, etc. / Confident} It's done.
  • {Question} How do I know if someone is a suppressor?
  • {Sarcastic / Sarcastic} Not sure, really. I guess I just felt like killing a lot of people.
  • I'm afraid everyone's dead. The only things left are their skeletons.
  • {Apologetic} I promise you, there is no cure. You'd be better off trying to find her so you can be together.
  • {Defensive / Irritated} What, you don't think I can handle it?
  • {affirmative - neutral. not willing to commit/decide. telling person to continue with his spiel. / Neutral} Ahah.
  • {Macabre curiosity / Question} Who was General Braxton?
  • {Curious / Question} Who was John-Caleb Bradberton?
  • {Question} Any word on what the outposts might need?
  • {Draw out the first word. Riiiiight. / Amused} Right. And I'll wake up in the morning missing a kidney.
  • {You're offering this person caps in order to get them to provide your gang with supplies. Emphasize "you" and "your". Try not to make this sinister. / Conspiratorial} How about you and I make a deal? You get this place supplying my people, I'll make it worth your while.
  • {amused, playing along with the cowboy act / Amused} Oh yeah. Owen, Trixie, and Hank told me all about the California Gold Rush. Fun and educational!
  • {Asking your companion their opinion of you. / Question} Just wanted to check in, make sure we're doing okay.
  • {Thinking} Hmm... so it seems like the Gatorclaws, er... the Monsters, are coming from an animal cloning facility somewhere beneath Safari Adventure.
  • I don't get it, Gage. What's the appeal of all this?
  • {Disbelief} You've completely lost your mind, haven't you?
  • {Irritated} I'm so glad the traders approve, I was hoping to win their popularity contest.
  • {Question} Remind me. What's the difference between the types of jobs?
  • What about Sierra's offer to keep you company? Wouldn't that help?
  • {Neutral} I'm sorry. That sounds like a demand. I'm the Overboss around here. And I'll do whatever the hell I want.
  • {implying you want a romantic relationship / Flirting} We're more than just a good team, Gage. You know it, and I know it.
  • {Annoyed, why are they bothering you with this? / Irritated} Just get rid of 'em, I don't care how.
  • {Asking about the Gauntlet. / Irritated} What the hell is this place?
  • {Question} Can you tell me more about the Star Father?
  • {Question} Now that you've got the formula for Nuka-Cola, what are you going to do with it?
  • {Question} What sort of talents would you say you have, Gage?
  • {Sarcastic} Oh sure, I understand. So are you just going to paint the bullseye directly on my back, or what?
  • {Defiant} Colter couldn't pull this off? He was weak. Didn't deserve to be in charge.
  • {Question} What's next for you Cito? You want to stay here, or take your family and head out to the Wasteland?
  • {neutral. not willing to commit/decide. telling person to continue with his spiel. / Neutral} Ayah.
  • {Sarcastic} Big plans, huh? Did that include getting killed in his own arena?
  • {Stern} My choices are none of your business, Garvey.
  • {Question} Can you tell me about The Hub's plan now?
  • {Emphasis on the word "toy". / Irritated} This isn't going to work. This gun is a toy.
  • {read: "Situation: deal with." player returning and saying he completed the mission - he killed someone, ambushed a caravan, roughed someone up, etc. / Confident} Situation dealt with.
  • {Question} What happened? Who was tampering with you?
  • {Sarcastic} When something sounds too good to be true, it usually is.
  • {jokingly sarcastic / Sarcastic} Aiming pretty high, aren't you, Gage? Why stop there? Why not take over the moon while we're at it?
  • If there is a cure, the only way she'll find it is with your help.
  • {quick greeting to get someone's attention. player is overboss, greeting a lieutenant / Friendly} How you doing?
  • {Question} There any details I should know about these methods?
  • {Apologetic} Ghouls like your friends, it's too late for them. The radiation changed them forever.
  • {Puzzled} I still don't get it. Why put me in charge?
  • {sympathetic / Impressed} Hey, you did what you had to do. No one can blame you for that.
  • {Question} Does that little scam actually work on anyone?
  • {Curious / Player} You and your family live alone out here?
  • {Rhetorical, muttering to yourself.} And that's another clue.
  • {Pleading} You have to listen to me. The spaceship is just a carnival ride. You can't make it fly.
  • I thank you for your aid, sheriff. Your town is safe for now, but the Silver Shroud will be watching over you.
  • {Question} Anything going on around here that I should know about?
  • {Stern} You're not going to manipulate me to do whatever suits you.
  • {Question} And what about you, Gage? Which type of person are you?
  • {Dismissive, "whatever" attitude. / Amused} Fine. It's your funeral.
  • {Disbelief} He would have been crazy to ignore you.
  • {Disbelief} You do know it's not a real spaceship, right?
  • {Threatening. / Angry} You led me into a death trap. You're a dead man.
  • {skirting line between being a dick and friendly sarcasm - refusing to help a gang boss / Sarcastic} Yeah. No.
  • {being diplomatic / Confident} Don't worry, you'll get your fair share of the caps.
  • {Implied threat / Irritated} Yeah, but you're a slave with all his limbs still attached. For now.
  • {Disbelief} That's not a real spaceship you know. It's just a carnival ride.
  • That mine was the nest for a Bloodworm Queen. Now that she's gone, this whole area should be a lot safer.
  • {Sarcastic and Threatening same time / Sarcastic} Wow. This is the first time I've ever watched someone dig their own grave.
  • {Worried} I thought we were friends? You wouldn't charge a friend, would you?
  • {joking, playing along with the cowboy act / Amused} It was everything you promised, sheriff. More fun than a bale full of hay.
  • {eluding to the fact that they're already dead} You haven't spoken to any of them yourself in a while, have you?
  • {Indifferent and rude / Irritated} I don't really give a shit.
  • {Threatening. / Irritated} I go where I want. You got a problem with that?
  • {Question} I'm still figuring that out. What do you think we should do?
  • {Amused / Friendly} You can keep the collar off. I get the feeling you wouldn't put it on even if I told you to.
  • {You're dismissing your companion. / Neutral} It's time we part ways.
  • {matter of fact - telling quest giver you aren't done yet. / Friendly} I'm on it. Don't worry.
  • {Defiant} What difference do a few more Raiders make, in the end?
  • {Enthusiastic. / SinisterSmile} I already grabbed that. I'm armed and ready to go!
  • {Confident} I didn't build all this up just to watch him tear it down.
  • {Yelling at an enemy you just defeated. / Stern} You! You're going to start supplying Nuka-World! Understand?
  • {Apologetic} I made a mistake. I'll stop helping the Raiders.
  • {Question} Was it a little red gun called the Thirst Zapper?
  • {Trying to intimidate someone into paying you . / Stern} This place is going to start giving me and my gang in Nuka-World a cut of everything you grow, make, or find under the damn couch cushions. Understand?
  • {Found the last of ten hidden clues. Rhetorical, muttering to yourself.} And that's all ten clues. Better get these back to Sierra and see what she can make of them.
  • {Confident} That thing should be shut down. It's dangerous.
  • {Understanding. / Neutral} It's all right, Harvey. I understand.
  • {joking, playing along with the cowboy act / Amused} Well, howdy there sheriff! Looks like you got some pesky varmints here in the Gulch that need straightening out.
  • {player has the Robotics Expert perk and is using it to skip the challenge} I think a little administrative override is in order...
  • {quick greeting by name to get someone's attention. player is overboss, greeting a lieutenant / Confident} Mags.
  • {Confident} We continue expanding our influence. Bend more settlements to their knees.
  • {Angry} Maybe you should've done your own dirty work, instead of getting me to do it for you.
  • {A rebuke / Stern} You don't know anything about me. I could be a lot worse than he was.
  • {Question} What do I need to take into account when intimdating settlements?
  • {Friendly} Sounds like you were a real team player.
  • {Threatening someone you just kicked off their own land. / Stern} Get outta here.
  • {Asking your companion their opinion of you. / Question} I just wanted to know how you think we're doing.
  • {Decently impressed / Impressed} Yeah, I guess it is pretty impressive.
  • {Confident} I'll just take Cleansed with me. The rest of you stay here.
  • {Disgust} It's obvious she thinks you're a lunatic and left you behind.
  • {Stern warning / Stern} You keep talking like this, you're the one that's going to end up in the ground.
  • {neutral. not willing to commit/decide. telling person to continue with his spiel. / Neutral} I'm listening.
  • {Snark / Sarcastic} If you're searching for a more ridiculous pair of sunglasses, don't bother. I doubt such a thing exists.
  • {Puzzled} Great story, Gage, but... Where you going with this?
  • {Irritated} I'll thank you when you start explaining this madhouse.
  • {Question} Remind me. What's the best way to keep outposts happy?
  • I think Colter was on to something. Having full power in the park would make everything easier.
  • {Neutral} Let me talk to them. I'll get them to hand over what we need.
  • {Question} Why do you care? You got what you wanted.
  • {sincere but non-committal. interested in learning more - player is being asked to do a favor. / Friendly} Whatcha got?
  • {being mean / Amused} Are you kidding me? This isn't your family, these are animals.
  • {Question} Any idea where I should look for this stuff?
  • {Apologetic} Rachel's dead. Here, she left this for you.
  • {Irritated} What are you waiting for? Let's just charge in there now. Follow me!
  • {Stern} If I'm really running the show now, let's get to work.
  • {remembering Pre-War times / Happy} It sure is. I haven't seen anyplace like it in a long time.
  • {Scrutiny, a warning / Suspicious} You'd better make good on that promise. I'm not running a charity out here, you know.
  • {Friendly} Listen, Cito. You and your family have to get out of here. Mean people are coming and they might hurt you or your family.
  • {Threatening someone you just kicked off their own land. / Stern} Get going.
  • {Question} Is there anything I can do to make this right between us?
  • {Question} I have some friends moving in here, but if you play it cool we can all get along. Can you do that?
  • {Apologetic} Is there any way I can get you to change your mind?
  • {Neutral} Organize a crew. It's time we got a settlement to cough up some supplies.
  • {Stern} Let them live. We could use more workers in Nuka-World.
  • {Surprised} I'm amazed that all this junk actually works.
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  • 3.786912E8
  • Player Default: Whatever.
  • Player Default: What is this place?
  • OneEyedIKe: The rules are simple. We'll each walk into the street. I'll count to three, and then I'll say "draw!" First one to hit the other wins.
  • Player Default: All right.
  • Player Default: Any idea where I should look for this stuff?
  • Player Default: I'm not about to scour this park looking for a rare flavor of Nuka-Cola.
  • Player Default: Finding a rare blend of Nuka-Cola in this place could take a pretty long time.
  • Player Default: If you're searching for a more ridiculous pair of sunglasses, don't bother. I doubt such a thing exists.
  • Sierra: Well, I'd stay and chat some more, but I've got to get back to my search.
  • Player Default: I'm a fellow Nuka-Cola fan, so you can definitely trust me.
  • Player Default: I'll keep your secret. You can trust me.
  • OperatorsLeader: And that we're going to get back to robbing folks of their fucking money.
  • DocPhosphate: I got three orders of drinks I need you to deliver. One is just upstairs, and the other two are in town. You game?
  • CitoAlias: No worry. They not hurt you. You friend Cito mean you friend family.
  • Shank: So, you ready for the final piece of the puzzle?
  • Player Default: Hey, I got you in there, didn't I? One way or another, I'll keep 'em coming.
  • Gage: He gets their stuff, and I just happen to die in the crossfire. Perfect day for him.
  • Player Default: I'll keep packing 'em in and the Gauntlet can keep picking 'em off.
  • Player Default: Damn it. I knew it sounded too good to be true. I guess we can always try Nuka-World... but I've heard some crazy stories about that place.
  • DLC04MQ03Gage: I'm thinking it's time we set our sights on the Commonwealth.
  • DLC04NPCMGage: Okay, hold up a second. We need to get some things straight.
  • Player Default: If you're up for a challenge, test your skills at the Nuka-Cade or take a wild ride in one of our Cola-Cars!
  • Player Default: Diamond City is great. You guys will really like it there.
  • Gage: They struggle every day, until something catches them off guard, and then that's it. Lights out.
  • Sierra: Well, maybe I could stay with him. You know, keep him company, give him someone to talk to. He's like a hero to me.
  • DisciplesLeader: Otherwise, the way we see it, this world stopped caring about rules the moment people started dropping bombs on one another.
  • Gage: Just... meet the leaders. Talk with 'em, flex your muscles a little. Show 'em you mean business.
  • DisciplesLeader: So you better not screw this up because I'm not about to tolerate another round of bullshit.
  • PackLeader: But Gage says you're the boss now. So, you're the boss.
  • Player Default: What's that about a spaceship and a junkyard?
  • NIRA: Are you finished wasting my time, you filthy, low-life scavver? Cause I'm getting bored, and when I get bored, I get violent!
  • Harvey: I managed to escape, but my wife and son are still back there. I wanted to get some help and go back for them, but didn't count on taking a bullet.
  • DLC04NPCMFritsch: If you're looking for tokens or tickets, I sell plenty of both. Interested?
  • CitoAlias: It up hill behind zoo. Maybe Doctor Man there?
  • Preston: Despite everything you've done, I never thought you'd stoop to become one of the scum that preys on the Commonwealth.
  • Player Default: I'll pay you 200 caps to bring back five spacesuits from the Vault-Tec display in the Galactic Zone.
  • DLC04NPCMAaronCorbett: It's a new day, boss. We all owe you one. Now what can I get for you?
  • DLC04NPCFKatelynAlden: As long as you keep your eyes on the merchandise and off of me, I'm happy to do business.
  • Dixie: We were just debating which of these little lambs to bleed first. But since you're here, maybe you'd like the honor?
  • MackenzieBridgeman: Except now, you won't have to sleep with a gun under your pillow.
  • DisciplesLeader: Of course, it was total shit at first. No imagination, but we spiced it up a bit.
  • BradbertonsHead: I'm such a fool for taking him at his word. He never told me that this would be the price!
  • DLC04NPCMMaddox: The boss comes callin'! What's your pleasure today?
  • DLC04Fritsch: And all the cute little prizes you can win... yeah, you can thank me for those too.
  • ChipMorse: That's a lot of caps for you and the gangs.
  • DLC04POISC07NPCMBrettDunmore: Careful, now-- don't want any trouble. If you're here to trade, fine. Else, I suggest you move along.
  • DLC04Gage: All I'm asking is that you trust me on this and give it a shot. I swear it'll be worth it.
  • Player Default: I don't really want to say. It's nothing personal, I just don't know you well enough to trust you. Sorry!
  • DLC04NPCMGage: Well, I'll be damned. You actually did it... Nuka-World is ours. All of it.
  • Gage: So, look... I don't know if it was you, or just me or what, but I'm glad it's behind us. I ain't got the temperament for this shit.
  • DLC04GageIntercom_TA: You take him out, I promise you, it'll be worth every minute spent in this Gauntlet.
  • Sierra: If you can help me get it, I promise it'll be worth your while.
  • DLC04NPCFSierraPetrovita: I'm almost afraid to ask, but... what's your decision?
  • DLC04NPCMJohnCalebBradberton: So. Have you made up your mind?
  • Phil: You will take some rads during the procedure, so make sure you are healthy before starting.
  • Shank: Now, if you want me to go into detail on any of that, you just say.
  • Gage: Anyway, at first I think he's pissed, like I'm undermining his authority. But he actually listens to me... He takes my advice.
  • Player Default: Great! I can't wait to taste it again. It's a really unique flavor.
  • DLC04MQ05Mags: Look, boss... this is your play. We'll follow you anywhere, but you have to swear to us that Nisha will be punished for her actions.
  • Sierra: Maybe you've heard about my Nuka-Cola Museum?
  • Phil: You'll take a bit more rads than last time, so make sure you are healthy before taking this alignment.
  • DLC04NPCFMackenzieBridgeman: Oh! Uh... hello, boss! Congratulations on taking out Colter... I'm, uh... sure you'll do great.
  • Player Default: And finally, in celebration of its worldwide debut, we've revamped the World of Refreshment ride to feature a river of Nuka-Cola Quantum!
  • Maddox: Ain't gonna be easy, I can promise you that. I was a Raider once myself so I know how difficult they can be.
  • Player Default: God damn, are you not listening to me at all?
  • DLC04MQ05Mags: If that bitch thinks she's going to get away with this, she's dead wrong. I'll tuck her in for a dirt nap myself.
  • Nisha: A shame. I'd love to see the look on Mags' face one more time before you took her out. Not to mention that stupid brother of hers.
  • Shank: And which gang you want to join you on the job?
  • Player Default: Low tolerance for bullshit, I gotcha. But for now, I need you to listen up.
  • Gage: They were dug in like ticks. That's why it took pulling a bunch of gangs together to even have a chance.
  • DLC04Evan: Since you took the trouble to find me, the least I can do is return the favor. Need any supplies?
  • NIRA: And remember, if you collect a full set of Park Medallions, I'll give you a special reward!
  • Gage: I'm just saying this is a real good thing we got going here.
  • DLC04NPCFSierraPetrovita: Nuka-World! I've always dreamed of coming here, and now I've finally made it. This place is amazing, don't you think?
  • NIRA: I'm N.I.R.A., your friendly Nuka-World Informational Robotic Assistant. Is this your first visit to Nuka-World?
  • Sierra: Who the hell are you to just walk in here and destroy all that?
  • KatelynAlden: It's the kind of opportunity you don't want to take for granted.
  • Shank: Uh, boss. That's one of the places providing us with supplies. You sure you want to target them?
  • CitoAlias: Cito come with new friend. Cito help!
  • CitoAlias: Cito see you kill Monster. You friend?
  • CitoAlias: How Cito thank new friend?
  • CitoAlias: Shiny thing help new friend?!
  • Cleansed: Are you happy? Truly happy?
  • DLC04NPCMCito: New friend done? No more Monsters?
  • DLC04NPCMCito: You kill family! No! Cito kill you!
  • DLC04NPCMGage: All right, that's it.
  • DLC04NPCMGage: Hey boss, can I ask you something?
  • DLC04NPCMGage: Hey boss, you got a second?
  • DLC04NPCMGage: Need something, boss?
  • DLC04NPCMGage: Okay. Fuck it. We are through.
  • DLC04NPCMGage: The hell's going on with you, boss?
  • DLC04NPCMGage: What the hell do you want now?
  • DLC04NPCMGage: You need something, boss?
  • DLC04Fritsch: If your score is high enough, the machine will kick out a bunch of tickets which you can redeem at a prize terminal for all sorts of goodies.
  • FemaleEvenToned: Hey there, looking to trade?
  • FemaleRough: There something you want?
  • Gage: But really... thanks. I mean it
  • Gage: So, what? You had enough of me?
  • LaurenPlummer: That, an' the fact I don't take shit from anyone. In here, it's my drinks an' my rules.
  • DLC04NPCMShank: Hmm. Heard some rumbles this one didn't get you either. Figure I shouldn't be surprised.
  • Player Default: That-that's an interesting proposal. I-I'm sure we can come to... some kind of mutual understanding...
  • AaronCorbett: But I guess it doesn't really matter what I think, does it? As long as I'm wearing this collar, I'm no better than a slave.
  • Player Default: Yeah, but you're stuck here anyway, so I need you to listen up.
  • Maddox: I've also got a proposition, just for you.
  • Mason: So, how's it feel to get revenge?
  • Mason: You done good, boss. What's next?
  • Nisha: Was it worth it?
  • Shank: If that interests you, well, all you've got to do is say the word, and we can let the fun begin.
  • Mason: Don't look so surprised. We ain't all knuckle-draggers.
  • Player Default: Answer some questions for me.
  • Player Default: Faking injury again?
  • Player Default: Have a great day!
  • Player Default: I don't have a ticket.
  • Player Default: I'll pay you 200 caps if you do.
  • Player Default: Okay!
  • Player Default: See you around then.
  • Player Default: So are you in charge here?
  • Player Default: Sure thing.
  • Player Default: Then why are you wasting my time?
  • Player Default: Uh, all right.
  • Player Default: Uh, okay.
  • Player Default: Why in the hell would I do that?
  • Player Default: You ever heard of Nuka-World?
  • Player Default: You guys are all family?
  • PlayerVoiceFemale01: You.
  • DaraHubbell: Have you changed your mind about helping us?
  • RaiderSpokesperson: Want to move in?
  • RobotProtectron: Tickets please.
  • OperatorsLeader: I want to know. What did you feel as you did it? When you brought that walking pile of human garbage to his knees?
  • Shank: So, which gang you want to back you up?
  • Shank: Which gang you want to join you on the job?
  • Sierra: It's... simpler than I was expecting.
  • Sierra: What?! No!
  • Gage: It could be a sore spot between us, yeah? I mean, here I went and turned on the Overboss. Who's to say I wouldn't do it again?
  • Oswald: When Rachel walks back through those gates with the cure in hand, then you'll see, everyone will see, that I was right!
  • PackLeader: I hear you've been talking to the other gangs.
  • Maddox: Now I'd love to make some for you, being the big, bad boss that you are, but I'm gonna need a lot more Bloodworm Meat to do it.
  • DLC04Fritsch: Don't worry, your secret is safe with me... I think Colter got exactly what he deserved.
  • MagsBlack: I suppose Gage wasn't wrong to put so much faith in you. You've certainly earned your place here.
  • PackLeader: Things were going to hell fast, but Gage put the brakes on that. Got us together and promised he'd find someone to deal with Colter.
  • DLC04NPCFMackenzieBridgeman: What can I do for you? Treatment or supplies?
  • DLC04MQ05Mason: If those idiots think they're going to get away with this, they're dead wrong. I'll skin them alive!
  • DLC04RobotProtectronCowboy: Did you have fun in Mad Mulligan's Mine? Tussle with any bad outlaws?
  • Player Default: So he was just live bait for you guys?
  • DLC04NPCMFritsch: You're the new Overboss, right? You sure made an example out of Colter.
  • DLC04NPCMHarvey: Oh, thank God. The Raiders have my fam -- Oh, hey, boss.
  • Player Default: I don't know about this Bloodworm menace y'all are talkin' about, but we got ourselves a bunch of no-good outlaws holed up in Mad Mulligan's Mine.
  • Phil: The radiation is also strong, so make sure your rads are low.
  • Phil: It will take a donation of 1000 caps for this alignment.
  • Gage: I'm telling you, boss, this keeps up and I'm gone. You gotta prove you're worth backing up, you hear me?
  • Preston: But that's in your hands. You can still turn back and try to actually make the Commonwealth a better place.
  • DLC04GageIntercom_TA: Damn thing's invincible. You name it, someone's tried it -- miniguns, grenades. Not a scratch. You get what I'm saying?
  • FemaleOld: W... what happened? I... ugh. Yeah? What is it?
  • Fritsch: What happens next is up to you. You can take 'em on yourself in the arena, or I can make sure our little rat never gets out of the maze.
  • Gage: So I moved on. Promised myself I was never gonna be that stupid again, was never gonna trust anyone to do anything but look out for themselves.
  • Player Default: You can take him out on a date after all this, okay? Right now, I need you to listen up.
  • DLC04NPCMGage: Boss... We need to have a little chat. Now.
  • Player Default: Go see Phil. He'll give you your first alignment.
  • DLC04NPCMEvan: Well, hey there. What brings you all the way out here?
  • DLC04NPCMGage: Hey, can I have your ear for a second?
  • Gage: I was more than happy to take point on negotiating, with three of our biggest guys to back me up in case no one took me seriously.
  • Gage: I mean, going a little over the top is part of the game, but you don't want them holding it against you if you can't deliver.
  • ChipMorse: Hell, it might even give those poor bastards out in Dry Rock Gulch a fighting chance.
  • Sierra: The winner of the contest would get to meet the famous John-Caleb Bradberton himself!
  • Oswald: How many of them have you needlessly slaughtered while ignorantly thinking you're doing the world a favor?!
  • Shank: You want to talk them off their land? Or you want to wipe them out?
  • Player Default: Woah, woah. Take it easy, all right? Look, can't just abandon this place. It's home.
  • MagsBlack: But, as luck would have it, it would seem that this was the life you were meant for.
  • Player Default: Are you kidding? If I split, people I know get hurt. I can handle screwing over a stranger, but not people I care about.
  • CitoAlias: Oh! Maybe doctor under giant metal snake!
  • DLC04GageIntercom_TA: Yeah, yeah, I know what it looks like. You're just going to have to trust me.
  • LizzieWyath: Only thing we ask in return is that you remember the Operators when you're handing out new territory on the other side of the mountains.
  • DLC04NPCFNisha: So, you're Gage's little pet project.
  • Gage: If I've got his ear, I can steer things in a direction that benefits me, and usually everyone else.
  • DLC04NPCFShelbieChase: Hey, boss. Gotta admit, it was good to see Colter go down. He scared the hell out of me. Gave me nightmares.
  • DaraHubbell: But I digress. Do you have the spacesuits?
  • OperatorsLeader: Because we're the only ones who see this place for what it is. A temple. A testament to the only thing that matters in this world.
  • Player Default: If you could bring me a bottle, then I'd be happy to share my secret with you.
  • Gage: And hey - we're in this together, so I might as well go all-in. You want me watching your back, you just say the word.
  • Player Default: I'm the sheriff of these parts, and I need your help getting rid of those no good outlaws holed up in Mad Mulligan's Mine!
  • DLC04NPCMHarvey: Raiders, that's what. Those bastards have my family. You... you gotta help me. Please.
  • CitoAlias: Cito kill many. More Monsters come. Never stop. Cito scared Monster hurt family.
  • MackenzieBridgeman: You could uh, well, you know... get rid of the Raiders if you don't exactly agree with how they're running the place.
  • Phil: This is an even deeper probe with even more rads than last time. A donation of 2500 caps will cover it.
  • Cleansed: It can also unlock the true potential of your mind, giving you great mental powers.
  • Gage: Fucking Raiders... They get so greedy, so focused on 'right now' they make shitty mistakes, and wind up dead. Hell, maybe some of them are trying to get killed.
  • Oswald: I'm not going to let you kill any more of my friends. This is our home, not yours.
  • Shank: Suppose this provides us a good opportunity to make an example. You thinking what I'm thinking?
  • Shank: Want to pick some other target? Or another job?
  • PackLeader: But that was a year ago. Then Colter went soft. Wanted to "take stock in what we achieved."
  • DLC04GangOperatorMale02: Whoa, whoa. Where do you think you're... Oh, hey, boss. Didn't expect to see you out around here.
  • Gage: I ain't gonna keep wasting time on this shit. You get me? Sort yourself out, or we're done.
  • DLC04NPCFDaraHubbell: You're more experienced at fighting than we are. How should we do this?
  • Gage: Everything you see here is under your control, now that you're in charge.
  • DLC04NPCMHarvey: Hey. Just wanted to say, no hard feelings, all right?
  • Player Default: Once you've got a complete set, just bring them back to me for a special reward!
  • DLC04RobotProtectronCowboy: Good job. Did Old Prospector Owen give you one of his great tall tales as a reward for his drink? What about Miss Trixie and Handy Hank?
  • Player Default: High walls, plenty of people. Sounded like a place we could finally make a home.
  • Player Default: Got a little something for everyone.
  • CitoAlias: Cito happy you kill Monster. Monster hurt Cito and Cito family.
  • Gage: But he was stubborn, let shit go to his head. Ain't the first time I've seen it, honestly. But it was one of the worst.
  • Player Default: So no caps is what you're telling me?
  • Shank: How long'd it take him to convince you it was time to move on the Commonwealth?
  • Gage: Me being new - and young - I didn't know enough to keep my mouth shut. Started making "suggestions" about how to improve things.
  • Gage: Running with you now... seems like it was all worth it.
  • DLC04NPCFMackenzieBridgeman: Boss... I... I can't believe it. You killed the Raiders. All of them. I have to ask... why?
  • Shank: There another target you want to hit? Or maybe change up the job?
  • DLC04Fritsch: I'll tell you what. Just to officially welcome you to Nuka-World, here's a token to get you started.
  • Player Default: Oh, no thanks. I kind of need to keep this a secret. It's really important to me and I just don't know you very well.
  • Sierra: I'll never forget that. Not ever. And it wouldn't have been possible without your help. Thank you.
  • DLC04Gage: I think you have what it takes to turn things around and keep these gangs from tearing each other apart.
  • DLC04RobotProtectronCowboy: Hope y'all are having a good day here at Nuka-World. Ready to saddle up and ride into the old wild west?
  • Player Default: Besides, you help me, you help yourself. You ready to listen?
  • DLC04NPCMGage: Nuka-World, all lit up... it's god damn beautiful.
  • ChipMorse: Guess that means his big plans for the park died with him.
  • DLC04Harvey: We owe you so much, I don't even know where to begin... besides saying thanks.
  • MackenzieBridgeman: Now that it has, I'm left with a question that I don't know the answer to: What happens next?
  • DLC04MQ05Mason: Look, boss... this is your play. You've had our back, so we'll watch yours. But you have to swear to us that Mags and William will pay.
  • DLC04MQ05Gage: Oh... and of course, you could always lend Mags or Mason a hand. I'm sure they have plenty of jobs to run.
  • NIRA: Please contact a Nuka-World maintenance technician as soon as possible.
  • Gage: Who gets what - that'll be your call. Whoever you hand it off to will appreciate it, but the others might get a little jealous. You know how it goes.
  • DLC04MQ05Gage: And believe it or not, that means something to us.
  • Player Default: Well, partner, if you're interested in lending a hand, I could use a new deputy! What do you say?
  • Player Default: Can you tell me more about this Hubology Cleansed mentioned?
  • LaurenPlummer: I can see the question in your eyes. Why ain't she got a collar? You want to take a guess?
  • DLC04NPCMGage: What'd I tell you? Worked like a charm.
  • Shank: Wait... pretty sure that's place is one of yours, boss. That's where you want to hit?
  • DLC04GageIntercom_TA: You want to win? I stashed a weapon in the lockers. Get it.
  • Harvey: If not for them, do it for the caps. You bring them back safe, I can pay you. I swear.
  • Dixie: Perfect for convincing any meddlesome settlers to rip each other apart.
  • DaraHubbell: I have some extra ammo for The Hub's gun that I can give you if you succeed.
  • Gage: The gangs got restless, and started pissing each other off. It was... is... a real mess.
  • Player Default: I lost two followers trying to get them ourselves. I'm hoping you'll have more luck.
  • DLC04GageIntercom_TA: Like that guy Harvey and his "poor family"? Total bullshit just to get you here.
  • Player Default: You want t-this place? Listen, not trying to piss you off here, but I-I'm not sure that's going to work. This is home.
  • KatelynAlden: When I'm out on the road, I keep an ear to the ground. I hear anything interesting, I relay it to him.
  • ShelbieChase: Figure it must be a pretty tough job, keeping all these Raiders in line.
  • Player Default: Will do! And you have fun doing... uh... whatever you do around here.
  • Gage: You don't have to trust 'em. Hell, you don't even have to like 'em. But you need them to respect you enough to follow you.
  • Player Default: Well, if you want to live to make that dream come true, I suggest you listen up.
  • Gage: My talents are best put to use helping a new Overboss get all this shit under control. You get me?
  • Sinner: You give me one good reason I shouldn't slice you open and eat your heart right here?
  • DLC04MQ03Gage: Commonwealth has a ton of shitty little settlements that could be put to better use, don't you think?
  • DLC04NPCMGage: Hey boss, need a minute of your time.
  • DLC04GangDiscipleFemale01: Don't let those caps burn a hole in your pocket. I bet I got something you need.
  • DLC04Fritsch: Speaking of which, I'm hoping you're here to spend a little bit of your own at the Nuka-Cade.
  • Gage: You gonna start acting like a Raider, or what?
  • DLC04NPCMMason: Now that I get a closer look at you... not sure I'm buying this new Overboss thing.
  • Player Default: Kicking or spray painting the animatronic models is prohibited.
  • Shank: So, you ready to pick the spot for Nuka-World's first new homestead?
  • DLC04GangDiscipleFemale01: So, you're the Overboss. Anything I can do around here besides slowly die of boredom?
  • TheGiddyupKid: What do you say, deputy. Can you help an honest horse-trader out?
  • Player Default: Are you the one in charge around here?
  • DLC04Harvey: I'm just... sorry you had to get caught up in all this.
  • DLC04Harvey: And yeah, yeah... I know you didn't do it for us, but the traders feel like it's a real improvement anyway.
  • Player Default: I'm not going to apologize for how I treat people.
  • Phil: But I'm sure you won't have any problems donating 5000 caps.
  • DLC04NPCMAaronCorbett: Well, look who it is. Are you here to grace my humble market stand with your presence, oh great boss?
  • Gage: But that... Really that was all on me. I'm the one who talked him into being Overboss in the first place.
  • Gage: You ain't no Raider, and you sure as shit don't deserve to be called Overboss.
  • DLC04GageIntercom_TA: I'm the guy that's going to get you out of this alive, so listen up.
  • Dara: The donation is 10,000 caps. The radiation dose will be severe.
  • Player Default: I know it's a lot to ask, so I'm willing to give you one of Hubology's great treasures if we succeed.
  • Gage: I can trust you. I can't say that about anybody else.
  • Shank: ... or you and a crew can introduce some bullets to some kneecaps.
  • ChipMorse: We could have done it, too, but things changed. Slowed down. Colter stopped pushing, stopped caring so much.
  • LizzieWyath: But for your purposes, hitting settlements out in the Commonwealth, it ought to give you a serious edge.
  • Player Default: Oh. I-I don't know. Lot of hard work goes into this place. Can't just... give it to you...
  • CitoAlias: Monsters not stop. Help Cito stop Monsters?
  • Gage: I make a point of getting the hell out of Dodge before that happens.
  • DLC04MQ05Nisha: Look... it's your play. We'll follow you anywhere, but you have to swear to us that Mason pays for this with his life.
  • PackLeader: Long as you don't go forgetting that, we're gonna be fine.
  • DLC04MQ03Gage: He's in charge of the caravans, so odds are you can find him somewhere near the marketplace.
  • BradbertonsHead: You there, with the Pip-Boy. What are you doing here?
  • Player Default: All right. I'll be here if you're interested.
  • FemaleOld: I... uh, don't feel so... phew. What is it?
  • DisciplesLeader: But... if you support us and keep your promises like a good, little Overboss, we back you, you get to live, and everybody wins.
  • Gage: I know what a bad-ass you can be, so let's get back to that, huh?
  • Maddox: I figure 10 hunks of Bloodworm Meat should do the trick. Then I'll show you just what kind of magic I can make.
  • Gage: I guess what I'm wondering is, why? What's behind all this for you?
  • DLC04MQ05Nisha: If that asshole thinks he'll get away with this, he's dead wrong. I'll skin him alive and savor every minute of it.
  • DLC04Harvey: Surprised to hear the Disciples actually thought they could take you on. Believe me, I won't miss 'em.
  • Phil: Of course the rad dosage is a bit higher too.
  • Sierra: Yay! You're the best! Thank you so much!
  • Protectron: The Grandchester Mystery Mansion only accepts legal tender.
  • Gage: Okay, fine. I guess, maybe sometimes. We've been through a lot, and you're something else, all right.
  • Dixie: I like your style. Save the fresh one for last.
  • TheGiddyupKid: Good luck out there. Remember, check the Nuka-Cola refreshment stands!
  • Harvey: Don't say that. I won't give up on them. I can't.
  • DocPhosphate: Had one too many, huh? Ha. That sure sounds like the three of them, all right.
  • Sierra: Well, I'm glad you asked! I like to think of myself as one of the foremost authorities on the subject of Nuka-World.
  • CitoAlias: New friend funny. How not see giant metal snake?
  • SettlementSpokesperson: Oh. That's, that's how it's gonna... fine. Take it. Place... place is all yours.
  • Shank: I can see that. Well, regardless of the source, idea's a good one.
  • DLC04MQ03Gage: The idea's crossed my mind, sure. But I'm just making suggestions here. You're the one that needs to give the go-ahead.
  • DLC04MQ03Gage: You make it sound like it's no big deal.
  • OperatorsLeader: Well... you, Overboss. You're... an unknown quantity. And we're interested in knowing who we're dealing with.
  • Gage: Well... Then... We need to stop screwing around, and actually get to it.
  • DLC04MQ03Gage: Of course it's your call. I'm just trying to offer some advice here.
  • Preston: You'll "think about it"? That's the kind of meaningless bullshit I've come to expect from you.
  • DaraHubbell: Hub's blessing! It was truly fated that we meet.
  • Cora: Damn it. I knew it sounded too good to be true. I guess we can always try Nuka-World... but I've heard some crazy stories about that place.
  • MackenzieBridgeman: Freedom... I never appreciated that word as much as I do right now.
  • SheriffForcedAlias: Well, now, we got ourselves a genuine celebrity! Howdy, there, Silver Shroud. We could sure use your help.
  • KatelynAlden: Exactly. Customers means caps, and caps means everyone's happy. When a bunch of Raiders aren't happy any more, the bullets start flying.
  • Gage: We'd been through any less, and I'd put a bullet through your eye right now.
  • Shank: Don't work for the gangs. Gage brought me in to work for the Overboss.
  • Gage: You sure? Okay, well don't go gettin' yourself into too much trouble without me.
  • Sierra: Of course. You've been very patient, and a deal's a deal.
  • KatelynAlden: Your serious? Fine. I'll finish up my business here and hit the road.
  • DisciplesLeader: Who's counting? It's at least enough to keep the traders busy. We like to send them in to clean out the bodies whenever things get ripe in there.
  • CitoAlias: Cito very small when first family die. First family look like Cito.
  • NIRA: You know, a lot of people say just the same thing. The way we see it, everyone who steps through that gate is a child at heart.
  • Shank: Well, if you aren't yet, you sure as hell should be.
  • DLC04MQ03Gage: That sounds like Colter talking, boss. Ain't a good sign.
  • Mason: Nah. Doorknobs. Bane of creatures great and small.
  • SettlementSpokesperson: About as much as anyone, sure. Now you want to tell me what it is you want?
  • NIRA: That's right! Just stop by whenever you have a question about any of our world-famous attractions.
  • Shank: Not a whole lot. Our scout said the boss calls himself Sinner. Claims to have a decent-sized crew ready to take what we stole fair and square.
  • Gage: It's meant a longer life so far, if nothing else. But, look...
  • Gage: Tell me about it. I thought he had what it took, so I helped arrange this whole deal. Didn't work out. But, now that you're here, we've got a second shot...
  • AaronCorbett: Like any market, this place needs caps to run. Whether it's for payoffs, bribes, you name it.
  • NIRA: Oh, was that supposed to be a threat? Don't make me laugh, you worthless pile of brahmin dung. You couldn't scare a radroach.
  • ChipMorse: No need for that, boss. I'll tell you everything I know.
  • DLC04Evan: Glad to help. Let me see what I've got...
  • Sierra: You really want to condemn one of the greatest minds of his generation to die, even though I've offered you a better option?
  • Sierra: Good point! You're new here, after all. You should learn everything you can.
  • ShelbieChase: What?! No! That's not what I... I mean, yes, I'm sure you can handle it.
  • DLC04MQ05Mason: Then let's tear them apart instead!
  • MagsBlack: It was meant to be. But it's also a fact.
  • Sierra: What he needed... I hadn't thought of it that way.
  • Gage: Good. I know I'm throwing a lot at you all at once here.
  • Gage: Yeah, it sure will. Be real nice to have this place all under our control.
  • Sierra: That was before we found John-Caleb Bradberton, in the flesh! Well, mostly.
  • CitoAlias: Cito angry new friend kill family. Cito sad new friend not friend anymore.
  • Phil: He is the source of life on Earth. We are all his descendants.
  • Harvey: Damn it. Look... you got me. I ain't injured, okay? I just can't do this anymore. The Raiders back at Nuka-World put me up to this.
  • DLC04Harvey: Good to hear, boss. Never figured I'd find myself in this situation before. I thought for sure I'd be a goner. Well, better get back to it.
  • DLC04MQ05Gage: I'm serious! I don't have an angle here, boss. I meant every word I said.
  • Oswald: Fine, I've been looking forward to making you disappear.
  • Sierra: Hold on. We haven't got into Bradberton's office yet. That was the deal, remember?
  • Shank: Bodies. And not the kind the Disciples like to leave sitting around.
  • ShelbieChase: Thank goodness. I'll sleep a lot better having you in charge.
  • Gage: I'll be honest. I couldn't tell you. You know how folks say "It was all a blur!" Well, it really was.
  • Sierra: Just... please think carefully. If you shut off the power, there's no going back or changing your mind.
  • Gage: No. A coward would've run for the hills when things started lookin' bad. That ain't me.
  • DLC04MQ05Nisha: Excuse me? Babysitting the other gangs is your job.
  • Sierra: Well, it's a long way from here, so I guess that's not surprising.
  • DLC04Fritsch: Well, you have to admit, you had a bit of help.
  • Gage: Ugh... You friggin' better. This turns out to be a mistake, I'm taking it out of your ass.
  • DaraHubbell: He is our best fighter, so I suppose that makes sense. Good luck.
  • DocPhosphate: I didn't realize all three of them were fans of the Silver Shroud. Learn something new every day.
  • SheriffForcedAlias: I don't know what you're talking about. I'm just an old-fashioned cowboy trying to show folks a good time here at Nuka-World!
  • AaronCorbett: Well it's not every day that one of us low-life traders gets to have words with the high and mighty Overboss.
  • Oswald: You come here, attack my friends, try to steal our home and have the gall to claim you aren't my enemy?
  • DLC04Harvey: I know, and I'm sorry. But if you ever cared about anyone, you'd do the same thing.
  • DLC04MQ03Gage: Now you're starting to sound like Colter. You remember, the idiot who's body we recently dumped into the river?
  • MackenzieBridgeman: Well, to be honest, I don't know you yet, boss.
  • TheGiddyupKid: Employee manual login recognized. Exhibition bypass protocol engaged. Handing over part three of this week's safe combination.
  • DLC04Harvey: Hey, as long as we're cool, man. I don't want any trouble.
  • Gage: Who the hell knows? Dead, I'm sure. Probably a long time ago. Doesn't matter; hasn't mattered in decades.
  • DLC04GageIntercom_TA: Nope, it's the perfect weapon.
  • DLC04Fritsch: Eager to play, eh? That's what I like to hear.
  • Mason: What? Me? Try to get you replaced so soon? Nah. It would make for a good prank though.
  • Harvey: No, no... I'll be fine. Save it for my wife and kid, for Lisa and Cody.
  • Maddox: Not so, not so. I never touch the stuff anymore.
  • SettlementSpokesperson: You'll pay me? Uh, yeah. I-I guess I can do that.
  • Cora: We'll talk about it. It's just a lot to think about right now.
  • DLC04GageIntercom_TA: Sure as shit. You just be ready to take him out when he's vulnerable.
  • MackenzieBridgeman: Can't argue with that. If you ask me, they've had it coming for a long time.
  • CitoAlias: Cito trust you. Cito like more new friends!
  • KatelynAlden: As long as people feel safe coming here, the caps will flow. But Raiders, they're unpredictable. Quick-tempered.
  • DLC04GageIntercom_TA: Uh, believe me. You do. Ain't walking out of here without it.
  • DLC04GageIntercom_TA: Yep, best kind there is. I mean, consequences aside, look who's still here.
  • Mason: We keep going. We take over more settlements in the Commonwealth. We take what we want, and we keep taking until we own everything.
  • Protectron: Welcome to the Grandchester Mystery Mansion.
  • MagsBlack: I'd say you did an adequate job, considering. You've come a long way, after all.
  • DLC04GageIntercom_TA: Gotta admit, I didn't think you'd be so excited to find out a squirt gun is the key to saving your life.
  • DaraHubbell: Before the great war, a brilliant writer named Dick Hubbell invented a process for expanding the human mind.
  • Protectron: Enjoy your visit to the Grandchester Mystery Mansion.
  • Gage: Yeah, that's right. Blow it off. See where that gets you.
  • Sierra: Sunglasses? Oh! You mean the Cappy glasses! Sorry, sometimes I forget I'm even wearing them.
  • Gage: I know you do. I'm telling you I don't like some of the calls you been making lately.
  • NIRA: So you do! Why that's just Nuka-Tastic! Here's your special reward!
  • DLC04Gage: "Dead", "out of the way"... What's the difference? Either way, good riddance. The plan was a success.
  • DLC04Fritsch: No problem. I have to keep you coming back for more, right?
  • Maddox: Alright, alright, I feel you. Gotta lay down that law, right? Let me come back at you another way.
  • Mason: Haha! You can't escape the lure of caps and mayhem. You're in the chase for life. Like the rest of us.
  • Shank: Just means there's a better chance we could run low on grub, which could end up leading to some pissed off outposts.
  • DLC04MQ05Gage: If you think I'm holding back, you can turn out my pockets.
  • Maddox: Hey, don't knock it 'til you try it, boss. I promise, you'll be glad you did.
  • DLC04MQ05Mason: We're with you on this, all the way.
  • DisciplesLeader: Of course. Just remember to think about it like this: how much do you value your life?
  • Shank: Ok. You want to go have some words with them or you going to let your firearms do the convincing?
  • DLC04Fritsch: As long as you run these gangs the way they were meant to be run, we'll never have a problem.
  • DLC04Harvey: Yeah, boss. Well, best get back to work. Don't want to look like I'm slacking on the job.
  • Gage: Hey, you know as well as I do that not everybody with that title lived up to it.
  • DLC04MQ05Nisha: If you're looking to blame someone, it better not be us.
  • Gage: Okay, settle down. Most of these psychos have seen shit that'd scare your nightmares; they're not gonna be that easy to intimidate.
  • DisciplesLeader: It means do what you want, but don't get caught. The last thing I need is the Operators and Pack breathing down my neck.
  • Oswald: You're wrong. There is a cure, there has to be. But... maybe she needs my help.
  • Sierra: What?! You can't be serious. This is the most special place in the world.
  • DLC04GageIntercom_TA: Don't let it get you. Harvey only did it 'cause we threaten to kill and torture people he cares about if he doesn't.
  • Sierra: Well... maybe you're right. I guess I didn't consider his feelings as much as I should have.
  • Cora: Oh god, I hope so. After what we've been through, a safe place is really all we want right now.
  • LaurenPlummer: You say "Raiders" like they're somethin' worse than normal folks.
  • Maddox: Of course, of course. No promises needed. Hey, this is your gig now. You do what you like.
  • Sierra: I know, but there's more to the story. Just hear me out.
  • Shank: Day-to-day needs, they're pretty straightforward.
  • Sierra: Nice try, but you'd be one "g" short, so let's just assume it's "refreshing."
  • Preston: You really think that matters? We're supposed to be driving the Raiders out of the Commonwealth, not inviting them in!
  • Gage: Oh, yeah, joking around is a really great way to start this off.
  • Gage: Dead serious. Look, you leave it up to anyone else, the gangs'll all just fight over who deserves the space.
  • PackLeader: No offense, but you just got here. We'll see what you can do.
  • MackenzieBridgeman: I guess not. I'm sure you had your reasons.
  • Nisha: Not up for sharing, I see. Well, I got what I wanted for now, so I suppose I'll let you keep your little secrets.
  • NIRA: No problem! Whether this is your first time, or your hundredth, we're so happy you decided to visit Nuka-World!
  • Gage: Ha, yeah that's probably about how it sounded.
  • Gage: Start acting like a fucking Raider! Blow some shit up, piss people off, maybe shoot a few of 'em. Show that you don't take anyone's shit.
  • AaronCorbett: Yeah? Let me tell you what you're going to see.
  • Shank: Bingo. Only language Raiders in the Commonwealth understand. Force.
  • Gage: Yeah, yeah. Give it time - you still gotta prove to them you're worth following, remember?
  • Harvey: I'll keep packing 'em in and the Gauntlet can keep picking 'em off.
  • Harvey: Are you kidding? If I split, people I know get hurt. I can handle screwing over a stranger, but not people I care about.
  • Gage: Nah, I didn't. At least, that wasn't what I was aiming for.
  • BrettDunmore: Ain't that something. Well, you've done us quite the favor.
  • Gage: Aside from being a good shot and having a foul mouth?
  • Fritsch: Hell yeah! No better way to earn a raider's respect than kicking some ass in front of a crowd.
  • Sierra: Well, okay. To be honest I'm so excited I can barely keep it in! It'll be a relief to finally tell someone.
  • NIRA: I'll give you a hint. You'll want to visit some of our most popular rides and attractions to find them!
  • NIRA: I wish I could say! The personnel involved do not match visual records of any known Nuka-World employees.
  • Gage: Nope. That's bullshit. It can work. It just needs someone capable running the show. Someone like you.
  • DLC04Harvey: Never. Couldn't afford to. It used to be me and another guy they'd send out. He thought he'd try and escape while he was out there...
  • CitoAlias: Chris big and strong. Chris help new friend and Cito.
  • BradbertonsHead: Thank you.
  • Sierra: But what if... no. You're right. I'm thinking only about myself. About what I wanted.
  • DLC04Gage: Don't worry, if it's caps you want, you'll be swimming in them soon enough.
  • LaurenPlummer: Damn right! Hell, I'm an institution.
  • PackLeader: Ha! You might make it out of here alive after all.
  • ChipMorse: I hope you do, boss.
  • ChipMorse: Of course not, boss.
  • ChipMorse: Of course. We'll do whatever you say.
  • ChipMorse: Whatever you say, boss.
  • CitoAlias: An-i-mal? Cito not know word.
  • CitoAlias: Cito glad new friend like family!
  • CitoAlias: Cito happy have strong friend.
  • CitoAlias: Cito happy you help!
  • CitoAlias: Cito have idea!
  • CitoAlias: Cito help! Cito like help new friend.
  • CitoAlias: Cito like new friend.
  • CitoAlias: Cito maybe know.
  • CitoAlias: Cito not bait. Cito hook.
  • CitoAlias: Cito not know.
  • CitoAlias: Cito not see more Monsters.
  • CitoAlias: Cito remember something!
  • CitoAlias: Cito so happy.
  • CitoAlias: Cito stay. Cito protect family.
  • CitoAlias: Cito strong. Cito help new friend!
  • CitoAlias: Death? Claw?
  • CitoAlias: Listen to Cito.
  • CitoAlias: New friend funny. Shiny thing not bird.
  • CitoAlias: New friend not talk. New friend listen.
  • CitoAlias: New friend not worry. Cito know.
  • CitoAlias: New friend say strange words.
  • CitoAlias: No. Cito kill you!
  • CitoAlias: No. Many more Monster. No stop.
  • CitoAlias: Not one Monster. Many Monsters.
  • CitoAlias: Shiny thing help new friend?!
  • CitoAlias: Sound like name of snake from old zoo.
  • CitoAlias: Yes! Cito know!
  • CitoAlias: You betray Cito?! You enemy now!
  • CitoAlias: You good guesser!
  • Cleansed: A common answer.
  • Cleansed: I may be able to help you.
  • Cleansed: Why would I take your kidney?
  • Cora: Chelsea's my sister and Peter's her husband.
  • Cora: Sure thing.
  • Cora: Take a look.
  • Shank: Well, you want to make sure they've got all the necessities - defenses, beds, water...
  • DLC04Evan: Absolutely.
  • DLC04Evan: Fair enough.
  • DLC04Evan: No catch, no trick.
  • DLC04Fritsch: Give me a break, it's all I've got.
  • DLC04Fritsch: Hell no. Colter was a goddamn idiot.
  • DLC04Fritsch: I'll say.
  • DLC04Fritsch: Me? Didn't know you were interested.
  • DLC04Fritsch: Very funny.
  • DLC04Fritsch: Yeah, it's pretty amazing, isn't it?
  • DLC04Gage: And what do you know, it worked.
  • DLC04Gage: See? You're fitting in already.
  • DLC04Gage: Something like that. Let me explain.
  • DLC04Gage: That's the spirit.
  • DLC04Gage: We'll get into that later.
  • DLC04GageIntercom_TA: He ain't got a choice.
  • DLC04GageIntercom_TA: Heh. You know us well then.
  • DLC04GageIntercom_TA: My kinda gal.
  • DLC04GageIntercom_TA: That's what I like to hear.
  • DLC04GageIntercom_TA: Yeah. You ready to listen?
  • DLC04GageIntercom_TA: You got it.
  • DLC04Harvey: Ain't no one going to argue that now.
  • DLC04Harvey: As long as it ain't us, I'm happy.
  • DLC04Harvey: Don't gotta tell me twice.
  • DLC04Harvey: Hell, I won't argue with you there.
  • DLC04Harvey: Oh come on, I was just doing my job!
  • DLC04MQ03Gage: Hey, no disrespect, boss.
  • DLC04MQ03Gage: Maybe, if you ask him nicely.
  • DLC04MQ03Gage: Oh for the love of...
  • DLC04MQ03Gage: Sorry, boss.
  • DLC04MQ05Gage: Good.
  • DLC04MQ05Gage: Hey now, no need to get personal.
  • DLC04MQ05Gage: It ain't just the lights, boss.
  • DLC04MQ05Mags: Amen.
  • DLC04MQ05Mags: Exactly what I was hoping to hear.
  • DLC04MQ05Mags: Right behind you, boss.
  • DLC04MQ05Mags: Story time, huh? Fine.
  • DLC04MQ05Mags: They're lost already, boss.
  • DLC04MQ05Mason: You want story time? Fine.
  • DLC04MQ05Nisha: Just what I wanted to hear.
  • DLC04MQ05Nisha: Music to my ears.
  • DLC04MQ05Nisha: My thoughts exactly.
  • DLC04MQ05Nisha: They're already lost.
  • DaraHubbell: It will carry us to our new home.
  • DaraHubbell: It's the reason I need those suits.
  • DaraHubbell: Okay. I'll give you 250 caps.
  • DaraHubbell: Perfect! Here is your payment.
  • DaraHubbell: That's disappointing.
  • DaraHubbell: Then why are you wasting my time?
  • DaraHubbell: You haven't even heard my offer.
  • DaraHubbell: You mercenary types are all the same.
  • DaraHubbell: Your mind is limited by neurodynes.
  • DisciplesLeader: Gage didn't say anything?
  • DisciplesLeader: Not questioning, just curious.
  • DisciplesLeader: Willing to bet your life on that?
  • Dixie: I like how you think, boss.
  • Dixie: Oh, come on!
  • Dixie: The weak are always the first to go.
  • MagsBlack: Sorry, boss. Take it from experience. There's no use in fighting who you are.
  • SettlementSpokesperson: Caps? For this... uh, yeah, fine. I-I guess it's all yours.
  • Gage: You may have noticed that our former Overboss, Colter, was a fuckin' asshole.
  • Mason: Uh... yeah, okay, boss. See you around, I guess?
  • DLC04Evan: No, no... I'm afraid that's a bit beyond my reach.
  • DisciplesLeader: Good to see the new boss at least has some taste. I might let you keep that head on your shoulders after all.
  • DocPhosphate: Why would I? Fine folks such as yourself are always on hand to serve them their drinks.
  • Harvey: Hey, I got you in there, didn't I? One way or another, I'll keep 'em coming.
  • DaraHubbell: You must be very confident in your skills.
  • Gage: Ahh, shit. You'd better be right.
  • Gage: All depends on your perspective, I suppose.
  • Gage: All right! That's what I'm talking about.
  • Gage: All right. You know where to find me.
  • Gage: Are you sayin' what I think you're sayin'?
  • Gage: Brilliant. No wonder you're in charge.
  • Gage: Can I? I am really starting to wonder...
  • Gage: Don't I fuckin' know it.
  • Gage: Don't I know it.
  • Gage: Done.
  • Gage: Far as I'm concerned, I ain't either of 'em.
  • Gage: Fine. But this can't wait forever.
  • Gage: Fine. Nothin' that can't wait.
  • Gage: Fine. We can do this later.
  • Gage: For the love of... Ain't you been listening?
  • Gage: Goddamn right I do.
  • Gage: Heh, yeah - ain't that the truth.
  • Gage: Hell, boss, I ain't good at this.
  • Gage: Hey, come on now. No need to be insulting.
  • Gage: Ho boy, okay...
  • Gage: I just... I needed to say I'm sorry.
  • Gage: I knew you had it in you.
  • Gage: I know, that's what I'm saying.
  • Gage: I thought you might.
  • Gage: I, uhh, I just wanted to say...
  • Gage: If that's a joke, I don't get it.
  • Gage: If that's your call...
  • Gage: If you say so.
  • Gage: It does, yeah... But it's more than that.
  • Gage: It's not that hard, man. Figure it out.
  • Gage: Next? The fun stuff.
  • Gage: No, I'm saying I ain't worried.
  • Gage: No, ain't no guilt over that call.
  • Gage: No, boss. Not at all.
  • Gage: No, see, that's what I'm trying to say.
  • Gage: Nope, not me. That's not how I operate.
  • Gage: Nope, suppose not.
  • Gage: Not at first, but they came around...
  • Gage: Not the best choice of words there, boss.
  • Gage: Now hang on, don't get ahead of me.
  • Gage: Oh come on! It's pretty damned simple.
  • Gage: Oh come on. It ain't that hard to see.
  • Gage: Oh, how nice of you.
  • Gage: Oh, now this I gotta see....
  • Gage: Oh, you think? What fuckin' gave it away?
  • Gage: Okay, I mean, I was wondering...
  • Gage: Okay... Okay, good.
  • Gage: Okay... Like I keep sayin', you're the boss.
  • Gage: Promises don't mean much to me anyway.
  • Gage: Shit, man. Vivid imagination you got there.
  • Gage: Shit. Yeah, I guess we will.
  • Gage: Smarter than most, that's for sure.
  • Gage: Thanks.
  • Gage: That means a lot, boss. Really does.
  • Gage: The hell it is!
  • Gage: This was your one more chance, asshole.
  • Gage: Very funny.
  • Gage: Well...
  • Gage: Why in the hell would I do that?
  • Gage: Yeah boss, I am.
  • Gage: Yeah, I did.
  • Gage: Yeah, I guess we are.
  • Gage: Yeah, I guessed as much.
  • Gage: Yeah, I hear you.
  • Gage: Yeah, I hear you. But I had my reasons.
  • Gage: Yeah, I sure did.
  • Gage: Yeah, I think he knew that.
  • Gage: Yeah, all right. That works.
  • Gage: Yeah, boss. Here's everything I got.
  • Gage: Yeah, boss. It is now.
  • Gage: Yeah, but... Hear me out.
  • Gage: Yeah, good call.
  • Gage: Yeah, guess so.
  • Gage: Yeah, hope so.
  • Gage: Yeah, kinda.
  • Gage: Yeah, okay. Sure, no problem.
  • Gage: Yeah, okay. Sure.
  • Gage: Yeah, okay...
  • Gage: Yeah, sure. Laugh it up.
  • Gage: Yeah, sure. Of course. It can wait.
  • Gage: Yeah, that was the general idea.
  • Gage: Yeah, yeah. Course you ain't.
  • Gage: Yeah, yeah. Maybe so.
  • Gage: Yeah, yeah. Okay.
  • Gage: Yeah... I wouldn't count on that.
  • Gage: Yeah? Man, I sure hope so.
  • Gage: Yeah? Well listen real fucking good.
  • Gage: Yes, you smart-ass. I am almost done.
  • Gage: Yes. Pretty big frigging problem, boss.
  • Gage: You are the Overboss, after all.
  • Gage: You got a lot to learn, boss.
  • Gage: You'd better.
  • Gage: You're the Overboss....
  • Gage: You're the boss.
  • Gage: No it ain't, and you know damn well it ain't.
  • NIRA: Then start walking, you pathetic waste of flesh, before I lose my patience and these Raiders end up feeding what's left of you to the bloodworms.
  • Harvey: Oh, thank God.
  • Harvey: Tell me about it.
  • Harvey: They fooled us... big time.
  • Shank: Yeah. Getting word they could use some more food coming in. If you want to run a job to convince a new settlement to cough up supplies, let me know.
  • DLC04Harvey: I haven't even taken a moment to think about that.
  • NIRA: Internal systems monitoring recorded an unauthorized shutdown and reboot.
  • DLC04MQ03Gage: Heh. Nah, the little green men can keep that one.
  • Harvey: I'm just saying I'm tired. I'm down with doing whatever it takes to live to see another day.
  • KatelynAlden: He's... a man in the know.
  • KatelynAlden: I'm glad you see it that way.
  • KatelynAlden: Will do.
  • DLC04Harvey: Yeah... pretty much. But it's not what you think. I mean it's... it's just I didn't really have any choice in the matter.
  • Dixie: Damn straight you will. I trust she'll make her mama proud.
  • CitoAlias: Cito not worry. New friend teach Cito be strong. Teach Cito be brave.
  • LaurenPlummer: Well ain't you a spoilsport.
  • LaurenPlummer: What?! You serious?
  • LaurenPlummer: You're right about that, haha.
  • LizzieWyath: That's all I ask.
  • LizzieWyath: Well, this should give you one.
  • LizzieWyath: Wonderful.
  • Sierra: Oh, no thanks. I kind of need to keep this a secret. It's really important to me and I just don't know you very well.
  • OneEyedIKe: Employee manual login recognized. Exhibition bypass protocol engaged. Handing over part one of this week's safe combination.
  • SettlementSpokesperson: Woah, woah. Take it easy, all right? Look, can't just abandon this place. It's home.
  • Mackenzie: Sure, take a look.
  • MackenzieBridgeman: It's your call, boss.
  • MackenzieBridgeman: Just, hear me out.
  • MackenzieBridgeman: No, of course not.
  • MackenzieBridgeman: Well, you certainly did that.
  • Maddox: Hey, no problem.
  • Maddox: Oh this is way better than caps, boss.
  • Maddox: Sounds good to me, brother.
  • Maddox: We surely will.
  • Maddox: Yes sir, yes sir.
  • MagsBlack: There's no use in denying it, Overboss.
  • Mason: You're welcome?
  • Sierra: Okay, okay. Sorry, it's hard not to get carried away. I mean I'm standing in Nuka-World!
  • Oswald: We worked here as entertainers until the bombs fell. The radiation may have changed us, but we decided to make this place our home.
  • AaronCorbett: Never said it was. Just figured you should know what you're getting into.
  • NIRA: I sure do!
  • NIRA: I'd be delighted to!
  • NIRA: In that case, thanks for...
  • NIRA: Sure! What would you like to know?
  • NIRA: With pleasure!
  • DLC04Harvey: Haven't seen any of 'em since they went for the Power Plant.
  • Nisha: Nice to see we have something in common.
  • Nisha: No arguments here.
  • LaurenPlummer: Hah! Not bloody likely! I'd have to have a death wish to try a stunt like that.
  • DisciplesLeader: Really? Gage made Colter, and now here you are. I'm just calling it as I see it.
  • Sierra: Nice try, but you just said you didn't like Nuka-Cola. I'm not that easy to fool!
  • OneEyedIKe: Scared, huh? I don't blame ya.
  • OneEyedIKe: Well all right.
  • OperatorLeader: No problem at all.
  • OperatorLeader: Sure thing, boss.
  • OperatorLeader: Yeah, yeah. Go right ahead.
  • OperatorsLeader: Exactly.
  • Oswald: I will stay here for as long as it takes.
  • Oswald: She's dead? No... no... my poor Rachel.
  • Oswald: They're not feral, they're sick!
  • DLC04MQ05Nisha: I'll be calm once I get Mason's blood on my hands, but if you want a story, fine.
  • PackLeader: Been wondering that ourselves.
  • PackLeader: Caps. Action. Something!
  • PackLeader: Careful there, boss.
  • PackLeader: Hah. Never heard that one before.
  • PackLeader: Hey, I only know what I've heard.
  • PackLeader: Jury's still out on that.
  • PackLeader: Maybe you're the real deal.
  • PackLeader: No shit. We've all seen it worse.
  • PackLeader: The fuck's a resume?
  • PackLeader: Woah there, boss.
  • PackLeader: Yeah, sure. Boss. I get it. I do.
  • PackLeader: Yeah, yeah. Sure, boss.
  • Phil: I suppose I can do that.
  • Phil: Now that you are AHS-6, you are ready.
  • Phil: The human mind has unlimited potential.
  • Phil: Then please sit in the Zeta Aligner.
  • Preston: And that's the damned shame of it all.
  • Preston: I guess we understand each other, then.
  • Preston: I'll believe that when I see it.
  • Preston: No. Not after this.
  • Protectron: No admission without a ticket.
  • Protectron: Understood. Please exit the line.
  • Gage: The hell it was. Survival, that's all. I knew if I stuck around, I'd wind up like them.
  • CitoAlias: Cito try learn words from zoo. Lots of words in zoo. Words and pictures.
  • RaiderSpokesperson: Are you serious? Fine.
  • RaiderSpokesperson: Hell yeah.
  • RaiderSpokesperson: With pleasure.
  • Sierra: Oh sure! I've spent most of my life reading everything I could get my hands on about Nuka-Cola, including Nuka-World!
  • NIRA: Aw, what's wrong, dirtbag? Too hopped up on chems to understand English? Or just too stupid? Well I think you heard me just fine.
  • SettlementSpokesperson: And don't come back.
  • SettlementSpokesperson: Hmph. Good riddance.
  • SettlementSpokesperson: Uh, all right.
  • SettlementSpokesperson: Uh, okay.
  • Shank: ... uh, wasn't my first idea, no.
  • Shank: All right.
  • Shank: Because it is.
  • Shank: Fine by me.
  • Shank: Good to hear.
  • Shank: Good.
  • Shank: Got it. Something else I could do for you?
  • Shank: Heh. Stick with the classics.
  • Shank: Heh. That's good to hear.
  • Shank: I'll send word along.
  • Shank: I'm listening.
  • Shank: Music to my ears.
  • Shank: No fun in that.
  • Shank: Of course. I'll be here.
  • Shank: Only if you want to keep control of it.
  • Shank: Shoot.
  • Shank: So that's a "no" then...
  • Shank: So, does that mean you're ready to begin?
  • Shank: Sounds like a plan.
  • Shank: Suits me fine.
  • Shank: Sure thing.
  • Shank: Sure, boss. Whenever you're ready.
  • Shank: Sure, boss. Works for me.
  • Shank: Sure, sure.
  • Shank: Sure. Take your time.
  • Shank: That's what I've been hearing.
  • Shank: Up to you, boss.
  • Shank: Up to you, boss. I'm not going anywhere.
  • Shank: Well, right to business, then.
  • Shank: Works for me.
  • Shank: Your call.
  • ShelbieChase: Makes sense to me.
  • Sierra: For both of us.
  • Sierra: How? Just look around! Don't you see it?
  • Sierra: I was just getting to that part.
  • Sierra: I... I guess so.
  • Sierra: It sure is!
  • Sierra: Okay!
  • Sierra: Okay! Then let's get started!
  • Sierra: What?! Really?
  • Sierra: Wow! That's amazing! Thank you!
  • Sinner: With pleasure. Kill 'em all!
  • TheGiddyupKid: Well don't take too long, now.
  • TroubleMaker: Okay, I guess. Wait a minute...
  • TroubleMaker: Okay?
  • TroubleMaker: Um, fine. Do I know you?
  • TroubleMaker: Umm. Okay. Lead the way.
  • Gage: Ahh, If I'd known it was gonna get so bad, I wouldn't have.
  • Gage: That's what I mean. They don't get how it is. They don't see it coming.
  • Sierra: What?! Boring? If you were really a fellow Nuka-Cola fan, you'd want to hear what I have to say.
  • DisciplesLeader: When you finish what Colter started, you give us control of this park. Then you set your sights on the Commonwealth.
  • DLC04GageIntercom_TA: Doesn't have a fair bone in his body.
  • Gage: Nah, ain't my fault they're not smart enough to do something different.
  • Gage: You shitting me? I been dying for a chance to get away from you.
  • SettlementSpokesperson: Christ. No need to do anything rash, all right? L-land's yours.
  • Gage: Actually, when you're acting like this much of an asshole, I do.
  • CitoAlias: New friend make Monster stop. Cito promise shiny thing give new friend.
  • Shank: Heh. Well, your secret's safe with me... regardless...
  • BradbertonsHead: I've had plenty of time to think about it.
  • Shank: Well, it's a damn handy way to keep folks distracted if you're lacking in certain basics.
  • DisciplesLeader: Oh yeah? I just have a few things for you to consider before you go off and do things "your way."
  • Sierra: Right! I promised I'd tell you, so here goes.
  • Gage: I don't give a shit. This ain't waiting any longer.
  • DaraHubbell: The Star Father left instructions with The Hub for us to find the ship and repair it.
  • DaraHubbell: How sad that you aren't open to learning the obvious truths of Hubology.
  • BradbertonsHead: I admit I'm flattered by her admiration, but I'm so tired, in ways that words could not explain.
  • BradbertonsHead: The Hidden Cappy contest... it all seems so long ago. Another lifetime.
  • Gage: Haven't you figured it out yet? Your business is my business. I only succeed here if you do.
  • DLC04Gage: Good, then listen up, because I've got a lot to say.
  • Mason: I've been waiting for them to get theirs for a very long time.
  • Maddox: Outside the park, mostly. They hide in the ground, until you get real close, that is.
  • RaiderSpokesperson: The hell? Fine. Just make it quick.
  • Gage: Well then quit jawing, and let's get back to it.
  • DLC04Fritsch: True, but that would be the stupidest decision you could ever make.
  • DLC04GageIntercom_TA: Not the sympathetic type, eh? Well, good. Now listen up.
  • LizzieWyath: Would never dream of it, Overboss. I'm only hoping you remember which gang's help you're receiving.
  • NIRA: The only malfunction I've got is this idiot scavver standing in front of me. Maybe I should solve my little problem. Permanently.
  • DLC04GageIntercom_TA: Trust me. It will. I'm not that big of a dick.
  • Mackenzie: Well, it's a bit of a story. I used to live at a settlement west of here. We got hit by Colter and his gang, back when he had one.
  • DocPhosphate: Employee manual login recognized. Exhibition bypass protocol engaged. Handing over part two of this week's safe combination.
  • Mason: Yeah, that's what I was hoping you'd say. The Packs all in!
  • BradbertonsHead: You don't think I know that? You don't think I've contemplated my folly for decades on end?
  • Gage: Yeah. The traders thought it'd make a good hub, pulling in buyers from all around.
  • Gage: This ain't going away. You and I are gonna discuss this eventually.
  • DisciplesLeader: Someone who's not afraid to get blood on their hands and make some real changes around here.
  • DaraHubbell: We'll wait for that signal. Good luck.
  • NIRA: No need to be discouraged, champ! With a little Nuka-luck and a little Nuka-pluck, you'll find those medallions in no time!
  • Gage: Thanks. I'll take credit for that one. Colter did the heavy lifting, but it was my idea.
  • Sierra: I don't really want to say. It's nothing personal, I just don't know you well enough to trust you. Sorry!
  • DLC04MQ03Gage: Do you think it's wise to watch the gangs tear each other to pieces fighting over what's left of this place?
  • Gage: You and me both. Was dreading the idea of going back to being on my own, not having you around...
  • Harvey: I wouldn't say it's still running. The place is run down, but those Raiders sure got it made.
  • DaraHubbell: I knew I could count on you. Let's go tell the others.
  • Fritsch: Not a problem, boss. I'll make sure it gets done.
  • DLC04GageIntercom_TA: This ain't just about what's in it for me. Both of us reap the rewards if you pull this off.
  • OperatorsLeader: Because we dispense with the bullshit. My people aren't commanded by lunatic bloodlust or animal instincts.
  • Oswald: How dare you say that about her! You'll pay for that with your life!
  • Sierra: It was my pleasure! Especially since none of the gangs wanted to hear any of that. Believe me, I tried.
  • Mason: Once they turned, there was no going back. You did what you had to do.
  • DLC04GageIntercom_TA: Think what you want, but for now I need you to listen up.
  • DaraHubbell: Really? Sounds dangerous, but we'll follow your plan.
  • DLC04MQ05Mason: You want to be mad? Fine. Be mad at that bitch and her brother up there.
  • SheriffForcedAlias: I can't understand a word of what you're sayin', but you've been the best deputy this side of the Mississippi!
  • MackenzieBridgeman: That's understandable, but whether you want it or not, the job is yours.
  • DLC04Fritsch: All right, all right. No need to get hostile.
  • Mason: I'd have done the exact same thing... except, maybe I'd a done it sooner, and make them suffer a little more.
  • DLC04Gage: All right, all right... I get it, you don't trust me. But I swear, this is the big score.
  • DisciplesLeader: Do cake walks end in death? Because if Gage hadn't helped your ass, you'd be dead right now.
  • NIRA: Why, you're already here! Nuka-Town U.S.A. is a great place to unwind and enjoy a delicious meal.
  • Nisha: Not a bad comparison. The "kids" part is dead on.
  • BradbertonsHead: Yes, make your jokes, but I've still accomplished ten times more in a single lifetime than anyone I've met, including you!
  • Maddox: No doubt, no doubt. The trick is to keep them fighting something besides each other, right?
  • BradbertonsHead: I see. I can only hope your sense of compassion compels you to do the right thing. I've been a prisoner long enough.
  • Oswald: So you're admitting my friends are sick and yet you try to kill them anyway?
  • Phil: Our founder, The Hub, made contact with the Star Father long ago.
  • Oswald: Perhaps I would leave, but I made a promise to keep this place safe until my Rachel finds the cure.
  • PackLeader: The Pack does what I tell them. You don't get in my way, they won't get in yours.
  • Maddox: Of course, of course. Got a kingdom to run, I understand. But if you change your mind, well, I'll be right here.
  • DisciplesLeader: You survived the Gauntlet, you killed Colter, with Gage's help, of course.
  • BradbertonsHead: He was one of the top men in the Army Research Laboratory's Weapons and Materials division.
  • DaraHubbell: Good. We need spacesuits, like the one I'm wearing. I'll pay you 200 caps for five of them.
  • DocPhosphate: Well don't wait too long. My customers ain't the most patient these days.
  • ChipMorse: Some of the gangs were guessing he got too comfortable, but I don't really know.
  • DLC04Fritsch: Well, some of the things in the redemption system are left over from the pre-war era.
  • Shank: I'll walk you through all the ins and outs of getting us established on the other side of those mountains.
  • DLC04MQ05Mason: Right behind you, boss. Let's go rip them apart.
  • DLC04Fritsch: Heh... that's like calling a Deathclaw a pussycat.
  • Cleansed: The great wheel is crushing you and you don't even know it.
  • DLC04GageIntercom_TA: Yeah, yeah, I know what it looks like. You're just going to have to trust me.
  • ChipMorse: Well, yeah. Colter needed my input on getting the power plant running again.
  • Shank: I've been well taken care of up to this point. I ain't greedy, but people with my kind of talents aren't common.
  • Sierra: I'm not a chemist, but I might try to brew some up, just for fun.
  • LaurenPlummer: Around here, backbone's the only thing that'll keep you alive.
  • NIRA: Well that's terrific! We're so happy to welcome you to Nuka-World!
  • SheriffForcedAlias: Processing: Emergency Defense Protocols activated! Intruder! Intruder!
  • DLC04Fritsch: Well, judging from the Thirst Zapper you picked up, apparently you're not the only one.
  • Sierra: Absolutely! I've spent years collecting all the Nuka-Cola merchandise I could find.
  • Sierra: Well, okay. It's too bad, I really miss that flavor.
  • Gage: You'd think so, but... No. Not really. Just seemed like what I had to do.
  • CitoAlias: Cito not know. Cito confused why new friend hurt family!
  • SheriffForcedAlias: Employee manual login recognized. Currently running in full park exhibition mode.
  • DLC04Fritsch: I don't care why it happened, I'm just glad that it did.
  • Gage: Nah, I couldn't walk away just yet. Definitely not now that it seems like you got your head out of your ass.
  • DLC04MQ05Nisha: I'm going to pretend I didn't hear that because we've got bigger problems.
  • DLC04Fritsch: Thanks. It's taken me almost a year to get it this far.
  • DLC04GageIntercom_TA: Good. That little Thirst Zapper is what's going to turn the tables on old Colter.
  • Preston: Don't try to deny it. I know what you've done.
  • Dara: The Star Father can free our minds of all restraints.
  • DLC04MQ05Gage: Haha, like I ever bother changin' clothes.
  • DLC04GageIntercom_TA: Hey, that "toy" is what's going to win this fight for us.
  • DisciplesLeader: Good. You're either smart or you value your life. Either way, that's exactly what I wanted to hear.
  • Sierra: Oh yeah! I forgot about that. I guess sometimes I just take all this Nuka-Cola stuff so seriously!
  • RaiderSpokesperson: The settlers won't be harmed... much. So, is this happening or what?
  • SheriffForcedAlias: We like to say the only thing that's really in charge here is fun!
  • DLC04MQ03Gage: You oughta know by now - I don't trust anyone.
  • Oswald: How ironic you should say something like that.
  • DaraHubbell: I suppose there is no harm in telling you.
  • DLC04Harvey: Heh. I guess that is a sort of victory for us traders.
  • Sierra: I know, I know, but I have something else that I can offer you instead. At least hear me out.
  • DLC04Fritsch: Yeah, sure... I suppose it couldn't hurt.
  • SettlementSpokesperson: That-that's an interesting proposal. I-I'm sure we can come to... some kind of mutual understanding...
  • CitoAlias: Not REAL snake. New friend listen to Cito. Maybe learn something.
  • Gage: Yeah, sure, all things considered. Just been thinking, is all.
  • Dara: What?! We've revealed our deepest mysteries and this is how you repay us?
  • DLC04GageIntercom_TA: You make it through this alive, I'll explain everything.
  • SettlementSpokesperson: Oh. I-I don't know. Lot of hard work goes into this place. Can't just... give it to you...
  • ChipMorse: Back when the Raiders took over, some of us - the traders who were here before, I mean - got away.
  • Nisha: Oh easily. Those little shits deserve far worse, but I'm sure they knew that.
  • BradbertonsHead: I made a devil's bargain, though I didn't know it at the time.
  • Gage: Yeah, I'll give him credit. It was more than I thought he could come up with on his own. Or maybe I just didn't think he'd stoop that low.
  • Nisha: Nothing's ever good enough, huh? I'd say you pretty much have the whole Commonwealth at your fingertips.
  • DLC04GageIntercom_TA: Exactly why you're going to do something about it.
  • PackLeader: Slow down there, boss-man. We're just getting to know each other.
  • Cora: Basically, that the whole place is run by Raiders. One guy even told us they enslave people and make them wear these... shock collars.
  • Cleansed: Hubology is the science of unlocking the full potential of the human mind.
  • DLC04GageIntercom_TA: Low tolerance for bullshit, I gotcha. But for now, I need you to listen up.
  • Sierra: A junkyard? Are you crazy! Just look around!
  • Shank: Well, settlers will probably rally some bodies if you try and wipe them out, but it's a guaranteed way to claim a spot.
  • DLC04Gage: Tell me about it. I wish I had a better look at his face when the suit shorted out.
  • KatelynAlden: Sorry, no offense Just trying to help. After all, if this place prospers, it's good for both of us.
  • Shank: Well, the bigger and more fortified your target is, the more work you're going to have to do to get them to crack.
  • Gage: Now that, right there, is just the kind of attitude I was hoping for.
  • BradbertonsHead: What?! Will you not respect the wishes of a man who has suffered the way I have? Please, I beg you to reconsider!
  • Harvey: Hey, I'm not crazy. My family may need that stimpak more than me. I can't risk it. Now, please, just find them. If not for them, for the caps.
  • Gage: Anybody who survives to this age, yeah... Been through a lot of shit.
  • Shank: Sure. If you've ever got more questions, you come find me. Or you can always consult that Pip-Boy on your arm.
  • SheriffForcedAlias: I'm the sheriff of these parts, and I need your help getting rid of those no good outlaws holed up in Mad Mulligan's Mine!
  • Gage: Hey, they could've pulled themselves up out of it if they wanted, just like I did. They chose different.
  • DLC04Fritsch: It's my pride and joy. The one good thing that came out of getting stuck working for Colter.
  • Shank: So, managing your outpost's food can get a little tricky.
  • AaronCorbett: Sorry. I know you didn't ask for this. It's just hard not to be bitter, you know?
  • Harvey: You... You're serious, aren't you? I ain't gonna say no, and believe me, it'll be a cold day in hell if you see me in the Commonwealth again.
  • Shank: Unfortunately. Can't talk people off their land if there's no one around to talk to and the like.
  • Shank: Works for me. Once you've planted your flag in the place, I'll send a crew in to set up shop.
  • Gage: Yeah, you've taken a real shine to running the gangs. Hasn't gone unnoticed.
  • Fritsch: You heard the alarm, right? That means someone's in the Gauntlet. Looks like a real tough one, too.
  • Shank: Nah. Nothing like that. I'm still just getting used to having an Overboss with some stones around here.
  • Gage: Like I said boss, I don't regret the choices I made.
  • Sierra: So it really was here. I'm grateful, but don't think this means I've forgiven you.
  • Mason: Heh. Ain't it though? Don't forget where you got those.
  • DaraHubbell: The Star Father has promised me that it will work.
  • RaiderSpokesperson: What? You nervous, boss? I wouldn't sweat it. You picked the right gang for this. Now, how about we get started?
  • AaronCorbett: Well let's just say the situation in Nuka-World has never been what I'd call equitable.
  • DisciplesLeader: Rules are dangerous because people start to trust them. They make you think you're safe, but once you turn your back... you're dead.
  • PackLeader: Yeah, "Boss." Just trying to fill you in on why we're all so pissed off.
  • DocPhosphate: Good deal. Say hello to Prospector Owen, Miss Trixie, and Handy Hank for me.
  • Sinner: To hell with that. We got enough trouble from the other gangs around here poaching our scores. Ain't no room for another crew.
  • Gage: Suit yourself. Change your mind, I'll be around.
  • Gage: Oh, sure. Here I am trying to be straight with you, and you treat it like it's a joke.
  • Sierra: Really? That's great! I'm so glad word is catching on. Maybe I'll get more visitors soon.
  • Maddox: Yeah, long time ago. Got in a scrap and almost bought it. Decided the lifestyle wasn't worth dying for, so I got out.
  • BradbertonsHead: Despite your obvious sarcasm, you clearly recognize my situation for the living hell that it is.
  • CitoAlias: Zoo Cito home since small. Zoo family home since forever.
  • Sierra: Exactly! Wow, not a lot of people know that. At least not anymore.
  • DLC04Gage: Before you start pissing all over the plan, why don't you take a minute to hear me out?
  • CitoAlias: Cito love family. New friend hurt Cito family, Cito hurt new friend!
  • Gage: Don't worry about Nuka-World for now. Stay focused on the Commonwealth, okay boss?
  • DisciplesLeader: That's what I was trying to tell Colter all long. Maybe if he listened, he'd still be around.
  • CitoAlias: Not know "ape." Cito only know family.
  • Cleansed: If you truly mean what you say, come with me.
  • ShelbieChase: N- no sir. No way would I piss you off, boss. I'm not stupid.
  • DLC04MQ05Gage: Then I guess that does it, boss. You point the way, and the gangs will follow.
  • Fritsch: All you need to do is gear up and head for the arena. Bring whatever weapons and armor you want.
  • AaronCorbett: For a second there, I thought you might be making a joke. Hell, I even considered laughing.
  • Gage: Oh my god, maybe I oughta just shoot you instead... Seriously, though.
  • Gage: Oh give me a break, like you didn't see this coming a mile away.
  • Gage: The hell I don't! I'm the one out here covering your ass.
  • DLC04Gage: Bullshit. Without me, I'd be scraping your guts off the floor.
  • Gage: You might wanna watch how loudly you say shit like that.
  • Shank: Heh. Sounds good. I'll make sure everyone knows this is a maiming job.
  • Maddox: You're in good hands, boss. The hands of a master.
  • Gage: Have half a mind to put a bullet in your stupid, smug face.
  • DLC04Fritsch: Of course I do, but that isn't the only way you can get them.
  • Dixie: Of course it matters! One of these lucky fellas gets the privilege of watching the other die first.
  • MagsBlack: Rest assured, there will be no tears. I'm merely stating fact.
  • Gage: I know you do, boss. And that means something, coming from you. Really does.
  • DLC04MQ05Gage: I mean, that's part of it, but it's bigger than that.
  • Dixie: I mean, she won't work on bots or lower gen Synths, but otherwise, that's it in a nutshell.
  • LaurenPlummer: Trust? Hell no! A real raider don't trust anyone but himself.
  • DLC04MQ05Mason: They're already lost, boss. Ain't a single Operator that's going to submit to you now.
  • SettlementSpokesperson: Oh, you've got to be kidding...
  • KatelynAlden: It changes every day, to be honest, but I try to keep a good mix of weapons, supplies and trinkets. It's a decent bet I've got something you want.
  • Gage: I gave him too much credit. I can admit that.
  • Harvey: I guess you'll just have to trust me. Not like I can prove myself one way or another.
  • BrettDunmore: That's right. Don't get any ideas-- Monique and I were Gunners, back in the day. We can handle ourselves better than most.
  • DLC04GageIntercom_TA: Heh, if this fails, you'll be too dead to do much, but fair enough.
  • Gage: Well that's the difference. Gangs out here, they've got leaders. They're better organized.
  • ShelbieChase: I guess any one of us would have done the same thing in your situation.
  • ChipMorse: You're right, boss. Park's yours now. Doesn't matter what he wanted.
  • Phil: You are no better than the other tainted minds. You are destined to be nothing but rim meat.
  • DLC04MQ05Gage: If any of them are left alive, they're going to be pissed off that you took down Nisha. So keep your eyes open for them.
  • PackLeader: If that aint a lie, then things might end up alright between us.
  • Sierra: Great! Let me take a look at these letters.
  • DLC04MQ03Gage: Hey, if I didn't think you had it in you, I wouldn't have put my neck on the line.
  • DLC04Fritsch: Well... yes, but that's not the only way.
  • DLC04GageIntercom_TA: You can take him out on a date after all this, okay? Right now, I need you to listen up.
  • Gage: I know, and if I'd been a bit smarter about it, maybe I'd have thought it was too much.
  • Harvey: Yeah, I guess it's all I'm good at. Since I fooled you, the gang leaders seem to think I've got some sort of special talent... suckers.
  • DLC04Harvey: You've no idea. If you ask me, we owe you our lives.
  • DisciplesLeader: Heh. If I was, I would've slit that little suckup's throat a long time ago.
  • CitoAlias: You no friend! You bad man! Cito kill you!
  • Sierra: If I knew that, I'd already have some by now! It's got to be around here somewhere, though. This is Nuka-World, after all!
  • Phil: You risk undoing all of your hard work so far.
  • Harvey: Yeah, yeah. Maybe someday I'll learn that lesson, but for now, I guess I'm stuck here.
  • ChipMorse: Not my place to say, but I've heard some of that talk in the gangs.
  • DLC04MQ05Gage: You're welcome. Just don't let it go to your head.
  • BradbertonsHead: You trespass in my private vault in my office in my amusement park, and you have the gall to treat me like some joke?
  • PackLeader: The Pack are the meanest sons of bitches you'll ever meet. We do whatever it takes. And we're fiercely loyal.
  • Gage: Just listen and take me seriously for a second.
  • DaraHubbell: Good. Once you get it powered up, we can work on making it space worthy.
  • DLC04Fritsch: All right, don't do anything hasty. No need for violence.
  • Sinner: Woah. Easy. T-take it, easy, all right? Sure. Just, uh, keep it. Place was a shit hole anyway.
  • Gage: God damn, are you not listening to me at all?
  • DLC04Harvey: Thank God. If it's any consolation, I'm glad you made it.
  • AaronCorbett: You're right, life is wonderful! Thanks so much for opening my eyes!
  • PackLeader: If I thought the other gangs would go along, yeah, I'd run this place in a heart beat. Might have to - if you turn out to be a turd.
  • Sierra: Will do! And you have fun doing... uh... whatever you do around here.
  • MagsBlack: Sincerely? Yes. And I can tell you from experience, there's no use in fighting who you are.
  • SettlementSpokesperson: You want t-this place? Listen, not trying to piss you off here, but I-I'm not sure that's going to work. This is home.
  • DLC04MQ05Mags: If you're looking to blame someone, it better not be us.
  • Fritsch: Damn, really? Well, you're the boss. Won't pretend I'm not disappointed, though.
  • Sierra: Thank you, thank you, thank you! You're doing the right thing. After all, this is a great man we're talking about.
  • Gage: That's what I mean - they don't get how it is. They don't see it coming.
  • DLC04Harvey: Just thought you'd like to know, is all. And don't worry, I'm getting my ass back to work.
  • DLC04GageIntercom_TA: Hey, it's your life. You wanna hang on to it a bit longer, I suggest you hear me out.
  • DaraHubbell: I guess that means you don't have the suits yet.
  • ChipMorse: Yeah, life would be a little better for everyone, right?
  • Sierra: Of course. There's a little bit more to the story, and this is the part I think you'll like.
  • Gage: Geez, boss... I don't know. I mean... One step at a time, okay?
  • BradbertonsHead: That's easy for you to say, standing there on your own two legs, able to go where you wish and do what you want.
  • Phil: I suppose we are friends. Okay, but this is the last time.
  • Gage: Ha. I ain't gonna lie, it's a part of the reason you won't see me stepping up and running things.
  • DLC04MQ05Mason: The hell? Since when was I in charge of the other gangs?
  • Gage: Oh my god, shut up with this. I'm telling you - you need their help.
  • Sierra: I know! That's exactly how I felt when I first learned about the contest. It's so nice to meet someone who really understands.
  • MagsBlack: You don't need to worry, Overboss. I think we're stuck with each other at this point.
  • CitoAlias: Cito not doctor. Maybe find medicine for ass while help Cito?
  • Sinner: Are you fucking kidding me?! I will wear your bones! Kill them!
  • DisciplesLeader: Side with us, you'll soon find out. Just don't slack off when it comes to actually doing your job.
  • DLC04MQ05Gage: No, no... it's not just about Nuka-World. I'm talking big picture here.
  • DLC04Fritsch: Impressed. I've never seen anyone survive in Cola-Cars for more than a minute.
  • Gage: Blowing me off ain't gonna help your case any, but fine.
  • Gage: Ha ha. Nah, boss. I don't have sympathy for them.
  • Gage: Because it doesn't do shit for us, that's why! We are in this for us. You, and me. That's it!
  • MackenzieBridgeman: Of course, I understand. Still taking it all in.
  • MackenzieBridgeman: Okay, okay, I get it boss... just take it easy. There's no need to get angry.
  • DisciplesLeader: Looks like you're already a step above Colter. I'll see how this plays out... for now.
  • Phil: Neurodynes build up in your brain, clouding your ability to think.
  • Mackenzie: Let's clean you up. Not gonna be pleasant...
  • Gage: It's a good way to live, long as it don't get you killed.
  • Dixie: What's that? I couldn't hear you just then. Give her a try, boss. My girl's sure to do the trick.
  • Gage: Oh, yeah. Shit. Sorry, boss. Didn't mean nothin' by it.
  • DLC04GageIntercom_TA: Oh, great. Your lucky day. Congratulations. Now can we get on with it?
  • Cleansed: I have been cleansed of neurodynes. I no longer need my birth name.
  • Cora: Really? Maybe the rumors we heard weren't true then. I'll talk to the others. I think we'll give it a shot.
  • ShelbieChase: You're absolutely right, boss. I shouldn't have said that. Was stupid of me.
  • Sierra: A mercenary to the end, huh? I guess you've earned it.
  • Gage: Shit... Okay, okay. Just, don't take too long, all right?
  • CitoAlias: You say nice thing. Cito like new friend.
  • RaiderSpokesperson: Fine. We'll just be here dying of boredom.
  • Maddox: The best mixers know that you can't achieve greatness without a little... imagination.
  • Sierra: Oh, okay. Lots of important stuff to do, I guess.
  • SettlementSpokesperson: The theme park with all the Raiders? Sure. Why?
  • Harvey: Hell, I've seen better days, but it's my family I'm really worried about. Once those Raiders realize I'm gone...
  • Gage: Then we get started on taking over the rest of Nuka-World.
  • Gage: No, no! This whole Nuka-World plan was way bigger than anything I done before.
  • Mason: Oooh, that's cold. Can't say I blame you though. They won't be missed around here, that's for sure.
  • Sierra: Hmm. Well, there is something. There's a particular flavor of Nuka-Cola that I haven't had in a really long time.
  • Gage: They knew the risks going in. And hell, they were all probably gonna die young anyway.
  • ShelbieChase: In a word, violent. The other Raiders might also tell you that he got a little too comfortable in the position.
  • DLC04Evan: Hm. I suppose it's because I don't like to judge people until I get to know them.
  • Shank: Croup Manor, Taffington Boathouse, Greentop Nursery, and the Slog.
  • Phil: Those are the people in your life that are suppressing your talents and abilities.
  • CitoAlias: New friend make bad joke. No worry, Cito think funny.
  • DLC04Fritsch: Well, I usually just tell my customers that I sell them.
  • MackenzieBridgeman: No offense intended. I know it's a tough job.
  • Sierra: Maybe. Or maybe not! Who knows? Anyway, you asked me if I would change my mind, and that's what I want.
  • LizzieWyath: Nothing beyond that. I've been trying to get the formulas working better for more varied environments, but for now, the current brew should serve.
  • DLC04MQ05Mason: Hey now. If you're looking to blame someone, they're up in that god damn Power Plant taking pot shots at us as we speak.
  • DLC04Fritsch: Sure, why not. May as well start off with you on the right foot.
  • SheriffForcedAlias: Processing: Hostile visitor. Ignore and continue explanation for the sake of the other guests.
  • Cleansed: Then you are not truly and completely happy.
  • DaraHubbell: Too bad. If you change your mind, we'll be here.
  • Gage: This shit keeps up, ain't no one going to listen to your orders, boss.
  • MackenzieBridgeman: You're right. We need to make that decision for ourselves.
  • DisciplesLeader: Dangerous? People are dangerous. That thing's child's play. Just a bunch of traps and critters.
  • Nisha: Just curious. It's not like you chose all this, not like us.
  • CitoAlias: Not goose, snake. New friend talk good but not listen good.
  • MackenzieBridgeman: Oh... okay, boss. I, uh... really hope you've scratched that itch now.
  • DLC04MQ03Gage: Heh...yeah, I kind of figured you would.
  • LizzieWyath: Just give them a try, first, Overboss. I think you'll enjoy the results.
  • DLC04Evan: Nonsense. There's got to be something you could use...
  • SettlementSpokesperson: I... fine. If it'll get you off my back. Now, please. Get the hell out of here.
  • DLC04Harvey: And on that note, I'll just get my ass back to work.
  • Gage: No, boss. Not anymore. But most Raiders... you can't trust 'em.
  • PackLeader: Ain't no two things in this world that's truly equal, boss. Everything has its place.
  • PackLeader: I think we can all respect caps, if not each other.
  • LizzieWyath: Try before you judge, Overboss. I've had some... pleasing results in the past.
  • Shank: Well, then let me help you make up your mind. Because it's a damn good idea.
  • Harvey: I can pay you. You bring them back safe, and I'll give you everything I have. Just hear me out.
  • Gage: Okay. You have fun getting shot from off the top of your high horse there, "boss."
  • Preston: Don't worry, I wasn't expecting anything else from you.
  • DLC04GageIntercom_TA: I'm the guy that's going to get you out of this alive, so listen up.
  • Sierra: Sorry, I tend to forget most people aren't as interested in the history of Nuka-Cola as I am.
  • Gage: Oh now come on, ain't you been listening? That's exactly the kind of shit we heard all the time from Colter.
  • DLC04Evan: Woah, okay. Take it easy. Just trying to break the ice, you know?
  • PackLeader: Sure, fine. But it ain't just about the caps. It's also about respect.
  • Gage: No, I know that... Shit, that's what I'm trying to say.
  • Gage: Come on, boss. I'm being serious here for once.
  • Shank: Well, some places in the Commonwealth aren't interested in talking to you, so going in guns blazing will usually give you more spots you can hit.
  • DLC04GageIntercom_TA: Harvey ain't got a cap to his name, but you listen to what I have to say, believe me, it'll make up for it.
  • DLC04MQ03Gage: Yeah, sure. How else do you think he ended up at the top of my Christmas list?
  • ChipMorse: It's your call, boss, but there's plenty of time to figure things out.
  • Gage: It was little shit at first: heated tempers, arguments, the occasional shooting. Got worse over time, though.
  • DLC04MQ03Gage: Hey, ever since you've set foot in Nuka-World, I've been looking out for your interests.
  • Gage: Are you screwing with me? Come on, this is the opportunity of a lifetime here! I wouldn't steer you wrong.
  • Gage: Yeah, all right... The Disciples like violence. The bloodier, the better. Tell 'em they'll get plenty of it.
  • RaiderSpokesperson: Please don't tell me you're having second thoughts. Next time you show your face, you better be ready.
  • DLC04Fritsch: Well then, step right up and I'll explain how you can win some.
  • Gage: Aww, come on. I haven't even told you about all the perks yet!
  • DLC04MQ05Gage: No con here, boss. Just stating the facts, plain and simple.
  • MackenzieBridgeman: Then this might be your chance to make some changes around here.
  • TheGiddyupKid: Thank you, Shroud. Remember to check out the Nuka-Cola refreshment stands. Even heroes like yourself get thirsty.
  • OperatorLeader: Just a little side business to keep fresh caps coming in. That and a little target practice.
  • CitoAlias: Roll-er coast-er? New friend say strange words.
  • Gage: Man, that's bullshit. Some are just too stupid to see the world for what it is. Some just don't have the guts to stand up to it.
  • SheriffForcedAlias: It's been an honor having the Silver Shroud as my own deputy!
  • Maddox: There you go! Confidence is half the battle. You gotta make 'em believe it.
  • Phil: It's hard to say. Probably until The Hub's grand plan begins.
  • ChipMorse: Been about twenty years now, I guess. For better or worse, Nuka-World is my home.
  • MackenzieBridgeman: I think we should keep this place going, like the way it used to be.
  • CitoAlias: Cito sad, but Cito understand. Home too dangerous now. Cito take family and go.
  • DLC04GageIntercom_TA: Yeah, but you're stuck here anyway, so I need you to listen up.
  • Gage: Doing a bang-up job of it so far, boss. Honestly.
  • Shank: Well, with jobs where you're trying to convince folks, not every settlement's going to have someone who wants to chat.
  • DocPhosphate: Appreciate your help, Shroud. You'll be delivering to Prospector Owen upstairs, and Miss Trixie and Handy Hank in town.
  • DLC04GageIntercom_TA: Sure was. Maybe not voluntarily, but you can get a man to do a lot of things when you threaten people he cares about.
  • SheriffForcedAlias: You must mean the no good outlaws that are coming out of Mad Mulligan's Mine!
  • Sierra: Well, I do have one thing that might interest you.
  • BradbertonsHead: Then I trust you will honor my wish.
  • Harvey: Sometimes hope kicks you while you're down. But sometimes... it lends you a hand.
  • CitoAlias: Cito sorry Cito not talk good. Cito family not talk. Cito not talk to man or lady in long time.
  • Harvey: You're a real ray of sunshine, boss. Guess I'll see you around.
  • AaronCorbett: Fine. I've said all I wanted to say anyway.
  • DLC04GageIntercom_TA: Well, if you want to live to make that dream come true, I suggest you listen up.
  • Nisha: You bet it is. And with this place more or less operational, all we've got to do is sit back and profit.
  • Mackenzie: Good. Keep an eye on it, though. What else?
  • Cora: We're on our way to Diamond City. Some traders we ran into told us about it.
  • DLC04MQ05Mags: I'm sorry. Since when am I in charge of the other gangs? I thought that was your job.
  • MagsBlack: Something we all have to come to terms with. I can tell you there's no use in fighting it.
  • OneEyedIKe: Well, Shroud, I hope for your ego, that you're right.
  • ShelbieChase: Hey, that makes sense, boss. You haven't been here for very long, after all.
  • ChipMorse: A dream? Yeah, maybe, but I've got to hold onto something. Most days, that's all I've got.
  • DLC04MQ05Mags: Careful now. Remember who's been on your side ever since you started planting our flags. Unfortunately, not everyone is so loyal.
  • DocPhosphate: Well, that ain't good. Nuka-Cola would like to apologize that this part of the Dry Rock Gulch experience was not up to our standards.
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