  • World's Edge Mountains
  • The World's Edge Mountains (also spelled in many sources as the Worlds Edge Mountains) are the greatest range of mountains in the world, stretching out from the northern portion of the Old World and extending into the Southlands. Thus, they form a natural barrier between the Old World and the Dark Lands. In the distant past, the World's Edge Mountains were at the heart of the great Dwarven Empire of ancient days, and even now, many great Dwarven holds and fortresses may be found amidst this towering range of peaks.
  • The World's Edge Mountains are mountains that seperate eastern Taldor, and indeed Avistan from the Whistling Plains of Casmaron. It is divided into two long ranges, seperated by the Porthmos Gap.
  • The World's Edge Mountains (also spelled in many sources as the Worlds Edge Mountains) are the greatest range of mountains in the world, stretching out from the northern portion of the Old World and extending into the Southlands. Thus, they form a natural barrier between the Old World and the Dark Lands. In the distant past, the World's Edge Mountains were at the heart of the great Dwarven Empire of ancient days, and even now, many great Dwarven holds and fortresses may be found amidst this towering range of peaks.
  • The World's Edge Mountains are mountains that seperate eastern Taldor, and indeed Avistan from the Whistling Plains of Casmaron. It is divided into two long ranges, seperated by the Porthmos Gap.
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