  • Age of Piracy
  • The Golden Age of Piracy, sometimes referred to as the Age of Piracy or Age of Pirates, was the name given to the era in which pirates were free to sail the waters, unhindered and free to pillage and plunder at their will. It was the peak of their power, they were able to set up the Brethren Court, and powerful individuals known for their cruelty and daring exploits were given power over the Seven Seas.
  • The Golden Age of Piracy, sometimes referred to as the Age of Piracy or Age of Pirates, was the name given to the era in which pirates were free to sail the waters, unhindered and free to pillage and plunder at their will. It was the peak of their power, they were able to set up the Brethren Court, and powerful individuals known for their cruelty and daring exploits were given power over the Seven Seas.