  • Star Wars: Apocalypse Saga
  • Star Wars: Apocalypse Saga is a series of short stories written about the Star Wars galaxy at the end of its time. Occuring over 2000 years after the Battle of Yavin, the series contains 5 stories from 5 different point of views in the galaxy. The one character that is the main cause of all of the events in the story was a Sith Lord named Darth Markon, who creates his new Omega Empire. Each story told of one of the five very popular planets in the Star Wars Universe and how it came to an end.
Book name
  • Star Wars: Apocalypse Saga
  • 2012
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  • Star Wars: Apocalypse Saga is a series of short stories written about the Star Wars galaxy at the end of its time. Occuring over 2000 years after the Battle of Yavin, the series contains 5 stories from 5 different point of views in the galaxy. The one character that is the main cause of all of the events in the story was a Sith Lord named Darth Markon, who creates his new Omega Empire. Each story told of one of the five very popular planets in the Star Wars Universe and how it came to an end.
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