  • Mr. Chew (Madagascar)
  • Mr. Chew (a.k.a. Mutant Poodle or Nerd Dog) is an aggressive toy poodle that Nana owned. Mr. Chew also only appeared at The Penguins of Madagascar in the Christmas Caper. It became the funny but worst of all as a Youtube Poop character. Also used its biting skills and eats his dog food so fast in one minute as he tores every toy that his owner Nana hates.
  • Mr. Chew (a.k.a. Mutant Poodle or Nerd Dog) is an aggressive toy poodle that Nana owned. Mr. Chew also only appeared at The Penguins of Madagascar in the Christmas Caper. It became the funny but worst of all as a Youtube Poop character. Also used its biting skills and eats his dog food so fast in one minute as he tores every toy that his owner Nana hates.