  • Maxwell Dillon (Earth-1010)
  • Thanks to the electricity circulating through his body, his strength is augmented to the point where he can lift over 450 pounds.
  • Bad
  • OsCorp Tower, Manhattan, New York
  • Blue skin surging with electricity
  • Single
  • Early Life Maxwell Dillon was born in Endicott, New York, the son of Jonathan and Anita Dillon. His father was often fired from jobs making them move a lot. One day his father walked out on them and his mother became overprotective. When he wanted to leave home to go to college, his mother was against the idea and told him if he was interested in learning about electricity that he should work for OsCorp. His mother died when Dillon was twenty-four while he was working at the electric company. There he became one of the best linemen. He also met and married a fellow co-worker Norma Lynn, but she left him when she realized he wasn't ambitious enough to become an engineer and he stayed a lineman. Dillon has, since then, a huge desire to be known and remembered by people to the point of craziness. Electro is Born After joining the Sinister Six, Alistair Smythe and Norman Osborn gave Maxwell superpowers by electrocuting him. Attacking New York Some time later, Max , was sent to attack Times Square to get attention from Hydra. However, Spider-Man and his friends stopped him.
  • Stan Lee; Steve Ditko
  • Jonathan Dillon , Anita Dillon , Norma Lynn , unnamed sister
  • Blue
  • Human bitten by genetically engineered electric eels and was electrocuted. Transformed into a mass of electricity
  • Bald
  • formerly Auburn
  • High school
  • Electro is able to 'ride' electricity.
  • Expert Linesman
  • Max Dillon, Max, "Sparkles"
  • Variable
  • Variable
  • Secret
  • Endicott, New York
  • American
  • * When he is fully charged, Electro is extremely sensitive to anything that may "short circuit" him, such as water.
  • *Electrostatic Energy Generation: Electro possesses the ability to bodily generate electrostatic energy which he can release or harness for a number of effects. He is powered by the micro-fine rhythmic muscle contractions that normally regulate body temperature. His body can generate electricity at a rate of about 10,000 volts per minute, up to his maximum storage capacity of 10,000,000 volts. At that point, his body automatically stops producing electricity. As he expends his electrostatic energy, his body automatically begins to recharge the stores. Electro can mentally control the amount of electricity he discharges, anywhere from a single volt to his full 10,000,000 volt charge at once. At ten to thirty feet, his maximum charge is more than enough to kill a man. Electro can also use his body as a transformer, touching an outside power source and channeling it through his body for use. The amount of electricity he can transform above his body's maximum storage capacity is unknown. Electro can employ his electrostatic energy in a number of ways: *Lighting Bolt Projection: The simplest manifestation is the emission of a lightning-like electric arc from his fingertips, which can propagate through air or other conducting mediums. This discharge, whose total voltage can be regulated within certain limits, travels at the speed of lightning, about 150,000 feet per second. The course of the electrostatic bolt, like lightning, does not always follow a straight line since it may be influenced by conducting substances like metal or other electrical fields. If his target is not grounded, his electrostatic bolt will have little effect. The maximum effective range of his bolts is about 100 feet. *Electromagnetic Propulsion via Electrical Lines and Bridges: Electro can propel himself along the accompanying magnetic lines of force in objects that have great electrical potential, such as high-tension electrical lines. He generates light, eddying electrical fields around his legs, which develops an intense, opposing magnetic field that can support him above the electric cable's magnetic field. By creating imbalances in his field, he can ride along on magnetic ripples at speeds of up to 140 miles per hour, the maximum speed at which he can still breathe unaided. He can sometimes create electrostatic bridges to traverse upon, although the expenditure of energy is enormous. To a limited degree, he can also mimic Spider-Man's wall-crawling ability, using his electromagnetic field to become attracted to the fields of iron bars in buildings. *Electrical Detection: Electro's electrical powers also grant him certain sensory and manipulative abilities. By "feeling" the course of electricity through the circuitry of any electrically-powered device, Electro can override the system and make the device obey his mental commands. Electro can disconnect alarm systems, control computers in a limited way, or overload any electrically controlled system that is insufficiently shielded. *Electrocution: The electric flux of Electro's skin is such that when his electric charge is at a maximum, a person touching him is in danger of being electrocuted. *Recharging: By using an external electrical power source to recharge his body's energy reserves, he could expend electrical energy indefinitely without diminishing his personal reserves. *Electrical Conversion into Enhanced Physical Attributions: The electricity coursing through his altered body augments his strength, speed, and recuperative powers. When fully charged, Electro is able to lift about 500 pounds. *Metal Ionization: Electro was taught by Doctor Octopus that he could ionize metals. *Disruption of Wall-Crawling Abilities: Electro's powers also can disrupt Spider-Man's electrostatic ability to cling to walls. *Localized Electromagnetic Storms *Electromagnetic Manipulation: Electro can store and absorb a seemingly limitless amount of electricity. He can fly by generating a massive field of electricity which could propel him through the air. He also gained the power of magnetokinesis to a certain degree, allowing him to manipulate magnetic fields and move objects in a manner similar to that of Magneto, and could overcome his old weakness to water by using the electromagnetic fields around him to vaporize water before it could touch him. *Immunity to Electricity: Electro's body is immune to the effects of its electricity and that of other sources as well. Hence, Electro cannot be electrocuted no matter how great the voltage. *Charging: Electro can charge himself up to reach high maximum voltage. Here he can grow in height to an enormous humanoid looking creature made up of nothing but electricity.
  • Earth-1010
  • Former OsCorp linesman
  • Male
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