  • Loki
  • Loki
  • Loki
  • Loki
  • Loki
  • Loki
  • Loki
  • LOKI
  • LOKI
  • Loki
  • Loki
  • Loki
  • Loki
  • __TOC__
  • Loki is a supervillain from the Marvel Universe, the brother of Thor & god of mischief. In Bakugan Avengers, Loki was turned into an Aquos Bakugan & is currently being used by Doctor Doom.
  • Loki (Korean: 로키) is the most powerful member of the Assassins Guild and one of the seven Assassins of the Cross. He is apparently totally devoid of emotions (though there is some debate on this topic) and has a hard time fathoming them in others.
  • Loki is one of the dolphins in the pod near Kahrain that takes care of Readis when he runs away from Paradise River.
  • Loki (ロキ Roki?) is a character introduced in Shinyaku Toaru Majutsu no Index. He is a member of GREMLIN, who is used as bait against the Anti-GREMLIN Alliance in their assault on the Sargasso of the North Sea.
  • [[Category:Breath of Fire III |Loki]][[Category:Breath of Fire III Residents|Loki]][[Category:Breath of Fire |Loki]][[Category:Breath of Fire II |Loki]][[Category:Breath of Fire III |Loki]][[Category:Breath of Fire IV |Loki]][[Category:Breath of Fire: Dragon Quarter |Loki]] Loki is a character within Breath of Fire III.
  • Loki Stone is a Blue Mew that travels with his best friend Kyo Stone in Nuzlocke Zer0
  • Loki is the prince of Elbaf, who was once Lola's arranged fiance before she ran away.
  • Es el hermanastro de Thor y personaje de Lego Marvel Super Heroes. thumb
  • Battezzato col nome del dio dell'inganno della mitologia norrena, Loki era un'IA di sicurezza planetaria in servizio presso l'UNSC .
  • Loki is the Norse god of thievery and mischief. Although rarely mentioned in the books, Hiccup prayed to Loki when trying to steal a baby dragon. Also in between Dragons: Defenders of Berk and Dragons: Race to the Edge, Season 1, the twins dedicated their lives to Loki by pranking everyone on Berk.
  • Volk: Organisation Zugehörigkeit Geschlecht Status Jahr Herkunft Ort Gebiet Mutter Vater Geschwister Partner Kinder Loki ist im nordgermanischen Volksglauben ein mythisches Wesen, das die Skalden zu einer Gestalt mit verschiedenem Grundton ausprägten, so wie die mittelhochdeutschen Dichter den Zwergenkönig Laurin. Der Stoff wurde aus den verschiedensten Quellen geschöpft: aus dem Volksglauben, aus der wandernden Märchendichtung und ebenso aus christlichen Teufelssagen.
  • Loki was a Planetary Security Artificial intelligence construct in service with the United Nations Space Command. He was stationed aboard the Phoenix-class colony ship, UNSC Skidbladnir until it landed on Harvest.
  • Loki es un mundo industrial situado en el Segmentum Pacificus.
  • Loki is a plump black tom with glossy fur.
  • Loki is a trickster god in Norse mythology.
  • Loki is the chaotic god of the Valkyrie pantheon.
  • Loki ist der Boss der Bösewichte.thumb|346px|Loki
  • Loki è un gigante e il principe di Erbaf.
  • Loki is a cruiser, part of the Ghost Fleet. Accompanying Battlestar Valkyrie in the First Cylon War.
  • He is the current Pirate King... His bounty is currently unknown, but would indefinitely be higher than even Doflamingo's. The reason he does not have a bounty is because Freyja is the new Fleet Admiral of the Marines, after Sengoku's defeat. Anyone who knows Loki would know that even if he tries to trick people (Like the norse god I named him after), he wouldn't attack his sister. Not out of love, just because his sister has an ability (it is implied about her Devil Fruit) that would easily crush his own. Therefore Loki poses no threat to the Government. He even tried to prevent the Ouka Shichibukai Rebellion!
  • Not to be confused with Eris Discordia. Loki is a pagan Norse god who is often misunderstood and considered evil. A creature of chaos who helped develop Change Management and other interesting things. His influence is wide felt throughout the known world.
  • Loki – postać z panteonu nordyckich bóstw. Olbrzym, przez Odyna przyjęty w poczet Asów. Według podań miał dać początek "Zmierzchowi bogów" (Ragnarok). W literaturze wykorzystywany wielokrotnie, chociażby w twórczości Rogera Zelaznego, czy Neila Gaimana. W literaturze polskiej postać ta pojawia się między innymi u Marcina Mortki, Jarosława Grzędowicza i Jakuba Ćwieka. * Loki w twórczości Jakuba Ćwieka 30pxUwaga! To jest tylko zalążek artykułu. Jeśli możesz, [ rozbuduj go]. Kategoria:Zalążki artykułów
  • Loki is the being of mischief in Odinism. A son of the frost giants Fárbauti and Laufey, Loki is described as the "contriver of all fraud". Loki mixed freely with the gods for a long time, even becoming Odin's blood brother. Like Odin, Loki bears many names : Lie-Smith, Sly-God, Shape-Changer, Sly-One, Lopt, Sky Traveller, Sky Walker, Wizard Of Lies, and Loftur among others.
  • Loki ist eine Minifigur aus der Baureihe Super Heroes und der Unterbaureihe Marvel. Die Minifigur ist 2012 erschienen.
  • The Loki, also known as the Spirits of Toranux, were a race of evil beings from Toranux who planned to destroy other races and rule the Polaris Galaxy.
  • Loki was a planet settled by humans during the Terran Confederacy expansion in the 21st and 22nd century. It was located about 200 light years Terra-wards in front of the Orion Nebula . Loki was not as badly hurt as most human planets during the Great Collapse when the Confederacy fell apart. It managed to maintain and rediscover most of the technological and scientific knowledge of the Confederacy and established the Loki Salvage Service to continue to scavenge ruins on other planets. However, c.a. AD 3240 a crises developed; the Service lost four scout ships beyond human explored space on the other side of the Orion Nebula. Erasmus Chang was ordered to discover what had happened to them.
  • Loki es un personaje de única aparición de la serie Las Macabras Aventuras de Billy y Mandy. Es el dios de las bromas, hijo de Odín y hermano de Thor. Es un vikingo bromista que reside en el Más Allá de Asgard.
  • Loki (właściwie Loki Laufeyson) - fikcyjna postać, geniusz zła, który pojawia się w komiksach wydanych przez Marvel Comics. Jego postać opiera się na istocie o tej samej nazwie z mitologii nordyckiej. Postać pojawiła się w Venus # 6 (sierpień 1949) oraz w nowoczesnym dniu w Podróż do tajemnicy # 85 (październik 1962). Postać została stworzona przez Stana Lee, Larry'ego Lieber'a oraz Jack'a Kirby'ego. Loki pojawił się w kilku trwających serii, serii Limited i alternatywnej rzeczywistości, w tym jego własnej 4-emisyjnej serii Loki (2004).
  • Loki is a senior officer of the crew Odin's Demise and a member of the flag The Usual Suspects. Image:Pirate.png Arr! This article about a pirate in Puzzle Pirates be a stub. Ye can help YPPedia by [ expanding it].
  • Loki is the leader of the Freedom detachment stationed in Yanov in S.T.A.L.K.E.R.: Call of Pripyat.
  • Loki is the fourth World Boss to appear in Mushroom Kingdom Fusion. The Mushroom Kingdom Coalition will face Loki in The Demon Realm.
  • Loki es una Inteligencia Aritficial del UNSC. Estaba a cargo de la Nave Colonial Clase-Phoenix UNSC Skidbladnir hasta que aterrizó en Harvest y fue desmantelada.
  • Loki ist eine Gottheit aus der nordischen Mythologie und ein geringerer Antagonist der Turtles in den Mirage Comics.
  • A failure in the eyes of his father Odin, Loki desperately seeks his fathers approval but is constantly falling short due to his like of leisure and fun. As such Loki has been seeking his mask for what is likely centuries.and he would be ruler of all the whole entire everything,reality,existence and universe and there will be nothing no ruled by him
  • Loki es un personaje imposible de encontrar y fue protagonista en Superhero Party. La historia real de este villano es que es el hermano de Thor y siempre se ha sentido en la sombra de Thor, aparece en el "escuadrón de Superhéroes" y "Los Vengadores" (la serie).
  • Loki ist der Sohn von Crach an Craite mit einer seiner Mätressen. Loki ist außergewöhnlich groß. Gemeinsam mit seinem Bruder Ragnar und seinem Vater war er zur Hochzeit von Geralt und Yennefer auf Schloss Montsalvat eingeladen. Die Hochzeit findet in der der Kurzgeschichte "Etwas endet, etwas beginnt" ("Coś się kończy, coś się zaczyna") statt. Diese Kurzgeschichte steht in keinem Zusammenhang mit der Geralt-Saga.
  • A tricky devil, the Loki's arc can make quick work out of a lot of planes, and it's roomy enough to upgrade and hold a couple of crew. With a little work, this guy can turn into a speeding bullet shooting other smaller bullets. Trust me. It's fun!
  • Loki is the Norse god of mischief, as well as of fire. He is the son of two giants, Fárbauti ("cruel striker") and Laufey (or Nál which means "needle", implying that she was skinny and weak.). His two brothers (who were to be beside him in Ragnarök) are Býleistr (bee-lighting) and Helblindi (All blind or hel-blinder). He is referred to as the blood-brother of Odin. Loki becomes harbinger of Ragnarök and the father of the three chaos monsters: Fenrir, Jörmungandr, and Hel. Loki's mischief and intellect is not to be underestimated, as he is ultimately although indirectly responsible for the deaths of Baldr and Thor, which were caused by Höðr and Jörmungandr (respectively).
  • thumbLoki est un loup présent dans Warcraft III, dans la prison d'Illidan Hurlorage. Ce loup est nommé et présent à côté de deux unités offensives Elfes de la nuit. Il est libéré par Tyrande Murmevent. Loki est le nom d'un dieu dans la mythologie scandinave. Son fils Fenrir était un loup gigantesque.
  • Loki is a trickster Jötunn and ex-honorary Norse god, and an enemy of Magnus Chase. While treated as a nominal member of the Aesir tribe, he was known to switch his allegiance often and was destined to ultimately side with the Jötnar and lead them against the gods. Loki is the father of Hel, Lady of the Dead, Jormungand, the World Serpent, Fenris, the Wolf, and Samirah al-Abbas, and is the mother of Sleipnir and Alex Fierro.
  • Loki is a major god of the Norse in Age of Mythology.
  • The fight with the Spy is one of the hardest of the game and is more of a puzzle then an a common fight. The best strategy is to explore environment for power-ups and serums, don't touch spiked walls, and kick Loki into fire pits (position yourself so a blowing drum would be behind you, so Loki can't kick you off your position, and kick him into the pit that should be two squares in front of you).
  • Loki is the Asgardian god of mischief, cunning and wit. Loki formed a pact with a force of darkness (presumably Dahak) to bring about the three tragedies that would herald Ragnarok. Loki who stole the Book of Fate from the Norn and painted a future in which Balder was dead (first tragedy). He also painted the defeat of Thor at the hands of a demigod (second tragedy). He then created a mask and gave it to his father Odin, leaving him blind (the third tragedy). He has resentment towards his family (especially his parents), because has he lived under the shadows of his brothers.
  • Loki was a one-eared husky that joined Indiana Jones in his search for Angus Starbuck across Far East Asia. → This article is a stub. You can help us by adding to it. Check out the talk page for hints on what needs to be done.
  • Loki est le plus jeune des fils de Crach an Craite et d'une de ses concubines. Il ressemblait à un elfe gracile. Lui, son frère Ragnar et son père étaient tous invités au mariage de Geralt et Yennefer dans la nouvelle " Quelque chose s'achève, quelque chose commence ".
  • Mark Pizzorno(born 20 November 1981 in Glasgow, Scotland), better known by his ring name of Loki, is a member of the Pro Wrestling R4GE roster.
  • Loki es un dios travieso de la mitología nórdica, es hijo de los gigantes Farbauti y Laufey y tiene dos hermanos, Helblindi y Býleistr de los que poco se sabe. En las eddas es descrito como el "origen de todo fraude" y se mezcló con los dioses libremente llegando a ser considerado por Odín como su hermano hasta el asesinato de Baldr. Luego de esto los Æsir lo capturaron y le ataron a tres rocas. Se liberará de sus ataduras para luchar contra los dioses en el Ragnarök.
  • The Loki was an experimental terran battlecruiser. It was present at Valhalla when Raynor's Raiders raided the installation to steal the Odin.
  • Loki was the name given to a G-type star near the Romulan Neutral Zone, orbited by the planet Obsidian. In the late 23rd century, Loki entered a period of increased flare and radiation activity, exacerbating the already difficult living conditions for the natives of Obsidian. This increased output prompted Obsidian to seek out Federation assistance in the 2290s. (TOS novel: Vulcan's Forge)
  • Loki is the son of Crach an Craite and one of his concubines. He is exceptionally large. He, his brother Ragnar and his father were all guests at Geralt and Yennefer's wedding in the short story "Coś się kończy, coś się zaczyna".
  • Loki is the Evil God from Norse mythology and the main antagonist in Volume 7 of the light novels. In the anime, Loki is the main antagonist of High School DxD BorN.
  • Loki was a male Garudan who lived on his homeworld during the time the Invid had occupied it. In that time, he became part of the resistance forces that fought for control of the planet Garuda. During one of these raids, he was captured and placed within the labor camps. On this occasion, he met Kami who was a fellow Garudan and member of the Sentinels who brought his allies to liberate the planet. The pair were being escorted to the labor camp where Loki told Kami not to worry as his friends would rescue them whereupon they would rejoin the fight. When the Invid guard attempted to silence them, the Garudan freedom fighters emerged where they freed the captive slaves who rejoined the fight to free their homeworld.
  • Loki (ロキ, Roki) serves as the right hand of Drbal, thereby making him an antagonist in The Heated Battle of the Gods
  • Loki is a playable character from Heroes of Mana as well as NPC in Seiken Densetsu 3. He is the father of Duran and also a good friend of King Richard.
  • Loki (レキ, Reki) is one of the four possible Guardian Beasts in the game Summon Night: Swordcraft Story 2. He is a brash young demon who is constantly trying to make himself stronger through combat. He has an abundance of self-confidence – perhaps too much – and violence is almost always his first (and only) option. He sees himself as the player's protector and strives to improve his sword skills at every turn. Loki is from the Oni Realm of Silturn. His Element is Fire.
  • Loki is a character in Chronicles of the Sword. He is found in Chronicle 3 and was a brigand under Chester's command, he even seems to be his second. In Soulcalibur IV he appears in the Tower of Lost Souls in the ascend and descend modes.
  • Loki is the name of a trickster god in Viking mythology. His son, Fenrisulfr, was a wolf so large that his lower jaw touched the underworld when his upper jaw touched the sky.
  • Loki (based on the norse mythological god. See Loki) is the main villain in Testimonial Midgard during episodes 1 to 6. He is the administrator and founder of the KTBPU Project. He typically resides within the Midgard Core exclusively. Loki often seems troubled and spiteful on the occasions that players meet him. He tends to be mischievous in nature. His incarnation is Strider.
  • The Loki class tank destroyer is a light yet deadly Melconian combat vehicle. It is a highly stealthed, mobile 60mm Hellbore. It can mounted on a unarmored ground transport or counter grav lift rings. The Melconian advantage in stealth allowed them to evade even a Bolo's sensors and sneak into a flanking position where they could be truely deadly. Normally they only get off a few shots because once they revealed their position they were easy to take out. If they got into proper position they could easily destroy a tread or a turret. If they were lucky, they could take out a Bolo Mark XXXI .They were fast moving and could keep pace with all other melconian front line equipment.
  • Loki war eine "schlaue" KI des United Nations Space Command. Loki hatte die ONI-Spezifikation "Planetare Sicherheitsintelligenz" und war ursprünglich auf der Skidbladnir stationiert, diente zuletzt jedoch auf Harvest.
  • From Norse mythology. Depending on whom you ask, he's an aesir, a jotun or both. A trickster god, he starts out as at least on the side of the aesir, but crosses the line when he engineers Baldr's death. He eventually leads the armies of the jotun during Ragnarok.
  • Loki (ロキ, Roki) is a Level 64 Persona of the Fool Arcana. It can be obtained by maximizing the Fool Arcana Social Link. Loki inherits "Ice" skills from other Persona in fusions.
  • Satellites Location: Milky Way / Exodus Cluster / Asgard System / Fourth planet Prerequisite: Bring Down the Sky (Mass Effect)
  • thumb|left|200px|Symbol Lokiego Nordycki bóg oszustw i konfliktu. Ojciec wielu nordyckich potworów ( wilka Fenrisa) oraz mniejszych bogów (np. Hel). Jako syn Odyna, oraz przez pewne zasługi w przeszłości, jest tolerowany przez innych nordyckich bogów; mają oni jednak świadomość, że Loki ich zdradzi dla olbrzymów. W charakterze wykazuje znaczne cechy demoniczne, chociaż z nimi samymi nie współpracował. Wspiera tylko chaotycznych czcicieli. Ich stosunek do kwestii dobra i zła jest mu obojętny. Najczęściej daje im umiejętności złodziei.
  • File:Izanami Ball.png Impossibles/Colossals: File:FireIcon.png Fire: Roc File:WaterIcon.png Water: File:WoodIcon.png Wood: File:LightIcon.png Light: Orochimaru | Vishnu | Bright Blight File:DarkIcon.png Dark: Slash File:Scroll.png Tower: File:S++.png Temple: Fire (Time) | Fire (Carnage) | Water (Time) | Wood (Carnage) | Light (Time)
  • The real classification of the Loki Mech is questionable. In many ways it is considered a Medium Mech, due to the sets of weapons it carries. The weapon set on the Loki is lesser than that seen in other Heavy Mechs, but seem more similar something that would be found on a Medium Mech in addition, this Mech has Null-Signature which is seen more commonly on lighter class Mechs. On the other side of the argument, the Loki is considered a Heavy Mech because of it's weight and armor, and top speed, which infact makes it similar to that of the Thor and Summoner, both of which are classed as Heavy Mechs.
  • Loki is a fictional competitor robot in the game Robot Wars: Arenas of Destruction. It is a lightweight class robot with a low dome-shaped body. Its weapons are a pair of lifting forks and it is armoured in polycarbonate. It cannot self-right.
  • thumb|Vangittu Loki ja hänen vaimonsa.Loki (myös Lodur, Lodu, Loke oli skandinaavisessa mytologiassa jättiläissukuinen jumala. Loki teki paljon ilkeitä kepposia ja aiheutti aasoille paljon harmia kunnes aasat vangitsivät hänet. Hänen päänsä päälle laitettiin käärme joka pudottaa myrkkyä.
  • Loki is a former traitorous member of the Aesir who betrayed the other members of the Aesir by organizing Baldur's death and was subsequentially imprisoned. Freed by his secretly placed spies, he is now at large, planning his next onslaught against the Aesir with the Frost Giants. Loki is the main antagonist of the Too Human storyline. He is voiced by Robert Picardo.
  • You can talk to him in front of the Union of the Golden Chalice guild in Virtus Parish in Athlum when hired to get his parameter bonus. Upon completion of The Villain and the Sightless Girl, his parameter bonus will be available.
  • It's been awhile since I've lived in a beautiful house such as this. The old wooden structure was that of an old German style home from the 1800's. I just loved the style of these homes. There was something just so alluring about it, almost… reminiscent. I dislike moving very much, but, due to certain circumstances, I have to continually be on the move from home to home, wondering around as if I'm a weary and lost soul. And there, sitting inside the door, was Loki. Sitting and staring at me, as if to welcome me home.
  • Loki is the God of Fire and Mischief of the Asgardian Pantheon and the nemesis of his brother, Thor. He is the son of Odin and the father of Hel. He is depicted as being less pretentious than Thor. Despite being the God of Mischief, Loki is depicted as having a much more serious personality than Thor, playing the straight man to Thor's frat boy buffoonery, as shown when the Gods are trapping the Snarl. File:ThorVsLoki.png During the Godsmoot, Loki was the first to speak against preemptively destroying the Earth, opposing Heimdall's advice.
  • Loki was freed from his punishment (having a snake drop venom in his face) by Odin, so he could accompany Odin and Thor to the Dreaming in order to petition for key to Hell as a way of avoiding Ragnarok. Loki tried to escape by posing as another god. Dream, however, was not fooled. He let Loki go, but Loki would owe him a favor. Loki's wife, Sigyn, loyally stays with her husband despite his obvious disinterest in her.
  • Loki es un rebelde científico Asgard que planeó encontrar una manera de curar a su especie del decaimiento de su genoma causó por su clonación constante. Alrededor de 1985, sus acciones fueron descubiertas, y el Alto Consejo Asgard lo despojó de su título.
  • The Norse god of mischief and the primary antagonist of Valkyrie Profile, Loki is half-aesir, half-vanir. While allowed to live in Asgard, Loki is not held in high regard and constantly suspected of being up to no good. Odin and Freya sealed his power, Loki has an adult or vanir appearance once he obtains the Dragon Orb. The only Aesir he is seen associating with is Frei. Frei appears to honestly see Loki as a friend, and in the manga she is devastated when Loki turns against Odin. In the A Ending path of Valkyrie Profile: Lenneth, Loki is the final boss.
  • Loki (pronounced Lo-kai) is a fierce and loyal warrior demon and friend to Diabolico (to whom Loki gave a spider/scorpion-shaped amulet to as a token of their millennia-long friendship) and Vypra. He serves as the dumb muscle of the demons, and was considered expendable by Bansheera despite his loyalty. When Diabolico was destroyed for the first time, Loki and Vypra were anguished by his death and considered the newly matured Olympius as a mere child who would not make a suitable leader. After losing favor with his mother, Olympius discovered that Bansheera considered making Vypra and Loki the new second in command and plotted to eliminate them by having Vilevine bury them alive. The two managed to survive and escape to where the demons were first imprisoned and brought Diabolico back to l
  • Like all Nordic gods Loki has a huge lifespan and could live for at least 3,000 years. He prolongs his life, however, just like the other gods by regularly eating apples of Idun to stay forever young. Loki is a master shape-shifter and uses this power to confuse, trick and anger humans and gods alike. Due to his heritage Lokis strength and stamina is superior to most other gods. as norse a god, it is not unreasonable to assume he could pretty much do almost anything he desired - though he would not have anything like the power of a god such as Odin
  • After slaying the King of the Frost giants Laufey in battle, Odin found a small Asgardian-sized child hidden within the primary stronghold of the Frost Giants. The child was Loki, and Laufey kept him hidden from his people, ashamed of his son's small size. Odin took the boy because he showed strength when Odin slew his father in combat and raised him as his son alongside his biological son Thor.
  • Loki is Malygos's most recently acquired servant. A Devil from an unknown planet, Loki serves Malygos only out of a sense of debt - Malygos saved Loki's planet once from a purge, and, as a result, Loki serves Malygos for the time being. At the moment, he serves as Malygos's 'beatstick' - when direct force is needed, Loki is called. Loki's greatest love is carnage in all its forms. Seeing destruction and pain as the highest art forms, Loki utilizes both to the extreme. His second love, however, is a good fight, and will often handicap himself to give himself a true challenge when fighting.
  • thumb|LokiLoki est une petite planète tellurique sans grand intérêt. La glace recouvre largement un de ses hémisphères et l'autre compte surtout des plateaux basaltiques aux reliefs abrupts. Ce terrain varié et rude suggère qu'un ancien cataclysme a causé d'importants dégâts sur la planète. Avec un périgée de 6.5 UA et un apogée de 7.1 UA, l'orbite elliptique atypique de Loki donne du crédit à cette hypothèse.
  • Loki var en skurk Asgard vetenskapsman, som planerade på att hitta ett sätt att bota hans art från sönderfallet av deras arvsmassa som orsakas av deras ständiga kloning. Omkring 1985, var hans agerande upptäcktes, och Asgard Högsta Rådet slet av honom titeln.
  • LOKI is a host of Orange Lounge Radio. While he did not officially start as a host, he had a perfect attendance record for the first twenty episodes and has since been added as the show's third co-host. LOKI takes care of all of the technical aspects of the show. As well, he is an incredible Grand Theft Auto Player, regularly schooling his co-workers during their lunch break. Thanks to his job at a warehouse distribution company, he is able to give release dates or price drops for some games or systems before they are officially announced. Despite his longtime hatred of Apple, he recently acquired an iPod Touch and is now addicted.
  • Loki ist eine kleine terrestrische Welt, auf der es wenig zu sehen gibt. Eine Hemisphäre ist komplett von einer Eisschicht überzogen, die andere von einem zerklüfteten Hochland aus Basaltgestein. Das raue, verschiedenartige Terrain lässt auf eine Urzeit-Katastrophe schließen, die der Welt nachhaltige Schäden zugefügt hat. Dies wird dem Anschein nach noch von einer ungewöhnlichen elliptischen Umlaufbahn untermauert, die 6,5 AE in Planetennähe und 7,1 AE auf ihrem Höhepunkt erreicht.
  • Ferruccio Maria Castiglioni y Maracios, detto "Loco" o semplicemente "Loki" (ロキ Lōki?, lett. "l'uomo che burlava la gente"), è la divinità nordica dell'astuzia e degli inganni, nonché santo protettore della supercazzola e primo conduttore di Scherzi a parte. Nei popoli scandinavi l'astio ed il timore nei confronti di tale divinità era tale da indurli a credere che sotto ogni botta di sfiga si celasse immancabilmente lo zampino di Loki, o semplicemente i re adoravano dare la colpa a lui quando il debito pubblico era alto come il picco dell'Everest. Secondo i miti Loki era una divinità ermafrodita, quindi probabilmente anche uno dei primi viados della storia, riuscendo persino nell'impresa di partorire un cavallo con otto zampe, ma soprattutto ad ingravidare un'orchessa prostituta facendogli
  • There is little personal information available on the humanoid known primarily as Loki. What little knowledge we do have on him stems from his 5 years serving as a Captain of the Guard for the Royal House of Rannon. During this period, he served as the personal bodyguard of Rannon Crown Prince, Nathanial K'canse. Due to the expansionist nature of Rannon, and their former affiliation with The Sovereign Galactic Empire, it can be assumed that someone in Loki's position in this organization has a high degree of training. End Report.
  • Loki was both a member of the Norse pantheon and a jötunn or giant. Loki was a shapeshifter who appeared in forms such as a salmon, mare, seal, a fly, and possibly an elderly woman. He was the son of Fárbauti and Laufey. He also had two siblings Helblindi and Býleistr. Loki's children included Hel, Fenrir, and Jörmungandr who he fathered with jötunn Angrboða. With his wife Sigyn, Loki fathered Narfi and/or Nari. Finally by stallion Svaðilfari, Loki gave birth in the form of a mare Sleipnir, Odin's eight-legged horse .
  • Fun to play with, horrible to play against, most leaders would rather see a berserker horde wander into their lands than the clown prince. Loki acts as a Gypsy Wagon, lowering the culture and gold of any city he is in (except his own civilization's), but Loki's also causes unrest in the cities he occupies and can flip them to the Balseraphs if their culture gets low enough.
  • In Halls of Lost Legends, the Ninja Turtles stumble upon a massive tower. Once inside, they run across a young sprite by the name of Locke. He tells the Turtles of the Hall, describing how myths and legends take on an actual existence upon belief, but when that belief does not continue, they are enshrined as statues in this place, with Locke as their curator. Locke says that the Turtles are there much too early, and that they should leave, lest they create great disturbance.
  • Loki is the crow who lives on board the Dream Chaser in a nest near the captain's quarters. He is a full grown male crow of average size and weight, with a keen curiosity and intelligence. He takes an acute interest in all activities that occur on his ship, and enjoys sitting on the exposed piping in the ceiling and voicing his opinions of such activities. Captain Riddle spent a great deal time and energy befriending Loki, so Loki often humors the Captain by riding around on his shoulder. Much of Loki's history is unknown, but let's face it, he's a crow, so it's probably not that interesting.
  • Loki (稲荷, Loki-sama) is a member of The Hakuri Pirates and is the newest member of Tousen’s Division. Loki was a former member of the Marines, nothing really special to him and his past life. But after defecting and murdering three different judges on the Judicial ships, after his secret was found out he went into hiding. For a number of years he worked as a shipwright on Galley-La, but shortly after Rob Lucci and others left. He decided to leave as well, and his journey eventually leads him to Demetrius and the rest of the hakuri crew.
  • Loki is the Norse God of Mischief,Sex and Lust and is worshiped by many followers of the Old Ways throughout England, especially in association with the Wolves of Sherwood, a criminal organization from throughout the Kingdom of England's history.
  • Damien Katon (15 BBY - 15 ABY) was born to the aristocratic family Katon on Anaxes. Born to Roko and Sadrina Katon as the youngest of 10 children he is no stranger to competition, having had to fight for recognition in a family unit as large as his where his parents were both members of large families leaving him with 9 siblings and upwards of 30 cousins. The Katon estate on Anaxes, just outside the city of Pols Anaxes, was not small by any means allowing young Damien ample room to roam and explore growing up. His father, like his before him and his before him, was a career naval officer having served in the Republic Navy and then continued his service when it was the Imperial Navy. Growing up his father would regal him of stories of his exploits in the Outer Rim as a younger man chasing d
  • Loki fue un lobo que se encontraba prisionero en las prisiones de los túmulos subterráneos junto a varias elfas nocturnas, cuyas prisiones guardaban las Vigilantes, y que Tyrande Whisperwind y sus guerreras liberaron junto a las demás prisioneras mientras buscaban a Illidan Stormrage para que las ayude contra la Legión de Fuego. Luego de liberar al cazador de demonios, no se le ve ni en Un destino de llamas y desolación ni en El crepúsculo de los dioses.
  • Les Loki, aussi appelés Toranux ou esprits Toranux, sont des êtres maléfiques originaires de la planète Toranux, aujourd'hui détruite à cause de la dangerosité de ces habitants. Tantôt décrits comme des esprits, tantôt comme des êtres protomorphiques, les lokis ont le pouvoir de contrôler les autres êtres vivants, mais ils ne peuvent pas contrôler les plus gros d'entre eux. De plus, ils ne peuvent pas survivre hors d'un corps. Les lokis semblent également pouvoir se cacher dans les roches de leur propre planète, dont ils se servent comme vaisseaux. Après la destruction de Toranux par Bagogg, un Guerrier Cragmite leur chef tenta de faire renaître sa race en ramenant les pires prédateurs de Polaris sur Magnus, où il s'est écrasé, et de les contrôler à l'aide d'un extracteur protomorphique, m
  • Loki Laufeyson is the son of Laufey, the ruler of the Frost Giants in Jotunheim. Shortly after his birth, Loki was abandoned and left to die. Found by the Asgardian king Odin, he was brought to Asgard and raised by him and his wife Frigga as an Asgardian prince, along with their biological son Thor. When he grew up, he became known as the "God of Mischief". When Loki learned the truth about his real father, he made a plan to force Odin to banish Thor so he could become next in line to the throne. Loki succeeded in his schemes and took the throne as Odin fell into the Odinsleep, however when the Warriors Three and Lady Sif attempted to return Thor home, Loki was forced to try and kill his brother. However, Thor returned from his exile on Earth and ended Loki's reign of terror.
  • Loki è uno dei Guerrieri Divini del secondo film, fedeli al Sommo Sacerdote Dolvar . A differenza dei suoi compagni sembra essere l'unico (escludendo Midgard, ossia Hyoga sotto controllo mentale) pienamente partecipe dei piani del sacerdote e ad appoggiarli. Il suo nome deriva dall'omonimo dio nordico.
  • Loki is the son of the Giants, Farbauti and Laufey, he also has two brothers Helblinde and Býleistr. Loki is known as the trickster God, he is not evil, nor is he good, he lived in Asgard even though he was from Jotunheim (the land of the giants). He loved to make trouble for anyone and everyone especially for the Gods and Goddesses in Asgard. Loki was both cunning and clever and he always came up with new ideas to annoy and bring people in the uttermost embarrassments. Loki just loved to prank people in all the ways he could think of as long as he thought it was funny. After he got someone in trouble with his pranks, he often saved them so he would look like the hero of the day.
  • Loki's relation with the gods varies by source. Loki sometimes assists the gods and sometimes causes problems for them. Loki is a shape shifter and in separate incidents he appears in the form of a salmon, mare, seal, a fly, and possibly an elderly woman. Loki's positive relations with the gods ends with his role in engineering the death of the god Baldr. Loki is eventually bound by the gods with the entrails of one of his sons. A serpent drips venom from above him that his wife Sigyn collects into a bowl. However, Sigyn must empty the bowl when it is full, and the venom that drips in the mean time causes Loki to writhe in pain, thereby causing earthquakes. With the onset of Ragnarök, Loki is foretold to slip free from his bonds and to fight against the gods among the forces of the jötnar,
  • Loki was a rogue Asgard scientist, who planned on finding a way to cure his species from the decay of their genome caused by their constant cloning. In 1984 his actions were discovered, and the Asgard High Council stripped him of his title, then banished him.
  • -
  • -
  • 8096
  • 199999
  • (Community MCU Reboot); No Image Male.jpg
  • (Marvel Cinematic Alliance); No Image Male.jpg
  • Loki; No Image Male.jpg
  • M
  • 35
  • 37
  • 40
  • 49
  • 50
  • 52
  • 54
  • 55
  • 58
  • 59
  • 60
  • 61
  • 62
  • 64
  • 70
  • 72
  • Lightspeed Rescue
  • y
  • 12
  • 22
  • 24
  • 31
  • 76
  • 79
  • 133
  • -
  • Blue
Main Character
  • Loki Laufeyson; Bio-loki older.jpg
  • Loki Laufeyson; Loki Disambiguation.jpg
  • Loki Laufeyson; Vengeance Vol 1 4 Textless.jpg
  • -
  • 5
  • VIT+1
  • Vi +1
  • * Hersirs move 10% faster. * Hersirs summon myth units after fighting for long enough. * Myth units cost 10% less favor. * Longhouse units train 10% faster. * Ox Carts move 50% faster and cost half as much, but have 25% less HP.
union name
  • Loki's Clan
  • 0.400000
  • Armageddon Cannon
  • X
  • all
  • 8
  • 8
  • Null
  • Strong
  • Resist
  • -
Row 9 info
  • Hellbringer
  • 1
  • Marvel: Superhéroes en acción 2012
Sub Bump
  • 30
  • Attacks with a massive, non-elemental blast around the user.
  • Attacks upward with a medium-sized elemental laser.
Row 8 info
  • 30
  • Asgard
  • Age of Mythology
job class
  • 0.220000
  • 22
Nome do Personagem
  • Loki center|250px
  • Humanoide
  • Umana
  • dios
Row 4 info
  • 2
  • Normal 4 cm
  • -
  • Alberto Sette
  • Simone Mori
  • 20
Battle Start
  • Time for some divine wrath!
  • 6.800000
  • 68
Raza (Ej: Imperio de la Humanidad)
  • Masculino
  • Clon Asexual
  • -
Main Weapon
  • Grande
  • x
  • −135
  • −135
Row 7 title
  • Ability:
  • Norse
  • -
TV Series
  • Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.
  • Loki
  • ロキ
  • Kittypet
  • Fire
  • Force
  • -
  • Gun, Skill
  • 6650
  • 7315
  • Erdstunden
  • Männlich
  • männlich
  • Strong
  • Resist
Luck Skill
  • 25
  • -
  • 3
  • 36
  • 86
  • 135
  • 174
  • 211
  • No
skill lv
  • All allies' ATK 350% up / 15% chance
  • All allies' ATK 350% up / 20% chance
  • 20
  • 4
  • x
  • Evolution
  • Ascension
  • Hatcher
  • Transcension
Row 1 info
  • Loki
  • Loki, Loptr, or Hveðrungr
  • The Frost Giants of Jotenheim, Hel's forces; formerly The Aesir
Max Luck
  • 90
  • 99
  • Bleus
  • 62
  • Yû Mizushima
  • A tricky bag of troublesome fluff.
  • The Kin
  • ロキ
  • Equilibrio Precario
  • ロキ
  • 13
  • 18
  • 89
  • 100
  • 110
  • 115
  • Erdjahre
Row 8 title
  • Max Speed:
  • Yes
  • 5
  • GiantsColors
  • GigantesColores
pc value
  • 24
  • -
  • 25
  • 29
  • 53
  • 56
  • 61
  • None
  • 56
  • 5
  • 5
  • 30
Row 4 title
  • Secondary Weapon:
  • Casco de Loki,armadura de loki
Row 9 title
  • Mech Variant:
  • 10
  • 26
  • 53
  • AiAJouxB-UhguEcg
  • wkhZOkNgwipPgkhk
  • Erbaf
  • Single Foe/1-2/Physical/None
  • 2016-04-11
Afiliação Governamental
  • Corpo de Fuzileiros da Frota Estelar
  • 8
  • 12
  • 14
  • 15
  • 17
  • 24
  • 52
  • 63
  • 67
  • Bounce
  • 250
Novel Debut
  • 2504
  • Equips All
  • Armageddon Cannons
pc str
  • 26
  • Kittypet:
  • Rogue:
Bump Combo
  • 30
  • Attacks upward and downward with 2 large elemental lasers.
  • Attacks upward with a massive elemental laser.
  • Attacks with a massive, non-elemental blast around the user.
  • Attacks nearby enemies with massive elemental lasers.
  • Principe
  • -
Row 2 info
  • Alive
  • Heavy
  • Norse Myth
  • Científico
  • Guerriero Divino
pc br
  • 11
  • 10
Row 6 info
  • None
pc wield style
  • Power Grip
pc atk
  • 30
speaker a
  • Zelda
  • Darktail
pc hp
  • 362
  • Wrath of the Queen
  • Devil
  • Tower
  • Fool
pc spd
  • 19
  • 2007
Aparece en
  • Anime
  • 15
  • 100
  • 108
  • 120
  • 800
  • -
speaker b
  • Max
  • Loki
Row 1 title
  • Name:
  • Real Name
  • Affiliations:
  • Operation Lightspeed
  • 1
  • -
  • Gott des Feuers und des Schabernacks
  • 61.300000
  • 613
JP Name
  • トリックスター ロキ
  • ロキ
  • 世界を閉じる者 ロキ
  • 狡知の神 ロキ
  • Gesteinsplanet
  • Gestaltwandlung
Periodo de Vivência
  • TNG
Row 5 info
  • 3
  • Anti-All
  • Anti-All Beast Eye Mana Aid
  • Anti-Most
M. Def
  • 12
  • 13
  • 14
  • 15
  • 20
  • 21
  • 22
  • 24
  • 25
  • 26
  • 27
  • 30
  • 43
  • 45
  • 55
  • 133
  • 6
  • 7
  • 21
  • 74
  • 83
  • 87
  • Roki
Powers and Abilities
  • Powers and Abilities
  • str
  • phys
Row 2 title
  • Class
  • First Appearance
  • Status:
  • Capítulo 858
pc def
  • 10
  • siehe links
pc weapon
  • Warrior's Striker
pc m. def
  • 14
speaker c
  • Loki
Row 6 title
  • JumpJets:
wield style
  • Power Grip
  • 13
  • 20
  • 42
  • 52
  • 91
  • 117
  • 126
  • 138
  • 160
  • 174
  • 6500
  • 7150
  • 11654
  • 16767
  • 18521
  • 19165
pc ap
  • 7
  • Schwarz
  • Planetare Sicherheitsintelligenz
friendship max
  • So, you won't let me have my
  • way? Interesting... Hee hee.
Strike shot
  • Bashes the first contacted enemy and attacks with a laser.
  • Bashes the first contacted enemy and attacks with laser.
  • クローズエンドボーン - 14 Turns
  • ゴッド・ヨトゥン砲 - 13 Turns
  • ジャイアントセック砲 - 15 Turns
  • 神々への嘲戯 - 14 + 4 Turns
pc class
  • Fighter
  • 15
Atual Instalação
  • File:BoFIII LokiIdle.gifFile:BoFIII LokiWalkingSouthEast.gifFile:BoFIII LokiWalkingNorthEast.gifFile:BoFIII LokiBleeding.gif
  • 5
  • 7
  • 8
  • 27
  • 44
  • 49
  • 847
  • y
  • 57
  • 84
  • 154
quote a
  • Don't you want to stay with us? You're very welcome.
  • I don't really like fish. I'd give anything for a warm, juicy mouse!
  • Loki
pc int
  • 25
robot name
  • Loki
To Asc
  • 40
  • Vermelho
  • 10
  • 0.200000
  • 2
  • Tyrant Wing Life Stone Revival Bead
  • 156
  • 168
  • Roki
  • 13
  • 14
  • 15
  • 16
quote b
  • Me too. Or a bowl of pellets my housefolk used to give me.
  • Thanks, but no. We really have to be getting back now.
  • 10
  • 12
  • 16
  • 30
  • 36
Row 5 title
  • Tertiary Weapon::
  • Yes
  • 9
  • 10
  • 17
  • 19
  • 21
  • 24
  • 50
  • 232.470000
  • 264.970000
  • 289.470000
  • 322.870000
  • Asexuella
friendship event
  • But I'll let you play me this
  • The world is a game board and
  • time. How about it, hee hee.
  • you mortals are the pieces.
  • Film: L'ardente scontro degli dei
battle end
  • Bah! I hate losing!
  • No
Row 3 info
  • 2
  • none
  • Norse Folklore
  • 12
  • 13
  • 14
  • 15
  • 19
  • 22
  • 24
  • 54
  • 80
  • 103
  • 5
  • 6
  • UR
Row 3 title
  • Created by
  • Primary Weapon:
  • Title/Epithet
  • -
quote c
  • Yes, my housefolk kit likes me to sleep on her bed.
To Evo
  • 30
  • PatenteDescricao |Imagem = Frota-Marine-e4.png |Descricao = Cabo
  • Violette
  • Gott
  • 36
  • 51
  • 28
pc mys
  • 47
  • Shattered Sky
  • Sleipnir
  • Farbauti
  • Fenris
  • Hel
  • Laufey
  • Midgardschlange
  • Sigyn
  • Wali und Narvi
Row 7 info
  • Null-Signature
  • Here to play? And what makes
  • you think I'd do that?
  • 5
  • Morytania Madness - Plushies - Myreque Memorial
  • Athlum Guild
  • 20
  • 22
  • 23
  • 30
  • 144
  • 0
  • 1
  • 14
  • 15
  • 21
  • -
  • 20
Box Title
  • Loki
  • 4
  • The Sword of Summer
  • The Hammer of Thor
  • "Fragile Balance"
  • Experimental/prototype ship
  • -
  • 7
  • Loki
  • Loki
  • Loki, el Dios Malvado
  • -
  • 25
  • Ice
  • Passion
  • David Lodge
  • siehe links
  • Norse Gods
  • Terran Dominion
  • Amon's Forces
  • Freelance Personal Security Contractor
  • Valsena
  • 10
  • Loki
  • Roki
  • -
  • White
Full Name
  • Loki
  • Elbaf
  • prawie wszyscy bogowie nordyccy
  • 500
Base of Operations
  • Base of Operations
  • Streuner
  • Hauskätzchen
  • Większe bóstwo
  • Mood-Burst
  • Yuarta 100 12 volt sealed lead acid battery
  • 42
  • 1052
  • Appears as an old man
  • 3
  • Chaos, Oszustwo, Zło, Zniszczenie
  • 613
  • -
  • 4
  • ???
  • brak
  • Warrior's Striker
  • x
  • 29
  • 22
First Appearance
  • Volume 2
  • Episode 14
  • Loki logo.png
  • -
  • Resist
  • -
  • SC2
  • Thor: The Dark World - The Official Game
  • Arenas of Destruction
  • Thor: God of Thunder
  • White
  • Black and white
  • Ginger
  • Dirty Blond
  • White Fur
  • Salt'n'Pepper
  • 5
  • 23
  • 29
  • 30
  • 31
  • Loki
  • Malachite
  • Loki
  • Loki
  • Loki
  • c847
  • Loki
  • cap847
  • 0
  • 68
  • 82
  • 156
  • 160
  • 174
  • 181
  • 184
  • 210
  • 216
  • 238
  • 245
  • 255
  • 272
  • 303
  • 310
  • 352
  • 401
  • 417
  • 501
  • ???
  • A regular at Valhalla, home of the Norse gods, Loki was not a god but a particularly mischievous Trickster . Blood-brother to Odin, King of the Gods, Loki usually escaped serious retribution from his wildly cunning exploits. Often, however, the gods required he right his vicious pranks, including his theft of Idunn's Golden Apples of Immortality. Like his West African counterpart Anansi, Loki possessed the ability to assume the form of various animals.
web series
  • WHiH Newsfront
  • Team Thor
  • Mutation
  • Dark
  • Warrior
  • None
  • Alternate
  • Blast
  • Balanced
  • two
  • *Air *Heroic *Massive
  • Experimental battlecruiser
  • ズルスル
  • 200
  • yes
  • Scandanavian
  • 79
  • 7
  • 24
  • Ice
  • Dark-Chaos
  • Foolish
  • Jashin Roki
  • Roki
  • Zurusuru
  • 965
  • Loki
  • Planet View
  • Planetenansicht
  • Loki
  • From Whiz Comics #50
  • Loki
  • Loki on the cover of Volume 3.
  • Loki, the Evil Norse God of Mischief
  • An infamously savage bandit. Of late has avoided mindless violence, seeking redemption.
  • Dedication
  • Planetary Security
  • 12
  • 13
  • 15
  • 32
  • 41
  • 42
  • 47
  • Magic
  • Deceit
  • Krusual elders whisper ancient tales among their huddled tribes, describing the glory of heroes past and enigmatic prophecies of old. On the darkest day, at the most hopeless moments, an elder may speak of loki, in reverent tones and excited hushes. In the ancient tongue, the loki are the crux of Krusual thought. There is no direct translation for this word; in fact, loki translates differently among the elders. It can mean “hidden wonder” or “secret passage”, “changing mask” or “unseen dagger”. Regardless of its context, loki has one meaning common to all its tales across all the elders: “hope”.
  • For many Minmatar, the high mountains of Matar hold wonders unknown to the rest of New Eden: hidden glens, beautiful creatures, buried customs. Not surprisingly, the Krusual tribe lay claim to these mountaiins, their home for generations and base to their machinations.
Hair Color
  • Light Blue
  • 0
  • God
  • Exodus Cluster
  • Exodus-Cluster
To Trans
  • 30
  • 40
  • Februar 2525
  • Resist
  • Trickster Karma
Group Affiliations
  • Group Affiliations
  • Superior Ring
  • Seguridad planetaria de Harvest
speaker h
  • Darktail
quote h
  • I just need you to stay for a few more days. Tomorrow you'll start learning how to fight, in case those fiendish Clan cats attack again.
speaker g
  • Loki
quote g
  • I guess so.
  • all
  • 0
Traitor Game Roles
  • Traitor Game Roles
  • 0
  • 2800
  • Guerrieri Divini
BoO info
  • Asgard
  • 100
Alter Ego info
  • Loki Laufeyson, Jim Halpert, Low Key
speaker e
  • Loki
Traitor Game History
  • Traitor Game History
  • 0.350000
  • 100
  • 100
quote d
  • Have you forgotten that you swore an oath of kinship to the cats here?
Roles info
  • TG X - Inquisitor
  • 0
  • 3
  • 100
  • 0
  • Loki Odinson
quote e
  • We did, but how can we be part of your Kin when we're not acutally kin to you?
First TG Appearance
  • First TG Appearance
  • 0
  • 0
  • 0
  • 0
  • 0
speaker d
  • Darktail
Traitor Game Rivals
  • Traitor Game Rivals
pc accessory
  • Superior Ring
  • 100
unique leader
  • y
Group info
  • Asgardian Pantheon, Masters of Evil
  • 0
First TG info
  • 0
TG History info
  • Traitor Game X, XII
™ / © Owner
  • ™ / © Owner
PA info
  • Vast magical abilities; energy projections, force fields, flight, teleportation, astral projection, shapeshifting, transmutation, hypnotism, and mind control. A cunning and brilliant trickster, Loki will go through many means to gain more power from a person's soul. A capable agent and publicist, as befits his manipulative nature.
Rivals info
™ / © info
  • Marvel Comics
  • 26
  • 0
  • 0
  • 0
  • 1611
Occupation info
  • God of Trickery and Evil, Agent to the Stars
param bonus
  • y
  • Aucun
  • 1
  • 0
bonus spd
  • 5
Box1 Image
  • Loki ikol maa-616.png
  • Loki; No Image Male.jpg
  • 250
  • 242
  • 1752
  • 6400
  • -
  • Fiend Slayer
  • Pad of Definitions
Character Name
  • Loki
  • Null Damage Wall
  • Mine Sweeper
  • Locke
  • no
  • Avengers: Age of Ultron Prelude - This Scepter'd Isle
  • The Avengers Adaptation
  • The Avengers Prelude: Fury's Big Week
  • Thor: Ragnarok Prelude
  • Thor: The Dark World Prelude
  • Captain America & Thor: Avengers!
  • Thor Adaptation
  • Thor, The Mighty Avenger
Skin Color
  • A mix between dark blue, dark purple and black
  • 4
  • 21
  • 88
  • 98
  • 691
  • 717
  • 774
  • 818
  • 858
  • 904
  • 982
  • 1027
  • 1028
  • 1298
  • 2806
  • 3000
  • 3515
  • 5631
  • 6091
  • 7812
  • 8710
  • 8910
  • 9022
  • 9260
  • 9411
  • 10091
  • 10280
  • 11035
  • 11080
  • 11911
  • 12591
  • 14831
  • 16191
  • 20051
  • 21119
  • 21901
  • 21980
  • 38723
  • 54321
  • 57780
  • 70105
  • 71912
  • 77013
  • 81225
  • 82618
  • 83600
  • 88234
  • 89923
  • 90251
  • 90659
  • 91126
  • 94001
  • 94600
  • 97161
  • 98101
  • 99062
  • 201163
  • 807128
  • 841047
  • Loki Laufeyson (Earth-788)
  • Loki Laufeyson (Earth-14412)
  • Loki Laufeyson (Earth-774)
  • Loki Laufeyson (Earth-7812)
  • dbkwik:resource/ll2AUBGUoBCWaAf2rY3Z-g==
  • (SigmaVerse); No Image Male.jpg
  • ; No Image Male.jpg
  • (Earth-AU); No Image Male.jpg
  • (Great Universe); No Image Male.jpg
  • (MaxGoji Marvel Universe); No Image Male.jpg
  • (Pandaverse); No Image Male.jpg
  • (Marvel Revival); No Image Male.jpg
  • (All-Mighty Universe); No Image Male.jpg
  • (Marvel Reforged); No Image Male.jpg
  • (AlternEarth); No Image Male.jpg
  • (Future Universe); No Image Male.jpg
  • (Sensational Universe); No Image Male.jpg
  • (Marvel Nexus); Loki without helmet.jpeg
  • (Marvel Unleashed); Loki606.jpg
  • (Ultra Universe); Loki Laufeyson 1315.jpg
  • Loki; Loki Laufeyson from Ultraforce Avengers Vol 1 1 001.jpg
  • ; Loki Laufeyson .jpg
  • L-ook-i; L-ook-i .jpg
  • L-ook-i; L-ook-i Laufeyson .jpg
  • Loki; Loki Earth-10190.jpg
  • Loki; No Image Male.jpg
  • Low Key; Low-Key .jpg
  • Thor; Earth X Vol 1 5 page 16 Loki Laufeyson .jpg
  • ; Loki Laufeyson from Young Avengers Vol 2 8 0001.png
  • Loki Odinson; Ultimate Comics Thor Vol 1 2 Textless.jpg
  • white
  • You found me. Let's have some
  • fun while you're here.
  • 0
  • 1
  • 14
  • 16
  • 20
  • 21
  • 23
  • 33
  • 57.0
  • 109.0
  • 192
  • 250
Appears In
  • Novel
  • Ivypool on Loki
  • Loki about the Kin and the oath
  • A trickster from Norse myth. He exists to baffle the gods.
  • Trickster of Norse lore and brother-in-law to Odin.
  • Loki
  • -
  • Garudyne
  • Odin
  • Hel
  • God of Mischief
  • "Locke"
  • "Real Power"
  • God of Mischief, Magic, Fire, and Artifice
  • Loki Odinson
  • Loki of Asgard
  • Loki of Jotunheim
  • Malachi, Aurris
  • Mendelev, Tomas
  • Puny God
  • The Asgardian
  • 6540000
  • Red
  • 16
  • 17
  • 19
  • 24
  • 33
  • 40
  • 41
  • 48
  • Makafuji
Voice Actor
  • -
  • Null
  • Loki
  • ロキ
  • 邪神 ロキ
  • February 2525
  • Roki
  • Rat Catchers and Rat Pits!
  • 2.200000
  • 1.86m
  • 80000
  • No
  • Loki
  • The Golden Knight
  • Prince of Asgard
  • God of Mischief
  • King of Asgard
  • Bóg Figlarzy, Konfliktów i Ognia, Chytrus, Oszust, Zmieniacz Kształtu, Podniebny Podróżnik
  • 120
  • 2
  • Loki.png
  • Norse God of Mischief
  • Norse Trickster God
  • Helblindi and Byleistr
  • 4
  • 11
  • 14
  • 26
  • 27
  • 45
  • 50
  • 55
  • 108
  • 120
  • 124
  • 154
  • 6550
  • 7205
  • Small Electric Lifting Spikes
  • 5
  • Hauskaetzchen
  • 847
  • Super villano
  • #3e3351
  • #65467f
  • 1
  • Zanma
  • Megidolaon *
  • Megidolaon
  • Apt Pupil\Innate Garudyne\Innate Bufudyne\Innate Megidola\60 Stagnant Air\61 Null Fire\63 Repel Fire\65
  • Bufudyne\Innate Rakukaja\Innate Sharp Student\Innate Ice Amp\66 High Counter\67 Mabufudyne\68 Null Fire\69 Niflheim\70
  • Breeze Cyclone Curse 1
  • Bufula Mabufula Wild Freezer Despair Night
  • Bufula Mahabufula Marin Karin Wolf Claw
  • Bufurama Zandyne Curse
  • Glare Raiden
  • Mabufudyne Tricky Dance Taunt
  • Maragion Marin Karin Tarunda
  • Maragion Tetrakarn
  • Megido Diarahan Deathbound
  • Megido *
  • Megidolaon Diarahan Deathbound
  • Minmatar Strategic Cruiser
  • Cold World\Innate Agidyne\Innate Ziodyne\Innate Zandyne\Innate Concentrate\Innate Energy Drain\Innate High Ice Pleroma\Innate
  • Tricky Trickster
  • Venom Mute 2 Heal 3
  • Zan Ziolaon Mediahan
  • Bufula Mabufula Pulinpa Marin Karin Samarecarm Akasha Arts
  • Subzero Hex Leech Reflect Dark Spear Powerdrain Countdown
  • Apt Pupil\Innate Garudyne\Innate Bufudyne\Innate Stagnant Air\58 Null Fire\60 Repel Fire\62
  • Pulinpa\Innate Bufudyne\Innate Agidyne\59 Ziodyne\60 Zandyne\61 Cold World\62
  • Loyal Fire Loyal Ice Loyal Electricity Loyal Force Mudoon
  • Pulinpa\Innate Mabufudyne\Innate Taunt\59 Dekunda\60
  • Bufudyne Mabufudyne Marin Karin Maragidyne Tekken Punch
  • Trick Step\Innate Bufudyne\Innate Niflheim\73 Pain Watcher\74 Ice Boost\75 Rebel Spirit\76 Mind Charge\77 Ice Amp\78
  • Mabufudyne\Innate Makajamon\Innate Mischief\53 Charisma\54 Trafuri\55 Mudoon\56 Mana Gain\57
  • Intense Freezing Domudi Tetrakarn Dark Spear Tarunda Countdown
  • 1
  • senior officer
  • Tier 1 Merc
Image size
  • 150
  • 225
  • 250
  • 260
  • Asgard
  • Asgard
  • Polycarbonate
  • 20
  • All Card
  • ALL Card
  • Shinsa Bakunetsu Sho
  • dark
  • 20
  • red
  • Trick Step
Real Name
  • Loki Laufeyson
  • This impish goddess could dominate the world, but she'd rather work in the shadows.
  • The same as the 20th century cowboy avatar of Mack except that the clothes were spotless, hair was combed neatly across his scalp and slicked down with waxy cream. Serious blank stare, no joking attitude.
  • Loki and Zelda about fish
  • Loki can mutate into Cu Chulainn or Quetzalcoatl
  • Loki mutates into Sword Arthur
  • Loki, Darktail, and Max
  • Fire\+3 Ice\+3 Elec\+3 Force\+3 Light\-3
  • #C6E2FF
  • Verde Claro-Rojo por error
  • -
  • Loki
  • dbkwik:resource/yxT0RZwwjLoPadRS7Ebx6g==
  • L'ok D'Saad; L'ok D'Saad .jpg
  • Loki Laufeyson(Heroes Reborn); Loki Laufeyson .jpg
  • Looky; Looky from Porker 5.jpg
  • Loki Laufeyson(Onslaught Reborn); Loki Laufeyson .jpg
  • Gun
  • Magic
  • -
  • Ice, Dark
  • Resists all magic
  • Phys/Magic/Ailments
  • Nulls Curse.
  • Image Gallery
  • Information
  • Galería
  • Enfrentamientos
  • Artículo Principal
  • 66
  • 79
  • płomień
  • You're a real cutie. But can
  • you dance and sing? Show me!
  • Loki, Toranux
  • 20112013
  • Asgard
  • Asgard przed śmiercią Baldera, Midgard po niej
  • -
  • 20
  • 23
  • 38
  • 42
  • 47
  • 50
  • 250
  • GarudanLoki.jpg
  • Loki SC2 Rend1.jpg
  • Asgard
  • 18
  • 25
  • 31
  • 52
  • Loki
  • Nanovirus; Loki Laufeyson from New Avengers Ultron Forever Vol 1 1 002.jpg
  • Skrull Subversive; Loki Laufeyson from Marvel Avengers Battle for Earth 0001.jpg
  • Jordan Boone; Loki 2099.png
  • Kid Loki; Loki Laufeyson .png
  • Loki(Life-Model Decoy); Loki LMD.jpg
  • Peter Parker / "Loki Odinson"; Peter Parker from Ultimate Spider-Man Season 3 1 001.jpeg
  • -
Page Number
  • 72
  • 124
  • 178
  • 9
  • 14
  • 15
  • 17
  • 18
  • 21
  • 22
  • 25
  • 225
  • 250
  • 300
  • Loki1-1-.jpg
  • 574
  • 575
  • 576
  • 2026
  • manga
  • manga
  • Earth
  • 3630
  • Prince
  • Occupation
  • Norse Deity
  • Low Dome
  • Thor
  • Avengers: Age of Ultron
  • Thor: The Dark World
  • Doctor Strange
  • The Avengers
  • Captain America: Civil War
  • Avengers: Infinity War
  • Thor: Ragnarok
  • Dark
  • -
  • -
  • N/A
  • Odin
  • unknown
  • Stanley
  • Laufey
  • Alex Fierro
  • Farbauti
  • Hel and Samirah al-Abbas
  • Sigyn
  • Fenris Wolf, Jormungand, Vali, Narfi, Unnamed demigod, and Sleipnir
  • 24
  • 140
  • 200
  • 319
  • 360
  • 362
  • 389
  • 407
  • 416
  • 427
  • 432
  • 436
  • 453
  • 455
  • 495
  • 498
  • 522
  • 580
  • 597
  • 620
  • 690
  • 710
  • 881
  • 1000
  • 1500
  • 1700
  • 13331
  • 17464
  • 20138
  • ???
  • Nerve
  • -
  • 2005-11-28
  • vierter
  • fourth
  • Strong
  • x
  • 10
  • 52
  • Loki
  • N/A
  • Myth Units
Eye Color
  • Light Blue
  • 17.800000
  • 178
Image File
  • Loki paintover.jpg
  • Loki.gif
  • Lokiwiki.png
  • Elbaf
  • Male
  • Asexual
  • Male Programming
  • Genderfluid
  • 0
  • Marine - Cão de Guerra
  • N/A
  • 503
  • 8096
  • 8107
  • 12041
  • 91119
  • 600026
  • ; No Image Male.jpg
  • (Ultimate Marvel Team-Up); No Image Male.jpg
  • (Marvel Universe TV Show); No Image Male.jpg
  • (Assemble!); Loki.png
  • ; Loki .png
  • Loki; No Image Male.jpg
  • Loki Odinson; Loki Odinson from Marvel's Avengers Assemble Season 2 3 001.jpg
  • #0b8d42
  • -
  • ロキ
  • złodzieje, oszustwa, morderstwa
  • "We did, but how can we be part of your Kin when we're not actually kin to you?"
  • 'Is there meaning in thy life?' Hahah... I can't wait to hear your answer.
  • My name is Loki... One who walks with me, let me ask,
  • That strange cat—what did Roach call him? Loki?—seemed as if he'd never had a fighting lesson in his whole life.
  • My name is Loki... If you are to walk with me, you must answer:
  • "Does your life have any meaning?". Heh... Your answer should be interesting...
  • 6.500000
  • 7
  • 9.500000
  • -
  • spd
  • hp
  • Farbauti and Laufey
  • -
  • Null
  • -
  • Masculino
  • Resist
  • Before 2525
Alter Ego
  • Alter Ego
  • 250
  • 68676
  • Shattered Sky, page 72
  • Príncipe
  • 20
wikipage disambiguates
  • Death
  • -
  • 1
  • 2
  • 14
  • 16
  • 86
  • 91
  • 98
  • 108
  • 113
  • 92
  • 101
  • Lost Word Void Ice
pc type
  • two
  • 0
  • -
  • Null:Charm, Weak:Poison/Bind
MAG Summon
  • 1722
  • 1881
  • -
  • Yes
special conversation
  • from Thor, Valkyrie and Odin
  • 10800.0
  • After 10 battles
  • 0
  • 148
  • 152
  • 164
  • 0
  • 61
  • 0
  • Weak
  • -
  • 100
  • 22
  • phys
  • holy
  • vile
  • tyrant
  • asmodian 2
  • Phys x1-2, 1 enemy
  • Physical, one~two hits, one enemy
  • Ice
  • Wind
  • -
  • 13
  • Expert
  • Antes de 2525
  • Yes
  • Resist
  • int
  • mys
  • 1016
pc wage
  • 3000
atk g
  • 10010
Move Type
  • Flat
  • Walk
  • Whoa, did I push my luck too far? Oh well!
  • Ha... are you having fun playing with demons? See, you're the same as me...
hire from
  • Athlum
  • Resist
cost g
  • 87
  • 0
  • 57
  • 0
  • 15
  • 16
  • 24
  • 33
  • Febrero de 2525
  • Fire
  • Ice
  • All
  • Elec
  • No Fire
  • *Guardian of Freedom suit *SVDm-2 * Kora-919 * 20 .45 ACP Hydroshock * Hand radio * 1 F1 grenade * Random amounts of drugs, food and items
  • 200
  • -
  • 5
  • 7
  • 10
  • 15
Main Image Size
  • 300
  • 350
  • The name's Loki the Tyrant. When it comes to mischief, I am simply the best there is.
  • I'm Loki the Tyrant, leader of the frost giants. There a war on? I can join, right?
  • 48
  • 58
  • 77
  • Ragnarok\Fenrir
  • Blood Treaty
  • Tyranny
  • 79
  • 12
  • 16
  • 21
  • unbekannt
  • 97
  • 218
  • 310
  • 960
  • 14
  • 15
  • 19
guild type
  • union
Video Games
  • 6109
  • 12131
  • 13122
  • 30847
  • ; Loki Laufeyson from Marvel Future Fight 002.jpg
  • ; Loki Laufeyson from Marvel Heroes 001.jpg
  • ; Loki Laufeyson .jpg
  • Loki; No Image Male.jpg
  • ; Loki Laufeyson from Marvel Avengers Academy 004.png
  • (Marvel: Ultimate Alliance 3 (Trachodon56)); Loki_.jpg
  • -
  • 24
  • Sly
  • Calm
  • Prideful
def g
  • 10087
única aparición
  • Una Patada en el Asgard
  • Loki Strategic Cruiser
skill g lv
  • All allies' ATK 450% up / 15% chance
  • All allies' ATK 450% up / 20% chance
  • 400
soldiers g
  • 9510
  • 22
  • 9
Unknown Power
  • Assist-Type
  • #4fc362
  • black
  • Trickster
  • Ragnarok
  • 22
  • 8
  • 22
God Power
  • 22
  • X
Lugar de Origen
speaker f
  • Darktail
quote f
  • The blood that bonds cats to kin is nothing compared to the blood that a cat is prepared to spill to protect those around them. That means so much more, don't you think
  • Loptr or Hveðrungr
  • all
  • Agressifs, expantionnistes, destructeurs
  • Loki
  • __TOC__
  • Loki was a rogue Asgard scientist, who planned on finding a way to cure his species from the decay of their genome caused by their constant cloning. In 1984 his actions were discovered, and the Asgard High Council stripped him of his title, then banished him. After Colonel Jack O'Neill had downloaded the information from the Ancients Repository of knowledge into his brain, it had become clear to the Asgard that human biology had evolved to a point beyond the assumptions of the Asgard. After this information was shared with the entire Asgard population, Loki came to believe that O'Neill's DNA could prove to be the key to solving the Asgard's cloning problems. Four years after that, Loki got his chance. While the majority of the Asgard were searching for a new home after their previous home was destroyed by the Replicators, Loki came to Earth in order to do genetic research on O'Neill. In order to accomplish this Loki cloned O'Neill so he could study the original for a prolonged period of time without arousing suspicion of Stargate Command. However, due to a marker placed in O'Neill's DNA by the Asgard government, the clone stopped his rapid maturation in his teens, rather than becoming fully mature. After the cloned O'Neill remembered being abducted by the Asgard, the SGC suspected foul play and searched for a way to capture the unknown Asgard. While researching O'Neill's dream, they encountered more people who experienced the same situations as the Colonel. However, none of them ended up becoming younger. SG-1 developed a plan to capture the Asgard, and when Loki beamed up the young O'Neill, the clone was able to stun the Asgard with a Zat'nik'tel. Afterwards he beamed up his teammates, who discovered the Asgard's identity. Shortly thereafter, Thor arrived and revealed that Loki has been doing non-sanctioned experiments on humans for some time. Thor also reveals that the solution to their cloning problems that Loki was seeking in his study of O'Neill had already been explored thoroughly by Asgard scientists without success. A visibly angry Thor took Loki into custody, and his experiments appear to have come to a halt. It is unknown if Loki died along with the rest of the Asgard when they committed mass suicide, but it is quite likely. (SG1: "Fragile Balance")
  • LOKI is a host of Orange Lounge Radio. While he did not officially start as a host, he had a perfect attendance record for the first twenty episodes and has since been added as the show's third co-host. LOKI takes care of all of the technical aspects of the show. As well, he is an incredible Grand Theft Auto Player, regularly schooling his co-workers during their lunch break. Thanks to his job at a warehouse distribution company, he is able to give release dates or price drops for some games or systems before they are officially announced. Despite his longtime hatred of Apple, he recently acquired an iPod Touch and is now addicted. He also needs to update!!!
  • Loki was both a member of the Norse pantheon and a jötunn or giant. Loki was a shapeshifter who appeared in forms such as a salmon, mare, seal, a fly, and possibly an elderly woman. He was the son of Fárbauti and Laufey. He also had two siblings Helblindi and Býleistr. Loki's children included Hel, Fenrir, and Jörmungandr who he fathered with jötunn Angrboða. With his wife Sigyn, Loki fathered Narfi and/or Nari. Finally by stallion Svaðilfari, Loki gave birth in the form of a mare Sleipnir, Odin's eight-legged horse . Loki was responsible for the death of the god Baldr with a mistletoe arrow. As punishment, Loki was tied to a rock with the entrails of his own son with a serpent placed above him to drip venom on him for all eternity. His wife collected the venom into a bowl, but when she emptied the bowl after it was filled, Loki was left to writhe in pain from the venom falling onto him. Legend said this writhing caused earthquakes. During Ragnarök, Loki was foretold escape his bonds and to fight against the gods with the giant. He will encounter the god Heimdallr and they will kill each other in battle.
  • Loki is the crow who lives on board the Dream Chaser in a nest near the captain's quarters. He is a full grown male crow of average size and weight, with a keen curiosity and intelligence. He takes an acute interest in all activities that occur on his ship, and enjoys sitting on the exposed piping in the ceiling and voicing his opinions of such activities. He is playful by nature with the crew of the ship, and seems to enjoy spending time with most of them (some more than others), and also seems to enjoy music. Another hobby of his is finding unattended small items and stashing them in various hiding places he has around the ship. Captain Riddle spent a great deal time and energy befriending Loki, so Loki often humors the Captain by riding around on his shoulder. Much of Loki's history is unknown, but let's face it, he's a crow, so it's probably not that interesting.
  • Loki is a supervillain from the Marvel Universe, the brother of Thor & god of mischief. In Bakugan Avengers, Loki was turned into an Aquos Bakugan & is currently being used by Doctor Doom.
  • Loki (Korean: 로키) is the most powerful member of the Assassins Guild and one of the seven Assassins of the Cross. He is apparently totally devoid of emotions (though there is some debate on this topic) and has a hard time fathoming them in others.
  • Loki is one of the dolphins in the pod near Kahrain that takes care of Readis when he runs away from Paradise River.
  • Loki (ロキ Roki?) is a character introduced in Shinyaku Toaru Majutsu no Index. He is a member of GREMLIN, who is used as bait against the Anti-GREMLIN Alliance in their assault on the Sargasso of the North Sea.
  • After slaying the King of the Frost giants Laufey in battle, Odin found a small Asgardian-sized child hidden within the primary stronghold of the Frost Giants. The child was Loki, and Laufey kept him hidden from his people, ashamed of his son's small size. Odin took the boy because he showed strength when Odin slew his father in combat and raised him as his son alongside his biological son Thor. Throughout their childhood and into adolescence, Loki was resentful of the differences in which he and Thor were treated by the citizens of Asgard. The Asgardians valued great strength, tenacity, and bravery in battle above all things, and Loki was clearly inferior to his foster brother Thor in these areas. What he lacked in size and strength, however, he made up for in power and skill, particularly as a sorcerer.
  • [[Category:Breath of Fire III |Loki]][[Category:Breath of Fire III Residents|Loki]][[Category:Breath of Fire |Loki]][[Category:Breath of Fire II |Loki]][[Category:Breath of Fire III |Loki]][[Category:Breath of Fire IV |Loki]][[Category:Breath of Fire: Dragon Quarter |Loki]] Loki is a character within Breath of Fire III.
  • The Norse god of mischief and the primary antagonist of Valkyrie Profile, Loki is half-aesir, half-vanir. While allowed to live in Asgard, Loki is not held in high regard and constantly suspected of being up to no good. Odin and Freya sealed his power, Loki has an adult or vanir appearance once he obtains the Dragon Orb. The only Aesir he is seen associating with is Frei. Frei appears to honestly see Loki as a friend, and in the manga she is devastated when Loki turns against Odin. Loki secretly works to usurp power from Odin by stealing the Dragon Orb. He then murders Lucian, using him as a scapegoat for the orb's theft. After killing Odin's enemy, Surt, he goes on the offensive, killing Odin, and taking control of Asgard. A nihilist, his only wish is for the destruction of all life (due to disrespect and not being accepted by his blood races), and in the introduction to the final battle, uses his power to destroy Asgard and Midgard. However, Lenneth undoes the destruction, revealing her power of creation, and subsequently kills Loki. In the A Ending path of Valkyrie Profile: Lenneth, Loki is the final boss. In Valkyrie Profile: Covenant of the Plume, should the player use the Destiny Plume excessively early on, various scenes in Valhalla are shown. Of all the gods, Loki is the first to detect the unusual darkness emanating from Midgard due to Wylfred's tainting of the Plume, though Frei, whom he is with at the time, is oblivious. He remarks, before catching up with Frei, that if he can sense the power, then Freya may have already, and even if not, will very soon notice and most likely take action. Valkyrie Profile-Material Collection Artbook 093.jpg|Loki's Concept Art
  • Loki Stone is a Blue Mew that travels with his best friend Kyo Stone in Nuzlocke Zer0
  • Loki is the prince of Elbaf, who was once Lola's arranged fiance before she ran away.
  • Es el hermanastro de Thor y personaje de Lego Marvel Super Heroes. thumb
  • Battezzato col nome del dio dell'inganno della mitologia norrena, Loki era un'IA di sicurezza planetaria in servizio presso l'UNSC .
  • Loki is the Norse god of thievery and mischief. Although rarely mentioned in the books, Hiccup prayed to Loki when trying to steal a baby dragon. Also in between Dragons: Defenders of Berk and Dragons: Race to the Edge, Season 1, the twins dedicated their lives to Loki by pranking everyone on Berk.
  • Damien Katon (15 BBY - 15 ABY) was born to the aristocratic family Katon on Anaxes. Born to Roko and Sadrina Katon as the youngest of 10 children he is no stranger to competition, having had to fight for recognition in a family unit as large as his where his parents were both members of large families leaving him with 9 siblings and upwards of 30 cousins. The Katon estate on Anaxes, just outside the city of Pols Anaxes, was not small by any means allowing young Damien ample room to roam and explore growing up. His father, like his before him and his before him, was a career naval officer having served in the Republic Navy and then continued his service when it was the Imperial Navy. Growing up his father would regal him of stories of his exploits in the Outer Rim as a younger man chasing down pirates as a fighter pilot on the fringes. Starting early, the Katon family used their influence to get Damien year round classes in the Anaxes Citadel, as well as the occassional internship, starting at the age of 5. When he reached the age of 17 his family once again used their influence to help gain Damien early entrance into the Coruscanti Pilot Institute.
  • Volk: Organisation Zugehörigkeit Geschlecht Status Jahr Herkunft Ort Gebiet Mutter Vater Geschwister Partner Kinder Loki ist im nordgermanischen Volksglauben ein mythisches Wesen, das die Skalden zu einer Gestalt mit verschiedenem Grundton ausprägten, so wie die mittelhochdeutschen Dichter den Zwergenkönig Laurin. Der Stoff wurde aus den verschiedensten Quellen geschöpft: aus dem Volksglauben, aus der wandernden Märchendichtung und ebenso aus christlichen Teufelssagen.
  • Loki was a Planetary Security Artificial intelligence construct in service with the United Nations Space Command. He was stationed aboard the Phoenix-class colony ship, UNSC Skidbladnir until it landed on Harvest.
  • Loki es un mundo industrial situado en el Segmentum Pacificus.
  • Loki is a plump black tom with glossy fur.
  • Loki is a trickster god in Norse mythology.
  • Loki is the chaotic god of the Valkyrie pantheon.
  • Loki ist der Boss der Bösewichte.thumb|346px|Loki
  • Loki è un gigante e il principe di Erbaf.
  • Loki is a cruiser, part of the Ghost Fleet. Accompanying Battlestar Valkyrie in the First Cylon War.
  • In Halls of Lost Legends, the Ninja Turtles stumble upon a massive tower. Once inside, they run across a young sprite by the name of Locke. He tells the Turtles of the Hall, describing how myths and legends take on an actual existence upon belief, but when that belief does not continue, they are enshrined as statues in this place, with Locke as their curator. Locke says that the Turtles are there much too early, and that they should leave, lest they create great disturbance. Donatello seeks to investigate a reasonable explanation to this bizarre event, and runs into a room in the Hall labeled "Asgard". There, he sees Odin frozen in place, and realizes upon seeing the god's reflection in a shield (adorned with a turtle symbol), that he is crying. After saving his brothers from Cronus, Donatello reveals that he has deduced Locke's true identity, and uses the shield to reflect the sprite's true nature as Loki. Loki summons a quartet of beasts - Fideal, Cerberus, a Mantichora, and Grendel. The Turtles makes short work of these monsters, and Michelangelo stops Loki from summoning any more. Leonardo puts his katana to Loki's throat and forces him to release the legends frozen within the Halls. Merlin, freed from the curse, explains that Loki discovered this curse and froze all of the legends and intended to fill it with the less noble entities of myth, such as Cronus and the monsters he summoned. The legends used their last ounces of willpower to summon the Turtles to help them. Merlin then states that Loki was returned to his prison to await Ragnarok.
  • He is the current Pirate King... His bounty is currently unknown, but would indefinitely be higher than even Doflamingo's. The reason he does not have a bounty is because Freyja is the new Fleet Admiral of the Marines, after Sengoku's defeat. Anyone who knows Loki would know that even if he tries to trick people (Like the norse god I named him after), he wouldn't attack his sister. Not out of love, just because his sister has an ability (it is implied about her Devil Fruit) that would easily crush his own. Therefore Loki poses no threat to the Government. He even tried to prevent the Ouka Shichibukai Rebellion!
  • Not to be confused with Eris Discordia. Loki is a pagan Norse god who is often misunderstood and considered evil. A creature of chaos who helped develop Change Management and other interesting things. His influence is wide felt throughout the known world.
  • Loki – postać z panteonu nordyckich bóstw. Olbrzym, przez Odyna przyjęty w poczet Asów. Według podań miał dać początek "Zmierzchowi bogów" (Ragnarok). W literaturze wykorzystywany wielokrotnie, chociażby w twórczości Rogera Zelaznego, czy Neila Gaimana. W literaturze polskiej postać ta pojawia się między innymi u Marcina Mortki, Jarosława Grzędowicza i Jakuba Ćwieka. * Loki w twórczości Jakuba Ćwieka 30pxUwaga! To jest tylko zalążek artykułu. Jeśli możesz, [ rozbuduj go]. Kategoria:Zalążki artykułów
  • Loki is the being of mischief in Odinism. A son of the frost giants Fárbauti and Laufey, Loki is described as the "contriver of all fraud". Loki mixed freely with the gods for a long time, even becoming Odin's blood brother. Like Odin, Loki bears many names : Lie-Smith, Sly-God, Shape-Changer, Sly-One, Lopt, Sky Traveller, Sky Walker, Wizard Of Lies, and Loftur among others.
  • Loki Laufeyson is the son of Laufey, the ruler of the Frost Giants in Jotunheim. Shortly after his birth, Loki was abandoned and left to die. Found by the Asgardian king Odin, he was brought to Asgard and raised by him and his wife Frigga as an Asgardian prince, along with their biological son Thor. When he grew up, he became known as the "God of Mischief". When Loki learned the truth about his real father, he made a plan to force Odin to banish Thor so he could become next in line to the throne. Loki succeeded in his schemes and took the throne as Odin fell into the Odinsleep, however when the Warriors Three and Lady Sif attempted to return Thor home, Loki was forced to try and kill his brother. However, Thor returned from his exile on Earth and ended Loki's reign of terror. Lost in the darkest depths of the universe, Loki made a deal with The Other, a servant of the Mad Titan Thanos, who gave him a powerful Scepter and command over their army of the Chitauri to conquer Earth. Once he came to Midgard, Loki managed to take possession of the mystical Tesseract and used its power to build an army and caused the Chitauri Invasion, but he was ultimately defeated by a group of superheroes called the Avengers. Thor returned him to Asgard, where Odin condemned him to spend the rest of his life in prison as punishment for his crimes. However, when his mother Frigga was killed during the Sacking of Asgard, Loki was freed by Thor in order to defeat the Dark Elves and their leader, Malekith who desired to use the power of the Aether to transform the universe into eternal darkness. During the fight against the Dark Elves in Svartalfheim, Loki faked his death, and, unbeknownst to everyone in the Kingdom, returned to Asgard and successfully removed Odin from the throne, taking his place as King where he remained for several years. During his reign, Loki continued to rule Asgard by sending Lady Sif on missions of Earth to investigate the attacks of Lorelei and Vin-Tak.
  • Loki ist eine Minifigur aus der Baureihe Super Heroes und der Unterbaureihe Marvel. Die Minifigur ist 2012 erschienen.
  • The Loki, also known as the Spirits of Toranux, were a race of evil beings from Toranux who planned to destroy other races and rule the Polaris Galaxy.
  • There is little personal information available on the humanoid known primarily as Loki. What little knowledge we do have on him stems from his 5 years serving as a Captain of the Guard for the Royal House of Rannon. During this period, he served as the personal bodyguard of Rannon Crown Prince, Nathanial K'canse. Due to the expansionist nature of Rannon, and their former affiliation with The Sovereign Galactic Empire, it can be assumed that someone in Loki's position in this organization has a high degree of training. Loki, was connected to a series of unsolved assasinations and murder investigations that seemed to hint at an individual who could weild the mysterious power known as the Dark Side of the Force. However, no convictions or even indictments were brought up against Loki or anyone else involved in these cases. Loki's file has a noticeable abscence of entries after the well-publicized plague that wiped out the population of Rannon. For two years, it was assumed that he was among those who succombed to the virus. However, recently Loki has reappeared on the grid, most notably depositing a large sum of credits into the Independent Credit Union onboard the ever-in-motion pleasure liner, "Drifter's Paradise." At this time, it is unknown what affiliation Loki works with, though sources indicate that he has begun negotiations as a Private Security Contractor or Freelance Mercenary. Loki is known to be armed and it can be presumed that if provoked is dangerous. It is recommended that his movements and actions remain under regular survelliance. End Report.
  • Loki was a planet settled by humans during the Terran Confederacy expansion in the 21st and 22nd century. It was located about 200 light years Terra-wards in front of the Orion Nebula . Loki was not as badly hurt as most human planets during the Great Collapse when the Confederacy fell apart. It managed to maintain and rediscover most of the technological and scientific knowledge of the Confederacy and established the Loki Salvage Service to continue to scavenge ruins on other planets. However, c.a. AD 3240 a crises developed; the Service lost four scout ships beyond human explored space on the other side of the Orion Nebula. Erasmus Chang was ordered to discover what had happened to them.
  • Loki es un personaje de única aparición de la serie Las Macabras Aventuras de Billy y Mandy. Es el dios de las bromas, hijo de Odín y hermano de Thor. Es un vikingo bromista que reside en el Más Allá de Asgard.
  • Loki is the son of the Giants, Farbauti and Laufey, he also has two brothers Helblinde and Býleistr. Loki is known as the trickster God, he is not evil, nor is he good, he lived in Asgard even though he was from Jotunheim (the land of the giants). He loved to make trouble for anyone and everyone especially for the Gods and Goddesses in Asgard. Loki was both cunning and clever and he always came up with new ideas to annoy and bring people in the uttermost embarrassments. Loki just loved to prank people in all the ways he could think of as long as he thought it was funny. After he got someone in trouble with his pranks, he often saved them so he would look like the hero of the day. Loki was first married to the Jötunn Angrboða who gave birth to Hel, the Goddess of the grave, Jörmungandr, the Great Serpent who slays Thor during Ragnarök and Fenrir, the Wolf who bites off one of the hands of Tyr and who kills Óðinn during Ragnarok. Loki was also the Mother of Odin's horse, Sleipnir after shape-shifting into a mare and courting the stallion Svaðilfari, as is recounted in the tale of the fortification of Asgard. He then later marries the Goddess Sigyn and they have two sons whose names were Vali and the other son was variously rendered as either Narfi or Nari. Loki was said to have entered into a blood brotherhood with Odin, and whether it was this or his right that gave him access to Asgard is unknown. After Loki had been chased away by Thor for insulting all the Gods and Goddesses, Loki was then sought out and bound to a rock by the entrails of his son Narfi, who had been torn to pieces by his son, Vali, who had been transformed into a ravenous wolf. The faithful Sigyn kept watch over her husband, catching the poison from the serpent that Skadi placed over Loki's head. It was said that, when Sigyn left to empty the bowl, the poison would drip into Loki's eyes. His writhing from the pain caused earthquakes. He was chained until the day of Ragnarök, the end of the Gods, where he will fight amongst the Jotnar and face Heimdallr. Upon the field of Vígríðr, the two will slay each other.
  • Loki is Malygos's most recently acquired servant. A Devil from an unknown planet, Loki serves Malygos only out of a sense of debt - Malygos saved Loki's planet once from a purge, and, as a result, Loki serves Malygos for the time being. At the moment, he serves as Malygos's 'beatstick' - when direct force is needed, Loki is called. Loki's greatest love is carnage in all its forms. Seeing destruction and pain as the highest art forms, Loki utilizes both to the extreme. His second love, however, is a good fight, and will often handicap himself to give himself a true challenge when fighting. As a Devil, Loki posesses high levels of control over fire, lightning, and earth, though it is unknown whether this is magical or elemental in nature. In addition, Loki has some control of what is known as "Chaos Energy" - energy in the form of pure entropy. Loki is currently the only being to have any sort of mastery over Chaos Energy. When fighting, Loki cares not for his own safety, indeed, he considers any fight without some buildings, or whatever else the scenery is, getting destroyed by fire and force to be rather dull. Shooting lightning, fire, and destroying the ground whenever he can, he only resorts to Chaos Energy when he is really challenged to his full extent. Recently he has gained some respect with Namah, due to her ability to stand toe-to-toe with him in a fight.
  • Loki (właściwie Loki Laufeyson) - fikcyjna postać, geniusz zła, który pojawia się w komiksach wydanych przez Marvel Comics. Jego postać opiera się na istocie o tej samej nazwie z mitologii nordyckiej. Postać pojawiła się w Venus # 6 (sierpień 1949) oraz w nowoczesnym dniu w Podróż do tajemnicy # 85 (październik 1962). Postać została stworzona przez Stana Lee, Larry'ego Lieber'a oraz Jack'a Kirby'ego. Loki pojawił się w kilku trwających serii, serii Limited i alternatywnej rzeczywistości, w tym jego własnej 4-emisyjnej serii Loki (2004).
  • Loki is a senior officer of the crew Odin's Demise and a member of the flag The Usual Suspects. Image:Pirate.png Arr! This article about a pirate in Puzzle Pirates be a stub. Ye can help YPPedia by [ expanding it].
  • Loki is the leader of the Freedom detachment stationed in Yanov in S.T.A.L.K.E.R.: Call of Pripyat.
  • Loki var en skurk Asgard vetenskapsman, som planerade på att hitta ett sätt att bota hans art från sönderfallet av deras arvsmassa som orsakas av deras ständiga kloning. Omkring 1985, var hans agerande upptäcktes, och Asgard Högsta Rådet slet av honom titeln. Efter Överste Jack O'Neill hade hämtat informationen från De gamla arkivet av kunskap i hans hjärna, stod det klart att Asgard att mänskliga biologi hade utvecklats till en punkt bortom antaganden Asgard. Efter denna information delas med hela Asgard befolkningen, kom Loki att tro att O'Neills DNA kan visa sig vara nyckeln till att lösa Asgards kloning problem. Fyra år efter det fick Loki sin chans. Medan majoriteten av Asgard letade efter ett nytt hem efter att deras tidigare hem förstördes av Replikatorerna, kom Loki till Jorden för att göra genetisk forskning på O'Neill. För att uppnå detta Loki klonade O'Neill så att han kunde studera den ursprungliga under en längre tid utan att väcka misstanke om SGC. På grund av en markör placeras i O'Neills DNA genom Asgard regeringen stoppade klona hans snabba mognaden i tonåren, snarare än att bli helt mogna. Efter klonade O'Neill ihågkommen rövas bort av Asgard, Stargate Command misstänkt bedrägeri och sökte efter ett sätt att fånga det okända Asgard. Även forskning O'Neill dröm mötte de fler som upplevt samma situationer som Översten. Dock slutade ingen av dem att bli yngre. SG-1 har utarbetat en plan för att fånga Asgard, och när Loki strålade upp den unga O'Neill var klonen kunde bedöva Asgard med en Zat'nik'tel. Efteråt han strålade upp sina lagkamrater, som upptäckte Asgard identitet. Kort därefter Thor kom och visade att Loki har gjort icke-sanktionerade experiment på människor under en tid. En synbart arg Thor tog Loki i förvar, och hans experiment tycks ha avstannat. Det är okänt om Loki dog tillsammans med resten av Asgard när de begick massa självmord (SG1: "Fragile Balance", "Unending")
  • Loki is the fourth World Boss to appear in Mushroom Kingdom Fusion. The Mushroom Kingdom Coalition will face Loki in The Demon Realm.
  • Loki es una Inteligencia Aritficial del UNSC. Estaba a cargo de la Nave Colonial Clase-Phoenix UNSC Skidbladnir hasta que aterrizó en Harvest y fue desmantelada.
  • Loki ist eine Gottheit aus der nordischen Mythologie und ein geringerer Antagonist der Turtles in den Mirage Comics.
  • A failure in the eyes of his father Odin, Loki desperately seeks his fathers approval but is constantly falling short due to his like of leisure and fun. As such Loki has been seeking his mask for what is likely centuries.and he would be ruler of all the whole entire everything,reality,existence and universe and there will be nothing no ruled by him
  • thumb|LokiLoki est une petite planète tellurique sans grand intérêt. La glace recouvre largement un de ses hémisphères et l'autre compte surtout des plateaux basaltiques aux reliefs abrupts. Ce terrain varié et rude suggère qu'un ancien cataclysme a causé d'importants dégâts sur la planète. Avec un périgée de 6.5 UA et un apogée de 7.1 UA, l'orbite elliptique atypique de Loki donne du crédit à cette hypothèse. Sous la couche de glace de Loki se trouve un réseau de tunnels d'origine naturelle qui pourrait être utile aux forces de l'Alliance pendant leur retraite. Néanmoins, tout organique qui s'y cacherait serait en danger car l'atmosphère de Loki est inhospitalière et les capteurs des Moissonneurs restent efficaces. * Demi-grand axe : 6.8 UA * Période de révolution : 17.8 année terrestre * Rayon : 3 630 km * Période de rotation : 61.3 heures terrestres * Pression atmosphérique : 0.2 atm * Température en surface : -135°C * Pesanteur en surface : 0.22 g
  • Loki es un personaje imposible de encontrar y fue protagonista en Superhero Party. La historia real de este villano es que es el hermano de Thor y siempre se ha sentido en la sombra de Thor, aparece en el "escuadrón de Superhéroes" y "Los Vengadores" (la serie).
  • Les Loki, aussi appelés Toranux ou esprits Toranux, sont des êtres maléfiques originaires de la planète Toranux, aujourd'hui détruite à cause de la dangerosité de ces habitants. Tantôt décrits comme des esprits, tantôt comme des êtres protomorphiques, les lokis ont le pouvoir de contrôler les autres êtres vivants, mais ils ne peuvent pas contrôler les plus gros d'entre eux. De plus, ils ne peuvent pas survivre hors d'un corps. Les lokis semblent également pouvoir se cacher dans les roches de leur propre planète, dont ils se servent comme vaisseaux. Après la destruction de Toranux par Bagogg, un Guerrier Cragmite leur chef tenta de faire renaître sa race en ramenant les pires prédateurs de Polaris sur Magnus, où il s'est écrasé, et de les contrôler à l'aide d'un extracteur protomorphique, mais il échoua.
  • Loki ist der Sohn von Crach an Craite mit einer seiner Mätressen. Loki ist außergewöhnlich groß. Gemeinsam mit seinem Bruder Ragnar und seinem Vater war er zur Hochzeit von Geralt und Yennefer auf Schloss Montsalvat eingeladen. Die Hochzeit findet in der der Kurzgeschichte "Etwas endet, etwas beginnt" ("Coś się kończy, coś się zaczyna") statt. Diese Kurzgeschichte steht in keinem Zusammenhang mit der Geralt-Saga.
  • A tricky devil, the Loki's arc can make quick work out of a lot of planes, and it's roomy enough to upgrade and hold a couple of crew. With a little work, this guy can turn into a speeding bullet shooting other smaller bullets. Trust me. It's fun!
  • Loki is the Norse god of mischief, as well as of fire. He is the son of two giants, Fárbauti ("cruel striker") and Laufey (or Nál which means "needle", implying that she was skinny and weak.). His two brothers (who were to be beside him in Ragnarök) are Býleistr (bee-lighting) and Helblindi (All blind or hel-blinder). He is referred to as the blood-brother of Odin. Loki becomes harbinger of Ragnarök and the father of the three chaos monsters: Fenrir, Jörmungandr, and Hel. Loki's mischief and intellect is not to be underestimated, as he is ultimately although indirectly responsible for the deaths of Baldr and Thor, which were caused by Höðr and Jörmungandr (respectively).
  • It's been awhile since I've lived in a beautiful house such as this. The old wooden structure was that of an old German style home from the 1800's. I just loved the style of these homes. There was something just so alluring about it, almost… reminiscent. I dislike moving very much, but, due to certain circumstances, I have to continually be on the move from home to home, wondering around as if I'm a weary and lost soul. I quickly gathered my things and headed in, and once inside, I could see that the furniture was placed just the way I liked. How odd. I don't remember telling the movers I wanted things set up. Without pondering too hard on it, I made my way to the bedroom upstairs. The day was fading and my body needed its rest. As I shut my eyes, I felt the soft tugging of the sheets as my cat jumped on the bed to join me. Loki was an odd cat. He just sat there and stared at me constantly. Never moving or budging really, occasionally he'd run from me or hiss, otherwise, he just watched. Sometimes, I found it quite hard to sleep with his yellow eyes watching me from the distance, but I loved him all the same, so I just turned to my side. On the desk was an unfamiliar set of silver keys, ones that more then likely were left behind by the movers. Oh well, I'd just return them in the morning. As the dawn of the next day arrived I sat up and stretched, letting out a big yawn. My eyes drifted back to the stand only to see that the keys from the night before were, in fact, missing. I got up and looked around wondering if they had fallen down as I slept. I then turned to see that in the door way Loki was standing there staring at me, watching. I walked towards him but he hissed once again and darted down the hallway. I heard the front door open and quickly went to check it out. Had the movers returned for their keys after all? But wait, I didn't give them a key. I peered around the corner to see an unknown pale woman entering my house. I called out to her, "Who are you? This is my house!" She looked up momentarily but then bent down to pick Loki up. Had she not heard me? I moved into the open and yelled even louder, "Leave my house!" It was as if she couldn't see or hear me though. She didn't respond so I did what I could and picked up the nearest object, a vase, and threw it. That got her attention! She stopped dead, then took a deep breath in. There in her arms, Loki was staring as he always had. She proceeded to make herself comfortable in the house, as if she owned the place. She walked around me as if I wasn't even here. I was beginning to wonder if she was even real or just a figment of my imagination. After awhile, I treated her like she wasn't even there and we seemed to co-exist in a decent way. She wasn't a bad roommate, she kept to herself mainly and left my stuff alone. Then, one day she decided to go into my room, without even asking, and touch my things. She moved my furniture around and put my things in the attic. I can stand a lot of things, but touching my things was one thing I just couldn't handle. As a good roommate, I walked over to her and proceeded to try to reason with her. She didn't listen at all though. When she was gone I went to the attic and grabbed my things, placing them back in my room. Everything had a specific order and I would not let her ruin it. When she returned home she came back into my room and stopped dead in her tracks once again. "It's time for you to leave." She, as always, ignored me. As she began to move my things once again, I yelled and yelled for her to stop, but no answer. So, completely enraged at being ignored by a figment of my own imagination, I decided it was time to get rid of my 'invisible friend'. I grabbed my lamp and hit her over and over again. There in the doorway Loki watched. He knew how I got about my things. He shouldn't judge me so harshly. I knelt down next to her body and realized she had stopped breathing. "That's better." I smiled, then picked her up and took her downstairs, and placed her laying down on the couch where she'd wake up in a few hours. I went to the kitchen to clean up a little bit, wondering what I should do for now. I went back to the living room and she was gone, I guess she was just a figment of my imagination. As I passed the mirror in the hall I stopped in sheer horror. The face looking back at me was none other then my roommate's face, pale skin and all. I screamed in terror and ran, I ran for a long time outside. As dawn arrived once again I decided to look for a new home. Before the end of the day I found the perfect house, one where I could get a new start away from the horror of the old home I had just come from. The old wooden structure was that of an old German style home from the 1800's. I just loved the style of these homes. There was something just so alluring about it, almost...reminiscent. I dislike moving very much, but, due to certain circumstances, I have to continually be on the move from home to home, wondering around as if I'm a weary and lost soul. And there, sitting inside the door, was Loki. Sitting and staring at me, as if to welcome me home.
  • thumbLoki est un loup présent dans Warcraft III, dans la prison d'Illidan Hurlorage. Ce loup est nommé et présent à côté de deux unités offensives Elfes de la nuit. Il est libéré par Tyrande Murmevent. Loki est le nom d'un dieu dans la mythologie scandinave. Son fils Fenrir était un loup gigantesque.
  • Loki is a trickster Jötunn and ex-honorary Norse god, and an enemy of Magnus Chase. While treated as a nominal member of the Aesir tribe, he was known to switch his allegiance often and was destined to ultimately side with the Jötnar and lead them against the gods. Loki is the father of Hel, Lady of the Dead, Jormungand, the World Serpent, Fenris, the Wolf, and Samirah al-Abbas, and is the mother of Sleipnir and Alex Fierro.
  • Loki is a major god of the Norse in Age of Mythology.
  • The fight with the Spy is one of the hardest of the game and is more of a puzzle then an a common fight. The best strategy is to explore environment for power-ups and serums, don't touch spiked walls, and kick Loki into fire pits (position yourself so a blowing drum would be behind you, so Loki can't kick you off your position, and kick him into the pit that should be two squares in front of you).
  • Loki is the Asgardian god of mischief, cunning and wit. Loki formed a pact with a force of darkness (presumably Dahak) to bring about the three tragedies that would herald Ragnarok. Loki who stole the Book of Fate from the Norn and painted a future in which Balder was dead (first tragedy). He also painted the defeat of Thor at the hands of a demigod (second tragedy). He then created a mask and gave it to his father Odin, leaving him blind (the third tragedy). He has resentment towards his family (especially his parents), because has he lived under the shadows of his brothers.
  • Loki ist eine kleine terrestrische Welt, auf der es wenig zu sehen gibt. Eine Hemisphäre ist komplett von einer Eisschicht überzogen, die andere von einem zerklüfteten Hochland aus Basaltgestein. Das raue, verschiedenartige Terrain lässt auf eine Urzeit-Katastrophe schließen, die der Welt nachhaltige Schäden zugefügt hat. Dies wird dem Anschein nach noch von einer ungewöhnlichen elliptischen Umlaufbahn untermauert, die 6,5 AE in Planetennähe und 7,1 AE auf ihrem Höhepunkt erreicht. Tiefenscans der Eisschicht haben ein unterirdisches Netzwerk aus kreuz und quer verlaufenden Tunneln zum Vorschein gebracht. Da einige dieser Tunnel überraschend gleichmäßig in Form und Größe waren, suchten frühe Forschungstrupps nach Beweisen für Ausgrabungen. Man kam schließlich zu dem Ergebnis, dass sie das Ergebnis natürlicher Prozesse seien. Lokis dünne Atmosphäre besteht maßgeblich aus Krypton und Xenon. Wenn der Planet sich dem Perigäum nähert, können gefrorene Schwefeltrioxide in den Wolken der Hemisphäre verdampfen, die Richtung Asgard zeigt.
  • Loki was a one-eared husky that joined Indiana Jones in his search for Angus Starbuck across Far East Asia. → This article is a stub. You can help us by adding to it. Check out the talk page for hints on what needs to be done.
  • Loki es un rebelde científico Asgard que planeó encontrar una manera de curar a su especie del decaimiento de su genoma causó por su clonación constante. Alrededor de 1985, sus acciones fueron descubiertas, y el Alto Consejo Asgard lo despojó de su título. Mientras la mayoría de los Asgard estaban buscando un nuevo mundo después de que su mundo anterior fuera destruido por los Replicantes, Loki vino a la Tierra para hacer una investigación genética con el Coronel Jack O'Neill. Para lograr esto, Loki clonó al Coronel O'Neill para poder estudiar al original durante un período de tiempo prolongado sin despertar sospecha del SGC. El clon detuvo su maduración rápida en la adolescencia, en lugar de volverse totalmente maduro. Cuando el O'Neil duplicado tenía los sueños sobre un Asgard que estaba de pie encima de él, el SGC sospechó y buscó una manera de capturar al Asgard desconocido. Investigando el sueño de O'Neill, encontraron a más personas que experimentaron las mismas situaciones como el Coronel. Sin embargo, ninguno de ellos terminó más joven. El SG-1 desarrolló un plan para capturar al Asgard, y cuando Loki teletransportó al joven O'Neill a su nave, el clon pudo aturdir al Asgard con una Zat. Después descubrieron la identidad del Asgard . Brevemente después de esto Thor llegó y reveló que Loki habia estado haciendo experimentos no autorizados en los humanos durante algún tiempo. Loki fue capturado por Thor, y dejó sus experimentos. Categoría:Stargate SG-1 Categoría:Asgard Categoría:Stargate
  • Loki is the Norse God of Mischief,Sex and Lust and is worshiped by many followers of the Old Ways throughout England, especially in association with the Wolves of Sherwood, a criminal organization from throughout the Kingdom of England's history. This has made worship of Loki in the Kingdom of England normally be associated with mischievous activities, which the Wolves of Sherwood historically amounted to conspiracy and revolts, alongside robberies and assassinations. This has painted this original figurepiece of the Old Ways in a provocative light. There are multiple peaceful churches of the Old Ways not associated with such organizations or activites, however.
  • Ferruccio Maria Castiglioni y Maracios, detto "Loco" o semplicemente "Loki" (ロキ Lōki?, lett. "l'uomo che burlava la gente"), è la divinità nordica dell'astuzia e degli inganni, nonché santo protettore della supercazzola e primo conduttore di Scherzi a parte. Nei popoli scandinavi l'astio ed il timore nei confronti di tale divinità era tale da indurli a credere che sotto ogni botta di sfiga si celasse immancabilmente lo zampino di Loki, o semplicemente i re adoravano dare la colpa a lui quando il debito pubblico era alto come il picco dell'Everest. Secondo i miti Loki era una divinità ermafrodita, quindi probabilmente anche uno dei primi viados della storia, riuscendo persino nell'impresa di partorire un cavallo con otto zampe, ma soprattutto ad ingravidare un'orchessa prostituta facendogli dare alla luce tre terribili mostri, quali il Kraken, il Minotauro e Rita Levi Montalcini. È noto al grande pubblico anche per essere il regista del film cult "Burle", girato con la partecipazione dell'amico Bruno Liegi Bastonliegi.
  • Loki est le plus jeune des fils de Crach an Craite et d'une de ses concubines. Il ressemblait à un elfe gracile. Lui, son frère Ragnar et son père étaient tous invités au mariage de Geralt et Yennefer dans la nouvelle " Quelque chose s'achève, quelque chose commence ".
  • Mark Pizzorno(born 20 November 1981 in Glasgow, Scotland), better known by his ring name of Loki, is a member of the Pro Wrestling R4GE roster.
  • Loki es un dios travieso de la mitología nórdica, es hijo de los gigantes Farbauti y Laufey y tiene dos hermanos, Helblindi y Býleistr de los que poco se sabe. En las eddas es descrito como el "origen de todo fraude" y se mezcló con los dioses libremente llegando a ser considerado por Odín como su hermano hasta el asesinato de Baldr. Luego de esto los Æsir lo capturaron y le ataron a tres rocas. Se liberará de sus ataduras para luchar contra los dioses en el Ragnarök.
  • The Loki was an experimental terran battlecruiser. It was present at Valhalla when Raynor's Raiders raided the installation to steal the Odin.
  • Loki was the name given to a G-type star near the Romulan Neutral Zone, orbited by the planet Obsidian. In the late 23rd century, Loki entered a period of increased flare and radiation activity, exacerbating the already difficult living conditions for the natives of Obsidian. This increased output prompted Obsidian to seek out Federation assistance in the 2290s. (TOS novel: Vulcan's Forge)
  • Loki (pronounced Lo-kai) is a fierce and loyal warrior demon and friend to Diabolico (to whom Loki gave a spider/scorpion-shaped amulet to as a token of their millennia-long friendship) and Vypra. He serves as the dumb muscle of the demons, and was considered expendable by Bansheera despite his loyalty. When Diabolico was destroyed for the first time, Loki and Vypra were anguished by his death and considered the newly matured Olympius as a mere child who would not make a suitable leader. After losing favor with his mother, Olympius discovered that Bansheera considered making Vypra and Loki the new second in command and plotted to eliminate them by having Vilevine bury them alive. The two managed to survive and escape to where the demons were first imprisoned and brought Diabolico back to life to help get rid of Olympius. In a plan to destroy the Power Rangers, Bansheera telepathically took control of Diabolico's body and forced him to use Loki's bazooka to take aim at the Rangers, an act that would also risk harming Loki. The Rangers managed to survive the blast, but Loki was fatally wounded and died in Diabolico's arms, his body exploding and reduced to ash in the typical way monsters were destroyed. Diabolico swore to avenge Loki's demise at the hands of Queen Bansheera. The monsters Loki created were mainly earth-elemental, including Quakemon and Elestomp. In battle, Loki normally used a two-pronged staff as his weapon, but in "The Wrath of the Queen", the final episode he appeared in, he used a bazooka that was in the shape of a dragon's head. Loki could also expel electricity from his eyes. Loki also knows hand-to-hand combat.
  • Loki is the son of Crach an Craite and one of his concubines. He is exceptionally large. He, his brother Ragnar and his father were all guests at Geralt and Yennefer's wedding in the short story "Coś się kończy, coś się zaczyna".
  • Loki is the Evil God from Norse mythology and the main antagonist in Volume 7 of the light novels. In the anime, Loki is the main antagonist of High School DxD BorN.
  • Loki was freed from his punishment (having a snake drop venom in his face) by Odin, so he could accompany Odin and Thor to the Dreaming in order to petition for key to Hell as a way of avoiding Ragnarok. Loki tried to escape by posing as another god. Dream, however, was not fooled. He let Loki go, but Loki would owe him a favor. Loki, however, being the creature he is, helped Puck kidnap Daniel Hall, which led to Lyta's revenge and Dream's eventual destruction. The Corinthian in his new manifestation, broke Loki's neck and took his eyes. Shamed he begged for death, but the Corinthian refused to kill him. Odin and Thor then recaptured Loki, who tried to convince the Aesir that he had been captured by Dream. Odin scoffed at such notions and had Thor carry him back to his punishment. Loki tried to goad Thor into killing him by revealing that he has slept with Thor's wife, Odin, however, stops him. Loki's wife, Sigyn, loyally stays with her husband despite his obvious disinterest in her.
  • Loki was a male Garudan who lived on his homeworld during the time the Invid had occupied it. In that time, he became part of the resistance forces that fought for control of the planet Garuda. During one of these raids, he was captured and placed within the labor camps. On this occasion, he met Kami who was a fellow Garudan and member of the Sentinels who brought his allies to liberate the planet. The pair were being escorted to the labor camp where Loki told Kami not to worry as his friends would rescue them whereupon they would rejoin the fight. When the Invid guard attempted to silence them, the Garudan freedom fighters emerged where they freed the captive slaves who rejoined the fight to free their homeworld.
  • Loki fue un lobo que se encontraba prisionero en las prisiones de los túmulos subterráneos junto a varias elfas nocturnas, cuyas prisiones guardaban las Vigilantes, y que Tyrande Whisperwind y sus guerreras liberaron junto a las demás prisioneras mientras buscaban a Illidan Stormrage para que las ayude contra la Legión de Fuego. Luego de liberar al cazador de demonios, no se le ve ni en Un destino de llamas y desolación ni en El crepúsculo de los dioses. Se desconoce su estado y localización actual, pero se sospecha que sigue en los bosques de Felwood, aún siendo un amigo de las Centinelas. Categoría:Centinelas Categoría:Lobos Categoría:Felwood
  • Loki (ロキ, Roki) serves as the right hand of Drbal, thereby making him an antagonist in The Heated Battle of the Gods
  • Loki is a playable character from Heroes of Mana as well as NPC in Seiken Densetsu 3. He is the father of Duran and also a good friend of King Richard.
  • Loki (レキ, Reki) is one of the four possible Guardian Beasts in the game Summon Night: Swordcraft Story 2. He is a brash young demon who is constantly trying to make himself stronger through combat. He has an abundance of self-confidence – perhaps too much – and violence is almost always his first (and only) option. He sees himself as the player's protector and strives to improve his sword skills at every turn. Loki is from the Oni Realm of Silturn. His Element is Fire.
  • Loki is a character in Chronicles of the Sword. He is found in Chronicle 3 and was a brigand under Chester's command, he even seems to be his second. In Soulcalibur IV he appears in the Tower of Lost Souls in the ascend and descend modes.
  • Loki is the name of a trickster god in Viking mythology. His son, Fenrisulfr, was a wolf so large that his lower jaw touched the underworld when his upper jaw touched the sky.
  • Loki (based on the norse mythological god. See Loki) is the main villain in Testimonial Midgard during episodes 1 to 6. He is the administrator and founder of the KTBPU Project. He typically resides within the Midgard Core exclusively. Loki often seems troubled and spiteful on the occasions that players meet him. He tends to be mischievous in nature. His incarnation is Strider.
  • The Loki class tank destroyer is a light yet deadly Melconian combat vehicle. It is a highly stealthed, mobile 60mm Hellbore. It can mounted on a unarmored ground transport or counter grav lift rings. The Melconian advantage in stealth allowed them to evade even a Bolo's sensors and sneak into a flanking position where they could be truely deadly. Normally they only get off a few shots because once they revealed their position they were easy to take out. If they got into proper position they could easily destroy a tread or a turret. If they were lucky, they could take out a Bolo Mark XXXI .They were fast moving and could keep pace with all other melconian front line equipment.
  • Loki war eine "schlaue" KI des United Nations Space Command. Loki hatte die ONI-Spezifikation "Planetare Sicherheitsintelligenz" und war ursprünglich auf der Skidbladnir stationiert, diente zuletzt jedoch auf Harvest.
  • From Norse mythology. Depending on whom you ask, he's an aesir, a jotun or both. A trickster god, he starts out as at least on the side of the aesir, but crosses the line when he engineers Baldr's death. He eventually leads the armies of the jotun during Ragnarok.
  • Loki (ロキ, Roki) is a Level 64 Persona of the Fool Arcana. It can be obtained by maximizing the Fool Arcana Social Link. Loki inherits "Ice" skills from other Persona in fusions.
  • Satellites Location: Milky Way / Exodus Cluster / Asgard System / Fourth planet Prerequisite: Bring Down the Sky (Mass Effect)
  • thumb|left|200px|Symbol Lokiego Nordycki bóg oszustw i konfliktu. Ojciec wielu nordyckich potworów ( wilka Fenrisa) oraz mniejszych bogów (np. Hel). Jako syn Odyna, oraz przez pewne zasługi w przeszłości, jest tolerowany przez innych nordyckich bogów; mają oni jednak świadomość, że Loki ich zdradzi dla olbrzymów. W charakterze wykazuje znaczne cechy demoniczne, chociaż z nimi samymi nie współpracował. Wspiera tylko chaotycznych czcicieli. Ich stosunek do kwestii dobra i zła jest mu obojętny. Najczęściej daje im umiejętności złodziei.
  • Fun to play with, horrible to play against, most leaders would rather see a berserker horde wander into their lands than the clown prince. Loki acts as a Gypsy Wagon, lowering the culture and gold of any city he is in (except his own civilization's), but Loki's also causes unrest in the cities he occupies and can flip them to the Balseraphs if their culture gets low enough. Loki can investigate cities and has effective spells for charming and confusing enemy units, but his most frustrating ability is that he is the most difficult unit in the game to kill. When attacked he simply runs away to any open tiles around him. Loki must be cornered or completly surrounded before he can be killed in combat.
  • Loki is the God of Fire and Mischief of the Asgardian Pantheon and the nemesis of his brother, Thor. He is the son of Odin and the father of Hel. He is depicted as being less pretentious than Thor. Despite being the God of Mischief, Loki is depicted as having a much more serious personality than Thor, playing the straight man to Thor's frat boy buffoonery, as shown when the Gods are trapping the Snarl. File:ThorVsLoki.png He is the patron of Hilgya Firehelm, formerly of the Linear Guild, of the unnamed human cleric in Greysky City who removed the Greater Mark of Justice from Belkar and his own High Priest. During the Godsmoot, Loki was the first to speak against preemptively destroying the Earth, opposing Heimdall's advice.
  • File:Izanami Ball.png Impossibles/Colossals: File:FireIcon.png Fire: Roc File:WaterIcon.png Water: File:WoodIcon.png Wood: File:LightIcon.png Light: Orochimaru | Vishnu | Bright Blight File:DarkIcon.png Dark: Slash File:Scroll.png Tower: File:S++.png Temple: Fire (Time) | Fire (Carnage) | Water (Time) | Wood (Carnage) | Light (Time)
  • The real classification of the Loki Mech is questionable. In many ways it is considered a Medium Mech, due to the sets of weapons it carries. The weapon set on the Loki is lesser than that seen in other Heavy Mechs, but seem more similar something that would be found on a Medium Mech in addition, this Mech has Null-Signature which is seen more commonly on lighter class Mechs. On the other side of the argument, the Loki is considered a Heavy Mech because of it's weight and armor, and top speed, which infact makes it similar to that of the Thor and Summoner, both of which are classed as Heavy Mechs.
  • Loki is a fictional competitor robot in the game Robot Wars: Arenas of Destruction. It is a lightweight class robot with a low dome-shaped body. Its weapons are a pair of lifting forks and it is armoured in polycarbonate. It cannot self-right.
  • Loki è uno dei Guerrieri Divini del secondo film, fedeli al Sommo Sacerdote Dolvar . A differenza dei suoi compagni sembra essere l'unico (escludendo Midgard, ossia Hyoga sotto controllo mentale) pienamente partecipe dei piani del sacerdote e ad appoggiarli. Appare per la prima volta in veste non da Cavaliere durante la visita di Lady Isabel al palazzo del Valhalla. Si dimostra subito minaccioso, mostrando un cosmo potente che prende di sorpresa Pegasus, ma il sacerdote Dolvar lo ammonisce, invitandolo ad essere più cortese con gli ospiti. In seguito si scontra contro Pegasus, in una battaglia che sembra essere inizialmente a suo vantaggio, per poi essere sconfitto dal ragazzo, che lo abbatte usando prima il Fulmine di Pegasus seguito poi dalla Spirale di Pegasus, distruggendogli l'armatura. Pegasus, con Loki a terra ormai morente, afferma che avevano entrambi la stessa forza ma che ha perso perché combatteva per una causa sbagliata. Il suo nome deriva dall'omonimo dio nordico.
  • Like all Nordic gods Loki has a huge lifespan and could live for at least 3,000 years. He prolongs his life, however, just like the other gods by regularly eating apples of Idun to stay forever young. Loki is a master shape-shifter and uses this power to confuse, trick and anger humans and gods alike. Due to his heritage Lokis strength and stamina is superior to most other gods. as norse a god, it is not unreasonable to assume he could pretty much do almost anything he desired - though he would not have anything like the power of a god such as Odin His mastery of magic is unmatched except against Odin and Freya.
  • thumb|Vangittu Loki ja hänen vaimonsa.Loki (myös Lodur, Lodu, Loke oli skandinaavisessa mytologiassa jättiläissukuinen jumala. Loki teki paljon ilkeitä kepposia ja aiheutti aasoille paljon harmia kunnes aasat vangitsivät hänet. Hänen päänsä päälle laitettiin käärme joka pudottaa myrkkyä.
  • Loki (稲荷, Loki-sama) is a member of The Hakuri Pirates and is the newest member of Tousen’s Division. Loki was a former member of the Marines, nothing really special to him and his past life. But after defecting and murdering three different judges on the Judicial ships, after his secret was found out he went into hiding. For a number of years he worked as a shipwright on Galley-La, but shortly after Rob Lucci and others left. He decided to leave as well, and his journey eventually leads him to Demetrius and the rest of the hakuri crew. Loki has earned himself a pretty bounty as well, at File:Bsymbol10.gif200,000,000 for such crimes as the murder of three different judges on the judicial ships. For the destruction and stealing government property, becoming a member of Demetrius crew and participating in the attack on the priests. Along with his Devil Fruit the Loki Loki no Mi, loki sets out to cause and play as many tricks as he can. While also wanting to find one piece him and become the next king of the pirates. Having all of the world’s riches at his feet, when he finds it and starts his new era of piracy.
  • Loki is a former traitorous member of the Aesir who betrayed the other members of the Aesir by organizing Baldur's death and was subsequentially imprisoned. Freed by his secretly placed spies, he is now at large, planning his next onslaught against the Aesir with the Frost Giants. Loki is the main antagonist of the Too Human storyline. He is voiced by Robert Picardo.
  • Loki's relation with the gods varies by source. Loki sometimes assists the gods and sometimes causes problems for them. Loki is a shape shifter and in separate incidents he appears in the form of a salmon, mare, seal, a fly, and possibly an elderly woman. Loki's positive relations with the gods ends with his role in engineering the death of the god Baldr. Loki is eventually bound by the gods with the entrails of one of his sons. A serpent drips venom from above him that his wife Sigyn collects into a bowl. However, Sigyn must empty the bowl when it is full, and the venom that drips in the mean time causes Loki to writhe in pain, thereby causing earthquakes. With the onset of Ragnarök, Loki is foretold to slip free from his bonds and to fight against the gods among the forces of the jötnar, at which time he will encounter the god Heimdallr and the two will slay each other. Loki is attested in the Poetic Edda, compiled in the 13th century from earlier traditional sources; the Prose Edda and Heimskringla, written in the 13th century by Snorri Sturluson; the Norwegian Rune Poem, in the poetry of skalds, and in Scandinavian folklore. Loki may be depicted on the Snaptun Stone, the Kirkby Stephen Stone, and the Gosforth Cross. Loki's origins and role in Norse mythology have been much debated by scholars.
  • You can talk to him in front of the Union of the Golden Chalice guild in Virtus Parish in Athlum when hired to get his parameter bonus. Upon completion of The Villain and the Sightless Girl, his parameter bonus will be available.
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