  • Human Alliance
  • The Human Alliance a cooperative organization of several Human families, clans, and tribes that exists on the Shiver Star. although all of the Human sects that make up the Alliance are distinct, the three largest ones, the Hito Family, the Gor'kiy Clan, and the Himmelmensch Family, are the most recognized. The Human Alliance made its first appearance in Kirby: Onslaught, and briefly appeared in Kirby: Dark Fury.
  • The Human Alliance a cooperative organization of several Human families, clans, and tribes that exists on the Shiver Star. although all of the Human sects that make up the Alliance are distinct, the three largest ones, the Hito Family, the Gor'kiy Clan, and the Himmelmensch Family, are the most recognized. The Human Alliance made its first appearance in Kirby: Onslaught, and briefly appeared in Kirby: Dark Fury.