  • 897
  • 897
  • 897
  • El número (897) es el número natural que sigue al 896 y precede al 898. Categoría:Números
  • The Revenant and the Eternal destroy a Mantis fleet which is aiding the Crab in the corrupted seas near Crab shores. It is their first sighting since the Battle of Raging Seas.
  • Nachdem Richard Simone seine Anteile überschrieben hat, verlässt er wehmütig das Zentrum. Maximilian triumphiert über Richards Niederlage, und auch Simone versucht, sich über ihren Sieg zu freuen. Doch während Richard bei Celine Halt findet, muss Simone einsehen, dass sie sich etwas vormacht. Statt Triumph empfindet sie einfach nur Leere und Verbitterung. Katja wartet gespannt auf Richards Zusage, sie ins Team aufzunehmen. Doch dann erfährt sie, dass Richard seine Anteile am Zentrum abgegeben und somit kein Eislaufteam mehr hat. Während sie sich desillusioniert und traurig ihren Frust von der Seele läuft, wird sie interessiert von Jenny beobachtet, die immer noch Talente für ihr Team sucht. Ingos Tournee neigt sich dem Ende zu, und Annette und Ingo überlegen, wie es für sie weitergeht. Doc
  • David climbs down into the Leviathan Altar. He approaches a fountain and says the dialouge that was written on the scroll from the Leviathan Box. He then collapses. Chris is walking around his cottage when he hears a knock on the door. It's Carolyn, who has come to tell him about Sabrina. Carolyn says not everything she says makes sense, and asks if they ever meant anything to each other at one time. He says they did, but not anymore. Carolyn believes she is trying to protect Chris from something. He asks what she said, and she tells him that he will try to kill her. Chris confesses that she is right, and she should leave the cottage immediately and to leave him alone. Carolyn is heartbroken over what he has said and leaves. Once she is gone, he pulls out a pistol from his desk.
  • 897
  • 1969-11-13
  • 885
  • 1969
  • 1969-12-03
  • 897
  • David climbs down into the Leviathan Altar. He approaches a fountain and says the dialouge that was written on the scroll from the Leviathan Box. He then collapses. Chris is walking around his cottage when he hears a knock on the door. It's Carolyn, who has come to tell him about Sabrina. Carolyn says not everything she says makes sense, and asks if they ever meant anything to each other at one time. He says they did, but not anymore. Carolyn believes she is trying to protect Chris from something. He asks what she said, and she tells him that he will try to kill her. Chris confesses that she is right, and she should leave the cottage immediately and to leave him alone. Carolyn is heartbroken over what he has said and leaves. Once she is gone, he pulls out a pistol from his desk. Carolyn goes to the Old House to see Barnabas, but he is no where to be found. Instead she hears voices coming from behind the bookcase saying "there is no margin for error, punishment is necessary." Barnabas then appears from the opposite end of the room, surprising Carolyn. She is very distraught over Chris. Carolyn wants to know why he acts the way he does, but Barnabas tells her she should try not to worry about it anymore. Barnabas tries to console her, saying that someday she will find true love, one greater than she would have ever had with Chris. He sends her away. Barnabas returns to the bookcase, where Philip is being held captive and apparently being brainwashed. He tells Philip he knows what he has to do, and lets him leave. Back at Chris's cottage, Chris is writing a suicide note for Carolyn. He finishes it and leaves it on the fireplace. As he picks up the gun, he hears sounds of a woman sobbing. He turns around and sees the ghost of Jenny Collins. She tells Chris there is still hope for him, and he must find "him". When asking who, Jenny tells Chris he must find Quentin. She then disappears. David awakens inside the Leviathan Altar. He pulls some leaves out of the fountain and leaves. Philip finally returns to the antique shop, much to Megan's delight. He says he has been out looking at houses full of antiques the entire time. She tells him that she had felt as if someone was coming to kill her. Philip deduces it as another one of her premonitions, but says he will never let anything bad happen to her. He asks her about the baby, but he is still running a high fever. Philip, in a change of attitude, then tells Megan it is her fault that the Leviathan Book was stolen. Megan beings to panic once again, and Philip tells her he is going to run to the drug store in return in a few minutes. While by herself in the antique shop, she hears several strange noises and becomes extremely paranoid. A door slams upstairs. She grabs the phone and calls the drug store, who informs her that Philip never went there. Megan then notices someone trying to open the front door, which is locked.
  • El número (897) es el número natural que sigue al 896 y precede al 898. Categoría:Números
  • The Revenant and the Eternal destroy a Mantis fleet which is aiding the Crab in the corrupted seas near Crab shores. It is their first sighting since the Battle of Raging Seas.
  • Nachdem Richard Simone seine Anteile überschrieben hat, verlässt er wehmütig das Zentrum. Maximilian triumphiert über Richards Niederlage, und auch Simone versucht, sich über ihren Sieg zu freuen. Doch während Richard bei Celine Halt findet, muss Simone einsehen, dass sie sich etwas vormacht. Statt Triumph empfindet sie einfach nur Leere und Verbitterung. Katja wartet gespannt auf Richards Zusage, sie ins Team aufzunehmen. Doch dann erfährt sie, dass Richard seine Anteile am Zentrum abgegeben und somit kein Eislaufteam mehr hat. Während sie sich desillusioniert und traurig ihren Frust von der Seele läuft, wird sie interessiert von Jenny beobachtet, die immer noch Talente für ihr Team sucht. Ingos Tournee neigt sich dem Ende zu, und Annette und Ingo überlegen, wie es für sie weitergeht. Doch dann erhält Ingo das Angebot, die Tournee zu verlängern. Obwohl ihn Annette ziehen lassen will, beschließt Ingo, seine Karriere als Comedian zu beenden. Bei seinem letzten Auftritt macht er Annette eine herzzerreißende Liebeserklärung.
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