  • Metal Gear Solid V: Ground Zeroes weapons and equipment
  • In Metal Gear Solid V, there are 4 types of weapons in the game, Primary Weapon (Hip) (assault rifles and shotguns), Primary Weapon (Back) (sniper rifles and rocket launchers), Secondary Weapon (handguns and submachineguns), and Support Weapon (throwing and placement). The maximum weapons the player can carry in a mission is 7 in Ground Zeroes (2 Primary, 1 Secondary and 4 Support). Whenever a player picks up a new weapon, the current weapon the player is carrying gets replaced with the new one the player just picked up. Weapons are obtained either by finding them or taking them from a enemy. They are also unlocked to be obtained and used at the beginning of a mission when a player gets certain ranks after completing a mission.
  • In Metal Gear Solid V, there are 4 types of weapons in the game, Primary Weapon (Hip) (assault rifles and shotguns), Primary Weapon (Back) (sniper rifles and rocket launchers), Secondary Weapon (handguns and submachineguns), and Support Weapon (throwing and placement). The maximum weapons the player can carry in a mission is 7 in Ground Zeroes (2 Primary, 1 Secondary and 4 Support). Whenever a player picks up a new weapon, the current weapon the player is carrying gets replaced with the new one the player just picked up. Weapons are obtained either by finding them or taking them from a enemy. They are also unlocked to be obtained and used at the beginning of a mission when a player gets certain ranks after completing a mission.