  • Classroom wikis
  • You can use the box below to create new pages for this mini-wiki. preload=Classroom wikis/preload editintro=Classroom wikis/editintro width=25 Wikis in the EFL classroom How could we use a wiki in the EFL classroom? Would it be possible with lower-elementary students? With upper-elementary? Wie koennen wir wikis fuer das Fremdsprachenlernens benutzen? (Please correct my German :)!) Lower-elementary (Unterstufe) Created by Laura Büchel as a practice wiki on February 6, 2007
  • You can use the box below to create new pages for this mini-wiki. preload=Classroom wikis/preload editintro=Classroom wikis/editintro width=25 Wikis in the EFL classroom How could we use a wiki in the EFL classroom? Would it be possible with lower-elementary students? With upper-elementary? Wie koennen wir wikis fuer das Fremdsprachenlernens benutzen? (Please correct my German :)!) Lower-elementary (Unterstufe) * Have them search Wikipedia [1] for specific information on a given page. Upper-elementary (Mittelstufe) * Choose a topic (eg. river fish) and each groups creates a "wiki" poster. Created by Laura Büchel as a practice wiki on February 6, 2007