  • Donnie DuPre
  • Donnie was born Jimmy Boyd, a child actor and son of famed actress Elisa Hoffman. Donnie starred in several films which were considered the worst ever, including the disaster Jingle Sells, in which he co-starred in with Arnold Schwarzenegger.
  • Donnie was born Jimmy Boyd, a child actor and son of famed actress Elisa Hoffman. Donnie starred in several films which were considered the worst ever, including the disaster Jingle Sells, in which he co-starred in with Arnold Schwarzenegger. His mother had recently gotten a divorce, and under the stress of her career and her duties as a mother, killed herself by leaping from a window. Jimmy was devastated and failed to give a good performance in Jingle Sells, leading him to become despised by those who saw it. Fed up, Jimmy disappeared and returned to society as aspiring director Donnie DuPre, wanting to remake movies into something better while also subconsciously making fun of the movies to get back at them for what they did to his mother. He also got married later to someone who sounds suspiciously like Mara Wilson.