  • Beta XII-A
  • Beta XII-A
  • Beta XII-A
  • Beta XII-A
  • In 2268 reageerde de bemanning van de USS Enterprise op een noodoproep van de kolonie. Het leek erop alsof Klingons verantwoordelijk waren voor de verwoesting van de kolonie. Het incident bleek echter allemaal een geïmplanteerde herinnering die gecreëerd was door het Beta XII-A wezen. Het wilde een ruzie uitlokken tussen de bemanningen van de Enterprise en een Klingon gevechtskruiser. (TOS: "Day of the Dove")
  • Beta XII-A ist ein Planet, von dem man glaubt, er beherberge eine menschliche landwirtschaftliche Kolonie mit einer Bevölkerungszahl von etwa 100. 2268 folgt die Crew der USS Enterprise (NCC-1701) einem Notruf aus der Kolonie und stellt fest, dass sie scheinbar von den Klingonen zerstört worden ist. Der Vorfall wird später als falsche Erinnerung ausgemacht, die von einem Wesen erschaffen worden ist um einen Konflikt zwischen den Besatzungen der Enterprise und eines klingonischen Schlachtkreuzers zu provozieren. (TOS: )
  • Beta XII-A era un pianeta, il quale si credeva fosse il sito di una colonia agricola umana, con una popolazione di cento unità. Nel 2268, l'equipaggio della USS Enterprise rispose ad una chiamata di soccorso dalla colonia solo per scoprire che era stata distrutta dai Klingon. In seguito, venne appurato che l'incidente era un falso ricordo creato da un'entità per far scoppiare ostilità fra gli equipaggi dell' Enterprise ed un incrociatore da battaglia Klingon. (TOS: "La forza dell'odio")
  • Beta XII-A, also known as Beta XII Alpha, was a planet located in the Beta Leonis Minoris system. (ST reference: Star Charts) It was believed to be the location of a Human agricultural colony. (TOS episode: "Day of the Dove"; TOS - Star Trek II Short Stories short story: "The Blaze of Glory") In 2268, the crew of the USS Enterprise received a distress call from the colony. Upon arrival, the crew discovered that the colony had allegedly been destroyed by the Klingons.
  • Beta XII-A was the uninhabited twelfth planet orbiting the primary Beta Leonis Minoris. This system was located near the Federation-Klingon border, in the Alpha Quadrant. In 2256, this planet was mentioned with the star Beta Leonis Minoris's name on the star chart "Alpha/Beta Quadrant Overview" in the ready room aboard the USS Discovery. (DIS: "Magic to Make the Sanest Man Go Mad") The incident was later determined to be a fabrication created by an entity to incite a feud between the crews of the Enterprise and the Klingon battle cruiser. (TOS: "Day of the Dove" )
Planet Name
  • Beta XII-A
  • Beta XII-A
  • 2268
  • De USS Enterprise in een baan om Beta XII-A
  • Habitable
  • Beta XII-A
  • Beta XII-A
  • The orbits Beta XII-A
  • La USS Enterprise in orbita di Beta XII-A nel 2268
  • The USS Enterprise in orbit of Beta XII-A in 2268
Alternate Name
  • Beta XII Alpha
  • planet
  • Beta XII-A remastered.jpg
  • Beta XII-A remastered.jpg
  • Beta XII-A remastered.jpg
  • Nabij de Federatie-Klingon grens
  • In 2268 reageerde de bemanning van de USS Enterprise op een noodoproep van de kolonie. Het leek erop alsof Klingons verantwoordelijk waren voor de verwoesting van de kolonie. Het incident bleek echter allemaal een geïmplanteerde herinnering die gecreëerd was door het Beta XII-A wezen. Het wilde een ruzie uitlokken tussen de bemanningen van de Enterprise en een Klingon gevechtskruiser. (TOS: "Day of the Dove")
  • Beta XII-A, also known as Beta XII Alpha, was a planet located in the Beta Leonis Minoris system. (ST reference: Star Charts) It was believed to be the location of a Human agricultural colony. (TOS episode: "Day of the Dove"; TOS - Star Trek II Short Stories short story: "The Blaze of Glory") In 2268, the crew of the USS Enterprise received a distress call from the colony. Upon arrival, the crew discovered that the colony had allegedly been destroyed by the Klingons. It was later determined to be a false memory created by the non-corporeal entity known as (*) to incite a feud between the Enterprise crew and Captain Kang and the crew of the IKS Klolode. (TOS episode & novelization: Day of the Dove; TOS comic: "Blood Reign O'er Me")
  • Beta XII-A ist ein Planet, von dem man glaubt, er beherberge eine menschliche landwirtschaftliche Kolonie mit einer Bevölkerungszahl von etwa 100. 2268 folgt die Crew der USS Enterprise (NCC-1701) einem Notruf aus der Kolonie und stellt fest, dass sie scheinbar von den Klingonen zerstört worden ist. Der Vorfall wird später als falsche Erinnerung ausgemacht, die von einem Wesen erschaffen worden ist um einen Konflikt zwischen den Besatzungen der Enterprise und eines klingonischen Schlachtkreuzers zu provozieren. (TOS: )
  • Beta XII-A was the uninhabited twelfth planet orbiting the primary Beta Leonis Minoris. This system was located near the Federation-Klingon border, in the Alpha Quadrant. In 2256, this planet was mentioned with the star Beta Leonis Minoris's name on the star chart "Alpha/Beta Quadrant Overview" in the ready room aboard the USS Discovery. (DIS: "Magic to Make the Sanest Man Go Mad") In 2268, the crew of the USS Enterprise answered a distress call from a colony. There were a hundred men, women, and children in this colony. According to the distress call, they were under attack by an unidentified starship. When a Klingon battle cruiser was detected approaching this planet, Captain James T. Kirk assumed that the Klingons were responsible for the attack. The Klingons steadfastly denied any involvement in the destruction of the colony. The incident was later determined to be a fabrication created by an entity to incite a feud between the crews of the Enterprise and the Klingon battle cruiser. (TOS: "Day of the Dove" ) For the pre-remastered episode, the planet model for Alpha Carinae II was first used for Capella IV ("Friday's Child" ). It was used again for Neural ("A Private Little War" , Triskelion ("The Gamesters of Triskelion" ), Kelvan planet ("By Any Other Name" ), Ekos ("Patterns of Force" ), Alpha Carinae II ("The Ultimate Computer" ), Triacus ("And the Children Shall Lead" ), and unnamed planet ("Is There in Truth No Beauty?" } and for the Medusan homeworld ("Is There in Truth No Beauty?" ). It was used later for the Kalandan outpost ("That Which Survives" ), Elba II ("Whom Gods Destroy" ), and Sarpeidon ("All Our Yesterdays" ). For the remastered episode, a new planet model was created by an unknown CGI artist. The Star Trek Encyclopedia (4th ed., vol. 1, p. 81) classified Beta XII-A as a class M planet.
  • Beta XII-A era un pianeta, il quale si credeva fosse il sito di una colonia agricola umana, con una popolazione di cento unità. Nel 2268, l'equipaggio della USS Enterprise rispose ad una chiamata di soccorso dalla colonia solo per scoprire che era stata distrutta dai Klingon. In seguito, venne appurato che l'incidente era un falso ricordo creato da un'entità per far scoppiare ostilità fra gli equipaggi dell' Enterprise ed un incrociatore da battaglia Klingon. (TOS: "La forza dell'odio")