  • Planetary Recon Squad
  • A great amount of the PRS's missions went smooth, as in that the local inhabitants eagerly joined the Republic's cause. But there were also very dangerous missions. One of the most known actions of the PRS is the attack on the planet of Myndross. The planet's locals rejected the Republic's offers and turned to the side of the CIS. Now being an enemy of the Republic, Myndross was chosen for attack by the Republic. Since the PRS were the only clone troopers in the system, they had to get the job done.
  • A great amount of the PRS's missions went smooth, as in that the local inhabitants eagerly joined the Republic's cause. But there were also very dangerous missions. One of the most known actions of the PRS is the attack on the planet of Myndross. The planet's locals rejected the Republic's offers and turned to the side of the CIS. Now being an enemy of the Republic, Myndross was chosen for attack by the Republic. Since the PRS were the only clone troopers in the system, they had to get the job done. The PRS had only one Star Destroyer, the Carindion, and a few dozen of fighter planes. If they wanted to defeat the Myndrossians, they had only two options: Wait for reinforcements, which would take many weeks and in that time it was likely the CIS would have already made the planet into a giant fortress, or, they could come up with a genius strategy to take one the most well-defended planets in the galaxy. They chose the 2nd option. The planet of Myndross was defended by a planet-wide system of anti-air guns capable of destroying a Star Destroyer with a few shots. This meant that using the Carindion as a weapon in the attack on the planet's capital, Relrr'Aah, was out of option. So the fighters were armed. The fighter planes were equipped with small turbo-boosters capable of making a ship fly through a planet's atmosphere in 3 seconds. These boosters had been developed by the PRS and hadn't been used yet in a battle. But since there was no other way, the turbo boosters were attached to the ships in the Battle of Relrr'Aah. Thanks to the intense speed produced