  • Pneumo Tube
  • Pneumo tubes are large, bullet-shaped devices found around Rapture. Many of them are searchable containers. Pneumo tubes occasionally contain high value items, and are definitely something to look into every time they are available. They are used in the storyline at various times by Jack to send items to people and to receive items through the pneumo system. A full Pneumo Substation Post Office is found in Neptune's Bounty.
  • Pneumo tubes are large, bullet-shaped devices found around Rapture. Many of them are searchable containers. Pneumo tubes occasionally contain high value items, and are definitely something to look into every time they are available. They are used in the storyline at various times by Jack to send items to people and to receive items through the pneumo system. A full Pneumo Substation Post Office is found in Neptune's Bounty.