  • Peru
  • Peru
  • Peru
  • Peru
  • Peru
  • Peru
  • Peru
  • History of location is unknown.
  • Open Journal Systems. 2012. Open Journal Systems. Public Knowledge Project. (WUaS's wiki, information technologies and criteria for this - informed by the WUaS academic journal subject matter - are developing, since you can already publish your article at or Research Gate - - or Spire - - for example); See Library Resources below at WUaS for further resources.
  • Once upon a time, there was a young man named Iqmal. He was a
  • __FORCETOC__
  • Peru was a country on the Pacific coast of the South American continent on Earth. Its capital was Lima. In 1962, Vic Fontaine sang the song Come Fly with Me at his nightclub. One of the exotic locales mentioned in the song was Peru, which was described as llamaland. (DS9: "His Way")
  • Early History: The Republica del Peru was created in Lima (10/2/2010) After a Great Civil Revolution War (GCRW).
  • Peru is a country in South America known for its productive fossil sites. Image:Mantell's Iguanodon restoration.jpg This article is a . You can help My English Wiki by expanding it.
  • Charlie was the first explorer to be discovered by a Water God in Peru .
  • Peru, officially known as the Republic of Peru, is a nation in western South America. It is flanked in the north by Ecuador and Colombia, in the east by Brazil, in the southeast by Bolivia, in the south by Chile, and in the west by the Pacific Ocean. Peru is a greatly bio-diverse nation with living spaces going from the parched fields of the Pacific beach front locale in the west to the tops of the Andes mountains vertically reaching out from the north toward the southeast of the nation to the tropical Amazon Basin rainforest in the east with the Amazon waterway.
  • Peru was een voormalig land op het Zuid Amerikaanse continent op de planeet Aarde. De Lama is afkomstig uit dit gebied. Dit land werd genoemd in het nummer Come Fly with Me, dat in 2374 door Vic Fontaine werd uitgevoerd. (DS9: "His Way") Categorie:Aardse landen
  • Peruvian territory was home to the Norte Chico civilization, one of the oldest in the world, and to the Inca Empire, the largest state in Pre-Columbian America. The Spanish Empire conquered the region in the 16th century and established a Viceroyalty, which included most of its South American colonies. After achieving independence in 1821, Peru has undergone periods of political unrest and fiscal crisis as well as periods of stability and economic upswing. Peru is a representative democratic republic divided into 25 regions.
  • Peru (Spaans: Perú, Quechua en Amarara: Piruw) is een land aan de westkust van Zuid-Amerika en wordt begrensd door Ecuador en Colombia in het noorden, Brazilië in het oosten, Bolivia in het oosten en zuiden, Chili in het zuiden en de Grote Oceaan in het westen.
  • In Lima, the first Peruvian sound film (with synchronized music and some talking sequences) was released in 1934. The first all-talking picture was finally released in 1936. More recently some bestselling novels by Peruvian authors have been made into movies. Peru also produced the first animated 3-D film in Latin America. This film is set in the historical port city of Callao, which during colonial times had to defend itself against attacks by Dutch and British privateers seeking to undercut Spain's trade with its colonies. The film was produced by the Peruvian company Alpamayo Entertainment, which made a second 3-D film one year later: Dragones: Destino de Fuego.
  • Peru is a nation in South America. Historically it has been home to both the Incaic (Incan) Empire, and the Lazalt aliens, the fantastic remains of whose technology seem to be its primary interest to Transformers— much to the frustration of human archaeologists and anthropologists that keep tripping over super-technology and Zombie robots while looking for stone temples and tribal devil-gods. For further information, see: Wikipedia:Peru
  • Against the Peru Free Trade Agreement: * Sunday, October 8th, 12-2 in Tacoma & other places
  • <default>Peru</default> Lokalizacja Rok powstania Właściciel Mieszkańcy Rola Przynależność Peru (ang. Peru) — kraj położony w północnej części Ameryki Południowej. Stolicą Peru jest Lima.
  • Please check out Hexadecimal Chart to see what codes are available to name. The hexadecimal code that matches this color is CD853F
  • Peru (officially the Republic of Peru), is a country in western South America. It is bordered in the north by Ecuador and Colombia, in the east by Brazil, in the southeast by Bolivia, in the south by Chile, and in the west by the Pacific Ocean. In the series, and unlike for example Malta, it seems to recognize S.H.I.E.L.D. jurisdiction, the actions of comandante Camilla Reyes and her unit being rogue.
  • Roman Catholicism is the religion of 81.3% of Peruvians. Most of the rest of the population adhere to other Christian denominations, 2.9% have no religion and about 0.5% of Peruvians are Buddhists. Peru's constitution guarantees religious freedom but mandates the teaching of religious eductaion in all schools, public and private, Roman Catholicism is the only religion which is taught. It is also common to see Catholic religious symbols in public places and government buildings.
  • The Republic of Peru is a South American country, a former colony of Spain. The fiancee of Jodi Simmons was conducting a sort of mission in Peru when she was murdered. (SVU: Paternity")
  • Peru is a South American country.
  • Peru is a country in South America.
  • Peru ist ein Land in Südamerika.
  • In Aliens: Outbreak, the facility where Bionational Corporation is researching the Xenomorph is located in Lima, the capital city of Peru. When it is attacked by Salvaje and his religious extremists, it unleashes a Xenomorph infestation that ultimately consumes the entire planet.
  • Il s'agit du gros scarabée que Sharnalk a dû affronter dans le palais de Zazan. Ce dernier ne découvre que plus tard dans le combat qu'il n'est en fait qu'une poupée manipulée par Boki. Ses pattes sont armées de griffes très acérées qui ne manquent pas de blesser Sharnalk vers l'aisselle quand il s'en débarrasse. Catégorie:Personnages Catégorie:Kimera Ants Catégorie:Soldats chimères Catégorie:Décédés
  • capitale : Lima
  • Many years ago Peru was the kernel of the great Inca anweald. Today the Inca hightowns are wanleft but fandlers from all over the world come to see them. The shore is a long, thin dryland, besides spots where rindles weave their way down from the Andes Highbergs. The highest railway in the world is in Peru. This leaf is a stub. You can help the Anglish Moot by swelling it.
  • Peru (Perú, Republika Peru - República del Perú) – państwo w zachodniej części Ameryki Południowej, nad Oceanem Spokojnym. Jest to trzecie co do wielkości państwo kontynentu i największy kraj andyjski. Stolicą Peru jest Lima.
  • The oldest country in South America is called Peru.It is the 11th most powerful country in the Solar System.The Capital is called Forsoma, and it doesn't border Argentina. People Tull-Weight was Peruvian. 71% of the population are humans, followed by Little Chhiilpleiers of which 28% of the population are (the rest of the population are other species).
  • Peru is one of the many locations visited in the Tomb Raider series. Lara firstly visited this location to find Qualopec's piece of the Scion.
  • Peru, officially the Republic of Peru, is an extremely biodiverse, developing country in western South America divided into 25 regions. For reasons still unknown, the High Council of Peruvian warlocks banned Magnus Bane from Peru.
  • Peru is a country located in western South America, on the Pacific Coast, north of Chile. Peruvian territory was home to ancient cultures spanning from the Norte Chico civilization, one of the oldest in the world, to the Inca Empire, the largest state in Pre-Columbian America. The Spanish Empire conquered the region in the 16th century and established a Viceroyalty, which included most of its South American colonies. After achieving independence in 1821, Peru has undergone periods of political unrest and fiscal crisis as well as periods of stability and economic upswing.
  • Peru is a country in South America. It borders Ecuador, Brazil, Colombia, Bolivia and Chile. Peruvian territory was home to the Norte Chico civilization, one of the oldest in the world, and to the Inca Empire, the largest state in Pre-Columbian America. The Spanish Empire conquered the region in the 16th century and established a Viceroyalty, which included most of its South American colonies. After achieving independence in 1821, Peru has undergone periods of political unrest and fiscal crisis as well as periods of stability and economic upswing. An anomaly opened up in the nature reserve of Madre de Dios, near Cuzco.
  • Peru is a country in South America. Its capital city is Lima.
  • Peru, officially the Republic of Peru, is a country in western South America.
  • Peru, officially the Republic of Peru, is a country in South America.
  • Peru was a Spanish colony found in the 15th century. It was situated in the middle of South America in front of the Pacific Ocean.
  • Peru, officially the Republic of Peru, is a country in western South America. On P.S. 38's Prank Day, a sumo wrestler told Mrs. Godfrey to move to this country.
  • Peru is a country in South America. Lima is the capital and largest city. There are no ice rinks and no ice hockey is played .There used to be an ice rink in a mall in Lima.
  • Peru is a non-selectable nation in Europa Universalis IV at the beginning in 1444. The nation is a former colonial nation, which can only be formed if said nation breaks away from the mother country. Its government is a Administrative Republic.
  • Peru, officially the Republic of Peru, is a country in western South America. It is bordered on the north by Ecuador and Colombia, on the east by Brazil, on the southeast by Bolivia, on the south by Chile, and on the west by the Pacific Ocean. Its geography varies from the arid plains of the Pacific coast to the peaks of the Andes mountains and the tropical forests of the Amazon Basin.
  • Peru is the home of the Peruvian people and is located in South Vespuciland. The Peruvian Onklunk is an instrument from there.
  • Peru is a country in South America and a member of the United Nations.
  • Peru (Perú, Republika Peru - República del Perú) - państwo w zachodniej części Ameryki Południowej, nad Oceanem Spokojnym. Stolicą Peru jest Lima. Indiana Jones kilkukrotnie odwiedzał to państwo. W filmach pełnometrażowych ukazano dwie przygody Indy'ego w tym kraju. W roku 1936 Indiana Jones poszukiwał Złotego Idola w Świątyni Chachapoyan. W roku 1957 w Nazca Indy wraz z Muttem odnalazł Kryształową Czaszkę.
  • The headings in this section provide links to some of the topics in the Ideas Bank. Click on the Ideas Bank link, or to see a full list of topics. * Information on Solar cooking resources in Peru at Solar Cooking Wikia. Places, projects and networks - Image:Img13714.jpg Portal - UK - USA - Australia - New Zealand - Europe - North America - South America - Oceania - Asia - Africa / Campaigns - Building networks - Image:Img13713.jpg Village pump SCA Wiki - Places, projects & networks - Ideas Bank - News - Diary - Resources - Community / Avoid adverts
  • Peru i/pəˈruː/ (Spanish: Perú; Quechua: Perú; Aymara: Piruw), officially the Republic of Peru (Spanish: República del Peru) is a country located in western South America. It is bordered in the north by Ecuador and Colombia, in the east by Brazil, in the southeast by Bolivia, in the south by Chile, and in the west by the Pacific Ocean More information on the Wikipedia page [1]
  • The national or civil flag (la bandera nacional) of Peru consists of three vertical bands of red, white, and red. June 7, the anniversary of the Battle of Arica (1880), is celebrated as Flag Day.
  • Peru ist ein Land im Nordwesten Coatlicues, das trotz seiner geographischen Lage kulturell viel enger an Borealien gebunden ist. Es grenzt an Mokistan und das Aztekenreich und hat eine Seegrenze zur Dixie Conförderation. Im Augenblick wird das Land von Prinz Alfredo II regiert, offiziell liegt die gesamte Macht im Land jedoch bei seinem Vater König Juan Paul, der die Macht im Land wegen seines hohen Alters nicht mehr ausüben kann. Die Hauptstadt des Landes ist Lima, der Königspalast liegt jedoch in der alten Residenzstadt Machu Pichu.
  • Peru is a country on the west coast of South America. The three main regions of the country are the drier coastal areas, the Andes mountains, and the Amazon rain forest in the eastern part of the country. The capital of Peru is Lima and is also the largest and most important city in the country. In the pre-Columbian times, Peru was home to several cultural groups including the Chachapoyans and later the Inca Empire, whose civilization flourished until it was overthrown by Spanish conquistadors in the 1500s. Because of its long history, it is home to many archaeological sites that were not fully explored until modern times. The country's population is a mixture of indigenous groups, such as the Hovitos, and descendants of settlers from Spain and other countries.
  • Peru (official name: the Republic of Peru) is a country located in the western part of South America. It is a vast country covering an area of 1,285,216 km² (20th) which makes it the 20th largest country in the world. Population wise it ranks 40th and its estimated population in 2014 was 30,814,175 Peru is bound on the west by the Pacific Ocean and on other sides by Ecuador and Colombia to the north, Brazil to the east, Bolivia to the south-east, and Chile to the south. Peru has a long history and the Inca Empire took birth in Peru. It is also home to many ethnic social groups displaying cultural diversities.
  • Peru, officially the Republic of Peru, is a country in western South America. Its capital city is Lima.
  • Corporate Presence: Yamatetsu (cd.116) Shiawase (yotc.85)
  • Peru ist ein Land der Erde des 20. Jahrhunderts. Das Land Peru wird in dem Lied Come Fly with Me, das Vic Fontaine singt, erwähnt. (DS9: )
  • Peru är ett land i Sydamerika. I en alternativ tidslinje, Major Charles Kawalsky påminde Överste Jack O'Neill av en uppdrag som gick dåligt i detta land. (SG1: "Moebius, Part 2")
  • Peru es un pais en America Sude. Se area es sirca 1 285 220 cilometres cuadrida. Se cuantia de popla, en la anio 2007, ia es sirca 28 674 757 persones. Se site capital es Lima. Se linguas major es espaniol, cetxua, e aimara.
  • Peru, was a country in western South America. It was bordered by the countries of Ecuador, Colombia, Brazil, Bolivia, and Chile. ("Day 7: 12:00am-1:00am") Lima was a city in Peru. (Storm Force) The Shining Path, a Maoist radical organization, carried out a reign of terror in Peru for many years. (Storm Force) Peru was a member state of the United Nations, represented at the peace talks between the United States and the Islamic Republic of Kamistan in New York City. ("Day 8: 10:00pm-11:00pm") Stan Chupnik told Daniel Schuman that he was a big fan of the tropics, including Peru. (Cat's Claw)
  • Peruvian territory was home to ancient cultures spanning from the Norte Chico civilization, one of the oldest in the world, to the Inca Empire, the largest state in Pre-Columbian America. The Spanish Empire conquered the region in the 16th century and established a Viceroyalty with its capital in Lima, which included most of its South American colonies. After achieving independence in 1821, Peru has undergone periods of political unrest and fiscal crisis as well as periods of stability and economic upswing. Economic cycles have mostly been based on the extraction of raw materials like guano (1840s-1860s) and rubber (ca. 1900).
  • In Peru gab es einst eine Hochkultur. Das war für die dort lebenden "Indios" einfach zu bewerkstelligen bei einer durchschnittlichen Landeshöhe von 2 Kilometer über dem Meeresspiegel. Ein Netz von Treppen, auf denen Lamas Kartoffelsäcke schleppten, verband Orte unterschiedlicher Höhenlage. Auch Witze wurden über diese Treppen im Lande verbreitet. Die Hochkultur starb aus, als in der Kochkunst unbegabte Spanier Pizza gegen Gold eintauschen wollten. Sie servierten dem Inka, dem Herrscher aller Indios, die Pizza roh, woraufhin er an Botulismus verstarb.
  • Ca. 1000 v. Chr. besuchen die Exxilons die Erde und sind am Bau früher Tempelanlagen beteiligt. Der Doctor sah Exxilon-Zeichen an den Wänden eines Tempels (Death to the Daleks). Im Jahr 2009 erfährt der Zehnte Doctor, dass Alistair Gordon Lethbridge-Stewart, der Brigardier, in Peru festsitzt. Der Grund dafür bleibt unklar (The Poison Sky). Auch zu späteren zweitpunkten hält er sich in Peru auf, so während der Hochzeit von Sarah Jane Smith (The Wedding of Sarah Jane Smith) und als man die Beerdigung des Doctors plant (Death of the Doctor).
  • Ancient Peru was the seat of several prominent Andean civilizations, most notably that of the Incas whose empire was captured by the Spanish conquistadors in 1533. Peruvian independence was declared in 1821, and remaining Spanish forces defeated in 1824. After a dozen years of military rule, Peru returned to democratic leadership in 1980, but experienced economic problems and the growth of a violent insurgency. President Alberto FUJIMORI's election in 1990 ushered in a decade that saw a dramatic turnaround in the economy and significant progress in curtailing guerrilla activity. Nevertheless, the president's increasing reliance on authoritarian measures and an economic slump in the late 1990s generated mounting dissatisfaction with his regime, which led to his ouster in 2000. A caretaker g
  • In the beginning, fire was discovered by Matchsticci Viracocha ("Fósforo" Viracocha in the ancient Peruvian language), after whom the Sun was named. Bigots say Macchu Picchu was built by aliens because they don't think Native Americans could ever build such a monumental, luxurious city. This is how all these silly theories on the Incas being descendants from space aliens began. If this were true, it would be the Protoss.
  • Peru (Spanish: Perú, Quechua: Piruw, Aymara: Piruw), officially the Republic of Peru (Spanish: República del Perú (help·info), IPA: [re'pu.βli.ka del pe'ɾu]), is a country in western South America. It is bordered on the north by Ecuador and Colombia, on the east by Brazil, on the southeast by Bolivia, on the south by Chile, and on the west by the Pacific Ocean. After the war, with the growing Tiberium contamination of the world, Peru was one of the countries that suffered the worst, and as of now, most of its territory is a Red Zone, part of Red Zone R-6.
  • imagetwo <default>Peru</default> Type Street Number First Last Times imagelocate1 imagelocate2 imagelocate3 imagelocate4 imagelocate5 imagelocate6 imagelocate7 imagelocate8 Peru is a country in western South America and was featured heavily in the South Park episode "Pandemic" and "Pandemic 2: The Startling".
  • Peru was a country in South America. Circa 1000 BC, the Exxilon visited Earth and helped build temples in Peru. The Doctor saw Exxilon markings on the walls of one temple. (TV: Death to the Daleks) In 1910, the Doctor witnessed earth tremors in Peru. (PROSE: The English Way of Death) In the 1970s, Sarah Jane Smith wrote an article criticising tourists who didn't respect native customs in Peru. (PROSE: To Kill a Nandi Bear) Entek, a Ra'ra'vis chrononaut, travelled to Cuzco, Peru in 1992 through a time corridor and was found there by the Eleventh Doctor. (COMIC: Time Fraud)
  • Peru is a country in South America. * Peru (1234) * Peru (1983: Doomsday) * Peru (Austria and others) * Peru (British Louisiana) * Peru (Central World) * Peru (DoH) * Peru (French Trafalgar, British Waterloo) * Peru (Greater Colombia) * Peru (Here we go again) * Peru (Washington Shot at Murdering Town!) * Peru, Viceroyalty (British Louisiana) * Inca Empire: * Inka Empire (Ætas ab Brian) * Inca Empire (No Colonization) * Incan Empire (Aztec Empire) * Peru (Vicuña of the East) * Peru-Bolivian Confederation * Peru-Bolivian Confederation (1879: Agreement) * Peru-Bolivian Confederation (French Trafalgar, British Waterloo) * See also: * Chachapoyas Kingdom (Ætas ab Brian) * Huari Kingdom (Ætas ab Brian)
  • Peru (, , ), officially the Republic of Peru (, ), is a country in western South America. It is bordered on the north by Ecuador and Colombia, on the east by Brazil, on the southeast by Bolivia, on the south by Chile, and on the west by the Pacific Ocean.
  • Peru (Spanish: Perú; Quechua: Perú; Aymara: Piruw), officially the Republic of Peru (Spanish: República del Perú), is a country in western South America. It is bordered on the north by Ecuador and Colombia, on the east by Brazil, on the southeast by Bolivia, on the south by Chile, and on the west by the Pacific Ocean.
  • Two staff members of the Centro de la Familia Anna Dengel in Arequipa, Peru undertook a pilot project early in the 1990s. The project included both a pilot and an implementation stage. In the pilot part, they considered a range of cooker designs, and settled on a box cooker of cardboard. After that decision, an implementation process involved the construction of 30 cookers by persons who were also trained in cooking methods. All 30 persons were able to complete the construction process successfully.
time zone DST
  • not observed
established event
  • Declared
  • The Caribbean
  • Północna część Ameryki Południowej
Row 9 info
  • 75
pop ork
  • 12.0
Row 8 info
  • 45
Row 4 info
  • 29546963
Hexidecimal Code
  • CD853F
Anomaly Count
Row 10 title
pop other
  • 1.0
Row 7 title
  • Unemployment
  • pe-flag.gif
ed hs
  • 52.0
  • Grafika:Peru_flag.gif
TV Series
  • Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.
  • Agent Carter
pop elf
  • 8.0
  • Paddingtonowcy
Row 1 info
  • Lima
  • Galaktyczne Imperium Jeszcze Republika
ed college
  • 17.0
pop human
  • 62.0
Row 8 title
Row 4 title
  • Population
Row 9 title
  • Lima
  • Lima Lama
pop troll
  • 7.0
  • Peru
  • Peru
  • FSM 0,01%;
  • Katolicyzm 81,3%;
  • Mormoni 1,25%;
  • Protestantyzm 10,6 %;
  • reszta 6,45%
  • Świadkowie Jehowy 0,39%;
Row 2 info
  • Bolivia 1,075 km, Brazil 2,995 km, Chile 171 km, Colombia 1,800 km, Ecuador 1,420 km
pop dwarf
  • 10.0
Row 6 info
  • 2.2323846239999995E9
  • 5
Row 1 title
  • Capital
Row 5 info
  • 1.229
Row 2 title
  • Borders
Row 6 title
  • Life expectancy
Alternate Shade
  • Orange
  • * Brzytwodzioby z Tarapoto * Żmijoząb Peruwiański
  • * Cuzco * Lake Titicaca * Santa Atalaya
Row 10 info
  • 56
Row 5 title
  • Population growth
Shade of
  • Brown
  • Peru.jpg
Row 3 info
  • constitutional republic
Row 3 title
  • Government type
Row 7 info
  • 8.1
  • 28675000
  • 2
ed grad
  • 4.0
  • 1285220.0
  • To duże coś w górach
  • Quechua, Aymara and other indigenous languages are co-official in the areas where they are predominant.
  • 12
Box Title
  • Country summary
population census
  • 27219266
  • Shadow of the Jaguar
  • PEU
conventional long name
  • Republic of Peru
  • Republic of Lima and Other Unknown Territories
Gini category
  • high
  • 1285216.0
  • Perú
leader name
  • 2.600000
Place name
  • Peru
  • 1.700000
Gini year
  • 2002
  • República del Perú
  • Peru
  • Peru
  • Republic of Peru
  • República del Perú
  • Country
  • Milky Way
  • :Spanish :Quichua :Aymara :Japanese :English
  • Spanish, Quéchua ; Aymara; many minor Amazonian languages
  • 18500.0
  • The Caribbean
established date
  • 1821-07-28
  • W
zona de ora
  • UTC-5
  • 28220764
numero de telefon
  • +51
  • "
national heros
  • Jaime Bayly, Seleccion de Futbol, Ceviche, Super Cholo
xef de stato
  • Presidente Pedro Pablo Kuczynski
  • 0
lingua ofisial
  • Espaniol
  • .pe
  • 496222
population densitymi²
  • 57
locations within
  • 24
  • Republica democratal presidental
xef de governa
  • Prima vispresidente Martín Vizcarra
opis flagi
  • Flaga Peru
  • peruwiańczycy
nazwa oryginalna
  • República del Perú
  • 0
lokalizacja obraz
  • LokacjaPeru.png
  • Miś Paddington, lamy
najgorsze miejsce
  • Półfinał
  • 0
  • 0
  • 0
ostatni raz
  • 13
najgorszy wynik
  • 13
ilość udziałów
  • 2
mapa obraz
  • MapaPeru.png
  • .pe
nazwa polska
  • Republika Peru
najlepszy wynik
  • 5
najlepsze miejsce
  • 16
Język urzędowy
  • hiszpański, keczua i ajmara
symbol nazwa
  • Flaga Peru
  • Spanish
  • Peru
  • Unknown
  • Unknown
Ethnic Groups
  • Amerindian 45%, mestizo 37%, white 15%, black, Japanese, Chinese, and other 3%
national anthem
  • "We are free, may we always be so"
  • Somos libres, seámoslo siempre
  • Pollada´s sorrow, El especial del Humor opening song, El pio pio
sovereignty note
  • from the Spanish Empire
GDP PPP per capita rank
  • 97
  • Western
  • Alan Perez García
GDP nominal per capita rank
  • 88
population estimate
  • 28674757
  • 30000000
official languages
  • Spanish1
  • Spanish, Spanglish, Ah Yungayish, Conchatumarish and Japanese
national motto
  • "Disculpa, No Hay"
  • Earth
  • 52.0
area magnitude
  • 1000000000000
GDP per capita
  • Unknown
  • Information
  • Geographic locale
  • International membership
  • Country
  • N/A
  • 1950-03-31
  • EE2733
population estimate rank
  • 41.0
GDP nominal year
  • 2005
currency code
  • PEN
image map
  • S
government type
sovereignty type
  • Catholic
  • Adoration of the Sun, surf, football and Alan García
  • Peru.JPG
population census year
  • 2005
  • Republica de Peru
  • República del Perú
alt name
  • Republic of Peru
  • flaga_peru.gif
Population Density
  • 22
  • 1285220
  • 128521620
  • Real World; New Earth
native name
  • Republic of Perú
  • República del Perú
  • Peruvian
Calling Code
  • 51
GDP nominal
  • 7.939E10
GDP PPP year
  • 2006
  • 54.600000
  • 0.767000
image coat
  • 100
  • Escudo_de_armas_del_Perú.svg
  • 77
  • Supergirl
Named after
  • Place
GDP nominal rank
  • 54
  • 1.818E11
Area rank
  • 20
Leader title
  • UTC -5
  • Manuel A. Odría
Largest City
percent water
  • 8.800000
  • USD 414 389 milion
Population Density rank
  • 183.0
  • GDI, N/A
GDP PPP rank
  • 50
Time Zone
  • PET
GDP nominal per capita
  • 2841.0
  • :Roman Catholic :Protestant :Native
HDI category
  • medium
  • 78
image flag
  • 100
  • Flag of Peru .svg
  • Unknown
  • 40
  • 100
HDI year
  • 2004
HDI rank
  • 82
GDP PPP per capita
  • 6125.0
population estimate year
  • July 2007
  • Peru
  • Castilian
UTC offset
  • -5
  • 37.0
Common name
  • Peru
  • Perú
wikipage disambiguates
medical service
  • 900.0
ed under
  • 27.0
  • Sol
govt type
  • Decentralized Anarchist Communism
  • 38.0
nation name
  • Peru
  • Ollanta Humala
kod telefoniczny
  • +51
strefa czasowa
  • UTC -5
  • Biali 15%
  • Indianie 45%;
  • Metysi 37%;
  • Pozostałe 3% nie istnieje
  • History of location is unknown.
  • Open Journal Systems. 2012. Open Journal Systems. Public Knowledge Project. (WUaS's wiki, information technologies and criteria for this - informed by the WUaS academic journal subject matter - are developing, since you can already publish your article at or Research Gate - - or Spire - - for example); See Library Resources below at WUaS for further resources.
  • Once upon a time, there was a young man named Iqmal. He was a
  • __FORCETOC__
  • Peru was a country on the Pacific coast of the South American continent on Earth. Its capital was Lima. In 1962, Vic Fontaine sang the song Come Fly with Me at his nightclub. One of the exotic locales mentioned in the song was Peru, which was described as llamaland. (DS9: "His Way")
  • Early History: The Republica del Peru was created in Lima (10/2/2010) After a Great Civil Revolution War (GCRW).
  • Peru (Spanish: Perú; Quechua: Perú; Aymara: Piruw), officially the Republic of Peru (Spanish: República del Perú), is a country in western South America. It is bordered on the north by Ecuador and Colombia, on the east by Brazil, on the southeast by Bolivia, on the south by Chile, and on the west by the Pacific Ocean. Peruvian territory was home to ancient cultures, spanning from the Norte Chico civilization, one of the oldest in the world, to the Inca Empire, the largest state in Pre-Columbian America. The Spanish Empire conquered the region in the 16th century and established a Viceroyalty, which included most of its South American colonies. After achieving independence in 1821, Peru has undergone periods of political unrest and fiscal crisis as well as periods of stability and economic upswing. Peru is a representative democratic republic divided into 25 regions. Its geography varies from the arid plains of the Pacific coast to the peaks of the Andes Mountains and the tropical forests of the Amazon Basin. It is a developing country with a high Human Development Index score and a poverty level around 31%. Its main economic activities include agriculture, fishing, mining, and manufacturing of products such as textiles. The Peruvian population, estimated at 29.5 million, is multiethnic, including Amerindians, Europeans, Africans, and Asians. The main spoken language is Spanish, although a significant number of Peruvians speak Quechua or other native languages. This mixture of cultural traditions has resulted in a wide diversity of expressions in fields such as art, cuisine, literature, and music.
  • Peru is a country in South America known for its productive fossil sites. Image:Mantell's Iguanodon restoration.jpg This article is a . You can help My English Wiki by expanding it.
  • Charlie was the first explorer to be discovered by a Water God in Peru .
  • Peru, officially known as the Republic of Peru, is a nation in western South America. It is flanked in the north by Ecuador and Colombia, in the east by Brazil, in the southeast by Bolivia, in the south by Chile, and in the west by the Pacific Ocean. Peru is a greatly bio-diverse nation with living spaces going from the parched fields of the Pacific beach front locale in the west to the tops of the Andes mountains vertically reaching out from the north toward the southeast of the nation to the tropical Amazon Basin rainforest in the east with the Amazon waterway.
  • Peru was een voormalig land op het Zuid Amerikaanse continent op de planeet Aarde. De Lama is afkomstig uit dit gebied. Dit land werd genoemd in het nummer Come Fly with Me, dat in 2374 door Vic Fontaine werd uitgevoerd. (DS9: "His Way") Categorie:Aardse landen
  • Peruvian territory was home to the Norte Chico civilization, one of the oldest in the world, and to the Inca Empire, the largest state in Pre-Columbian America. The Spanish Empire conquered the region in the 16th century and established a Viceroyalty, which included most of its South American colonies. After achieving independence in 1821, Peru has undergone periods of political unrest and fiscal crisis as well as periods of stability and economic upswing. Peru is a representative democratic republic divided into 25 regions.
  • Peru (Spaans: Perú, Quechua en Amarara: Piruw) is een land aan de westkust van Zuid-Amerika en wordt begrensd door Ecuador en Colombia in het noorden, Brazilië in het oosten, Bolivia in het oosten en zuiden, Chili in het zuiden en de Grote Oceaan in het westen.
  • Two staff members of the Centro de la Familia Anna Dengel in Arequipa, Peru undertook a pilot project early in the 1990s. The project included both a pilot and an implementation stage. In the pilot part, they considered a range of cooker designs, and settled on a box cooker of cardboard. After that decision, an implementation process involved the construction of 30 cookers by persons who were also trained in cooking methods. All 30 persons were able to complete the construction process successfully. Next, 24 people were trained in use of the cooker; 80% or 19 family cooks successfully used the boxes they had made. With that project behind them, the two promoters began to seek additional resources to expand their efforts. To the best of our knowledge, they were not successful in locating funds for a larger effort. In 2002, each was however working separately to promote cookers. Sister Patricia Gootee continued to make and sell a small number of cookers, and Geovana Rivera also taught solar cooking, and designed and built new types of cookers. A Center of Renewable Energy was created in Lima. Its work included design, research, and construction of several models of solar cookers. In addition, Jorge Armando Choque Chacolla, of the Centro Poblado Menor in Tacna, an Andean area, worked to spread solar cooking in mountainous areas.
  • Peru was a country in South America. Circa 1000 BC, the Exxilon visited Earth and helped build temples in Peru. The Doctor saw Exxilon markings on the walls of one temple. (TV: Death to the Daleks) In 1910, the Doctor witnessed earth tremors in Peru. (PROSE: The English Way of Death) In the 1970s, Sarah Jane Smith wrote an article criticising tourists who didn't respect native customs in Peru. (PROSE: To Kill a Nandi Bear) Entek, a Ra'ra'vis chrononaut, travelled to Cuzco, Peru in 1992 through a time corridor and was found there by the Eleventh Doctor. (COMIC: Time Fraud) In the early 21st century, a young Peruvian woman came to New York City hoping for a better life, but ended up living in one of the inner-city housing projects. Three weeks after her arrival, she was arrested for prostitution, and when it was learned that she was healthy, the Butler Institute harvested her lungs and transplanted them into Stephanie. (PROSE: Cat's Cradle: Warhead) In 2009, Alistair Gordon Lethbridge-Stewart was stranded in Peru and thus unable to assist UNIT in the Sontaran invasion of Earth. (TV: The Poison Sky) He later returned to Britain for a while (TV: Enemy of the Bane) but later returned to Peru and was unable to attend Sarah Jane Smith's wedding to Peter Dalton. (TV: The Wedding of Sarah Jane Smith) He was still in Peru at the time of the Eleventh Doctor's supposed funeral and so was unable to attend. (TV: Death of the Doctor) When the Eleventh Doctor, Amy Pond and Rory Williams put on ponchos for warmth, Amy said that they looked like a Peruvian folk band. (TV: Amy's Choice) The Eleventh Doctor and Amy Pond once visited an Incan temple in Peru, where they met the Cybermen. (GAME: The Mazes of Time)
  • In Lima, the first Peruvian sound film (with synchronized music and some talking sequences) was released in 1934. The first all-talking picture was finally released in 1936. More recently some bestselling novels by Peruvian authors have been made into movies. Peru also produced the first animated 3-D film in Latin America. This film is set in the historical port city of Callao, which during colonial times had to defend itself against attacks by Dutch and British privateers seeking to undercut Spain's trade with its colonies. The film was produced by the Peruvian company Alpamayo Entertainment, which made a second 3-D film one year later: Dragones: Destino de Fuego.
  • Peru is a nation in South America. Historically it has been home to both the Incaic (Incan) Empire, and the Lazalt aliens, the fantastic remains of whose technology seem to be its primary interest to Transformers— much to the frustration of human archaeologists and anthropologists that keep tripping over super-technology and Zombie robots while looking for stone temples and tribal devil-gods. For further information, see: Wikipedia:Peru
  • Against the Peru Free Trade Agreement: * Sunday, October 8th, 12-2 in Tacoma & other places
  • <default>Peru</default> Lokalizacja Rok powstania Właściciel Mieszkańcy Rola Przynależność Peru (ang. Peru) — kraj położony w północnej części Ameryki Południowej. Stolicą Peru jest Lima.
  • Peru, was a country in western South America. It was bordered by the countries of Ecuador, Colombia, Brazil, Bolivia, and Chile. ("Day 7: 12:00am-1:00am") Lima was a city in Peru. (Storm Force) The Shining Path, a Maoist radical organization, carried out a reign of terror in Peru for many years. (Storm Force) Peru was a member state of the United Nations, represented at the peace talks between the United States and the Islamic Republic of Kamistan in New York City. ("Day 8: 10:00pm-11:00pm") Stan Chupnik told Daniel Schuman that he was a big fan of the tropics, including Peru. (Cat's Claw) Kansas City mobster Gus Pardo's son was arrested in Peru for possession of cocaine. The State Department agreed to see that Pardo's son was released, in exchange for Pardo backing up Jack Bauer's cover story with Hugo Bix's criminal outfit. (Vanishing Point)
  • Please check out Hexadecimal Chart to see what codes are available to name. The hexadecimal code that matches this color is CD853F
  • Peru (officially the Republic of Peru), is a country in western South America. It is bordered in the north by Ecuador and Colombia, in the east by Brazil, in the southeast by Bolivia, in the south by Chile, and in the west by the Pacific Ocean. In the series, and unlike for example Malta, it seems to recognize S.H.I.E.L.D. jurisdiction, the actions of comandante Camilla Reyes and her unit being rogue.
  • Roman Catholicism is the religion of 81.3% of Peruvians. Most of the rest of the population adhere to other Christian denominations, 2.9% have no religion and about 0.5% of Peruvians are Buddhists. Peru's constitution guarantees religious freedom but mandates the teaching of religious eductaion in all schools, public and private, Roman Catholicism is the only religion which is taught. It is also common to see Catholic religious symbols in public places and government buildings.
  • The Republic of Peru is a South American country, a former colony of Spain. The fiancee of Jodi Simmons was conducting a sort of mission in Peru when she was murdered. (SVU: Paternity")
  • Peru is a South American country.
  • Peru is a country in South America.
  • Peru ist ein Land in Südamerika.
  • imagetwo <default>Peru</default> Type Street Number First Last Times imagelocate1 imagelocate2 imagelocate3 imagelocate4 imagelocate5 imagelocate6 imagelocate7 imagelocate8 Peru is a country in western South America and was featured heavily in the South Park episode "Pandemic" and "Pandemic 2: The Startling". Somewhere in the Andes Mountains of Peru there is an area that isn't charted on the maps. It's known as the "guinea valley" that and is a place that time forgot were everything grows huge. The south park boys along with Craig and two pilots ventured through here after realizing that they were stranded on the mountains. Deeper in the mountains there is an old ruin filled with bizarre rooms and ancient drawings telling the prophecy of the Furry Death. The boys were about to venture into a part of the temple that was filled with waterfalls face statues however Craig decided he didn't wan't any part of this and left making the other boys follow. In Machu Picchu there is a land precious to the Incas and forbidden to the guinea. It is here that the Prophecy about the Furry Death was foretold and how Craig will save the world. The final showdown between guinea and Craig also took place here as Craig both accidentally and unintentionally defeated the guinea pirate leader.
  • In Aliens: Outbreak, the facility where Bionational Corporation is researching the Xenomorph is located in Lima, the capital city of Peru. When it is attacked by Salvaje and his religious extremists, it unleashes a Xenomorph infestation that ultimately consumes the entire planet.
  • Il s'agit du gros scarabée que Sharnalk a dû affronter dans le palais de Zazan. Ce dernier ne découvre que plus tard dans le combat qu'il n'est en fait qu'une poupée manipulée par Boki. Ses pattes sont armées de griffes très acérées qui ne manquent pas de blesser Sharnalk vers l'aisselle quand il s'en débarrasse. Catégorie:Personnages Catégorie:Kimera Ants Catégorie:Soldats chimères Catégorie:Décédés
  • capitale : Lima
  • Many years ago Peru was the kernel of the great Inca anweald. Today the Inca hightowns are wanleft but fandlers from all over the world come to see them. The shore is a long, thin dryland, besides spots where rindles weave their way down from the Andes Highbergs. The highest railway in the world is in Peru. This leaf is a stub. You can help the Anglish Moot by swelling it.
  • Peru (Perú, Republika Peru - República del Perú) – państwo w zachodniej części Ameryki Południowej, nad Oceanem Spokojnym. Jest to trzecie co do wielkości państwo kontynentu i największy kraj andyjski. Stolicą Peru jest Lima.
  • The oldest country in South America is called Peru.It is the 11th most powerful country in the Solar System.The Capital is called Forsoma, and it doesn't border Argentina. People Tull-Weight was Peruvian. 71% of the population are humans, followed by Little Chhiilpleiers of which 28% of the population are (the rest of the population are other species).
  • Peru is one of the many locations visited in the Tomb Raider series. Lara firstly visited this location to find Qualopec's piece of the Scion.
  • Ca. 1000 v. Chr. besuchen die Exxilons die Erde und sind am Bau früher Tempelanlagen beteiligt. Der Doctor sah Exxilon-Zeichen an den Wänden eines Tempels (Death to the Daleks). Im Jahr 2009 erfährt der Zehnte Doctor, dass Alistair Gordon Lethbridge-Stewart, der Brigardier, in Peru festsitzt. Der Grund dafür bleibt unklar (The Poison Sky). Auch zu späteren zweitpunkten hält er sich in Peru auf, so während der Hochzeit von Sarah Jane Smith (The Wedding of Sarah Jane Smith) und als man die Beerdigung des Doctors plant (Death of the Doctor). In dem Video-Spiel The Mazes of Time besuchen der Elfte Doctor und Amy Pond einen Inka-Tempel in Peru, wo sie Cybermen begegnen. Kategorie:Doctor Who Handlungsorte Kategorie:Länder und Regionen
  • Peru is a country in South America. * Peru (1234) * Peru (1983: Doomsday) * Peru (Austria and others) * Peru (British Louisiana) * Peru (Central World) * Peru (DoH) * Peru (French Trafalgar, British Waterloo) * Peru (Greater Colombia) * Peru (Here we go again) * Peru (Washington Shot at Murdering Town!) * Peru, Viceroyalty (British Louisiana) * Inca Empire: * Inka Empire (Ætas ab Brian) * Inca Empire (No Colonization) * Incan Empire (Aztec Empire) * Peru (Vicuña of the East) * Peru-Bolivian Confederation * Peru-Bolivian Confederation (1879: Agreement) * Peru-Bolivian Confederation (French Trafalgar, British Waterloo) * See also: * Chachapoyas Kingdom (Ætas ab Brian) * Huari Kingdom (Ætas ab Brian) This is a disambiguation page, a list of pages that otherwise might share the same title. If an article link referred you to this title, you might want to go back and fix it to point directly to the intended page.
  • Peru, officially the Republic of Peru, is an extremely biodiverse, developing country in western South America divided into 25 regions. For reasons still unknown, the High Council of Peruvian warlocks banned Magnus Bane from Peru.
  • Peru (Spanish: Perú, Quechua: Piruw, Aymara: Piruw), officially the Republic of Peru (Spanish: República del Perú (help·info), IPA: [re'pu.βli.ka del pe'ɾu]), is a country in western South America. It is bordered on the north by Ecuador and Colombia, on the east by Brazil, on the southeast by Bolivia, on the south by Chile, and on the west by the Pacific Ocean. Peruvian territory was home to the Norte Chico civilization, one of the oldest in the world, and to the Inca Empire, the largest state in Pre-Columbian America. The Spanish Empire conquered the country in the 16th century and established a Viceroyalty, which included most of its South American colonies. After achieving independence in 1821, Peru has undergone periods of political unrest and fiscal crisis as well as periods of stability and economic upswing. During the First Tiberium War, while technically a GDI member state, a Nod Base was located in Peru in their mountain range. This was where Doctors Ignatio Mobius, Sydney Mobius, and Elena Petrova were initially sent to shortly after their capture by the Black Hand. A GDI armoured column was sent in, along with the Dead 6 operative Nick Parker, to liberate the scientists, however, Nod managed to evacuate them just minutes before the Commando could arrive on-site. After the war, with the growing Tiberium contamination of the world, Peru was one of the countries that suffered the worst, and as of now, most of its territory is a Red Zone, part of Red Zone R-6.
  • Peruvian territory was home to ancient cultures spanning from the Norte Chico civilization, one of the oldest in the world, to the Inca Empire, the largest state in Pre-Columbian America. The Spanish Empire conquered the region in the 16th century and established a Viceroyalty with its capital in Lima, which included most of its South American colonies. After achieving independence in 1821, Peru has undergone periods of political unrest and fiscal crisis as well as periods of stability and economic upswing. Economic cycles have mostly been based on the extraction of raw materials like guano (1840s-1860s) and rubber (ca. 1900). Peru is a representative democratic republic divided into 25 regions. Its geography varies from the arid plains of the Pacific coast to the peaks of the Andes Mountains and the tropical forests of the Amazon Basin. It is a developing country with a high Human Development Index score and a poverty level around 25.8 percent. Its main economic activities include mining, manufacturing, agriculture and fishing. The Peruvian population, estimated at 30.4 million, is multiethnic, including Amerindians, Europeans, Africans, and Asians. The main spoken language is Spanish, although a significant number of Peruvians speak Quechua or other native languages. This mixture of cultural traditions has resulted in a wide diversity of expressions in fields such as art, cuisine, literature, and music.
  • Peru is a country located in western South America, on the Pacific Coast, north of Chile. Peruvian territory was home to ancient cultures spanning from the Norte Chico civilization, one of the oldest in the world, to the Inca Empire, the largest state in Pre-Columbian America. The Spanish Empire conquered the region in the 16th century and established a Viceroyalty, which included most of its South American colonies. After achieving independence in 1821, Peru has undergone periods of political unrest and fiscal crisis as well as periods of stability and economic upswing.
  • Peru is a country in South America. It borders Ecuador, Brazil, Colombia, Bolivia and Chile. Peruvian territory was home to the Norte Chico civilization, one of the oldest in the world, and to the Inca Empire, the largest state in Pre-Columbian America. The Spanish Empire conquered the region in the 16th century and established a Viceroyalty, which included most of its South American colonies. After achieving independence in 1821, Peru has undergone periods of political unrest and fiscal crisis as well as periods of stability and economic upswing. An anomaly opened up in the nature reserve of Madre de Dios, near Cuzco.
  • In Peru gab es einst eine Hochkultur. Das war für die dort lebenden "Indios" einfach zu bewerkstelligen bei einer durchschnittlichen Landeshöhe von 2 Kilometer über dem Meeresspiegel. Ein Netz von Treppen, auf denen Lamas Kartoffelsäcke schleppten, verband Orte unterschiedlicher Höhenlage. Auch Witze wurden über diese Treppen im Lande verbreitet. Die Hochkultur starb aus, als in der Kochkunst unbegabte Spanier Pizza gegen Gold eintauschen wollten. Sie servierten dem Inka, dem Herrscher aller Indios, die Pizza roh, woraufhin er an Botulismus verstarb. Statt mit Gold kamen die Spanier mit Kartoffeln und Treppenwitzen zurück nach Spanien, wo sie der König zu Witzekönigen über Peru und andere eroberte Gebiete Südamerikas ernannte. Ganz Europa lachte sich einen über diese schöne Neue Welt. In Deutschland wurde das Wort Peruf abschätziges Synonym für "Ruf des Goldes". Dadurch, dass man Peru usw. nicht ernst nahm, verpasste Deutschland die Chance, Kolonien in Amerika zu gründen. Nur einige Goldsucher gingen hin. Einige Überlebende der langen Reise kamen sogar zurück mit großen Goldklumpen. Stolz benutzten diese Goldsucher erstmals den Begriff Beruf für ihre erlernte Tätigkeit. Ihre Nachfahren wuschen das Gold aus dem Rhein. Richard Wagner entwickelte eine ertragreichere abstrakte Form des Rheingoldes, womit die deutsche Hochkultur begründet wurde, jedoch das Goldwaschen nicht mehr lohnte. Der Beruf Goldwäscher starb aus, aber alle anderen professionell geübten Tätigkeiten heißen heute noch Beruf.
  • Peru is a country in South America. Its capital city is Lima.
  • Peru, officially the Republic of Peru, is a country in western South America.
  • Peru, officially the Republic of Peru, is a country in South America.
  • Peru was a Spanish colony found in the 15th century. It was situated in the middle of South America in front of the Pacific Ocean.
  • In the beginning, fire was discovered by Matchsticci Viracocha ("Fósforo" Viracocha in the ancient Peruvian language), after whom the Sun was named. Bigots say Macchu Picchu was built by aliens because they don't think Native Americans could ever build such a monumental, luxurious city. This is how all these silly theories on the Incas being descendants from space aliens began. If this were true, it would be the Protoss. The Incas started their (kinda short-lived) rule in a territory filled with anything one could wish for: gold, silver, bronze, adamantium, platinum, steel, molybdenum, and lots and lots of other metals, and seriously weird animals (though they mistook Pikachus and named them Vizcachas). From this wealthy condition, the successors of Pacha Cutie-Pie (Tupac One Inca, Tupac Two Inca, Tupac Two Million Inti, and Juaña Capac) gradually took over all Perú and expanded their rule from Southwest Colombia to Central Chile and from the Pacific Ocean to the borders of the Great Chaco — until something evil arrived.
  • Peru, officially the Republic of Peru, is a country in western South America. On P.S. 38's Prank Day, a sumo wrestler told Mrs. Godfrey to move to this country.
  • Peru is a country in South America. Lima is the capital and largest city. There are no ice rinks and no ice hockey is played .There used to be an ice rink in a mall in Lima.
  • Peru is a non-selectable nation in Europa Universalis IV at the beginning in 1444. The nation is a former colonial nation, which can only be formed if said nation breaks away from the mother country. Its government is a Administrative Republic.
  • Peru, officially the Republic of Peru, is a country in western South America. It is bordered on the north by Ecuador and Colombia, on the east by Brazil, on the southeast by Bolivia, on the south by Chile, and on the west by the Pacific Ocean. Its geography varies from the arid plains of the Pacific coast to the peaks of the Andes mountains and the tropical forests of the Amazon Basin.
  • Peru is the home of the Peruvian people and is located in South Vespuciland. The Peruvian Onklunk is an instrument from there.
  • Peru (, , ), officially the Republic of Peru (, ), is a country in western South America. It is bordered on the north by Ecuador and Colombia, on the east by Brazil, on the southeast by Bolivia, on the south by Chile, and on the west by the Pacific Ocean. Peruvian territory was home to the Norte Chico civilization, one of the oldest in the world, and to the Inca Empire, the largest state in Pre-Columbian America. It was conquered by the Spanish Empire in the 16th-century, who established a Viceroyalty with jurisdiction over most of its South American domains. Independence was declared on 1821 but consolidated only after the Battle of Ayacucho, three years later. Peru is a presidential representative democratic republic divided into 25 regions. It is a developing country with a moderate Human Development Index score and a level of poverty of around 50%. Main economic activities include agriculture, fishing, mining and manufacturing of products such as textiles. Peru is home to many indigenous ethnic groups, especially in its portion of the Amazon rainforest.
  • Peru is a country in South America and a member of the United Nations.
  • Peru (Perú, Republika Peru - República del Perú) - państwo w zachodniej części Ameryki Południowej, nad Oceanem Spokojnym. Stolicą Peru jest Lima. Indiana Jones kilkukrotnie odwiedzał to państwo. W filmach pełnometrażowych ukazano dwie przygody Indy'ego w tym kraju. W roku 1936 Indiana Jones poszukiwał Złotego Idola w Świątyni Chachapoyan. W roku 1957 w Nazca Indy wraz z Muttem odnalazł Kryształową Czaszkę.
  • The headings in this section provide links to some of the topics in the Ideas Bank. Click on the Ideas Bank link, or to see a full list of topics. * Information on Solar cooking resources in Peru at Solar Cooking Wikia. Places, projects and networks - Image:Img13714.jpg Portal - UK - USA - Australia - New Zealand - Europe - North America - South America - Oceania - Asia - Africa / Campaigns - Building networks - Image:Img13713.jpg Village pump SCA Wiki - Places, projects & networks - Ideas Bank - News - Diary - Resources - Community / Avoid adverts
  • Peru i/pəˈruː/ (Spanish: Perú; Quechua: Perú; Aymara: Piruw), officially the Republic of Peru (Spanish: República del Peru) is a country located in western South America. It is bordered in the north by Ecuador and Colombia, in the east by Brazil, in the southeast by Bolivia, in the south by Chile, and in the west by the Pacific Ocean More information on the Wikipedia page [1]
  • The national or civil flag (la bandera nacional) of Peru consists of three vertical bands of red, white, and red. June 7, the anniversary of the Battle of Arica (1880), is celebrated as Flag Day.
  • Peru ist ein Land im Nordwesten Coatlicues, das trotz seiner geographischen Lage kulturell viel enger an Borealien gebunden ist. Es grenzt an Mokistan und das Aztekenreich und hat eine Seegrenze zur Dixie Conförderation. Im Augenblick wird das Land von Prinz Alfredo II regiert, offiziell liegt die gesamte Macht im Land jedoch bei seinem Vater König Juan Paul, der die Macht im Land wegen seines hohen Alters nicht mehr ausüben kann. Die Hauptstadt des Landes ist Lima, der Königspalast liegt jedoch in der alten Residenzstadt Machu Pichu.
  • Peru is a country on the west coast of South America. The three main regions of the country are the drier coastal areas, the Andes mountains, and the Amazon rain forest in the eastern part of the country. The capital of Peru is Lima and is also the largest and most important city in the country. In the pre-Columbian times, Peru was home to several cultural groups including the Chachapoyans and later the Inca Empire, whose civilization flourished until it was overthrown by Spanish conquistadors in the 1500s. Because of its long history, it is home to many archaeological sites that were not fully explored until modern times. The country's population is a mixture of indigenous groups, such as the Hovitos, and descendants of settlers from Spain and other countries.
  • Peru (official name: the Republic of Peru) is a country located in the western part of South America. It is a vast country covering an area of 1,285,216 km² (20th) which makes it the 20th largest country in the world. Population wise it ranks 40th and its estimated population in 2014 was 30,814,175 Peru is bound on the west by the Pacific Ocean and on other sides by Ecuador and Colombia to the north, Brazil to the east, Bolivia to the south-east, and Chile to the south. Peru has a long history and the Inca Empire took birth in Peru. It is also home to many ethnic social groups displaying cultural diversities.
  • Peru, officially the Republic of Peru, is a country in western South America. Its capital city is Lima.
  • Corporate Presence: Yamatetsu (cd.116) Shiawase (yotc.85)
  • Peru ist ein Land der Erde des 20. Jahrhunderts. Das Land Peru wird in dem Lied Come Fly with Me, das Vic Fontaine singt, erwähnt. (DS9: )
  • Peru är ett land i Sydamerika. I en alternativ tidslinje, Major Charles Kawalsky påminde Överste Jack O'Neill av en uppdrag som gick dåligt i detta land. (SG1: "Moebius, Part 2")
  • Peru es un pais en America Sude. Se area es sirca 1 285 220 cilometres cuadrida. Se cuantia de popla, en la anio 2007, ia es sirca 28 674 757 persones. Se site capital es Lima. Se linguas major es espaniol, cetxua, e aimara.
  • Ancient Peru was the seat of several prominent Andean civilizations, most notably that of the Incas whose empire was captured by the Spanish conquistadors in 1533. Peruvian independence was declared in 1821, and remaining Spanish forces defeated in 1824. After a dozen years of military rule, Peru returned to democratic leadership in 1980, but experienced economic problems and the growth of a violent insurgency. President Alberto FUJIMORI's election in 1990 ushered in a decade that saw a dramatic turnaround in the economy and significant progress in curtailing guerrilla activity. Nevertheless, the president's increasing reliance on authoritarian measures and an economic slump in the late 1990s generated mounting dissatisfaction with his regime, which led to his ouster in 2000. A caretaker government oversaw new elections in the spring of 2001, which ushered in Alejandro TOLEDO Manrique as the new head of government - Peru's first democratically elected president of Native American ethnicity. The presidential election of 2006 saw the return of Alan GARCIA Perez who, after a disappointing presidential term from 1985 to 1990, has overseen a robust macroeconomic performance.
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