  • Malaz 13th Army
  • The Malaz 13th Army was led by Greymane as part of the Korelri Campaign. According to Captain Skanarow, it and the 8th Army "washed up on Malaz Island, too torn up to keep intact". This led her to believe that Ruthan Gudd had served in that army. Later, in Stonewielder, Greymane himself made a fleeting reference to an adjutant called "Ruthan".
  • The Malaz 13th Army was led by Greymane as part of the Korelri Campaign. According to Captain Skanarow, it and the 8th Army "washed up on Malaz Island, too torn up to keep intact". This led her to believe that Ruthan Gudd had served in that army. Later, in Stonewielder, Greymane himself made a fleeting reference to an adjutant called "Ruthan".