  • Junk shop
  • Junk Shop
  • The junk shop serves as the game's weapon shop from previous Final Fantasy games, offering a list of advancements for each character. Upgrading a weapon in the Steam version earns the player the achievement Handyman. Junk Shop is also an ability learned by the Guardian Force Doomtrain, which allows the player to visit a junk shop anywhere via the menu. This is useful for beyond the point of no return, as towns are inaccessible, although the player can still access junk shop within the Ragnarok if they salvage it from the Kashkabald Desert.
  • Kattelox Island's Apple Market has a Junk Shop named Lightning Parts Center. When the Flutter crash-landed in the island, Mega Man visits the Junk Shop to see if it has any parts for sale that can be used to repair the Flutter. The junk shop lady says the shop is closed as her husband is out on a dig to obtain old machine parts. Wondering why her husband is taking so long to return, she asks Mega Man if he could go find him. There is also a small Junk Shop in Yass Plains that sells the same items from Apple Market.
  • The junk shop serves as the game's weapon shop from previous Final Fantasy games, offering a list of advancements for each character. Upgrading a weapon in the Steam version earns the player the achievement Handyman. Junk Shop is also an ability learned by the Guardian Force Doomtrain, which allows the player to visit a junk shop anywhere via the menu. This is useful for beyond the point of no return, as towns are inaccessible, although the player can still access junk shop within the Ragnarok if they salvage it from the Kashkabald Desert.
  • Kattelox Island's Apple Market has a Junk Shop named Lightning Parts Center. When the Flutter crash-landed in the island, Mega Man visits the Junk Shop to see if it has any parts for sale that can be used to repair the Flutter. The junk shop lady says the shop is closed as her husband is out on a dig to obtain old machine parts. Wondering why her husband is taking so long to return, she asks Mega Man if he could go find him. Mega Man finds the junk store man surrounded by Mirumijees in the Underground Ruins and saves him. As a token of appreciation, the Junk Shop owners give Mega Man the item Mine Parts Kit (which Roll uses to develop the Splash Mine) and their old Support Car so he can use it to exchange parts. The two lament they don't have any parts for a flying ship, but they got weapons, upgrades and other items for sale that can help him. Afterwards the Junk Shop opens. There is also a small Junk Shop in Yass Plains that sells the same items from Apple Market.