  • Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart
  • Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart
  • Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart
  • Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart
  • Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart
  • Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart
  • Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart
  • Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart
  • Open Journal Systems. 2012. Open Journal Systems. Public Knowledge Project. (WUaS's wiki, information technologies and criteria for this - informed by the WUaS academic journal subject matter - are developing, since you can already publish your article at or Research Gate - - or Spire - - for example); See Library Resources below at WUaS for further resources.
  • Wolfgang Amadeus MOZART o plennome (en latina): Joannes/Johannes Chrysostomus Wolfgangus Theophilus MOZART (nase en la 27 de janero 1756, mori en la 5 de desembre 1791) es un de la musicistes plu importante de la istoria de musica. (En se vive el mesma no usa la nom "Wolfgang Amadeus", ma "Wolfgang Amadé" o a veses, plu o min como broma, "Wolfgangus Amadeus"; la forma moderna de se nom personal es usada sola pos se moria. A veses el usa nomes bromal, per esemplo Edler von Sauschwanz = nobil de coda porcal, o Franz v. Nasenblut = Fransisco de sangue nasal.)
  • Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart (Pronounced Wolverine Deus Ex Machina Poptart) or Whupp Ass Mozart (29th February 1756 - 28th February 1791) was an amateur composer of muzak and met his soon-to-be civil partner Beethoven in 1762. He composed 162,034 "pieces" in his short life time. His most recognisable pieces include the beginning of "Eine Kleine Nachtmusik", "Marriage of Figaro", and half of the Requiem in D minor. 90% of his output has been subject of intense litigation from various lesser known composers like Giuseppe Sarti and Josef Myslivicek. The Luchesi claim is still before a jury.
  • Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart was an Austrian composer in the 18th century. Marge told a story about him and Bart Simpson played him in her story.
  • Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart, vollständiger Taufname: Joannes Chrysostomus Wolfgangus Theophilus Mozart (* 27. Januar 1756 in Salzburg; † 5. Dezember 1791 in Wien) war ein Komponist der Wiener Klassik. Sein umfangreiches Werk genießt weltweite Popularität und gehört zum bedeutendsten Repertoire der Klassik. Er selbst nannte sich meist Wolfgang Amadé Mozart. Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart kam regelmäßig nach Offenbach, da er seine Noten bei Johann André verlegen ließ. Kategorie:Personen
  • Mozart est né à Salzbourg le 27 janvier (1756). En (1776)Mozart à 20ans . Il a decidé de quitter Salzbourg, pour partir à Munich, où il se lie d'amitié avec de nombreux musiciens. Déjà à 6ans il fait de la musique avec son père et sa soeur . Dès l'àges de trois ans,mozartpianote sur le clavecin de sa soeur pour chercher les notes qui s'aiment. Le 3 jullie à 10 heures du soir la mère de mozart meurt. En novembre (1780), il recoit une commande pour l'opéra de Munich,et il part comme son contrat l'y autorise. LA création, le 29 janvier (1781) de ( idomeneo, ré di creta) est acceueillie triomphalement par le public. Durant les dernieres années de sa vie, mozart est souvent malade. Il meurt le 5 décembre (1791) à minuit cinquant-cinq, à l'âge de 35 ans.
  • Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart (27 January 1756–5 December 1791), was a prolific and influential Janus composer of the Classical era. He composed over 600 works, many acknowledged as pinnacles of symphonic, concertante, chamber, piano, operatic, and choral music. He is among the most enduringly popular of classical composers in history.
  • Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart is written by his loveable cuddly sueauthor Jess.
  • 200px|right Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart (nome di battesimo Wolgang Gottliebe Sigismundus Mozart), nacque a Salisburgo, all'epoca principato autonomo nella Germania, alle otto di sera del 27 gennaio 1756. Il padre, Leopold Mozart, era insegnante di violino, e autore del famoso "Metodo", valido strumento tecnico per lo studio violinistico, e la madre, Annamaria Tekla Mozart
  • Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart (1756-1791) war ein Musiker aus Österreich und Komponist klassischer Musik.
  • Johannes Chrysostomus Wolfgangus Theophilus Mozart, más conocío con er nombre e Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart (Salzburgo, Arzobispao e Salzburgo, Sacro Emperio Romano Germánico, en l´atual Austria, 27 d'enero e 1756 - Viena, Archiducao d'Austria, Sacro Imperio Romano Germánico, 5 e dicembre er 1791) es tinío com´uno los más jrandes compositores e múrsica crásica er mundo ocientá.
  • Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart (27. tammikuuta 1756 Salzburg – 5. joulukuuta 1791 Wien) oli itävaltalainen säveltäjä.
  • Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart (1756-1791) was a prolific Austrian composer of classical music. The son of music teacher Leopold Mozart, Wolfgang Mozart was a child prodigy, composing his first piece at the age of five. He soon began several European tours, and befriended composers like Johann Christian Bach (son of Johann Sebastian). His works ranged from operas such as The Marriage of Figaro to symphonies to choral works.
  • Mozart was born in 1756 and baptised as Johannes Chrysostomus Wolfgangus Theophilus Mozart . After composing and writing his music he died 1791. Musical Group:Three Directions (since 2009)
  • Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart (1756-1791) was an world famous Austrian composer, best known for works as "Eine Kleine Nachtmusik", "The Magic Flute", "Don Giovanni", "The Marriage Of Figaro", ... John Cleese portrays him in the sketch It's Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart! where he presents the TV shows "Famous Deaths". Mozart later made a cameo in the sketch Archaeology Today, where his supposed son Colin "Chopper" Mozart goes ratcatching in the house of Ludwig van Beethoven. He is also mentioned in Decomposing Composers.
  • Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart (, baptized Joannes Chrysostomus Wolfgangus Theophilus Mozart) (January 27, 1756 – December 5, 1791) was a prolific and influential composer of the Classical era. His output of over 600 compositions includes works widely acknowledged as pinnacles of symphonic, concertante, chamber, piano, operatic, and choral music. Mozart is among the most enduringly popular of European composers and many of his works are part of the standard concert repertoire.
  • Johannes Chrysostomus Wolfgangus Theophilus Mozart (January 27, 1756 – December 5, 1791), better known as Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart, was an Austrian composer of the Classical era. His compositions "Concerto in C Major For Flute and Harp" and "Violin Concerto No. 3 in G Major, K. 216: I. Allegro" are featured in Iron Man 2 and the Agent Carter episode Monsters, respectively.
  • He was Mozart and all the time. Since he was a young peeyana playa he liked to dance about like a crazed retard splashing cold water on his head to make him think better. He didn't doe and his thinking turned into splurge, whence it came unto your file. He was all like "YEA BABY YEA" but Ghandi certainly didn't approve. Not much at least of my alligator ranch, *HORF*.
  • Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart (n. 27 ianuarie 1756, Salzburg - d. 5 decembrie 1791, Viena) a fost un compozitor austriac, unul din cei mai prodigioși și talentați creatori în domeniul muzicii clasice. Anul 2006, cu ocazia jubileului a 250 de ani de la nașterea compozitorului, în Austria și Germania a fost cunoscut ca „Anul Muzical Mozart”.
  • Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart était un compositeur terrien de musique classique, qui a vécut au 18ème siècle. (Réalité extrapolée *)
  • Johannes Chrysostomus Wolfgangus Theophilus Mozart (nome d’arte di Bandalupo Amedeo Pestalozzi - Salisburgo, 27 Brumaio 1756 – Vienna, 5 Freddocane 1791) è stato un compositore e cantautore austriaco, precursore di molti generi musicali, quali l'Hip Hop, l'Industrial Metal ed il Punk neosatanico.
  • In an alternate timeline, Mozart was cured of his tuberculosis and given immortality by one of his clones from the far future. This resulted in his later work becoming increasingly mediocre as his inspiration ran out. This was part of the clone's revenge for the mistreatment of the Mozart clones in his own time after they became unfashionable. The Sixth Doctor and Evelyn Smythe, unaware of the change to history and only knowing Mozart as a hack, attended Mozart's 100th birthday in 1856, where they witnessed his failed suicide attempt. They learned of how this timeline had come into being and prevented it by visiting Mozart on his deathbed and persuading him not to make the deal with the clone. He also removed a dozen pages from Mozart's Requiem, leaving it unfinished so that the demand for
  • Mais Mozart, ce n'est pas que cela. Mozart, c'est aussi l'ambition démesurée de laisser une marque dans l'Histoire de la Musique, et cela malgré une incompétence caractérisée. * Mozart se lève tôt pour parvenir à ses fins ; dès l'âge de 5 ans, il s'efforce de poser quelques notes sur la portée, peine perdue lorsqu'il se rend compte qu'il ne sait pas lire ce qu'il a écrit. * Grandies par la popularité, la cruauté et la stupidité de Mozart s'expriment dans ses voyages : * C'est ce genre de grosses bourdes qui lui font perdre la confiance que lui avait auparavant donnée ses contemporains.
  • Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart ist ein menschlicher Komponist von der Erde im 18. Jahrhundert. 2364 vergleicht der Reisende Wesley Crushers Talent mit dem von Mozart. (TNG: ) 2372 spielt das Hologramm Beatrice Flora Burleigh auf dem Holodeck eine Sonate von Mozart. Davon berichtet Kathryn Janeway, welche in dem Holoprogramm die Rolle von Lucie Davenport übernommen hat, Lord Burleigh. (VOY: ) Alternative Zeitlinie In einer alternativen Zeitlinie wählt der Doktor für sich den Namen Mozart. (VOY: )
  • Johannes Chrysostomus Wolfgangus Theophilus Mozart, conocido como Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart, (Salzburgo, 27 de enero de 1756 – Viena, 5 de diciembre de 1791), fue un compositor y pianista austriaco, maestro del Clasicismo, considerado como uno de los músicos más influyentes y destacados de la historia. La obra mozartiana abarca todos los géneros musicales de su época y alcanza más de seiscientas creaciones, en su mayoría reconocidas como obras maestras de la música sinfónica, concertante, de cámara, para piano, operística y coral, logrando una popularidad y difusión universales.
  • Joannes Chrysostomus Wolfgangus Theophilus Mozart1 (Salzburgo, 27 de enero de 1756-Viena, 5 de diciembre de 1791), más conocido como Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart, fue un compositor de musica clasica y pianista austriaco, maestro del Clasicismo, considerado como uno de los músicos más influyentes y destacados de la historia. Solo superado por Batch y Beethoven en un siglo respectivamente
  • Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart (German: [ˈvɔlfɡaŋ amaˈdeus ˈmoːtsaʁt], English see fn.; 27 January 1756 – 5 December 1791), baptised as Johannes Chrysostomus Wolfgangus Theophilus Mozart, was a prolific and influential composer of the Classical era.
  • Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart (January 27, 1756 – December 5, 1791) was a composer of classical music on Earth. Considered one of the finest composers on Earth, Mozart composed over 600 works - including symphonies, concertos, chamber, piano, operas, and choral music. Mozart was one of the most popular composers on Earth, and as humanity moved out into the interstellar community his works became popular amongst other races as well.
  • When one of Lois’ piano students makes an error in "Mind Over Murder", Stewie yells to him "E-flat, Salieri, E-flat!", referring to Antonio Salieri, a composer who was a rival of Mozart's. "Model Misbehavior" features the Four Peters singing "Eine Kleine Nachtmusik" by Mozart. The song that plays in the background during Stewie’s floor routine in "Peterotica" is “Rondo Alla Turca” from Mozart’s Piano Sonata No. 11, K331.
  • The Traveler compared the skills of Wesley Crusher with those of Mozart when he talked to Captain Picard of the USS Enterprise-D. (TNG: "Where No One Has Gone Before" ) A little later, a crewmember of the Enterprise-D fantasized playing the first movement of Eine kleine Nachtmusik ("Allegro") on the violin, together with three other musicians dressed in period clothing. (TNG: "Where No One Has Gone Before" ) Vulcan Ambassador Sarek and his wife, Perrin, were fond of Mozart's music, as both attended a concert performed aboard the Enterprise-D in 2366. (TNG: "Sarek" )
  • right|thumb|220px|Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart beim Komponieren eines seiner Alterswerke Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart, laut Geburtsurkunde Johannes Chrysostomus Wolfgangus Theophilus Mozart (am 27. Januar 1756 in Salzburg aus dem mütterlichen Schoß gedrückt; vom Neider und Mißgünstling Antonio Salieri vergiftet und an multiplem Organversagen am † 5. Dezember 1791 in Wien gestorben) war der wohl berühmteste Tourette-Syndrom-Patient der Geschichte und darüberhinaus Komponist der Wiener Klassik, die allgemeinhin als banal, langweilig-plätschernd und gehaltlos gilt. Sein umfangreiches Werk genießt weltweite Popularität und gehört dadurch mit zum bedeutendsten Repertoire der Klassik. Dabei ist allerdings zu berücksichtigen, dass die meisten Befragten im Normalfall Puff Daddy oder Britney Spears hören und
  • Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart, geboren in 1756 in Salzburg, Oostenrijk, was een componist van klassieke muziek op Aarde. Mozart wordt door velen beschouwd als de grootste van de Aardse componisten en heeft meesterstukken geschreven in bijna ieder genre van toen: symfonieën, opera's, piano concerten, strijkkwartetten en andere kamerwerken. Hij overleed in 1791 in Wenen.
  • 220
Primera aparición
  • Masculino
  • Compositor
  • 1791-12-05
  • Terre
  • 1756-01-27
  • Terre
  • Gris
  • 35
  • Man
  • Wolfgang-amadeus-mozart.jpg
  • Osteraic
  • "Sister": Antonio Salieri Untalented Brothers: Randy, Jermaine, and Tito from he Jackson Five
  • Concerto
  • Symphony
  • Choral
  • Chamber Music
  • Classical Music
  • Opera
  • Composer
  • Johannes Chrysostomus Wolfangus Theophilus Mozart
  • Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart
  • 35
Voiced by
  • "Margical History Tour"
  • Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart - Klarinettenkonzert A-Dur - 3. Rondo .ogg
  • Mozart - Bassoon Concerto in Bb major - Andante ma adagio.ogg
  • Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart - Don Giovanni - Overtüre.ogg
  • K545 allegro.ogg
  • K545 andante.ogg
  • K545 rondo.ogg
  • Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart - Klarinettenkonzert A-Dur - 2. Adagio.ogg
  • Mozart - KV 570.ogg
  • Mozart - vesperae de dominica. 2. confitebor.ogg
  • Mozart - vesperae de dominica. 3. beatus vir.ogg
  • Mozart - vesperae de dominica. 6. magnificat.ogg
  • Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart - Symphony 40 g-moll - 4. Allegro assai.ogg
  • Rondo Alla Turka.ogg
  • Mozart - Bassoon Concerto in Bb major - Rondo Tempo di Menuetto.ogg
  • Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart - Symphony 40 g-moll - 1. Molto allegro.ogg
  • Mozart_-_Piano_Concerto_No.20_in_D_minor_K.466_Mvt._1.ogg
  • Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart - Symphony 40 g-moll - 3. Menuetto, Allegretto-Trio.ogg
  • Mozart - Bassoon Concerto in Bb major - Allegro.ogg
  • Mozart - vesperae de dominica. 5. laudate dominum.ogg
  • Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart - Sinfonia Concertante für Violine, Viola und Orchester - 3. Presto.ogg
  • Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart - Klarinettenkonzert A-Dur - 1. Allegro.ogg
  • Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart - Symphony 40 g-moll - 2. Andante.ogg
  • Mozart - vesperae de dominica. 1. dixit dominus.ogg
  • Mozart - Concerto in D for Flute K.314.ladybyron.ogg
  • Mozart_Eine_kleine_Nachtmusik_KV525_Satz_4_Rondo.ogg
  • Mozart - vesperae de dominica. 4. laudate pueri.ogg
  • Blonde
  • Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart
  • Mozart
  • Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus
  • Masculin
  • Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart
  • Wikipedia
  • Discogs
  • Allmusic
  • MusicBrainz
  • IMDB
  • Lastfm
  • Classical Archives
  • VGMdb
  • Rate Your Music
Alternative Names
  • Mozart, Joannes Chrysostomus Wolfgangus Theophilus
  • 250
Date of Death
  • 1791-12-05
Voice Actor
  • John Sessions
  • Mozart
  • Human
  • K550
  • 2.73888E7
  • K191
  • K314
  • K321, 1st movement
  • K321, 2nd movement
  • K321, 3rd movement
  • K321, 4th movement
  • K321, 5th movement
  • K321, 6th movement
  • K364
  • K466
  • K525
  • K527
  • K545
  • K545, movement 1
  • K545, movement 2
  • K545, movement 3
  • K622
  • Rondo Alla Turca from K331
  • Bassoon Concerto in B-flat major, 2nd movement, Andante ma adagio
  • Bassoon Concerto in B-flat major, 3rd movement
  • Clarinet Concerto in A major, 1st movement
  • Clarinet Concerto in A major, 2nd movement
  • Clarinet Concerto in A major, 3rd movement
  • Concerto in D for Flute
  • Eine kleine Nachtmusik, 4th movement
  • Mozart's 40th Symphony, 1st movement
  • Mozart's 40th Symphony, 2nd movement
  • Mozart's 40th Symphony, 3rd movement
  • Mozart's 40th Symphony, 4th movement
  • Overture to Don Giovanni
  • Piano Concerto No.20 in D minor, 1st movement
  • Piano Sonata No. 11 in A major, 3rd movement
  • Piano Sonata in C major, 1st movement
  • Piano Sonata in C major, 2nd movement
  • Piano Sonata in C major, 3rd movement
  • Piano/Violin Sonata in B Flat
  • Sinfonia Concertante in E flat, 3rd movement
  • Vesperae de dominica - beatus vir
  • Vesperae de dominica - confitebor
  • Vesperae de dominica - dixit dominus
  • Vesperae de dominica - laudate dominum
  • Vesperae de dominica - laudate pueri
  • Vesperae de dominica - magnificat
  • Bassoon Concerto in B-flat major, 1st movement, Allegro
Place of Birth
  • Wolfgang Amadeus
Place of death
  • Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart
  • Mozart
  • Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart
  • Mozart
  • Mozart%2C_Wolfgang_Amadeus
  • Wolfgang_Amadeus_Mozart
  • Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart
  • My Own Private Wolfgang
  • 1756-01-27
  • Salzburg, Austria
  • Johannes Chrysostomus Wolfgangus Theophilus Mozart
Date of Birth
  • 1756-01-27
Short Description
  • Anna Mozart
  • Franz Xaver Wolfgang Mozart
  • Johann Leopold
  • Karl Thomas Mozart
  • Raimund Leopold
  • Theresia Mozart
last appear
  • N/A
first appear
  • N/A
  • 1756
dia de nase
  • 27
dia de mori
  • 5
loca de nase
  • Salzburg
  • Musiciste
loca de mori
  • Wien
data e moerte
  • 5
  • W. A. Mozart, ritrato póstumo e Barbara Krafft, 1819
llugar e nacencia
  • 20
data e nacencia
  • 27
llugar e moerte
  • 20
  • 270
  • Open Journal Systems. 2012. Open Journal Systems. Public Knowledge Project. (WUaS's wiki, information technologies and criteria for this - informed by the WUaS academic journal subject matter - are developing, since you can already publish your article at or Research Gate - - or Spire - - for example); See Library Resources below at WUaS for further resources.
  • Wolfgang Amadeus MOZART o plennome (en latina): Joannes/Johannes Chrysostomus Wolfgangus Theophilus MOZART (nase en la 27 de janero 1756, mori en la 5 de desembre 1791) es un de la musicistes plu importante de la istoria de musica. (En se vive el mesma no usa la nom "Wolfgang Amadeus", ma "Wolfgang Amadé" o a veses, plu o min como broma, "Wolfgangus Amadeus"; la forma moderna de se nom personal es usada sola pos se moria. A veses el usa nomes bromal, per esemplo Edler von Sauschwanz = nobil de coda porcal, o Franz v. Nasenblut = Fransisco de sangue nasal.)
  • Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart, geboren in 1756 in Salzburg, Oostenrijk, was een componist van klassieke muziek op Aarde. Mozart wordt door velen beschouwd als de grootste van de Aardse componisten en heeft meesterstukken geschreven in bijna ieder genre van toen: symfonieën, opera's, piano concerten, strijkkwartetten en andere kamerwerken. Hij overleed in 1791 in Wenen. * De Vulcan ambassadeur Sarek en zijn vrouw, Perrin, waren dol op de muziek van Mozart toen ze beiden een concert bijwoonden aan boord van de USS Enterprise-D in 2366. (TNG: "Sarek") * De Reiziger vergeleek de kundigheid van Wesley Crusher met die van Mozart toen hij in gesprek was met kapitein Picard van de Enterprise-D. (TNG: "Where No One Has Gone Before") * Kapitein Picard speelde graag kamerwerken van Mozart op zijn Ressikan fluit. * Trip Tucker introduceerde bij de Cogenitor een muziekstuk van Mozart. (ENT: "Cogenitor") In een alternatieve tijdlijn koos De Dokter Mozart als zijn naam. (VOY: "Before and After")
  • Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart (Pronounced Wolverine Deus Ex Machina Poptart) or Whupp Ass Mozart (29th February 1756 - 28th February 1791) was an amateur composer of muzak and met his soon-to-be civil partner Beethoven in 1762. He composed 162,034 "pieces" in his short life time. His most recognisable pieces include the beginning of "Eine Kleine Nachtmusik", "Marriage of Figaro", and half of the Requiem in D minor. 90% of his output has been subject of intense litigation from various lesser known composers like Giuseppe Sarti and Josef Myslivicek. The Luchesi claim is still before a jury.
  • Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart was an Austrian composer in the 18th century. Marge told a story about him and Bart Simpson played him in her story.
  • Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart, vollständiger Taufname: Joannes Chrysostomus Wolfgangus Theophilus Mozart (* 27. Januar 1756 in Salzburg; † 5. Dezember 1791 in Wien) war ein Komponist der Wiener Klassik. Sein umfangreiches Werk genießt weltweite Popularität und gehört zum bedeutendsten Repertoire der Klassik. Er selbst nannte sich meist Wolfgang Amadé Mozart. Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart kam regelmäßig nach Offenbach, da er seine Noten bei Johann André verlegen ließ. Kategorie:Personen
  • Mozart est né à Salzbourg le 27 janvier (1756). En (1776)Mozart à 20ans . Il a decidé de quitter Salzbourg, pour partir à Munich, où il se lie d'amitié avec de nombreux musiciens. Déjà à 6ans il fait de la musique avec son père et sa soeur . Dès l'àges de trois ans,mozartpianote sur le clavecin de sa soeur pour chercher les notes qui s'aiment. Le 3 jullie à 10 heures du soir la mère de mozart meurt. En novembre (1780), il recoit une commande pour l'opéra de Munich,et il part comme son contrat l'y autorise. LA création, le 29 janvier (1781) de ( idomeneo, ré di creta) est acceueillie triomphalement par le public. Durant les dernieres années de sa vie, mozart est souvent malade. Il meurt le 5 décembre (1791) à minuit cinquant-cinq, à l'âge de 35 ans.
  • Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart (27 January 1756–5 December 1791), was a prolific and influential Janus composer of the Classical era. He composed over 600 works, many acknowledged as pinnacles of symphonic, concertante, chamber, piano, operatic, and choral music. He is among the most enduringly popular of classical composers in history.
  • Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart ist ein menschlicher Komponist von der Erde im 18. Jahrhundert. 2364 vergleicht der Reisende Wesley Crushers Talent mit dem von Mozart. (TNG: ) 2372 spielt das Hologramm Beatrice Flora Burleigh auf dem Holodeck eine Sonate von Mozart. Davon berichtet Kathryn Janeway, welche in dem Holoprogramm die Rolle von Lucie Davenport übernommen hat, Lord Burleigh. (VOY: ) Als Harry Kim von der Illusion eines Clowns in einer Stasiskammer der Kohl gefangen genommen wird, erwähnt dieser, um zu beweisen, dass er alles über Harry weiß, dass dieser das G in einem bestimmten Concerto von Mozart nie trifft. (VOY: ) Alternative Zeitlinie In einer alternativen Zeitlinie wählt der Doktor für sich den Namen Mozart. (VOY: )
  • When one of Lois’ piano students makes an error in "Mind Over Murder", Stewie yells to him "E-flat, Salieri, E-flat!", referring to Antonio Salieri, a composer who was a rival of Mozart's. "Model Misbehavior" features the Four Peters singing "Eine Kleine Nachtmusik" by Mozart. The song that plays in the background during Stewie’s floor routine in "Peterotica" is “Rondo Alla Turca” from Mozart’s Piano Sonata No. 11, K331. After the Griffin family loses their hair and dons 18th-century wigs in "It Takes a Village Idiot, and I Married One", Stewie and Peter parody the scene from Amadeus where Mozart mocks Antonio Salieri’s music after a disguised Salieri requests it. During "Mr. Booze" in "Friends of Peter G", Ollie Williams finds himself unable to express himself by naming Mozart as one of his favorite composers after suffering from alcoholism, and is only able to blurt out Cher. In "Brian's Play", the way Brian is reading Stewie's play to the background of Mozart's Symphony K.201 and letting the pages glide out of his hands is a reference to the film Amadeus where Salieri does the same with Mozart's sheets. When Lois considers looking for work in "Peter Problems", Peter decides that it may give him time to expand his record collection. In an ensuing cutaway, he considers purchasing albums by Mozart, Johann Sebastian Bach and Claude Debussy.
  • Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart is written by his loveable cuddly sueauthor Jess.
  • 200px|right Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart (nome di battesimo Wolgang Gottliebe Sigismundus Mozart), nacque a Salisburgo, all'epoca principato autonomo nella Germania, alle otto di sera del 27 gennaio 1756. Il padre, Leopold Mozart, era insegnante di violino, e autore del famoso "Metodo", valido strumento tecnico per lo studio violinistico, e la madre, Annamaria Tekla Mozart
  • Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart (German: [ˈvɔlfɡaŋ amaˈdeus ˈmoːtsaʁt], English see fn.; 27 January 1756 – 5 December 1791), baptised as Johannes Chrysostomus Wolfgangus Theophilus Mozart, was a prolific and influential composer of the Classical era. Mozart showed prodigious ability from his earliest childhood. Already competent on keyboard and violin, he composed from the age of five and performed before European royalty. At 17, he was engaged as a court musician in Salzburg, but grew restless and travelled in search of a better position, always composing abundantly. While visiting Vienna in 1781, he was dismissed from his Salzburg position. He chose to stay in the capital, where he achieved fame but little financial security. During his final years in Vienna, he composed many of his best-known symphonies, concertos, and operas, and portions of the Requiem, which was largely unfinished at the time of his death. The circumstances of his early death have been much mythologized. He was survived by his wife Constanze and two sons. Mozart learned voraciously from others, and developed a brilliance and maturity of style that encompassed the light and graceful along with the dark and passionate. He composed over 600 works, many acknowledged as pinnacles of symphonic, concertante, chamber, operatic, and choral music. He is among the most enduringly popular of classical composers, and his influence on subsequent Western art music is profound; Beethoven composed his own early works in the shadow of Mozart, and Joseph Haydn wrote that "posterity will not see such a talent again in 100 years."
  • Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart (1756-1791) war ein Musiker aus Österreich und Komponist klassischer Musik.
  • The Traveler compared the skills of Wesley Crusher with those of Mozart when he talked to Captain Picard of the USS Enterprise-D. (TNG: "Where No One Has Gone Before" ) A little later, a crewmember of the Enterprise-D fantasized playing the first movement of Eine kleine Nachtmusik ("Allegro") on the violin, together with three other musicians dressed in period clothing. (TNG: "Where No One Has Gone Before" ) In 2366, a string quartet consisting of Data (playing the violin), Miles O'Brien (playing the cello), and two more crewmembers of the Enterprise-D (playing the violin and viola) performed the first movement of Eine kleine Nachtmusik. Picard later listened to an audio recording of the second movement ("Andante") that Doctor Crusher had made as he wasn't able to attend the concert. (TNG: "The Ensigns of Command" ) Vulcan Ambassador Sarek and his wife, Perrin, were fond of Mozart's music, as both attended a concert performed aboard the Enterprise-D in 2366. (TNG: "Sarek" ) In 2368, Data listened to Mozart's "Jupiter" symphony in C major in order to analyze its aesthetics. (TNG: "A Matter of Time" ) Captain Picard enjoyed performing chamber works by Mozart on his Ressikan flute. His Picard Mozart trio, Program 1 featured the addition of his flute composition to a previous Mozart work. (TNG: "A Fistful of Datas" ) In 2370 Doctor Beverly Crusher told her son Wesley about the dialogue between Captain Picard and the Traveler a few years ago and also about the comparison he made between Wesley and Mozart. (TNG: "Journey's End" ) Captain Kathryn Janeway, as Lucille Davenport on the holodeck, heard someone play a lovely Mozart sonata in the music room of Lord Burleigh's mansion and thought Beatrice Burleigh played the piece. The Lord was confused, however, as Lucy didn't play the piano. (VOY: "Persistence of Vision") Harry Kim had troubles hitting the G-sharp in a certain Mozart concerto, as he was reminded by the Clown. (VOY: "The Thaw") Charles Tucker III introduced the Cogenitor to a piece of music by Mozart. (ENT: "Cogenitor") In an alternate timeline, The Doctor chose Mozart as his name. (VOY: "Before and After") According to the Star Trek Encyclopedia (4th ed., vol. 2, p. 56) , the birth and death years of Mozart were 1756 and 1791, respectively. Furthermore, he "wrote more than six hundred compositions and is recognized as one of the principal artists of Earth's classic style."
  • Johannes Chrysostomus Wolfgangus Theophilus Mozart, más conocío con er nombre e Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart (Salzburgo, Arzobispao e Salzburgo, Sacro Emperio Romano Germánico, en l´atual Austria, 27 d'enero e 1756 - Viena, Archiducao d'Austria, Sacro Imperio Romano Germánico, 5 e dicembre er 1791) es tinío com´uno los más jrandes compositores e múrsica crásica er mundo ocientá.
  • Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart (27. tammikuuta 1756 Salzburg – 5. joulukuuta 1791 Wien) oli itävaltalainen säveltäjä.
  • Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart (1756-1791) was a prolific Austrian composer of classical music. The son of music teacher Leopold Mozart, Wolfgang Mozart was a child prodigy, composing his first piece at the age of five. He soon began several European tours, and befriended composers like Johann Christian Bach (son of Johann Sebastian). His works ranged from operas such as The Marriage of Figaro to symphonies to choral works.
  • Mozart was born in 1756 and baptised as Johannes Chrysostomus Wolfgangus Theophilus Mozart . After composing and writing his music he died 1791. Musical Group:Three Directions (since 2009)
  • Johannes Chrysostomus Wolfgangus Theophilus Mozart, conocido como Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart, (Salzburgo, 27 de enero de 1756 – Viena, 5 de diciembre de 1791), fue un compositor y pianista austriaco, maestro del Clasicismo, considerado como uno de los músicos más influyentes y destacados de la historia. La obra mozartiana abarca todos los géneros musicales de su época y alcanza más de seiscientas creaciones, en su mayoría reconocidas como obras maestras de la música sinfónica, concertante, de cámara, para piano, operística y coral, logrando una popularidad y difusión universales. En sus años finales, compuso muchas de sus sinfonías, conciertos y óperas más conocidas, así como su Réquiem. thumb|left|200px|Mozart interpretado por Bart
  • Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart (1756-1791) was an world famous Austrian composer, best known for works as "Eine Kleine Nachtmusik", "The Magic Flute", "Don Giovanni", "The Marriage Of Figaro", ... John Cleese portrays him in the sketch It's Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart! where he presents the TV shows "Famous Deaths". Mozart later made a cameo in the sketch Archaeology Today, where his supposed son Colin "Chopper" Mozart goes ratcatching in the house of Ludwig van Beethoven. He is also mentioned in Decomposing Composers.
  • Joannes Chrysostomus Wolfgangus Theophilus Mozart1 (Salzburgo, 27 de enero de 1756-Viena, 5 de diciembre de 1791), más conocido como Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart, fue un compositor de musica clasica y pianista austriaco, maestro del Clasicismo, considerado como uno de los músicos más influyentes y destacados de la historia. Solo superado por Batch y Beethoven en un siglo respectivamente La obra mozartiana abarca todos los géneros musicales e incluye más de seiscientas creaciones, en su mayoría reconocidas como obras maestras de la música sinfónica, concertante, de cámara, para piano, operística y coral, logrando una popularidad y difusión universales. En su niñez más temprana en Salzburgo, Mozart mostró una capacidad prodigiosa en el dominio de instrumentos de teclado y del violín. Con tan solo cinco años ya componía obras musicales y sus interpretaciones eran del aprecio de la aristocracia y realeza europea. A los diecisiete años fue contratado como músico en la corte de Salzburgo, pero su inquietud le llevó a viajar en busca de una mejor posición, siempre componiendo de forma prolífica. Durante su visita a Viena en 1781, tras ser despedido de su puesto en la corte, decidió instalarse en esta ciudad donde alcanzó la fama que mantuvo el resto de su vida, a pesar de pasar por situaciones financieras difíciles. En sus años finales, compuso muchas de sus sinfonías, conciertos y óperas más conocidas, así como su Réquiem. Las circunstancias de su temprana muerte han sido objeto de numerosas especulaciones y elevadas a la categoría de mito. En palabras de críticos de música como Nicholas Till, Mozart siempre aprendía vorazmente de otros músicos y desarrolló un esplendor y una madurez de estilo que abarcó desde la luz y la elegancia, a la oscuridad y la pasión —todo bien fundado por una visión de la humanidad «redimida por el arte, perdonada y reconciliada con la naturaleza y lo absoluto»—.2 Su influencia en toda la música occidental posterior es profunda; Ludwig van Beethoven escribió sus primeras composiciones a la sombra de Mozart, de quien Joseph Haydn escribió que «la posteridad no verá tal talento otra vez en cien años» Categoría:Compositores de música clásica Categoría:Pianistas
  • Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart (, baptized Joannes Chrysostomus Wolfgangus Theophilus Mozart) (January 27, 1756 – December 5, 1791) was a prolific and influential composer of the Classical era. His output of over 600 compositions includes works widely acknowledged as pinnacles of symphonic, concertante, chamber, piano, operatic, and choral music. Mozart is among the most enduringly popular of European composers and many of his works are part of the standard concert repertoire.
  • Johannes Chrysostomus Wolfgangus Theophilus Mozart (January 27, 1756 – December 5, 1791), better known as Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart, was an Austrian composer of the Classical era. His compositions "Concerto in C Major For Flute and Harp" and "Violin Concerto No. 3 in G Major, K. 216: I. Allegro" are featured in Iron Man 2 and the Agent Carter episode Monsters, respectively.
  • He was Mozart and all the time. Since he was a young peeyana playa he liked to dance about like a crazed retard splashing cold water on his head to make him think better. He didn't doe and his thinking turned into splurge, whence it came unto your file. He was all like "YEA BABY YEA" but Ghandi certainly didn't approve. Not much at least of my alligator ranch, *HORF*.
  • right|thumb|220px|Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart beim Komponieren eines seiner Alterswerke Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart, laut Geburtsurkunde Johannes Chrysostomus Wolfgangus Theophilus Mozart (am 27. Januar 1756 in Salzburg aus dem mütterlichen Schoß gedrückt; vom Neider und Mißgünstling Antonio Salieri vergiftet und an multiplem Organversagen am † 5. Dezember 1791 in Wien gestorben) war der wohl berühmteste Tourette-Syndrom-Patient der Geschichte und darüberhinaus Komponist der Wiener Klassik, die allgemeinhin als banal, langweilig-plätschernd und gehaltlos gilt. Sein umfangreiches Werk genießt weltweite Popularität und gehört dadurch mit zum bedeutendsten Repertoire der Klassik. Dabei ist allerdings zu berücksichtigen, dass die meisten Befragten im Normalfall Puff Daddy oder Britney Spears hören und deswegen nicht wissen, was gute Musik ist. Außerdem ist Mozart meist der einzige klassische Komponist von dem sie je gehört haben, weswegen sie bei Befragungen auch Mozart als ihren "Liebling" angeben.
  • Mais Mozart, ce n'est pas que cela. Mozart, c'est aussi l'ambition démesurée de laisser une marque dans l'Histoire de la Musique, et cela malgré une incompétence caractérisée. * Mozart se lève tôt pour parvenir à ses fins ; dès l'âge de 5 ans, il s'efforce de poser quelques notes sur la portée, peine perdue lorsqu'il se rend compte qu'il ne sait pas lire ce qu'il a écrit. Pour ne pas recommencer ce genre d'erreur, aidé par un caractère égoïste et fermé, Mozart est désireux d'avoir une bonne formation musicale. Il force son père Léopold à sacrifier sa propre carrière pour l'obtenir. Après l'avoir fait enlever par des membres de la mafia russe et de le menacer de jouer du violon devant lui, celui-ci accepta. Quelques années plus tard, Mozart se prend déjà pour une grande star en se mettant à l'affiche de nombreux concerts. Comme si cela ne suffisait pas à satisfaire sa soif démesurée de reconnaissance, il convainc son père (toujours aussi bonne poire) de lui payer des voyages à travers toute l'Europe en dilapidant l'argent qui aurait dû servir à payer les médicaments de la pauvre grand-mère malade. Durant ses concerts, Mozart se prend pour son idôle Rambo et pose un bandeau sur sa tête. Cependant, si Rambo plaçait ce bandeau sur son front, Mozart, lui le place sur ses yeux. Se croyant alors aveugle, Mozart se résigne à jouer sans être capable de voir instrument et partitions. Ce qui rend bien sûr sa musique encore plus insupportable auditivement parlant. Ceux qui l'écoutent le prennent alors pour un génie du risque et l'adulent. * Grandies par la popularité, la cruauté et la stupidité de Mozart s'expriment dans ses voyages : - A la cour d'Autriche, Mozart s'amuse à faire des croche-pattes aux jeunes filles pour regarder sous leur jupon. C'est ainsi qu'il bouscule Marie-Antoinette (pourtant future reine de France) et qu'il lui ment effrontément en lui promettant le mariage, bassesse classique des malfrats de cette espèce. - Au Vatican, peu soucieux de la loi sur les droits d'auteur et peu respectueux de la religion, Mozart ose retranscrire intégralement le Miserere d'Allegri, sans autorisation préalable. on ne sait pas quand il est mort et quand il est né - Inculte, il déclare "Le Grand Bach est mort !" à la mort de Jean-Chrétien Bach. (alors que le Grand Bach, c'est Jean-Sébastien, tout le monde sait ça...) * C'est ce genre de grosses bourdes qui lui font perdre la confiance que lui avait auparavant donnée ses contemporains. Ne parvenant pas à retrouver un emploi dans les salles de concert, Mozart invente le chômage, ce qui lui vaudra l'adoration des assistés sociaux. Comme Mozart n'a pas aussi l'idée d'inventer la Sécurité Sociale, il doit devenir compositeur indépendant pour survivre. * Il se met alors à écrire des pièces d'opéra ; Pourquoi l'opéra ? Parce qu'il peut ainsi cacher son incompétence musicale par des effets théâtraux astucieux. Comme si cet artifice ne suffisait pas pour masquer ses lacunes, il pompe honteusement les scénarios d'écrivains connus pour les faire siens et les place dans ses compositions, devenant l'inventeur du fameux "copier/coller" (Beaumarchais fut, par exemple, une de ses victimes.) De plus, incapable de maîtriser le latin, Mozart se voit réduit à composer ses pièces en langue allemande. En écoutant ses opéras pervers (inutile de dire à quoi font référence la Flûte enchantée et l'Enlèvement au sérail), les personnes qui écoutent la musique de Mozart ne voient pas l'escroquerie qu'il a montée et le prennent pour un grand génie de la Musique. Heureusement, sans doute rongé par le remord que lui a provoqué ce genre de duperie, Mozart devient alcoolique et malade. Il meurt à 35 ans, sans pouvoir achever son Requiem, sorte de musique de fanfare rocambolesque que l'on peut aujourd'hui écouter à toutes les sauces. * Durant toute sa pitoyable existence, Mozart n'a eu qu'un but ; dissimuler ses graves lacunes et faire croire à son entourage qu'il avait un grand génie musical, usurpation réussie.
  • Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart (n. 27 ianuarie 1756, Salzburg - d. 5 decembrie 1791, Viena) a fost un compozitor austriac, unul din cei mai prodigioși și talentați creatori în domeniul muzicii clasice. Anul 2006, cu ocazia jubileului a 250 de ani de la nașterea compozitorului, în Austria și Germania a fost cunoscut ca „Anul Muzical Mozart”.
  • Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart était un compositeur terrien de musique classique, qui a vécut au 18ème siècle. (Réalité extrapolée *)
  • In an alternate timeline, Mozart was cured of his tuberculosis and given immortality by one of his clones from the far future. This resulted in his later work becoming increasingly mediocre as his inspiration ran out. This was part of the clone's revenge for the mistreatment of the Mozart clones in his own time after they became unfashionable. The Sixth Doctor and Evelyn Smythe, unaware of the change to history and only knowing Mozart as a hack, attended Mozart's 100th birthday in 1856, where they witnessed his failed suicide attempt. They learned of how this timeline had come into being and prevented it by visiting Mozart on his deathbed and persuading him not to make the deal with the clone. He also removed a dozen pages from Mozart's Requiem, leaving it unfinished so that the demand for Mozart clones would be lessened and they would be prized instead of mistreated. (AUDIO: My Own Private Wolfgang)
  • Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart (January 27, 1756 – December 5, 1791) was a composer of classical music on Earth. Considered one of the finest composers on Earth, Mozart composed over 600 works - including symphonies, concertos, chamber, piano, operas, and choral music. Mozart was one of the most popular composers on Earth, and as humanity moved out into the interstellar community his works became popular amongst other races as well. In 2258, in an alternate reality, Captain Christopher Pike mentally played back the final movement of Mozart's Jupiter Symphony while being tortured by Nero. (TOS novelization: Star Trek) The Vulcan Sarek considered Mozart to be one of his favorite composers. Spock once informed Nyota Uhura of this fact. (TOS novel: Probe) Just before Sarek's final mission for the United Federation of Planets, the crew of the USS Enterprise (NCC-1701-D) held a Mozart concert for Sarek. Lieutenant Commander Data was the featured soloist at this concert. When a particlar movement drove Sarek to tears, the Enterprise crew began to suspect something was very wrong with Sarek, and later confirmed that he had Bendii syndrome. (TNG episode: "Sarek")
  • Johannes Chrysostomus Wolfgangus Theophilus Mozart (nome d’arte di Bandalupo Amedeo Pestalozzi - Salisburgo, 27 Brumaio 1756 – Vienna, 5 Freddocane 1791) è stato un compositore e cantautore austriaco, precursore di molti generi musicali, quali l'Hip Hop, l'Industrial Metal ed il Punk neosatanico.
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