  • Infoboxgee
  • Infoboxgee is a fakegee that knows alot about you. In fact, he know things about almost every being in the universe! Exceptions are odd beings like Hypneegee. He doesn't have any legs so he floats around everywhere. He used to be limbless but a odd man gave him arms for 69 doritos. Everyone knows that he knows a lot about people. However, he likes to lie to some stupid weegees saying nonsense like they are secretly a god or they have a power level that can kill Chuck Norris in one hit.
  • Infoboxgee is a fakegee that knows alot about you. In fact, he know things about almost every being in the universe! Exceptions are odd beings like Hypneegee. He doesn't have any legs so he floats around everywhere. He used to be limbless but a odd man gave him arms for 69 doritos. Everyone knows that he knows a lot about people. However, he likes to lie to some stupid weegees saying nonsense like they are secretly a god or they have a power level that can kill Chuck Norris in one hit.