  • Azriel
  • Azriel was a Bendu Knight from Kal'Shabbol who became a monk in order to focus more on Yahweh and learn more of Him. He lived in a cave in the side of Mount Cephas, where he lived until he was almost ready to die, when he put some of his power in the Force of Others into a piece of jewelry in an attempt to become somewhat immortal. He died soon afterwards.
  • Because the Mask of Eternity had been ravaged, corruption had triumphed, so he ruled over naught. His guards revolted, and fallen under the influence of wickedness, and the souls they once shepherded ran amok. He was left trapped in his sanctum, locked behind Death's Door. When Connor balanced the Scales of Justice against the Feather of Truth in the Hall of Justice Azriel was freed from his prison. Azriel knew that scales had proven Connor both the Champion Eternal and the Deliverer of the Dimension of Death.
  • Kayla Lorrel was a noble Jedi Knight and quite the pride and joy of her master. Her one and only flaw, however, was the love she had for her master's other apprentice, Jaren Lok. The two carried out a relationship in secret for several years. It was not until a group of mercenaries killed Lok that their master had figured out what was going on behind his back. He tried to save Kayla from herself, but she was grief stricken and exacted vengeance as she saw fit. When her master attempted to stop her, she killed him.
  • *Jedi Order *Isen Star Empire *Detori Order *Cylon Imperium
  • Saberstaff
  • Green
  • Lightsaber
  • Brown
  • Kayla Lorrel "Azriel"
  • 6.0
  • Human
  • Female
  • 16
  • Kayla Lorrel was a noble Jedi Knight and quite the pride and joy of her master. Her one and only flaw, however, was the love she had for her master's other apprentice, Jaren Lok. The two carried out a relationship in secret for several years. It was not until a group of mercenaries killed Lok that their master had figured out what was going on behind his back. He tried to save Kayla from herself, but she was grief stricken and exacted vengeance as she saw fit. When her master attempted to stop her, she killed him. She was exiled from the Jedi and she fled, nurturing her hate and anger towards the council. The Dark Jedi Master Xal Shun, at this time, was emperor of the Isen Star Empire. His daughter, Arrianah Shun, approached Kayla with a proposition. Together they overthrew the emperor and killed him. Arrianah became Empress and Kayla became her second in command. The Jedi finally put a stop to the Shun legacy and the ISE crumbled soon after. Kayla fled and was found by Lord Kamulos who sought her out and recruited her for his order. She was a fierce warrior; one he beleived would cut down any that stood in his way; but during the Battle of Taylon Azriel was killed by Guan Blackthorne.
  • Azriel was a Bendu Knight from Kal'Shabbol who became a monk in order to focus more on Yahweh and learn more of Him. He lived in a cave in the side of Mount Cephas, where he lived until he was almost ready to die, when he put some of his power in the Force of Others into a piece of jewelry in an attempt to become somewhat immortal. He died soon afterwards.
  • Because the Mask of Eternity had been ravaged, corruption had triumphed, so he ruled over naught. His guards revolted, and fallen under the influence of wickedness, and the souls they once shepherded ran amok. He was left trapped in his sanctum, locked behind Death's Door. He was surprised that the young mortal, the apparent Champion Eternal, Connor was not more regal. Even though it was true that Connor had not been born from noble stock, his resolve is strong and challenge was clear. Connor inquired about sire's identity, so Azriel told him. Azriel knew the Champion Eternal Connor had been chosen to defeat the vile wickedness, and that he could aid him by giving him his key. He gave Connor his key to unlock the gate to the Compound of Death. At its farside he was to find the River of Death and to cross it to continue his journey to Realm of the Sun. Unhappily Azriel did not know where the other four pieces of the mask of eternity were located. Connor promised Azriel he would persevere to find them and return the mask to its rightful place, so that the world would be sweet once again. When Connor balanced the Scales of Justice against the Feather of Truth in the Hall of Justice Azriel was freed from his prison. Azriel knew that scales had proven Connor both the Champion Eternal and the Deliverer of the Dimension of Death.