  • Ryloth
  • Ryloth
  • Ryloth
  • Ryloth
  • Ryloth
  • Ryloth
  • Ryloth
  • Ryloth
  • Ryloth
  • Ryloth, planeta ve Vnějším okraji, byla domovskou planetou Twi'leků. Převážnou část terénů tvořily džungle, pláně, údolí a sopky. Atmosféra byla dýchatelná pro Twi'leky a humanoidní druhy.
  • Ryloth was a hot and humid planet that was the homeworld of the Twi'leks. The Twi'leks lived in caves carved in the mountains there. File:Land planet ryloth 02.png File:Space planet ryloth 01.png i
  • Ryloth is the planet that served as the homeworld for the Twi'lek species. During the War of Darkness in 46 ABY, Krensus Adalar and Rannek attacked and overwhelmed the defenders in the Destruction of Ryloth. After enslaving a small number of the population, the Darkness fleet opened fire on the habitable belt near the equator destroying anything on the surface and killing much of the population. Many more died as survivors deep underground were forced to survive while rescuers dug through millions of tons of rock to free them. Since then, the planet has been abandoned by all but a few Twi'leks.
  • Ryloth is a zerg broodmother and leader of the Ryloth Brood. During the Second Great War she kept her large brood out of harm's way until Sarah Kerrigan returned from Zerus. When she asked to rejoin the Swarm, Kerrigan ordered her to destroy Jontur II, a Dominion ship-building world. Her brood on Marek V was almost exterminated by Prometheus Company, but was saved by Kerrigan's brood.
  • Ryloth, anche conosciuto come Twi'lek o Twi'lek Prime, è il pianeta natale della specie Twi'lek. Situato nell'ominimo sistema è prevalentemente roccioso, con alte montagne le cui cime sono celate dalle nebbie. Un emisfero è in perenne oscurità, mentre l'altra parte è sempre illuminata dal sole. Gli esseri viventi, tra cui i Twi'lek, vivono in catacombe sotterranee. È un mondo caratterizzato da un livello tecnologico antiquato. Mission Vao vi nasce nel 3.970 BBY.
  • Ryloth Kategória:Planéty
  • Ryloth was the homeworld of the Twi'lek species, and a center of crime in the galaxy. It specialized in slavery and illegal spices. It was a desert world full of tall mountains, and was home to the Gan Clan.
  • Neben Mon Bala ist Ryloth der zweite und der Hauptplanet des Ryloth-Systems. Er liegt im Äußeren Rand der Galaxis und ist der Heimatplaneten der Twi'leks.
  • Neben Mon Bala ist Ryloth der zweite und der Hauptplanet des Ryloth-Systems. Er liegt im Äußeren Rand der Galaxis und ist der Heimatplaneten der Twi'leks.
  • Ryloth, also known as Twi'lek, was the harsh, rocky homeworld of the Twi'leks, an Outer Rim Territories world located on the Corellian Run and forming one endpoint of the Death Wind Corridor.
  • Ryloth fue un planeta del Sistema Ryloth situado en los Territorios del Borde Exterior, y el mundo natal de los twi'leks. Su terreno era variado, albergando junglas, valles, llanuras desérticas y volcanes. El planeta tenía una atmósfera respirable tanto para twi'leks como para humanos. Un enorme bosque cubría su ecuador, y estaba repleto de peligrosos depredadores. Dada la peligrosidad y variabilidad del terreno de Ryloth, los twi'leks solían vivir en cuevas situadas bajo tierra, que eran más seguras.
  • Ryloth was the home planet of the Twi'leks, near the Corellian Run and forming one endpoint of the Death Wind Corridor. The planet orbits its star while being tidally locked — one side roasts in sunlight while the other languishes in darkness. Natives call this the Never-setting Sun.
  • [Source] Ryloth était le monde rocheux d'origine des Twi'leks, des humanoïdes possédant des queues crâniennes appelé Lekku et parlant le Ryl . Cette planète se situait dans le système Ryloth des Territoires de la Bordure Extérieure de la galaxie.
  • Ryloth, also known as Twi'lek, and Twi'lek Prime, was the harsh, rocky homeworld of the Twi'leks, an Outer Rim Territories world located on the Corellian Run and forming one endpoint of the Death Wind Corridor. Its day and year were identical, so that one side perpetually faced its sun and the other remained in darkness, a phenomenon known as tidal locking. The dayside was referred to as the Bright Lands and the night-side was known as the Nightlands.
  • Ryloth is the home planet of the race of the Twi'leks. Because of the nature of Ryloth's orbit around its primary, one side of the planet always faces its star. This side is called the Brightlands, and the other side is called the Nightlands. This results in the temperature on the day side being burning desert, and the night side the temperature is freezing cold. There is a habitable, twilight band around the planet where the day and night sides of the planet meet. The Twi'lek people live in a series of urban cities that are located in the habitable band of the planet. It has four continents and two oceans. The continents are Haxiang, Dengdian, Lienru and Tienhu; the oceans are the North Ocean and the South Ocean
  • Ryloth is a planet located in the Outer Rim, home to the Twi'lek people. The world is divided into two polar opposites: the Bright Lands, where the heat is extreme and desert is the dominant landscape; while the other side is forever frozen and dark. The only stable location on the planet is the mountain ridge between these two sides, known as the "Life Zone". Here the Twi'lek people built their cities inside caverns. The capital city, Kala'uun, is home to the largest concentration of sentients, drawing in tourists.
  • Long ago, Ryloth was nothing more than a cloud of pure stupid. However, the great Walt Disney formed the planet with the evil power of musicals. Eventually, it was conquered by Tyber Zann. Then it was renamed Ryloth. It later became Happy Fancy Dancy Home World of the Twi'leks. It was really a nice place – that is, if you like Twi'leks, of course. Darth Elmo hated Twi'leks, however, so he ordered Darth Animal to destroy it in a Super Secret Sesame Street Black-Ops Mission. But for some reason the Twi'leks survived.... The end.... For now....
  • Ryloth löydettiin Vanhan Tasavallan toimesta n. 10 000 vuotta ennen kloonisotia. Se oli yksi ensimmäisiä Tasavallan ulkokeheällä sijaitsevia planeettoja. Ryloth sijaitsi suoraan kauppareitti Corellian Runin lopussa.
  • Ryloth, also known as Twi'lek and Twi'lek Prime, was the harsh and rocky homeworld of the Twi'leks. An Outer Rim Territories world located along the Corellian Run and forming one endpoint of the Death Wind Corridor, the planet was subject to the phenomena of tidal locking, wherein one side of the planet would always face its sun while the other side would always remain in darkness. In Ryloth's case, the dayside part of the planet was referred to as the Bright Lands while the "dark" side of the planet was known as the Nightlands.
  • Ryloth is quite the hive of scum and villiany within the Republic. The Twi'lek, who call Ryloth home, will deny this out of one side of their mouth, while making illicit black market deals out of the other. It is something of a mystery to many member-worlds of the Republic how the Ryloth government's recent petition for membership was accepted by the Republic Courts. Of course, on the books Ryloth seem squeaky clean. But the blatan slave trade, credit laundering and spice smuggling that enter the Republic through Ryloth are common knowledge to all but the most obtuse politician and citizen.
  • Ryloth, the second planet in its solar system, was a world of deserts and mountain ranges, with little or no surface water except for patches of water ice on the night side. It possessed a thin, but breathable atmosphere. The planet was orbited by five moons, which had subtle tidal effects on the planet's liquid core and underground springs. Kala'uun was a permanent city located within the Lonely Five mountain range, boasting a large underground spaceport.
  • Ryloth, the second planet in the Ryloth system, possessed a thin, but breathable atmosphere. The planet was orbited by five moons, which had subtle tidal effects on the planet's liquid core and underground springs. It had little or no surface water except for patches of water ice on the night side. It was a planet of extremes: dry, rocky landscapes of deserts, mountain ranges with mist-covered peaks, shadowy valleys, alternated with snowy wastes, joined by lush temperate bands which concentrated much of its population.
  • Ράιλοθ
  • Feodaalinen meritokratia
  • 10600.0
  • 305
  • 5
  • *Ihmiset *Jawat *Devaronialaiset
  • *Ruoka *Teknologia *Lääkkeet
  • *Ryll *Orjat
  • *Vedenalaiset joet *Pellot ja niityt
  • dýchatelná
  • 1
  • 250
  • 5
  • At least three
  • *Galaktinen Tasavalta *Galaktinen Imperiunmi *Uusi Sith-Imperiumi *Twi'lekien klaanikunnat
  • Ryloth
  • *República Galáctica *Confederación de Sistemas Independientes *Luchadores por la Libertad Twi'lek *Imperio Galáctico *Nueva República
  • Mystic Knights
  • Terrestre
  • Human
  • *Humans *Devaronians *Rodians *Jawas *Energy Spiders
  • *Humans *Devaronians *Rodians *Jawas *Energy Spiders *Others
  • Ryloth Ghost Raid.png
  • Ryloth
  • Por lo menos 3
  • *Twi'lek *Lylek *Rycrit *Doashim *Gutkurr *Can-cell *Blurrg *Bantha
  • *Selvas *Valles *Llanuras desérticas *Volcanes
  • *Montagne *Valli *Deserto *Tundra *Vette innevate *Foreste *Pianure
  • *Desierto Jixuan
  • 1
  • 305
Espèces principales
  • *Twi'leks *Humains
  • Seconda
  • *Twi'leki
  • 30
  • 305
  • *Humanos
  • *Galaktická republika *Konfederace nezávislých systémů *Galaktické impérium
  • *Ryll *Slaves
  • *Ryll *Slaves *Spice
  • 라일로스
  • 라일로스
  • 라일로스
  • Ryloth
  • *Underground rivers *Springs
  • Zerg Swarm :Ryloth Brood
  • 10600.0
  • Yellow
  • Rylothano
  • Ryloth
  • Ryloth
  • *Kala'uun and Lessu *Sal'kaasa *Kala'din
  • *Lessu *Nabat
  • *Lessu *Nabat *Rhovari
  • *Sal'kaasa *Kala'din *Leb'Reen *Nabat
  • Non-coded; Canon
  • Galactic Republic
  • *Twi'lek Clan Council *Galactic Republic *New Sith Empire *Confederacy of Independent Systems *Galactic Empire *Zann Consortium *Alliance to Restore the Republic *Alliance of Free Planets *New Republic *Diversity Alliance *Galactic Federation of Free Alliances
  • *Galactic Empire *Zann Consortium *Galactic Republic *Rebel Alliance
  • *Galactic Republic *Confederacy of Independent Systems *Twi'lek Resistance *Galactic Empire *Free Ryloth movement
  • Humans, Rodians, Other
  • Standard
  • Ryloth
  • Ryloth
  • Ryloth
  • Ryloth
  • *Blurrg *Can-cell *Gutkurr *Lylek
  • *Lylek *Blurrg *Can-cell *Gutkurr
  • *Lylek *Gutkurr
  • Ryloth
  • Ryloth
  • Zobvakuz township, Ryloth
  • Y-wing Starfighter biography gallery
  • Y-wing Starfighter biography gallery
  • Tellurique
  • Respirable
  • *Jungles *Mesas *Vallées *Volcans
Lieux importants
  • *Lessu *Nabat *Province Tann **Résidence des Syndulla
  • Chaud
  • *Feudal meritocracy
  • Feudal clans
  • Feudal meritocracy
  • Twi'leki
  • *Twi'leki *Galactic Basic Standard
  • *Galactic Basic Standard *Twi'leki
  • *Galactic Basic Standard *Twi'leki *Lekku
  • Independent
  • No mínimo três
  • black
  • Ryloth
  • *Forest's *Valleys *Mountains *Desert
  • *Mountains *Desert *Tundra *Ice cap on night side
  • Jungles, mesas, valleys, volcanoes
  • *Mountains *Valleys *Desert *Tundra *Ice cap on night side *Forests *Plains
  • Ryloth
  • 1500000000
  • Twi'lek
  • *Twi'leks *Lylek *Rycrit
  • *Twi'leks *Lylek *Rycrit *Doashim *Gutkurr *Can-cell *Blurrg
  • *Twi'leks *Lylek *Rycrit *Doashim *Gutkurr *Can-cell *Blurrg
  • *Bright Lands *Darkside *Floating Rock Gardens *Leb'Reen *Hunvar's Spire *Joreikna *Lohema *Lonely Five Range *Covenant Academy *The Enclave *The Fungus Pit
  • * Oola House * hotel * rental properties
  • *Bright Lands *Floating Rock Gardens *Leb'Reen *Hunvar's Spire *Joreikna *Lohema *Lonely Five Range *Sith Academy *The Enclave *The Fungus Pit
  • *Bypass Notch *Jixuan desert *Ryloth's northern continent *Tann province *Tulara Ravine
  • 250
  • 250
  • Рилот
  • Рилот/Канон
  • Рилот/Канон
  • Русский
  • Terrestrial
  • orange
  • *Kala'uun e Lessau *Sal'kaasa *Kala'din *Leb'Reen *Nabat *Resdin
  • Ryloth
  • Ryloth
  • Ryloth
  • June 2016
  • *Twi'lek *Galaktinen peruskieli
  • Ryloth System
  • Rylothian
  • Zonin Resident
  • Ryloth
  • ライロス
  • Cânon:Ryloth
  • Cânon:Ryloth
  • Ryloth
  • Ryloth
  • y-wing-starfighter-biography-gallery
  • y-wing-starfighter-biography-gallery
  • Varied: *Subarctic *Temperate *Arid
  • Varies: *Arid *Subarctic *Temperate
  • *Desert *Windstorms *Blistering heat in Bright Lands *Deadly cold night side
  • *Kala'uun and Lessu
  • N/A
  • Zerg
  • 2
  • Fallon Claymore, Peter820 Little
  • Meritocrazia feudale
  • *Foodstuffs *Medicine *Technology
  • *Processed foods *Medicine *Technology
  • *Ryll *Esclavos *Especias
  • Ryloth
  • Zobvakuz township
  • *Blurrgs *Can-cells *Gutkurrs
  • 10600.0
  • 1
  • *Kirkkaat maat *Pimeä puoli planeetasta *Kelluvat kivipuutarhat *Leb'Reen *Hunvarin tornin suippeneva huippu *Joreikna *Lohema *Sith-akatemia *Funguksen kaivos
  • Respirável
  • Favorevole alla vita
  • *Twi'lekit *Lylekit *Rycrit *Doashimit
  • *Ríos subterráneos *Manantiales
  • 1.500000
  • Vario:*Subartico *Temperato *Arido
  • *Kala'uun ja Lessu
Původní druhy
  • Standard
  • *Lessu *Rhovari *Nabat
  • R-17
  • 5
  • Au moins 3
  • *Vuoristoja *Tundraa *Aavikkoja *Metsää *Jääpeite pimeällä puolella
  • 1
  • 1.500000
  • soustava Ryloth
  • *džungle *náhorní pločiny *údolí *sopky
  • *Umana *Devoriana *Rodiana *Jawa
  • *Esclaves *Épices
  • *Cibo *Medicine *Tecnologia
  • Fiumi sotterranei
  • 2592000.0
  • 2.6352E7
  • Schiavi
  • Ryloth is quite the hive of scum and villiany within the Republic. The Twi'lek, who call Ryloth home, will deny this out of one side of their mouth, while making illicit black market deals out of the other. It is something of a mystery to many member-worlds of the Republic how the Ryloth government's recent petition for membership was accepted by the Republic Courts. Of course, on the books Ryloth seem squeaky clean. But the blatan slave trade, credit laundering and spice smuggling that enter the Republic through Ryloth are common knowledge to all but the most obtuse politician and citizen. Twi'lek lawyers are renowned for their skill, however. All suits against the government of Ryloth have been mired in appeals and delays for decades, and every new Rylothi Senator seems to be a convincing Reform candidate. It is difficult to discern whether the two year terms of the Rylothi Senators do not afford them time to implement Reform, or whether the Reform platform is merely a guise. In any case, Ryloth is once again in the middle of a Senatorial election. The planet is governed by the Rylothi Board of Legal Consultants, and the Senator is elected by the citizens from among the Board members. The previous Senator, Jorum Deet, has retired to his summer house on Paxo amidst allegations of bribery. Deet's successor, Senator Yaala'ani, has made headlines with recent moves to end slavery out of Ryloth.
  • Ryloth, planeta ve Vnějším okraji, byla domovskou planetou Twi'leků. Převážnou část terénů tvořily džungle, pláně, údolí a sopky. Atmosféra byla dýchatelná pro Twi'leky a humanoidní druhy.
  • Ryloth was a hot and humid planet that was the homeworld of the Twi'leks. The Twi'leks lived in caves carved in the mountains there. File:Land planet ryloth 02.png File:Space planet ryloth 01.png i
  • Ryloth is the planet that served as the homeworld for the Twi'lek species. During the War of Darkness in 46 ABY, Krensus Adalar and Rannek attacked and overwhelmed the defenders in the Destruction of Ryloth. After enslaving a small number of the population, the Darkness fleet opened fire on the habitable belt near the equator destroying anything on the surface and killing much of the population. Many more died as survivors deep underground were forced to survive while rescuers dug through millions of tons of rock to free them. Since then, the planet has been abandoned by all but a few Twi'leks.
  • Ryloth, the second planet in the Ryloth system, possessed a thin, but breathable atmosphere. The planet was orbited by five moons, which had subtle tidal effects on the planet's liquid core and underground springs. It had little or no surface water except for patches of water ice on the night side. It was a planet of extremes: dry, rocky landscapes of deserts, mountain ranges with mist-covered peaks, shadowy valleys, alternated with snowy wastes, joined by lush temperate bands which concentrated much of its population. Because of its unusual day-night rotation period, atmospheric conditions on Ryloth's surface were characterized by turbulent seasons and extremely high winds (reaching 500 kilometers per hour) scouring the surface and sculpting the landscape and unpredictable bursts of heat called heat storms, which could reach 300 degrees Celsius. The more extreme heat storms sometimes moved across the terminator and reached miles underground, making caves near the surface temporarily uninhabitable, before eventually dying out on the night side. Along the terminator lay a thin habitable border, a twilight realm between the two extremes. Along this narrow strip were the series of caverns where some of the Twi'leks decided to build their underground cities, blockaded with thick blast doors and portcullises to keep out the vicious monsters that prowled the Bright Lands, especially lyleks. The Floating Rock Gardens of Ryloth were a natural wonder and tourist attraction, well known throughout the Outer Rim, where strong winds blew among the tunnels, causing rocks to float gently through the air. Over the years the gardens became filled with rare and dazzling stones. Visitors were allowed to rearrange the stones to their liking, but were encouraged to seek meaning in the natural configurations. Kala'uun was a permanent city located within the Lonely Five mountain range, boasting a large underground spaceport.
  • Ryloth is the home planet of the race of the Twi'leks. Because of the nature of Ryloth's orbit around its primary, one side of the planet always faces its star. This side is called the Brightlands, and the other side is called the Nightlands. This results in the temperature on the day side being burning desert, and the night side the temperature is freezing cold. There is a habitable, twilight band around the planet where the day and night sides of the planet meet. The Twi'lek people live in a series of urban cities that are located in the habitable band of the planet. It has four continents and two oceans. The continents are Haxiang, Dengdian, Lienru and Tienhu; the oceans are the North Ocean and the South Ocean Return to the Location Database Return to the Main Page.
  • Ryloth is a zerg broodmother and leader of the Ryloth Brood. During the Second Great War she kept her large brood out of harm's way until Sarah Kerrigan returned from Zerus. When she asked to rejoin the Swarm, Kerrigan ordered her to destroy Jontur II, a Dominion ship-building world. Her brood on Marek V was almost exterminated by Prometheus Company, but was saved by Kerrigan's brood.
  • Ryloth, anche conosciuto come Twi'lek o Twi'lek Prime, è il pianeta natale della specie Twi'lek. Situato nell'ominimo sistema è prevalentemente roccioso, con alte montagne le cui cime sono celate dalle nebbie. Un emisfero è in perenne oscurità, mentre l'altra parte è sempre illuminata dal sole. Gli esseri viventi, tra cui i Twi'lek, vivono in catacombe sotterranee. È un mondo caratterizzato da un livello tecnologico antiquato. Mission Vao vi nasce nel 3.970 BBY.
  • Ryloth Kategória:Planéty
  • Long ago, Ryloth was nothing more than a cloud of pure stupid. However, the great Walt Disney formed the planet with the evil power of musicals. Eventually, it was conquered by Tyber Zann. Then it was renamed Ryloth. It later became Happy Fancy Dancy Home World of the Twi'leks. It was really a nice place – that is, if you like Twi'leks, of course. Darth Elmo hated Twi'leks, however, so he ordered Darth Animal to destroy it in a Super Secret Sesame Street Black-Ops Mission. But for some reason the Twi'leks survived.... The end.... For now.... File:Wiki.pngThis article is a stub. You can help Darthipedia by expanding it. If you don't, we'll destroy your planet.
  • Ryloth was the homeworld of the Twi'lek species, and a center of crime in the galaxy. It specialized in slavery and illegal spices. It was a desert world full of tall mountains, and was home to the Gan Clan.
  • Ryloth löydettiin Vanhan Tasavallan toimesta n. 10 000 vuotta ennen kloonisotia. Se oli yksi ensimmäisiä Tasavallan ulkokeheällä sijaitsevia planeettoja. Ryloth sijaitsi suoraan kauppareitti Corellian Runin lopussa. Rylothin sivilisaatio ei planeetan löytymisen aikoihin ollut kovin kehittynyttä. Twi'lekit rakensivat tuulivoimaloita ja turbiineita saadakseen virtaa koteihinsa ja saadakseen juomavetensä vuorilta. Kansa ja heidän lemmikkinsä rycritit saivat ravintonsa fungin- ja homeenviljelyksestä. Twi'lekit eivät koskaan keskittyneet avaruusmatkailuun, mutta kävivät silti kauppaa Tasavallan kanssa.
  • Ryloth, the second planet in its solar system, was a world of deserts and mountain ranges, with little or no surface water except for patches of water ice on the night side. It possessed a thin, but breathable atmosphere. The planet was orbited by five moons, which had subtle tidal effects on the planet's liquid core and underground springs. Because of its division into a day and night side, and because its rotational axis was roughly parallel to its plane of orbit, atmospheric conditions on Ryloth's surface were characterized by extremely high winds (reaching 500 kilometers per hour) scouring the surface and sculpting the landscape and unpredictable bursts of heat called heat storms, which could reach 300 degrees centigrade. The more extreme heat storms sometimes moved across the equator and reached miles underground, making caves near the surface temporarily uninhabitable, before eventually dying out on the night side. Along the equator, between the day and night side, lay a thin habitable border, a twilight realm between the two extremes. Along this narrow strip were the series of caverns and underground cities of the Twi'leks, blockaded with thick blast doors and portcullises to keep out the vicious monsters that prowled the Bright Lands, especially lyleks. The Floating Rock Gardens of Ryloth were a natural wonder and tourist attraction, well known throughout the Outer Rim, where strong winds blew among the tunnels, causing rocks to float gently through the air. Over the years the gardens became filled with rare and dazzling stones. Visitors were allowed to rearrange the stones to their liking, but were encouraged to seek meaning in the natural configurations. Kala'uun was a permanent city located within the Lonely Five mountain range, boasting a large underground spaceport.
  • Neben Mon Bala ist Ryloth der zweite und der Hauptplanet des Ryloth-Systems. Er liegt im Äußeren Rand der Galaxis und ist der Heimatplaneten der Twi'leks.
  • Neben Mon Bala ist Ryloth der zweite und der Hauptplanet des Ryloth-Systems. Er liegt im Äußeren Rand der Galaxis und ist der Heimatplaneten der Twi'leks.
  • Ryloth, also known as Twi'lek, was the harsh, rocky homeworld of the Twi'leks, an Outer Rim Territories world located on the Corellian Run and forming one endpoint of the Death Wind Corridor.
  • Ryloth fue un planeta del Sistema Ryloth situado en los Territorios del Borde Exterior, y el mundo natal de los twi'leks. Su terreno era variado, albergando junglas, valles, llanuras desérticas y volcanes. El planeta tenía una atmósfera respirable tanto para twi'leks como para humanos. Un enorme bosque cubría su ecuador, y estaba repleto de peligrosos depredadores. Dada la peligrosidad y variabilidad del terreno de Ryloth, los twi'leks solían vivir en cuevas situadas bajo tierra, que eran más seguras.
  • Ryloth was the home planet of the Twi'leks, near the Corellian Run and forming one endpoint of the Death Wind Corridor. The planet orbits its star while being tidally locked — one side roasts in sunlight while the other languishes in darkness. Natives call this the Never-setting Sun.
  • [Source] Ryloth était le monde rocheux d'origine des Twi'leks, des humanoïdes possédant des queues crâniennes appelé Lekku et parlant le Ryl . Cette planète se situait dans le système Ryloth des Territoires de la Bordure Extérieure de la galaxie.
  • Ryloth, also known as Twi'lek and Twi'lek Prime, was the harsh and rocky homeworld of the Twi'leks. An Outer Rim Territories world located along the Corellian Run and forming one endpoint of the Death Wind Corridor, the planet was subject to the phenomena of tidal locking, wherein one side of the planet would always face its sun while the other side would always remain in darkness. In Ryloth's case, the dayside part of the planet was referred to as the Bright Lands while the "dark" side of the planet was known as the Nightlands. File:WookieepediaFavicon.png For information on this subject beyond The Old Republic, see: Ryloth on Wookieepedia
  • Ryloth is a planet located in the Outer Rim, home to the Twi'lek people. The world is divided into two polar opposites: the Bright Lands, where the heat is extreme and desert is the dominant landscape; while the other side is forever frozen and dark. The only stable location on the planet is the mountain ridge between these two sides, known as the "Life Zone". Here the Twi'lek people built their cities inside caverns. The capital city, Kala'uun, is home to the largest concentration of sentients, drawing in tourists. When the drug Ryll was first discovered on the planet, Twi'lek society was forced to center itself around trading in the black market. Many Twi'lek females are sold into slavery as dancers, while the males go on to serve criminal underlords.
  • Ryloth, also known as Twi'lek, and Twi'lek Prime, was the harsh, rocky homeworld of the Twi'leks, an Outer Rim Territories world located on the Corellian Run and forming one endpoint of the Death Wind Corridor. Its day and year were identical, so that one side perpetually faced its sun and the other remained in darkness, a phenomenon known as tidal locking. The dayside was referred to as the Bright Lands and the night-side was known as the Nightlands.
is Leader of
is rodná planeta of
is luoghi of
is Localizacion of
is pianeta of
is planetanatal of
is Planeetta of
is Planeta of
is QG of
is cuartel general of
is Localização of
is domovský svět of
is Planète of
is Afiliação of
is Luogo of
is Naissance of
is Kotiplaneetta of
is Posizione of
is Lieu of
is Siège(s) of
is domovský svet of
is Found of
is Origin of
is orbits of
is Localisation of
is Affiliation of
is Lugar of
is Planet of
is Headquarters of
is Homeworld of
is Planets of
is Capital of
is Place of
is World of
is origine of
is Locations of
is Birth of
is Location of