  • Miles
  • Miles
  • Miles
  • Miles
  • Miles
  • Founded in 2004, by owner Miles Rubin, Miles Electric Vehicles was the first low-speed electric vehicle company to have US DOT approved NEVs. Growing steadily since, the Miles EV ZX40S & ZX40ST models can be found in use by government institutions and schools throughout the United States
  • Miles was a Twi'lek male who worked for House Thul during the Cold War. An electronics expert, he came up with a way to retake the Thul droid factory on the planet Alderaan—dataspikes inserted in the factory's terminals allowed him to remotely shut down the factory, retaking it from House Ulgo.
  • Miles is a character in the Back at the Barnyard franchise. He is Ben's best friend and the smartest animal in the barnyard. Miles is the oldest and wisest animal in the Barnyard and he tries his best to keep a level head. Besides Pip, he is sometimes the animal whom Otis talks to for advice. After Ben's death, Miles, in a way, took over as a father-like figure for Otis. His general is keeping peace, reading and preventing Otis from getting into trouble. For some reason, he never appears in the TV series and only makes a cameo appearance in the intro.
  • Miles is a Wind Waker and Swords Man that appears in Super Smash Bros. Stars and Super Smash Bros. Unlimited. He is very fast and believes in speed and agility more then power and strength. He is playable in the beginning of the game. He is the Toon Version of Link. He has a shrimp designed shirt, orange pants, yellow hair, and brown shoes. He is also the ancestor of Link of Twilight Princess.
  • Miles was in the Danger Bar with Phillippe LeChat discussing whether Phillippe should get braces, but Miles told him it wouldn't matter, as they could be made transparent. When James Frampton came to question Phillippe about a falsified police report incriminating James, James told Miles to leave, so he could have a word with Phillippe.
  • Miles (3ごう, #3 en japonais, Big Top en anglais, Benni en allemand, Déivid en espagnol, Grande C en italien) est un éléphant apparaissant comme villageois pour la première fois dans Animal Crossing: Wild World. Il apparaît aussi dans Dōbutsu no Mori e+ qui est une version exclusivement japonaise du jeu Animal Crossing sur GameCube et sa carte Amiibo est compatible avec Animal Crossing: Amiibo Festival.
  • Miles is the name of a former Dunder Mifflin employee who quit to form his own company. 'This article is a stub. You can help Dunderpedia by expanding it.
  • Miles is the first human character of Chocolate Kirby's. He has amputated arms. He is also a very good mechanic and builder. Don't ask. He has a belt with many tools on it. Most of his fighting moves consist of kicking or sometimes creating weaponry such as a cannon.
  • The community was named after Nelson A. Miles, an early settler to the area. A post office called Miles was opened in 1881 until it closed in 1962.
  • Miles is a thug of Raxachk on Mars. The Avatar found Miles guarding Argyre in Martian Dreams. The thug said that Rasputin (Raxachk in the monk's body) had told him that everyone will just try to take advantage of him and manipulate him into doing things. Thus he'd only let Rasputin manipulate him. Miles also gloated that even though the Avatar managed to get in, they'd never be able to stop Rasputin's secret plan, revealing that Raxachk had the rocket fuel. Before Raxachk later fled Rasputin's body, he murdered his thugs, including Miles.
  • Miles is Ramen's son and the third Agent P.
  • Miles is a man who appeared in "Trinity".
  • Miles is a resident of Folkvanger.
  • Miles is a character in the Barnyard franchise. He is Ben's best friend.
  • Miles appears in Vampire Academy. After Mia spread the rumors about Jesse and Ralf sleeping with Rose, the whole school believes it. When Rose walks by him to get to the kitchen, he, along with Anthony, asks her if she wants "company" and try to get their hands on her but Mason appears and gets her out of that situation.
  • Miles (マイルズ) was Doohan's assistant, appearing in Wild Horses. He is an avid fan of the "Blue Sox" baseball team.
  • Miles, a young black man who is one of Future Leonardo's ninja students.
  • Miles is a character in Formello This article is a . You can help My English Wiki by expanding it.
  • Agent Miles was an special agent working for Bureau 713. He was in charge of communications.
  • Evil Tails would remain on Anti-Mobius for over a year, having little to do with Mobius Prime as Scourge was captured by Zonic the Zone Cop and replaced by first Anti St. John and then Princess Alicia. (SSS: #10) When all of the Alternate Tails gathered to form Titan Tails, Evil Tails was among them. (StH: #149, #150) His one attack against the Knothole Freedom Fighters was entirely unintentional, as he was attacking Sonic the Hedgehog while under the impression that he was Scourge back to cause trouble, a ruse brought about by the evil Hedgehog's machinations. (StH: #151)
  • Miles is AniBlue, the Blue Ranger of the Anirangers.
  • The 3 brothers Miles, Niles and Giles all have the same supplies in each store.
  • Miles (マイルズ Mairusu?) is the receptionist of Legram's Bracer Guild branch of the empire in the Trails of Cold Steel trilogy.
  • Miles is a non-player character who allows players to exchange bars for certificates or exchange certificates for bars. Miles is located in the Draynor Village market along with Giles (who exchanges ore) and Niles (who exchanges fish). Miles exchanges five different types of bars which include: Exchanging bars for certificates is often done so that players can trade large amounts of bars fast and effectively.
  • Miles est un personnage secondaire de la série animée Final Fantasy: Unlimited. Elle est le lieutenant de Knave, chef des Comodéens. On la voit souvent en train de donner des ordres aux combattants, et elle a pour arme une sorte de flûte de pan qu'elle utilise comme sarbacane-mitrailleuse.
  • Miles was Phoebe Halliwell's mortal boyfriend, whom she started dating shortly after divorcing Cole Turner. Phoebe believed she really cared about him, though Piper believed he was just a rebound.
  • He has two brothers, Giles and Niles, who may appear instead of Miles.
  • Detective Miles was a law enforcement officer in Bellefleur, Oregon and the father of Billy Miles. (TXF: "Pilot", "Requiem")
  • He is a founding member of RuneScape Certifications LLP.
  • Miles may refer to: * The * Miles Vorkosigan from Nexus in Effulgence * Miles Vorkosigan from Superluminal in Effulgence * Miles Vorkosigan from Crossroads in Resplendence
  • Miles is a minor character from Final Fantasy: Unlimited. She is a tomboyish lieutenant of Knave in the Comodeen. She is often seen directing the soldiers into carrying out their orders. She wields a pan-flute version of the blowguns the generic members use.
  • Miles, as described by Sirex, was a boy that came out of nowhere. He was always very defensive in his youth but also very adventurous During the first war he would, sometimes accompanied by Sirex sneak out of Silvermoon to watch the trolls. One night, they came upon a camp of Trolls who were threatning to mutilate an innocent elf, Miles rushed to the scene, he barely managed to escape, it cost him his sight, since then he became even more silent then he was before, only talking when spoken to.
  • Miles was a member of the Scantid Pirates. He was known by his leader Razek for his affinity toward knives. He followed his pirate gang when they took up refuge in the Tarsonis Ghost Academy. When the Dominion Marine Corps's Meatbag Squadron arrived, Miles charged the marines with a knife, immediately being gunned down in the process.
  • Miles war ein Mitglied einer kleinen Gemeinschaft, die auf der Hilltop-Farm lebte. Er hatte schon Erfahrungen mit einer Farm und baute das Bewässerungssystem auf. Später betrieben er und Jacky eine Hauswirtschaft, um die Kühe der Gemeinschaft am Leben zu erhalten.
  • Miles Robinson is the adopted son of Susan and Gordon on Sesame Street. Susan and Gordon's adoption of Miles in 1985 (beginning with Episode 2122) was a major event on the show. Subsequent episodes dealt with the infant Miles' adjustment to his new family, and he would gradually become one of the familiar kids on the street. Miles' birthday is December 4th. In a dream sequence in Episode 2313 (1987), Gordon and Susan imagine what Miles would be like as an adult. The adult Miles is played by Kevin Clash. Miles has worked as an assistant to Alan at Hooper's Store during season 37.
  • Miles, oder auch als Anti-Tails bekannt, ist die Moebiusversion des Miles "Tails" Prower auf Mobius Prime, war ein ehemaliger Anti Freedom Fighter und war dafür bekannt die Moebianer auf Moebius zu schikanieren. Als sich Anti-Sonic auf den Weg machte nach Mobius zu gelangen war er und die anderen Anti Freedom Fighter mit dabei.
  • Miles jest chemikiem zamieszkałym w Adytum powstałym na Gruzach Los Angeles. Jako człowiek o sporej wiedzy technicznej zajmuje się wieloma różnymi dziedzinami: zbudował destylator, by móc czerpać nieskażona wodę z miejskiej studni i zasilać farmę hydrofoniczną. Ale jego głównym zajęciem jest wytwarzanie prochu strzelniczego i spłonek do pocisków, które są głównym towarem eksportowym Adytum. Niektóre składniki zakupuje od kupców z Hub, a niektóre znajduje w okolicy w Gruzach. Eksperymentuje również z hodowlą grzybów, wytwarza stężony kwas, żeby Smitty mógł go wykorzystać do trawienia w metalu. Pracuje także nad trwałymi barwnikami i tuszami.
  • At first interaction with The Chipmunks, Miles is shown to be a bully due to his dislike for the group: he hangs Theodore on a windmill, hits Alvin with a golf club, and locks The Chipmunks out of their own house. After he learns of a potential proposal between his mother and Dave Seville, he agrees to work with the three brothers so none of them will have to deal with each other as a family. Miles is a performer and is able to play the guitar as seen in the Austin bar performance of "South Side" and the Miami performance of "Home".
  • El Mayor Miles es un soldado estacionado en la Fortaleza de Briggs y el ayudante personal de la mayor Olivier Armstrong. Miles está entre los soldados de más confianza de Armstrong y cumple sus órdenes de manera eficiente y en la medida de su capacidad. Aunque pragmático y calculador, Miles no es insensible y tiene una gran admiración por su reina, un punto débil en su corazón y para sus compañeros la esperanza de que las personas serán capaces de trabajar juntos, sin perjuicio de lo dispuesto en un futuro próximo. Miles siempre lleva gafas para la nieve para esconder que tiene rasgos ishvalanos, ya que su abuelo lo era y él heredó esos rasgos. Durante la Guerra Civil de Ishval, los soldados ishvalanos de Amestris eran detenidos y ejecutados. Olivier protegió a Miles y le dijo que a ella l
  • While Miles had Casey at gunpoint after assassinating the rest of his team, Casey asks Miles if he was a member of Fulcrum, but Miles denies it and knocks him unconscious, sparing him as Casey had once saved his life. He resurfaces again at the final scene of the episode, where he leads the rest of his agents to the secret Intersect building, where they used Bryce Larkin to gain access to the room holding the Intersect. He appears in: "Chuck Versus the Ring".
  • Miles returns in "Don't Look a Smith Horse in the Mouth" hanging out at the park again and in "You Debt Your Life" when Roger attempts to move in with him. However, Miles kicks him out when Roger attempts to snort cocaine on his mother's picture. He can also bee seen standing beside Trudy at the Chimdale Mountain Inn in "100 A.D.", passing through the Pearl Bailey High School cafeteria in "The Life Aquatic With Steve Smith", shareing a kiss at Nationals Park in "Kiss Kiss, Cam Cam" and on campus at American University in "The Devil Wears a Lapel Pin". Miles is voiced by Peter Facinelli.
  • Major Miles is an Amestrian State Military Officer stationed at Fort Briggs as Major General Olivier Mira Armstrong's personal adjutant. Dutiful and intelligent, Miles is among Armstrong's most trusted soldiers and fulfills her orders efficiently and to the best of his ability. Though pragmatic and calculating, Miles is not without a heart; he holds a great deal of admiration for his queen, a soft spot in his heart for his comrades and the hope that people will be able to work together without prejudice in the near future.
  • 2
  • 8
Portrayed By
  • Mâle
  • Éléphant
  • StH 24
  • 301
  • *Red and grey uniform *Grey wig *Black/red leather jacket *pierced ears *Staff
  • None
  • José Durán
  • Norse
  • männlich
  • He runs a bar exchange store
  • The brother of Niles and Giles.
  • None
  • Fathers
  • StH 196
  • FO1
  • Miles sen.jpg
  • Químico
  • hide
  • Episodio 33
  • --03-15
  • --02-27
  • FO3
  • No
  • Versions from Mobius Prime *Merlin Prower *Amadeus Prower *Rosemary Prower
  • Pirate
  • Assistant leader
  • Miles
  • Grey
  • 10
  • Abuelo ishvaliano, esposa
  • 11
  • Child
  • Militar
  • Alive
  • dead
  • Vampire Academy
First Appearance
  • Future Mayor
  • Son of Rose
  • The Sword of Summer
  • Black
  • Brown
  • Miles
  • Miles Prower
  • Lionel Hudgens
  • Miles the Fox
  • Normal
  • Underwater
  • I ain't a young'in! I can take care of myself!
  • Sith Empire
  • minor
  • File:Miles.gif
  • Cambiar la imagen de los ishvalianos
  • Mairusu
  • Miresu
  • *Able to fly using his twin tails *Genius-Level Intelligence *Hand-To-Hand Combat Skills
personnalité (vif, paresseux...)
  • Paresseux
anniversaire (jj/mm)
  • --10-03
  • auto
  • No
  • Capítulo 63
  • Black
  • *Anti Tails *Evil Tails
Birth Place
  • Latest RuneScape News
  • 220
  • None
  • No
  • show
  • Major
  • Snow-blindness goggles, Ishvalan features
  • *Fur: Yellow *Eyes: Light Blue
  • various
  • None
  • #0c7255
  • 2002
  • ミィレス
  • Miles
Last Appearance
  • Kazuya Nakai
  • Soldier
  • Lieutenant
  • Performer
  • Novice
  • Receptionist
  • 1985
  • 2002-02-27
  • FFU
  • 2001-12-08
  • Alvin and the Chipmunks: The Road Chip
  • White
  • Yellow
  • Jason Douglas
  • "vipère"
  • Kazuya Nakai
  • Colin Hay
  • マイルズ
  • "He's a vegan! God bless him".
  • Hombre
  • Exchanges bar certificates
  • Founding member of RuneScape Certifications LLP
  • 260
  • Gelb
wikipage disambiguates
  • Gafas de nieve
  • Rasgos Ishvalanos
  • Balance
  • no
  • Founded in 2004, by owner Miles Rubin, Miles Electric Vehicles was the first low-speed electric vehicle company to have US DOT approved NEVs. Growing steadily since, the Miles EV ZX40S & ZX40ST models can be found in use by government institutions and schools throughout the United States
  • El Mayor Miles es un soldado estacionado en la Fortaleza de Briggs y el ayudante personal de la mayor Olivier Armstrong. Miles está entre los soldados de más confianza de Armstrong y cumple sus órdenes de manera eficiente y en la medida de su capacidad. Aunque pragmático y calculador, Miles no es insensible y tiene una gran admiración por su reina, un punto débil en su corazón y para sus compañeros la esperanza de que las personas serán capaces de trabajar juntos, sin perjuicio de lo dispuesto en un futuro próximo. Miles siempre lleva gafas para la nieve para esconder que tiene rasgos ishvalanos, ya que su abuelo lo era y él heredó esos rasgos. Durante la Guerra Civil de Ishval, los soldados ishvalanos de Amestris eran detenidos y ejecutados. Olivier protegió a Miles y le dijo que a ella le daba igual su raza. Solo quería obediencia y disciplina. Es por eso que Miles la respeta mucho.
  • Miles was a Twi'lek male who worked for House Thul during the Cold War. An electronics expert, he came up with a way to retake the Thul droid factory on the planet Alderaan—dataspikes inserted in the factory's terminals allowed him to remotely shut down the factory, retaking it from House Ulgo.
  • Miles is a character in the Back at the Barnyard franchise. He is Ben's best friend and the smartest animal in the barnyard. Miles is the oldest and wisest animal in the Barnyard and he tries his best to keep a level head. Besides Pip, he is sometimes the animal whom Otis talks to for advice. After Ben's death, Miles, in a way, took over as a father-like figure for Otis. His general is keeping peace, reading and preventing Otis from getting into trouble. For some reason, he never appears in the TV series and only makes a cameo appearance in the intro.
  • Miles is a Wind Waker and Swords Man that appears in Super Smash Bros. Stars and Super Smash Bros. Unlimited. He is very fast and believes in speed and agility more then power and strength. He is playable in the beginning of the game. He is the Toon Version of Link. He has a shrimp designed shirt, orange pants, yellow hair, and brown shoes. He is also the ancestor of Link of Twilight Princess.
  • Miles was in the Danger Bar with Phillippe LeChat discussing whether Phillippe should get braces, but Miles told him it wouldn't matter, as they could be made transparent. When James Frampton came to question Phillippe about a falsified police report incriminating James, James told Miles to leave, so he could have a word with Phillippe.
  • Miles (3ごう, #3 en japonais, Big Top en anglais, Benni en allemand, Déivid en espagnol, Grande C en italien) est un éléphant apparaissant comme villageois pour la première fois dans Animal Crossing: Wild World. Il apparaît aussi dans Dōbutsu no Mori e+ qui est une version exclusivement japonaise du jeu Animal Crossing sur GameCube et sa carte Amiibo est compatible avec Animal Crossing: Amiibo Festival.
  • Miles is the name of a former Dunder Mifflin employee who quit to form his own company. 'This article is a stub. You can help Dunderpedia by expanding it.
  • Miles is the first human character of Chocolate Kirby's. He has amputated arms. He is also a very good mechanic and builder. Don't ask. He has a belt with many tools on it. Most of his fighting moves consist of kicking or sometimes creating weaponry such as a cannon.
  • The community was named after Nelson A. Miles, an early settler to the area. A post office called Miles was opened in 1881 until it closed in 1962.
  • Miles is a thug of Raxachk on Mars. The Avatar found Miles guarding Argyre in Martian Dreams. The thug said that Rasputin (Raxachk in the monk's body) had told him that everyone will just try to take advantage of him and manipulate him into doing things. Thus he'd only let Rasputin manipulate him. Miles also gloated that even though the Avatar managed to get in, they'd never be able to stop Rasputin's secret plan, revealing that Raxachk had the rocket fuel. Before Raxachk later fled Rasputin's body, he murdered his thugs, including Miles.
  • Miles is Ramen's son and the third Agent P.
  • Miles is a man who appeared in "Trinity".
  • Miles is a resident of Folkvanger.
  • Miles is a character in the Barnyard franchise. He is Ben's best friend.
  • Miles appears in Vampire Academy. After Mia spread the rumors about Jesse and Ralf sleeping with Rose, the whole school believes it. When Rose walks by him to get to the kitchen, he, along with Anthony, asks her if she wants "company" and try to get their hands on her but Mason appears and gets her out of that situation.
  • Miles (マイルズ) was Doohan's assistant, appearing in Wild Horses. He is an avid fan of the "Blue Sox" baseball team.
  • Miles, a young black man who is one of Future Leonardo's ninja students.
  • Miles is a character in Formello This article is a . You can help My English Wiki by expanding it.
  • Agent Miles was an special agent working for Bureau 713. He was in charge of communications.
  • Evil Tails would remain on Anti-Mobius for over a year, having little to do with Mobius Prime as Scourge was captured by Zonic the Zone Cop and replaced by first Anti St. John and then Princess Alicia. (SSS: #10) When all of the Alternate Tails gathered to form Titan Tails, Evil Tails was among them. (StH: #149, #150) His one attack against the Knothole Freedom Fighters was entirely unintentional, as he was attacking Sonic the Hedgehog while under the impression that he was Scourge back to cause trouble, a ruse brought about by the evil Hedgehog's machinations. (StH: #151)
  • Miles is AniBlue, the Blue Ranger of the Anirangers.
  • Miles returns in "Don't Look a Smith Horse in the Mouth" hanging out at the park again and in "You Debt Your Life" when Roger attempts to move in with him. However, Miles kicks him out when Roger attempts to snort cocaine on his mother's picture. He can also bee seen standing beside Trudy at the Chimdale Mountain Inn in "100 A.D.", passing through the Pearl Bailey High School cafeteria in "The Life Aquatic With Steve Smith", shareing a kiss at Nationals Park in "Kiss Kiss, Cam Cam" and on campus at American University in "The Devil Wears a Lapel Pin". He appears as one of the residents of Ragi-Town in "The Enlightenment of Ragi-Baba". Miles is voiced by Peter Facinelli.
  • Major Miles is an Amestrian State Military Officer stationed at Fort Briggs as Major General Olivier Mira Armstrong's personal adjutant. Dutiful and intelligent, Miles is among Armstrong's most trusted soldiers and fulfills her orders efficiently and to the best of his ability. Though pragmatic and calculating, Miles is not without a heart; he holds a great deal of admiration for his queen, a soft spot in his heart for his comrades and the hope that people will be able to work together without prejudice in the near future. Like most soldiers serving at Briggs, however, Miles hides a personal secret behind his snow-blindness goggles. Though he is the child of a multi-ethnic family, his paternal grandfather's Ishvalan heritage runs strongest in him, resulting in Miles' distinctive red eyes despite being only one-quarter Ishvalan.
  • The 3 brothers Miles, Niles and Giles all have the same supplies in each store.
  • Miles (マイルズ Mairusu?) is the receptionist of Legram's Bracer Guild branch of the empire in the Trails of Cold Steel trilogy.
  • At first interaction with The Chipmunks, Miles is shown to be a bully due to his dislike for the group: he hangs Theodore on a windmill, hits Alvin with a golf club, and locks The Chipmunks out of their own house. After he learns of a potential proposal between his mother and Dave Seville, he agrees to work with the three brothers so none of them will have to deal with each other as a family. During the trip to Miami, the boys bond and it's revealed that Miles' father left him when he was younger, tarnishing his appeal of fathers in general. At the party in New Orleans, Miles' attitude towards The Chipmunks changes to one of acceptance. As a result, he's greatly upset when the boys are celebrating after they believe they've successfully stopped the proposal. He learns that they still wish to hang with him regardless after Theodore risks his life to save Miles from being hit by a car. Miles is a performer and is able to play the guitar as seen in the Austin bar performance of "South Side" and the Miami performance of "Home". When he sees Ashley, the artist Dave's producing for, after the final performance with The Chipmunks, he immediately develops a crush on her and is invited to a party in L.A.
  • Miles is a non-player character who allows players to exchange bars for certificates or exchange certificates for bars. Miles is located in the Draynor Village market along with Giles (who exchanges ore) and Niles (who exchanges fish). Miles exchanges five different types of bars which include: Exchanging bars for certificates is often done so that players can trade large amounts of bars fast and effectively.
  • Miles est un personnage secondaire de la série animée Final Fantasy: Unlimited. Elle est le lieutenant de Knave, chef des Comodéens. On la voit souvent en train de donner des ordres aux combattants, et elle a pour arme une sorte de flûte de pan qu'elle utilise comme sarbacane-mitrailleuse.
  • Miles jest chemikiem zamieszkałym w Adytum powstałym na Gruzach Los Angeles. Jako człowiek o sporej wiedzy technicznej zajmuje się wieloma różnymi dziedzinami: zbudował destylator, by móc czerpać nieskażona wodę z miejskiej studni i zasilać farmę hydrofoniczną. Ale jego głównym zajęciem jest wytwarzanie prochu strzelniczego i spłonek do pocisków, które są głównym towarem eksportowym Adytum. Niektóre składniki zakupuje od kupców z Hub, a niektóre znajduje w okolicy w Gruzach. Eksperymentuje również z hodowlą grzybów, wytwarza stężony kwas, żeby Smitty mógł go wykorzystać do trawienia w metalu. Pracuje także nad trwałymi barwnikami i tuszami. Dzięki swej wiedzy oraz informacjom z Czasopism Chemicznych, które można znaleźć u Ms.Stapleton, może wzmocnić Pancerz Wspomagany.
  • Miles was Phoebe Halliwell's mortal boyfriend, whom she started dating shortly after divorcing Cole Turner. Phoebe believed she really cared about him, though Piper believed he was just a rebound.
  • He has two brothers, Giles and Niles, who may appear instead of Miles.
  • Detective Miles was a law enforcement officer in Bellefleur, Oregon and the father of Billy Miles. (TXF: "Pilot", "Requiem")
  • He is a founding member of RuneScape Certifications LLP.
  • Miles may refer to: * The * Miles Vorkosigan from Nexus in Effulgence * Miles Vorkosigan from Superluminal in Effulgence * Miles Vorkosigan from Crossroads in Resplendence
  • Miles is a minor character from Final Fantasy: Unlimited. She is a tomboyish lieutenant of Knave in the Comodeen. She is often seen directing the soldiers into carrying out their orders. She wields a pan-flute version of the blowguns the generic members use.
  • Miles, as described by Sirex, was a boy that came out of nowhere. He was always very defensive in his youth but also very adventurous During the first war he would, sometimes accompanied by Sirex sneak out of Silvermoon to watch the trolls. One night, they came upon a camp of Trolls who were threatning to mutilate an innocent elf, Miles rushed to the scene, he barely managed to escape, it cost him his sight, since then he became even more silent then he was before, only talking when spoken to.
  • While Miles had Casey at gunpoint after assassinating the rest of his team, Casey asks Miles if he was a member of Fulcrum, but Miles denies it and knocks him unconscious, sparing him as Casey had once saved his life. He resurfaces again at the final scene of the episode, where he leads the rest of his agents to the secret Intersect building, where they used Bryce Larkin to gain access to the room holding the Intersect. He is later revealed as an agent of the Ring. Bryce reveals that the Ring is an organization of which Fulcrum was only one part of. Miles attempted to steal the Intersect 2.0, but was foiled by Chuck, who uploaded the computer into his own brain again before destroying the system. He attempted to retaliate by killing Chuck, but was defeated when it was revealed the new Intersect gave Chuck advanced martial arts skills. He appears in: "Chuck Versus the Ring".
  • Miles was a member of the Scantid Pirates. He was known by his leader Razek for his affinity toward knives. He followed his pirate gang when they took up refuge in the Tarsonis Ghost Academy. When the Dominion Marine Corps's Meatbag Squadron arrived, Miles charged the marines with a knife, immediately being gunned down in the process.
  • Miles, oder auch als Anti-Tails bekannt, ist die Moebiusversion des Miles "Tails" Prower auf Mobius Prime, war ein ehemaliger Anti Freedom Fighter und war dafür bekannt die Moebianer auf Moebius zu schikanieren. Als sich Anti-Sonic auf den Weg machte nach Mobius zu gelangen war er und die anderen Anti Freedom Fighter mit dabei. Als die Suppression Squad versuchte, gegen Scourge the Hedgehog, den Anti-Sonic, zu kämpfen, schloss er ein Pakt mit den Knothole Freedom Fighters um seinen König zu stürzen. Alsbald jedoch, als der Frieden auf Moebius und Mobius wieder hergestellt war, beschlossen er und Prinzessin Alicia einen Plan, um Mobius erneut anzugreifen.
  • Miles war ein Mitglied einer kleinen Gemeinschaft, die auf der Hilltop-Farm lebte. Er hatte schon Erfahrungen mit einer Farm und baute das Bewässerungssystem auf. Später betrieben er und Jacky eine Hauswirtschaft, um die Kühe der Gemeinschaft am Leben zu erhalten.
  • Miles Robinson is the adopted son of Susan and Gordon on Sesame Street. Susan and Gordon's adoption of Miles in 1985 (beginning with Episode 2122) was a major event on the show. Subsequent episodes dealt with the infant Miles' adjustment to his new family, and he would gradually become one of the familiar kids on the street. Miles' birthday is December 4th. In a dream sequence in Episode 2313 (1987), Gordon and Susan imagine what Miles would be like as an adult. The adult Miles is played by Kevin Clash. As a teenager, Miles formed his own band. In Episode 4112, he graduated high school alongside Gabi (despite the fact that the characters' respective births on the show occurred four years apart). A flashback in this episode shows that Miles was shy on his first day of kindergarten. Miles has worked as an assistant to Alan at Hooper's Store during season 37.
is Freunde of
is Zugehörigkeit of
is Student of
is Diffusion of
is Played of
is Enemies of
is Family of
is Friends of
is wikipage disambiguates of
is also appearing of
is afiliados of