  • Village of the Crown
  • The main thoroughfare known as the Ferry Road begins at the Crossroads between the village, a beach, and the Castle of the Crown. The wide thoroughfare passes through the village square, and is lined with shops of various sorts (most on the right side) including the Pawn Shoppe and Ali's Books among others (but no grocery store). In the village was a bazaar open three days a week to sell fish from the sea and produce from the farms. To the west of the residential district, at the end of the Ferry Road lies the Crown Isle Docks.
  • The main thoroughfare known as the Ferry Road begins at the Crossroads between the village, a beach, and the Castle of the Crown. The wide thoroughfare passes through the village square, and is lined with shops of various sorts (most on the right side) including the Pawn Shoppe and Ali's Books among others (but no grocery store). In the village was a bazaar open three days a week to sell fish from the sea and produce from the farms. The Lampseller often sits on a marble bench across the street from the shops. The square ends at a wall with a key-shaped archway through which the road passed into the residential district. A mansion lies just outside village along the Ferry Road, on the western edge of the residential district, and was the home of the wicked stepmother, and was where her former servant Beauty once lived and worked. Because of travel and trade between the islands it is not uncommon to see all manner of strange creatures frequenting the village shops from the kingdom`s other islands. The villagers are eager to share what they have in return for honest work, so it is easy to survive quite comfortably there. Village life is one of cheerful routine. The villagers rise at first light to do their chores before the tropical sun reaches its peak. Then a light midday meal is served. The bulk of the afternoon is reserved for indoor activities: Reading and scholastics for the younger population and naps for their elders. Everyone seems to prize this quiet time. When the sun goes down, communal activities are frequent. If there are no weddings or other festivities, the families often gather informally for a plain but plentiful supper, music, and conversation. Though most families are modest, none are in want. Servants are used in the more affluent households, but most of the citizens cheerfully rely on their own strong hands for the work of daily life. What serving class exists is generally well-treated, though even in this gentle civilization, a few exceptions exist. During the time Alexander first came to the islands, many of shops and Bazaar had been closed due to the loss of trade with the other islands. He was only found only the bookshop and the curios & antiques pawnshop open To the west of the residential district, at the end of the Ferry Road lies the Crown Isle Docks.