  • Aiwass
  • Aiwass
  • Aiwass was a being claimed by Aleister Crowley to be the redactor of the Book of Law in the religion of Thelema. According to Crowley, Aiwass was a being who appeared before him while he was in Cairo and dictated the Book of Law for him to write. He later identified him/it as his guardian angel.
  • Aiwass (エイワス Eiwasu?) is a mysterious being summoned by Aleister Crowley, and his former mentor. It is called under the codename of DRAGON, but also refers to itself as something similar to the angel. It is referred to by other as an "Extraterrestrial Life Form," "Holy Guardian Angel," and "the true person who holds the secrets to modern western magic organizations."
  • Aiwass (エイワス Eiwasu) is a mysterious being summoned by Aleister Crowley, and his former mentor that dictated the Book of Law to him. It is called under the codename of DRAGON, but also refers to itself as something similar to an angel. It is referred to by other as an "Extraterrestrial Life Form", "Holy Guardian Angel", and "the true person who holds the secrets to modern western magic organizations", and it seems to be one of the cornerstones of Aleister Crowley's plan and his greatest treasure.
  • Categoría: Seres inventados Categoría: Seres inexistentes Aiwass es un ser imaginario extraído de la mente calenturienta de Aleister Crowley. Es una supuesta inteligencia sobrehumana contactada por Crowley en 1904, que le dictó una obra llamada Liber Al o el Libro de la Ley, que profetizó guerras y revoluciones que condujeron al colapso de las civilizaciones cristianas y al amanecer del Aeon de Horus. Liber Al también proclama la Ley de Thelema, generalmente resumida en tres aforismos como mantras: "Hacer lo que quieras será la totalidad de la ley", "El amor es la ley, el amor bajo la voluntad", y "cada hombre y cada mujer es una estrella". Crowley clamó haber escuchado la voz de Aiwass el 8, 9 y 10 de abril de 1904.
  • 14
  • Above Angels
  • 16
  • 10
Novel Debut
  • The true person who holds the secrets to modern western magic organizations
  • Extraterrestrial Life Form
  • Holy Guardian Angel
  • 5
  • 5
  • 9
  • 10
Full Name
  • Aiwass
  • Dematerialized
  • 22
  • Eiwasu
Appears In
  • Novel
  • エイワス
  • 7
  • Poizmudi Patra Makajama
  • Posumudi Patra Makajam
  • 8
  • 66
  • Angel?
  • Genderless
  • Genma
  • Ilpa27_2297.jpg
MAG Per Step
  • -
  • 9
  • 6
  • -
  • Aiwass (エイワス Eiwasu) is a mysterious being summoned by Aleister Crowley, and his former mentor that dictated the Book of Law to him. It is called under the codename of DRAGON, but also refers to itself as something similar to an angel. It is referred to by other as an "Extraterrestrial Life Form", "Holy Guardian Angel", and "the true person who holds the secrets to modern western magic organizations", and it seems to be one of the cornerstones of Aleister Crowley's plan and his greatest treasure. According to Othinus, Aiwass is the angel of the bottommost layer of the world, the Pure World of physical laws untouched by magic or religion.
  • Aiwass was a being claimed by Aleister Crowley to be the redactor of the Book of Law in the religion of Thelema. According to Crowley, Aiwass was a being who appeared before him while he was in Cairo and dictated the Book of Law for him to write. He later identified him/it as his guardian angel.
  • Categoría: Seres inventados Categoría: Seres inexistentes Aiwass es un ser imaginario extraído de la mente calenturienta de Aleister Crowley. Es una supuesta inteligencia sobrehumana contactada por Crowley en 1904, que le dictó una obra llamada Liber Al o el Libro de la Ley, que profetizó guerras y revoluciones que condujeron al colapso de las civilizaciones cristianas y al amanecer del Aeon de Horus. Liber Al también proclama la Ley de Thelema, generalmente resumida en tres aforismos como mantras: "Hacer lo que quieras será la totalidad de la ley", "El amor es la ley, el amor bajo la voluntad", y "cada hombre y cada mujer es una estrella". Crowley clamó haber escuchado la voz de Aiwass el 8, 9 y 10 de abril de 1904. Según el ex estudiante de Crowley, el Dr. Israel Regardie, un psicoterapeuta y ocultista de Reich, Aiwass representaba la parte más profunda y abismal de la mente de Crowley, que es común a toda la vida, a los mamíferos, a los insectos ya todo, más profundo que el inconsciente freudiano o junguiano. Según otro estudiante de Crowley, Kenneth Grant, Aiwass es un extraterrestre de Sirio. Categoría: Seres inventados Los miembros del Ordo Templi Orientis comienzan sus rituales importantes con las palabras hebreas, "Atoh Aiwass Malkuth ve Geburah ve Gedullah el olahm. Amén." ("Porque tuyo, Aiwass, es el reino, el poder y la gloria para siempre. Que así sea.")
  • Aiwass (エイワス Eiwasu?) is a mysterious being summoned by Aleister Crowley, and his former mentor. It is called under the codename of DRAGON, but also refers to itself as something similar to the angel. It is referred to by other as an "Extraterrestrial Life Form," "Holy Guardian Angel," and "the true person who holds the secrets to modern western magic organizations."