  • 332
  • 332
  • 332
  • 332
  • El trescientos treinta y dos (332) es el número natural que sigue al 331 y precede al 333. Categoría:Números
  • 332 – linia autobusowa zwykła okresowa, która kursuje na trasie z Juranda ze Spychowa-Szkoła do Zaułka-Szkoła. Linię obsługuje ajent MobilisKategoria:Linie obsługiwane przez Mobilis.
  • At the Old House, Dr. Hoffman is ready to give Barnabas another treatment of her serum. But he angrily confronts her about her disloyalty and begins to throttle her. Barnabas only releases his grip once Julia admits that David was inside the house earlier that afternoon. She assures Barnabas that he wasn't in any danger of his secret being discovered. He informs her that he has taken measures to discredit David. But Julia reminds him that if anything should happen to either her or David, all of Collinsport will realize Willie Loomis is innocent. The only way Barnabas will truly be safe is if Julia completes her experiment to change him from vampire to human. Barnabas becomes melancholy; nothing must stop him from winning Victoria Winters as his bride. Julia assures him that she will do any
  • Zwischen Mike und Nadja kommt es zum Streit. Tief verletzt von Nadjas harten Worten zieht sich Mike zurück. Diana gelingt es, Mike einzuholen, doch leider nicht, ihn zu beruhigen. Alarmiert wird sie auf Mikes blaue Flecken und Verletzungen aufmerksam. Was ist mit Mike los? Noch ahnt niemand etwas von seinem gefährlichen, neuen Hobby. Als Deniz sich verständnislos von Roman abwendet, gibt Roman nach und geht auf Deniz zu, um sich zu versöhnen. Arglos verabschiedet Deniz sich kurz von der Silvesterparty bei Roman und findet Vanessa völlig aufgelöst vor. Deniz ist hin und hergerissen. Soll er seine beste Freundin trösten oder die Silvesternacht mit Roman verbringen? Beunruhigt wird Maximilian darauf aufmerksam, dass Lena und ihre Freunde mit dem Erfolg der Unterschriftenliste einen Triumph in
  • 332
  • 1967-09-19
  • 328
  • 1968
  • 1967-10-03
  • 332
  • Zwischen Mike und Nadja kommt es zum Streit. Tief verletzt von Nadjas harten Worten zieht sich Mike zurück. Diana gelingt es, Mike einzuholen, doch leider nicht, ihn zu beruhigen. Alarmiert wird sie auf Mikes blaue Flecken und Verletzungen aufmerksam. Was ist mit Mike los? Noch ahnt niemand etwas von seinem gefährlichen, neuen Hobby. Als Deniz sich verständnislos von Roman abwendet, gibt Roman nach und geht auf Deniz zu, um sich zu versöhnen. Arglos verabschiedet Deniz sich kurz von der Silvesterparty bei Roman und findet Vanessa völlig aufgelöst vor. Deniz ist hin und hergerissen. Soll er seine beste Freundin trösten oder die Silvesternacht mit Roman verbringen? Beunruhigt wird Maximilian darauf aufmerksam, dass Lena und ihre Freunde mit dem Erfolg der Unterschriftenliste einen Triumph in der Hinterhand halten. Um diesen aus dem Weg zu räumen, bricht er in das Loft ein und versucht, die Liste zu klauen. Dabei wird er von Lena erwischt. Maximilian gibt vor, Sehnsucht nach Lena zu haben. Wird Lena erneut schwach?
  • El trescientos treinta y dos (332) es el número natural que sigue al 331 y precede al 333. Categoría:Números
  • At the Old House, Dr. Hoffman is ready to give Barnabas another treatment of her serum. But he angrily confronts her about her disloyalty and begins to throttle her. Barnabas only releases his grip once Julia admits that David was inside the house earlier that afternoon. She assures Barnabas that he wasn't in any danger of his secret being discovered. He informs her that he has taken measures to discredit David. But Julia reminds him that if anything should happen to either her or David, all of Collinsport will realize Willie Loomis is innocent. The only way Barnabas will truly be safe is if Julia completes her experiment to change him from vampire to human. Barnabas becomes melancholy; nothing must stop him from winning Victoria Winters as his bride. Julia assures him that she will do anything to protect Barnabas and herself. Calmed, Barnabas allows her to administer the injection. The next day, Julia learns from Roger of David's "hallucination" about being attacked by a large bat. She suggests sending the highly-strung and imaginative boy away to school, which Roger tells her was also Barnabas's idea. Julia is alarmed to learn that Roger divulged the details of David's nightmare to Barnabas. Outside the drawing room, David overhears their conversation and panics at the notion of being sent away from Collinwood. He determines to prove to everyone that there is something hidden in the Old House cellar. But David hears Sarah's voice warning him of danger and to stay away from the cellar. David, however, will not be dissuaded. He is carrying the toy soldier Sarah gave to him for protection, and he goes to steal Elizabeth's keys to the Old House. As David emerges into the foyer with the keys in his pocket, Vicki comes downstairs and wonders what he was doing in Elizabeth's study. He claims to have been searching for his aunt, and then shows Victoria the toy soldier when she asks what he was hiding in his pocket, which David claims to have found. Victoria suggests showing the toy solider to Julia, as the historian might be interested in it. But David gets upset at the idea and opts instead to go upstairs to his room and study. Joining Roger and Julia in the drawing room, Victoria tells them about David having found a toy solider. While they talk, David sneaks out of Collinwood. When Julia hears Victoria's description of the toy solider, she believes she came across something like it in an old Collins family history book. She decides to go upstairs and ask David about it. David has made his way to the Old House and uses his aunt's keys to open the front door. As he goes inside, he keeps the toy solider close at hand. Meanwhile, Julia returns to tell Victoria that David wasn't in his bedroom. She fears he might have gone to the Old House and offers to find him. Back at the Old House, David unlocks the door to the cellar just as the sun is beginning to set. Unbeknownst to David, Barnabas has just awakened and is rising from his coffin. As David investigates the cellar, he finds the open coffin...and Barnabas discovers him.
  • 332 – linia autobusowa zwykła okresowa, która kursuje na trasie z Juranda ze Spychowa-Szkoła do Zaułka-Szkoła. Linię obsługuje ajent MobilisKategoria:Linie obsługiwane przez Mobilis.
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