  • Yilga moth
  • A yilga moth was a type of moth native to the planet Trill. They had delicate wings and congregated in nests. In 2376, the newly unjoined President of Trill, Lirisse Durghan, likened her anxiety at disclosing to the Trill populace that she was no longer joined to Maz, to a nest of yilga moths fluttering inside her abdominal pouch. (DS9 - Worlds of DS9 novel: Trill: Unjoined)
  • A yilga moth was a type of moth native to the planet Trill. They had delicate wings and congregated in nests. In 2376, the newly unjoined President of Trill, Lirisse Durghan, likened her anxiety at disclosing to the Trill populace that she was no longer joined to Maz, to a nest of yilga moths fluttering inside her abdominal pouch. (DS9 - Worlds of DS9 novel: Trill: Unjoined)