  • Locard's Theory
  • Principle which underwrites modern forensic science. The reason that criminalists look for fingerprints, DNA, soil samples, fibers, and all the evidence that falls into the category of "trace". In real forensics, this is a very general principle from which we learn nothing more than that it makes sense to look for trace evidence. In TV, it is always literally true. Every crime scene has an abundance of fibers, soil, DNA, bodily fluids, and fingerprintable air. This representation of the Locard principle is one of the reasons for The CSI Effect. Examples of Locard's Theory include:
  • Principle which underwrites modern forensic science. The reason that criminalists look for fingerprints, DNA, soil samples, fibers, and all the evidence that falls into the category of "trace". In real forensics, this is a very general principle from which we learn nothing more than that it makes sense to look for trace evidence. In TV, it is always literally true. Every crime scene has an abundance of fibers, soil, DNA, bodily fluids, and fingerprintable air. This representation of the Locard principle is one of the reasons for The CSI Effect. In works that portray Functional Magic, Locard's Theory is a subset of the magical principle known as the Law of Contagion. Examples of Locard's Theory include: