  • Democide
  • Democide is a term created by political scientist R. J. Rummel in order to create a broader concept than the legal definition of genocide. Genocide, for example, does not take into account government murder for political or ideological reasons. It is defined as large-scale murder by a government, similar to a genocide or ethnic cleansing. The twentieth century has seen massive democides motived by various ideologies such as abortion rights, some atheistic, some religious, some Communist, some Fascist, including the Holocaust.
  • Democide is a term created by political scientist R. J. Rummel in order to create a broader concept than the legal definition of genocide. Genocide, for example, does not take into account government murder for political or ideological reasons. It is defined as large-scale murder by a government, similar to a genocide or ethnic cleansing. The twentieth century has seen massive democides motived by various ideologies such as abortion rights, some atheistic, some religious, some Communist, some Fascist, including the Holocaust.