  • Mutagen (2003 TV series)
  • In the 2003 animated series, the mutagen was created by the Utroms while they were trying to create a Teleportal machine that will allow them to escape Earth back to their homeland after they crash-landed on Earth. Disguised as the technology company T.C.R.I. they had established in New York in order to allow the funds acquired through their transactions to return home. They tried to create the machine secretly. However, during its creation, the waste turned into a mutagen, with their attempts to dispose of it resulting in a canister falling off the back of a truck and mutating the turtles and Splinter when it fell into a sewer and splashed all over them. Much like in the Mirage Comics, the mutagen causes explicit growth, both physically and intellectually. Among the victims were the turtl
  • In the 2003 animated series, the mutagen was created by the Utroms while they were trying to create a Teleportal machine that will allow them to escape Earth back to their homeland after they crash-landed on Earth. Disguised as the technology company T.C.R.I. they had established in New York in order to allow the funds acquired through their transactions to return home. They tried to create the machine secretly. However, during its creation, the waste turned into a mutagen, with their attempts to dispose of it resulting in a canister falling off the back of a truck and mutating the turtles and Splinter when it fell into a sewer and splashed all over them. Much like in the Mirage Comics, the mutagen causes explicit growth, both physically and intellectually. Among the victims were the turtles, Leatherhead and Splinter.