  • Carla Peterson
  • Carla Peterson was the head nurse working for Rudy Wells in the OSI's bionics program. Following Steve Austin's crash and bionic reconstruction, she and Steve carried on a brief romance. After they broke up, Steve would still encounter her from time to time, such as during his regular psychological evaluations. Carla witnessed Barney's instability first-hand, but chose to stay with him, supporting him after his bionics were "permanently" tuned down to human level. She later married Hiller.
  • Nurse, bionics team member
  • Maggie Sullivan
  • Carla Peterson
  • Carla Peterson was the head nurse working for Rudy Wells in the OSI's bionics program. Following Steve Austin's crash and bionic reconstruction, she and Steve carried on a brief romance. After they broke up, Steve would still encounter her from time to time, such as during his regular psychological evaluations. After Barney Hiller was reconstructed following his accident, Carla fell in love with him, too, to the point where she broke confidentiality and security rules by providing Barney with tapes of Austin's psych evaluation. She had hoped that by showing Hiller proof that a man could become normally adjusted following bionic replacement surgery, that he, too, would be able to make the transition. Her clandestine aid was observed by Austin, however, and she was subsequently fired for this. Later, Austin used his leverage to get her rehired by the OSI, in exchange for his agreeing to accompany Hiller on his first mission. Carla witnessed Barney's instability first-hand, but chose to stay with him, supporting him after his bionics were "permanently" tuned down to human level. She later married Hiller.